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English Vocabulary

Week FourPerforming Arts Edition!

Page 2: English Vocabulary

CuratorNoun-a person in charge of the artwork in a museum

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CuratorIn the beginning of The DaVinci Code, the Curator of France’s Louvre museum is killed.

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ArmatureNoun-a skeleton construction upon which a sculptor builds a sculpture

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ArmatureIt is hard to believe that underneath the massive statue is an armature

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TableauNoun-a stage picture created by actors posing motionless.

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TableauAt the end of the first act, the performers froze in position, creating a dramatic tableau.

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ForteAdjective-Strong, loud

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ForteA piano can be played mezzo forte or forte depending on the desired effect.

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Noun-masked, comic character.

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HarlequinThe harlequin somersaulted across the stage before delivering the punch-line to his joke.

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ScrimNoun-a curtain that may be transparent or opaque, depending on how it is lit.

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ScrimDepending on how the scrim was lit, actors could be hidden without moving.

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ContrappostoNoun-a pose in which the parts of the body are twisted or distorted into opposite directions.

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ContrappostoMichelangelo’s David is a good example of contrapposto in art.

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HamartiaNoun-a flaw in a tragic character.

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HamartiaHamlet’s hamartia is his inability to act against those who killed his father before it is too late.

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ImpresarioNoun-manger, promoter, or sponsor of performing arts.

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ImpresarioThe impresario donated often to theatrical foundations and attended many productions.

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• Noun-composition written for a funeral mass.