Page 1: Entrepreneur Business Plan

Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

1)Executive Summary

United Arab Emirates is beautiful environment with desert environment. There are

emirates having less access to desert areas with entertainment and leisure facilities

for people. The reason is that most of the areas are living and shopping places and

due to this desert is less or usually far. The tourists, visitors and family members are

interested in sand entertainment facilities.

Sand Ski Park will save time and effort for planning and making trips to far desert

places and purchasing necessary needs searching and location from different

shopping centres. The opportunity identification is by questionnaire survey where

there is contribution of 10 family members. There should be venue with all

entertainment equipments and facilities, which will serve the purpose of Sand Ski


The amount of investment will be AED 1 million and from it, AED 700000 will be in

actual investment. The remaining of 30%, which is AED 300000 kept as reserve to

bring improvements and developments when there is slow down in business or

sales. The reserve amount is to assure customer satisfaction.

The mission is to create unique tourism entertainment that satisfies quality of

experience. The management includes professional people in marketing, sales,

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

accounts, facilities, human resources and administration. The customers are visitors,

tourists and family members or individuals.


I) Background

Sand Ski Park is unique and entertaining opportunity and it will boost tourism

industry in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. Moreover, it will create and attract new

competitors to open or to introduce and to establish similar business. The services

are not limited and there will be improvement and development each year by Sand

Ski Park. The main purpose is to make sure customers are loyal and they are

experiencing good and enjoyable time. The profit margin is high due to minimum

costs and expenses financial plan during Sand Ski Park startup.

II) Purpose

The purpose of project is to create new and unique business idea that does not exist

in Dubai’s tourism industry as a part of entrepreneur business planning.

III) Objectives

To develop new tourism business idea that is unique in the economy of Dubai.

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

To startup and introduce business with aggressive planning for assured sales

and profit.

3)Plan Description

I) Business Activities of Sand Ski Park

Sand Ski Park will be Desert Park with activities that family members can enjoy

entertainment and fun. The business activity is solely for entertainment of fun lovers

in desert area with air-condition and cold environment creating comfortable and fulfil


The business activities not limited and Sand Ski Park will introduce new business

activities whenever potential customer interest and profit realized. There are

possibilities for new business activities in first three years and later.

The business activities will be:

Renting equipments

Selling lunch, dinner and snacks

Providing membership packages with discount on all activities

Playing areas for:

o Sand skiing

o Sand boarding

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

Renting camel trek

Renting motorbikes

Renting camps and overstay locations

II) Business Status

There is in need of more travel and tourism businesses in the economy of Dubai.

The travel and tourism marketing is seeking for more business opportunities to

support the demand of tourists and visitors including local people. The reason that

Sand Ski Park selected is because it is unique and Dubai is now mostly developed

areas where there is less view of desert location. The business opportunity

identification is by conducting questionnaire and interview with people on visit and

family members.

Sand Ski Park opportunity

There is no sand skiing and other entertainment activities provided within Dubai.

Moreover, it will be unique and leader in travel and tourism industry or market. It is

also true that tourism industry market share is big and not small where there are

other entertainment activities and fun location areas. The plan is to obtain 70% of

customers from Dubai and 80% customers from other emirates.

III) External Market Conditions, Competition and Market Positioning

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

Sand Ski Park / Tourism business

The external market is tourism business industry and it is leisure and entertainment

where there will be sand skiing, food court, camel trek & sand boarding with other

activities. The structure of Sand Ski Park is customer to management structure.

IV) Attracting customers

The means of attracting customers are by marketing and advertising to adults and

children either they are visitors, individuals or with family members. The expectation

is customers will join us with family members and friends, which is good means to

obtain group of customers. In addition, it will be around 60-90 customers daily and

Sand Ski Park investment should be able to occupy this group. The services and

products will be from renting to selling of all facilities locker, parking, etc, for

customers, offering, and packages for loyal customers.

V) Core objectives

The core objectives division is into four sections and they are:

In financial objectives, it is to create profit of AED 250000.

In strategic objectives, it is to obtain customers from Dubai 70% and other

emirates 80% overall.

In operational objectives, it is to satisfy customers 80%.

In marketing objectives, it is to increase awareness of Sand Ski Park 100% in the

UAE and 20% internationally.

VI) Strategy for Objectives

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

To minimize costs and expenses, this will enable creation of high profit.

To create sales or targets, and this is in order to reach intended percentage of


To assure quality or satisfaction and this is to differentiate from regular

entertainment and activities.

To create marketing activities and this is support sales and profit generation.

Objective Investment Achievement Responsibility

1) AED 50000 20% Sales

2) AED 50000 70-80% Management, Marketing and Sales

3) AED 50000 80% Management, Marketing and Sales,

Quality Management

4) AED 100000 20-100% Marketing and Sales

VII) Risks and opportunities

SWOT Analysis Statement

Strengths Unique in the market

Aggressive tourism industry of Dubai

Low capital start-up

High profit margin and amount

Quality assurance

Price satisfaction

Services and facilities satisfaction

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

Leader in local market

Weaknesses 30% finance required from bank

No reserve without finance

Opportunities Partnership

Supplier cooperation permanent or temporary

Inside business for food or equipment suppliers

Threats Competitor entrant before opening

Supplier conditions and long-term commitment

VIII) Limiting risks, developing strengths, improving weaknesses and exploiting


SWOT Analysis Statement

Strengths Introducing new products and services within one year to remain

unique in tourism market

Assuring that tourism industry is aggressive and establishing

other businesses to support tourism and travel

Obtaining reserve amount and 30% of capital finance

Maintaining high profit without increasing price and offering

offers and discounts for loyal customers

Developing quality standards and obtaining ISO certification

Maintaining same level of low price and avoiding increasing of

price by cutting costs and not cutting quality

Providing a wide range of facilities and services upon demand

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

and need

Remaining leader in the market with continuous improvement

and lasting in the tourism market

Weaknesses 30% finance required from bank

No reserve without finance

Opportunities Partnership

Supplier cooperation permanent or temporary

Inside business for food or equipment suppliers

Threats Competitor entrant before opening

Supplier conditions and long-term commitment

IX) Financial costs and expenses

Costs and expenses

The costs are salaries of employees, it is AED 55000 per month, and this will include

