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Page 1: ENRAGE  (in RAYJ)  v

BLATHER (BLA thur) v.


"Karen and Allison BLA THERED until their mouths LA THERED."

* Everything the media reported about the supposed plane disaster never happened. It was a bunch of BLATHER by uninformed journalists.

* Children have great imaginations, and often BLATHER about ghosts that supposedly enter their rooms and either scare them or play with them.

* All Mary likes to do is BLATHER with her friends on the phone.

Page 2: ENRAGE  (in RAYJ)  v

BLATHER (BLA thur) v. to talk nonsensically


"Karen and Allison BLA THERED until their mouths LA THERED."

* Everything the media reported about the supposed plane disaster never happened. It was a bunch of BLATHER by uninformed journalists.

* Children have great imaginations, and often BLATHER about ghosts that supposedly enter their rooms and either scare them or play with them.

* All Mary likes to do is BLATHER with her friends on the phone.

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" ENRAGED farmer discovering a fox in the HEN CAGE"

•What ENRAGES my wife is when I forget to wipe my feet before coming into the house.

•Muriel's boss was ENRAGED when he found out she had gone on her vacation to the Caribbean and left a lot of unfinished work on her desk.

•The crowd became ENRAGED when it was announced that the concert had been cancelled.

Page 4: ENRAGE  (in RAYJ)  v

ENRAGE (in RAYJ) v. to put in a rage; infuriate, anger


" ENRAGED farmer discovering a fox in the HEN CAGE"

•What ENRAGES my wife is when I forget to wipe my feet before coming into the house.

•Muriel's boss was ENRAGED when he found out she had gone on her vacation to the Caribbean and left a lot of unfinished work on her desk.

•The crowd became ENRAGED when it was announced that the concert had been cancelled.

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FETISH- (FET ish) n.


“The BRITISH, they say, have an absolute FETISH for tea.”

•My mother has a shoe FETISH; she has more shoes in her closet than clothes.

•Mary has a FETISH for chocolate; she hides a box under her bed, in her desk at the office, and in her purse.

•Dora has a cat FETISH; she owns over 25 cats and still wants more.

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FETISH- (FET ish) n. any thing or activity to which one is irrationally devoted


“The BRITISH, they say, have an absolute FETISH for tea.”

•My mother has a shoe FETISH; she has more shoes in her closet than clothes.

•Mary has a FETISH for chocolate; she hides a box under her bed, in her desk at the office, and in her purse.

•Dora has a cat FETISH; she owns over 25 cats and still wants more.

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OUST (owst) v.


"The landlord OUSTED the tenant from the HOUSE when he didn't pay his rent."

• D Brett was caught with an alcoholic beverage and was immediately OUSTED from the school dance.

• The spectators in his part of the stands wanted to have Roger OUSTED for making too much noise during the tennis match.

• Later, after Roger's OUSTER by the ushers, he complained to the management that he should be allowed to cheer anytime he wanted.

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OUST (owst) v. to eject; to force out; to banish


"The landlord OUSTED the tenant from the HOUSE when he didn't pay his rent."

• Brett was caught with an alcoholic beverage and was immediately OUSTED from the school dance.

• The spectators in his part of the stands wanted to have Roger OUSTED for making too much noise during the tennis match.

• Later, after Roger's OUSTER by the ushers, he complained to the management that he should be allowed to cheer anytime he wanted.

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PHOTOGENIC (foh tuh JEN ik) adj.


'The PHOTOS of this PHOTOGENIC GENIE could get her a television series. "

•The PHOTOGENIC young actress posed for photographers in front of her awaiting limousine.

•The photographer couldn't stop photographing his PHOTOGENIC subject.

•My mother is so PHOTOGENIC, she always takes a good picture.

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PHOTOGENIC (foh tuh JEN ik) adj. suitable, especially attractive for photography


'The PHOTOS of this PHOTOGENIC GENIE could get her a television series. "

•The PHOTOGENIC young actress posed for photographers in front of her awaiting limousine.

•The photographer couldn't stop photographing his PHOTOGENIC subject.

•My mother is so PHOTOGENIC, she always takes a good picture.

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Idiom of the Week

“Get Your Wires Crossed” means: a misunderstanding

1. “I’m sorry about not meeting you at the restaurant; I guess we got our wires crossed,” stated Julie.

2. If you don’t listen to the instructions, you’re more likely to get your wires crossed.
