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Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Getting Master Degree of Education in Educational Management





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There are four types of humankind The man who doesn’t know, and he doesn’t know that he doesn’t know, he is a

stupid man. Go away from him. The man who doesn’t know and he knows that he doesn’t know, he is honest.

Teach him. The man who knows and he doesn’t know that he knows, he is sleeping.

Wake him up. The man who knows and he knows that he knows, he is a wish man.

Follow him.

Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and

great minds discuss ideas. (Eleanor Roosevelt)


This thesis is dedicated to: my beloved husband,

my lovely sons, all my relatives, and all of my dearest good friends.

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Alhamdulillahirrobil’alamin, Praise is always for God Almighty who gives

Mercy and guidance, so the thesis entitled English Learning Management for

Acceleration Program (A Site Study at SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo) can be finished

well. This thesis is one of academic requirements to get the degree of Educational

Management Master on Graduate School, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta.

The writing process receives many inputs and suggestions from many parties

who cannot be mentioned one by one. Therefore, in this occasion, the writer would

like to thank to the following persons who have helped in this thesis:

1. Prof. Dr. Bambang Setiaji, Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta who

has given all facilities and infrastructure in finishing study at Muhammadiyah

University of Surakarta.

2. Prof. Dr. Kudzaifah Dimyati, M. Hum., Director of Graduate School, who has

given an opportunity to the writer to continue her education.

3. Prof. Dr. Harsono, MS., The Chairman of Management Educational Department

and the advisor who has given suggestion.

4. Prof. Dr. Sutama. M.Pd, the advisor who has given more time to guide, motivate

and suggest the writer to finish this thesis.

5. Dr. Phil. Dewi Candraningrum,S.Pd. M.Ed. the advisor who has given more time

to guide, motivate and suggest the writer to finish this thesis.

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6. The Principal, Vice Principals, teachers, and staffs of SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo

who had helped in this thesis process.

7. The Principal, Vice Principals, teachers, and staffs of SMP Negeri 3 Purworejo

who had helped in this thesis process.

8. My beloved husband and my lovely sons who had given motivation and support

the writer to finish this thesis.

The writer realizes that this research paper is far from being perfect, in order to

make it better, the writer accepts advices and criticisms. Finally, the writer wishes this

research paper would be useful for all readers.

Surakarta, February 2012


Lynda Ratna Dewi

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LYNDA RATNA DEWI : English Learning Management for Acceleration Program (A Site Study at SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo). Research Paper. Surakarta: Graduate School, Education Management Study Program, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2012.

The learning management of acceleration program should more superiority than the regular learning management. To serve the gifted and talented student, it needs the whole learning management service. In particular, this research aims to describe the English learning management for acceleration program at SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo. It consists of characteristic of English learning planning, characteristic of English learning processing and characteristic of English learning evaluating. Besides that, this research also aims to describe the superiority of English learning management for acceleration program.

This research uses a qualitative approach. The data source informants of this research are English teacher of regular program, English teacher of acceleration program, chairman of acceleration program, vice principle of curriculum, and principle at SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo. The data collection techniques of this research are document study, observation and interview. The data analysis technique that is taken in this research, namely the data comparison of regular program and acceleration program, the combination of comparison result data with interview result, and the data interpretation.

This research has shown that English learning planning for acceleration program at SMA Negeri 1Purworejo has characteristic of time allotment acceleration and enrichment of wide and deep indicator. The time allotment acceleration that is in syllabus and lesson plan of acceleration program seems clearly if two kinds of learning planning are compared with learning planning or regular program. The regular program planning of one semester has time allocation in six months, meanwhile acceleration program planning of one semester has time four months. The enrichment of learning planning for acceleration program appears in wide and deep indicator. The indicator of learning planning for acceleration program is diversified until language application level. The English learning processing of acceleration program has characteristic of trained student to stand-alone. The trained student of acceleration program seems clearly if it is compared the student activity of regular program in learning processing. In the elaboration, student of regular program still needs teacher guidance. The role of teacher in regular program is enough dominant. Meanwhile, in the elaboration activity, student of acceleration program had stood alone. The teacher of acceleration program has role-play as facilitator in learning. The English learning evaluating of acceleration program has characteristic of high claim. The evaluation claim of acceleration program is until using language namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing contextually.

Keywords: gifted, talented, acceleration, regular, application.