administrative, sales and frontline staff members. The location rental as a start-up

venue for Sand Ski Park will be AED 200000. The food court design and

arrangements will be AED 50000. The facilities support and design will be AED

180000. It is very important that there is professional reception with enough staff

members to entertain, receive and communicate with customers and the investment

will be AED 20000.

There should be washrooms and prayer rooms and cost will be AED 20000 for

design and requirements. Moreover, the people might need lockers to keep their

stuff internally while they are playing or enjoying being in Sand Ski Park and

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

investment will be AED 50000. The needs and fulfilment of equipments will be AED

25000. There will be need of equipment when customers will be playing and they

can buy or take it as rent and investment will be AED 25000.

Sand Ski Park Affording

The investment amount along with reserve is AED 1 million and expected to spend

or to make investment in Sand Ski Park start-up is AED 700000. There is no reserve

amount and this might be in need for bringing improvements and boosting business

when there is turnover or slowdown in business and it will be natural. This

investment is necessary because during the start-up there is expectation for 100

customers on alternate days and more on weekends.

X) Financial Plans

The financial plan is a projection plan as per the period and details specification


Item Startup Cost

Venue AED 200,000

Food court AED 50,000

Facilities AED 180,000

Reception AED 20,000

Washrooms AED 25,000

Lockers AED 50,000

Monthly expense AED 55,000

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

Equipments AED 25,000

TOTAL AED 605,000

Item Usual Cost Quarter Annual

Maintenance & cleaning AED 50,000 AED 150,000 AED 600,000

New equipments AED 25,000 AED 75,000 AED 300,000

Salaries AED 55,000 AED 165,000 AED 660,000

Marketing/Sales/Incentives AED 100,000 AED 300,000 AED 1,200,000

Electricity/Water AED 15,000 AED 45,000 AED 180,000

Rent AED 200,000 AED 600,000 AED 2,400,000

TOTAL  AED 445,000 AED 1,335,000 AED 5,340,000

The profit determination is as per 100 customers on daily basis:

Item Profit Monthly Quarterly Annually



AED 1,500 AED 45,000 AED 135,000 AED 540,000



dinner and


AED 10,000 AED 300,000 AED 900,000 AED 3,600,000

Membership AED 7,200 AED 216,000 AED 648,000 AED 2,592,000

Sand skiing AED 3,500 AED 105,000 AED 315,000 AED 1,260,000

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park



AED 3,500 AED 105,000 AED 315,000 AED 1,260,000


camel trek

AED 5,000 AED 150,000 AED 450,000 AED 1,800,000



AED 2,500 AED 75,000 AED 225,000 AED 900,000


camps and



AED 10,000 AED 300,000 AED 900,000 AED 3,600,000

TOTAL AED 43,200 AED 1,296,000 AED 3,888,000 AED 15,552,000

Therefore, according to deduction of start-up and regular costs from projected profit,

the annual profit will be AED 9,607,000 when there are 100 customers on daily basis

and using Sand Ski Park complete services, products and offerings.

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park


The recommendation is that Sand Ski Park will maintain a part of their capital and

the investment of this part will be when there is need for introducing new services

due to high demand. There are possibilities that customers will demand new services

and entertainment opportunities within six months.

The recommendation for marketing and sales is to target total 150 customers so

Sand Ski Park will be able to obtain at least 100 customers on daily basis. This will

ensure projected sales and profit obtainment as per determination and projection in

financial planning of profit and loss and this included startup costs.

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park


Sand Ski Park will be leader in the tourism industry due to its variety of services that

assures quality and satisfaction of customers in terms of facilities and pricing. The

main aim of Sand Ski Park is to provide good and unforgettable experience so the

customers will become loyal and they will refer their family and friends. The start up

and usual cost is kept low and most of the services and products obtainment will be

from suppliers and partners on an agreed mutual benefits such as motorbikes.

Sand Ski Park will require fewer expenses in facilities but there will be more

expenses in marketing and sales activities. The number of customers target is

realistic and profit is also realistic and it is possible only by the means of aggressive

marketing and sales scheme that should be effective and on target basis to create

appropriate awareness in the market locally or internationally.

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

6)Resources Reading






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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park


Sand Ski Park Market Analysis Questionnaire

Statement Agree Neutral Disagree

1) I love desert entertainment and fun.

2) It will be great to have Sand Ski Park.

3) The pricing really matters.

4) There should be appropriate and enough

facilities and equipments.

5) It will be great to have food court.

Thank you for participation!

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Business Plan: Sand Ski Park

Contact Miss Project

Noora Al Shehhi

United Arab Emirates

Business email: [email protected]

Personal email: [email protected]


My Services in English: Project, Assignment, Essay /

Homework, Graduation Project, PHD Proposal, Dissertation /

Research, Presentation, Translation (Arabic - English), Training

Material / Courseware, CV Writing & Editing, CV Distribution

within UAE, e-Books, TOEFL iBT registration, Proofreading,

Rewriting, TURNITIN checking, etc. Thanks!

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