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TITLE …................................................................................................................. i

CONSULTANT NOTE .......................................................................................... ii

ADVISOR APPROVED............................................................................................ iv

TESTIMONY ......................................................................................................... v

MOTTO .................................................................................................................. vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT...................................................................................... vii

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENT........................................................................................... x

LIST OF GLOSSARY …………………………………………………………… xii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

A. Background .................................................................................. 1

B. Research Focus............................................................................. 2

C. Research Objective....................................................................... 3

D. Research Benefit.......................................................................... 3

CHAPTER II THEORY ....................................................................................... 5

A. Acceleration Program .................................................................. 5

B. Management ............................................................................... 7

C. English Learning ......................................................................... 8

D. Previous Studies............................................................................. 12

E. Similarities and Differences …………………………………….. 15

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ............................................................. 19

A. Type and Design of Research ....................................................... 19

B. Research Location ........................................................................ 20

C. Attendance of Researcher.............................................................. 21

D. Data, Source of Data, and Informant ………………………….. 21

E. Technique of Data Collection ..................................................... 22

F. Technique of Data Analysis......................................................... 23

G. Data Validity ............................................................................... 24

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CHAPTER IV DESCRIPTION AND FINDING ............................................ 25

A. Description of Data ..................................................................... 25

1. Characteristics of Learning Plan ............................................. 25

2. Characteristics of Learning Process......................................... 38

3. Characteristics of Learning Evaluation ................................... 47

B. Finding of The Research ............................................................. 51

1. Characteristics of Learning Plan ............................................. 51

2. Characteristics of Learning Process ........................................ 51

3. Characteristics of Learning Evaluation ................................... 52

CHAPTER V DISCUSSION AND PROPOSITION ...................................... 53

A. Discussion .................................................................................... 53

1. Learning Plan.......................................................................... 53

2. Learning Process..................................................................... 55

3. Learning Evaluation................................................................ 57

B. Proposition ................................................................................... 58

1. Learning Plan.......................................................................... 58

2. Learning Process..................................................................... 59

3. Learning Evaluation................................................................ 59

CHAPTER VI CLOSING................................................................................... 61

A. Conclusion................................................................................... 61

B. Implication .................................................................................... 62

C. Advice ........................................................................................... 62

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................................................................. 63

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acceleration : the learning acceleration process that is

done by the gifted and talented student

to achieve target of national curriculum by

maintaining quality of education so get

optimal result.

application : the act of applying.

authentic assessment : the process of collecting data that can give

description about the student learning


character : temperament, personality.

comprehension : understanding.

confirmation : the whilst activity of learning to unite data.

contextual learning : learning that has relation between learning

material and real world situation

discourse forming competence : the competence to use discourse forming


diversification : many varieties or kinds.

elaboration : the whilst activity of learning to develop


entry behavior level : temperament, personality, character.

epistemic : the literacy level of people who is able to

express knowledge into target language.

exploration : the whilst activity of learning to prepare

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and explore data.

functional : the literacy level of people who is able to

use language to fill daily need every such

as reading newspapers, manual,

and instruction.

informational : the literacy level of people who is able to

access knowledge and language skills.

instructional designer : the designer of learning.

integrated English learning : learning the four language skills namely

listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

knowledge : science.

learning atmosphere : pre-activity of learning.

linguistic competence : the competence to use grammar,

vocabulary, phonetics, and structure.

literacy : not blind in alphabet.

pedagogic competence : the skill that is related to mastery student.

participate : take part or became involved in an activity.

PDCI/BI : the gifted and talented student.

performative : the literacy level of people who is able to

listen, speak , read, and write with symbols.

personality competence : the competence of temperament,

personality, and character.

portfolio : the individual achievement note of student

that is collected into one collection.

professional competence : the competence that is related to mastery

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regular : the learning process is conducted in school

in accordance with the rules usually a

program in school.

RPP : Designing Lesson Plan

RPP : the elaboration of syllabus which illustrates

the teaching and learning activities to

achieve the goals of the basic competency.

scale of task commitment : the scale that has relation with task.

School Based Management : Management model that provides greater

autonomy for school and encourage the

participation decision maker that engages

all of school citizens (teacher, student,

principal, staff, parents, and community) to

improve school quality based on national

education policy.

social competence : the competence that is related to social


socio cultural competence : the competence to use expression and

language act that can be acceptable in

difference communication context.

stakeholder : importance functionary.

strategic competence : the competence to solve problem that arises

in communication process with various


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syllabus : a subject learning plan that includes

competency standard, basic competency

learning material, indicator, assessment,

time allotment, and learning source/

learning tool.

typical : a particular form or pattern.
