  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    English for Translation5th Class : 7th of October 2012

    Irene Margaret

    Universitas Terbuka

    Korea Selatan

    [email protected]


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Course Outline

    Text book : English for Translation, Karnedi, Universitas Terbuka2011 (2 different books as tutorial module and self-learning)

    Tutorial module consists of 9 parts but will be cover in 8 classes. Class 1 : Translatting Letters

    Class 2 : Translating Proses, Novels and Narratives (Module 2 &3)

    Class 3 : Translating Examination Report

    Class 4 : Translating Process Report

    Class 5 : Translating Guides

    Class 6 : Translating Conversations

    Class 7 : Translating History

    Class 8 : Translating News1st

    Tutorial method: Online and In class

    Grading Components Task 1, Task 2 (Due Oct21), Task 3


    Final Exam

    Course material can be found at Google Plus and Facebook Group


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    First TaskLaquette yang Terkasih,

    Apa kabarmu dan keluargamu, kuharap baik-baik saja. Saat ini aku

    berada dalam kelas Kimia Lanjutan dan menulis surat untukmu agar

    kau tahu betapa aku sangat perhatian padamu. Aku memutuskan untuk

    menulis surat ini karena aku merasa telah membuatmu cukup kesal

    setelah peristiwa tadi malam. Aku ingin mengatakan bahwa aku

    menyesal dan berharap agar kau menerima permintaan maafku. Aku

    tahu perasaanmu terluka setiap kali/ketika aku kehilangan kalungku

    atau mendapatinya telah dicuri.

    Aku sangat gembira ketika kau memberiku hadiah hasil jerih payahku

    untuk memenangkan taruhan. Aku ingin berterima kasih untuk

    mengijinkan memiliki buku tahunanmu. Aku memamerkannya pada

    semua orang di sekolah. Semuanya berpikir kau adalah gadis muda

    yang cantik dan aku harus setuju sebab hal itu benar adanya. Olehsebab itu janganlah kau menjadi tinggi hati. Sayang sekali aku harus

    memberitahukan bahwa aku tak dapat menghadiri pertandingan di hariulangtahunku karena ayah mengajak (traktir) semua anggota tim basket

    di hari itu. Mohon janganlah marah, karena aku mengupayakan untuk

    menemuimu 1 minggu setelah 14 Februari. Jika aku mendapatkan

    kesempatan untuk datang, mohon rancangkan suatu aktivitas yang

    dapat kita lakukan bersama.

    Aku ingin kau tahu bahwa perasaanku padamu masih sama. Akhirnya

    aku terbiasa berkencan dengan gadis yang jauh lebih kecil dari diriku.Kuharap kaulah jawaban untukku. Nah, aku telah gunakan waktuku

    dengan seksama dengan menulis surat untukmu. Kuharap kau

    membalasnya segera. Sekarang aku harus pergi, kelas hampir berakhir.

    Sampai jumpa lain waktu, yang kuharap akan segera tiba.

    Dengan penuh cinta

    Michael J. Jordan


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    CLASS 5:


    Several things to keep in mind when translating:

    1. Meanings are not restricted by the source language patterns

    2. Meaning should be conveyed accurately with no misinterpretation or

    misleading language3. Be aware of the notion register!

    4. Ensure to not losing certainty of meaning in the source text

    5. No free translation

    6. Do not use everyday language

    7. Do not look at the model answer unless you have completed each


    8. Consult your dictionaries when you find problems


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)



    Translating Students Guide


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 1

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 1 (p 6.4)

    All new studentsshould provide themselves .. the RegistersOffice and the Union Society (students union) require one each;

    your Department may require two or more

    Language Point : One (satu, sebuah) This is my loved one.

    The banking onesare met with almost universal derision (?)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 2

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 2

    If you are an undergraduate you must attend for interviewwith anumber of academic staff from your Department. Please use

    the map of the University to find your way about.

    Language Point : Must (harus, mesti, wajib) Task 2b (p 6.7)

    Most (paling, dominan kebanyakan, sebagian besar) Task 2c

    Infinitive of purpose : Verb (1,2) + to + Verb (1)

    1. Failed to agree : gagal untuk bersepakat2. Intended to agree : bermaksud untuk setuju

    3. Continue to argue : terus berdebat

    4. Committed to do : berkomitmen untuk melakukan

    5. Determined to avoid : bertekad untuk mencegah


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 3

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 6

    Note that it is essential for you to apply to your LEA for a grant

    each year even if you suspect that none will be awarded or you

    are going abroad as part of your studies. If you do this and are

    eligible for any award, your Tuition Fees will be paid by yourLEA.

    Language point :

    even (meskipun, walaupun, bahkan)

    Conditional clause : if (present tense) --- will (future tense)

    If you refuse to obey, I will punish you (O)

    If you refuse then I will punish you (O)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    5-minutes break

    Translate paragraph 3,4,5,7,8

    Explain task 2 (Due Oct 21)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)



    Translating Recipes


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 1

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 1 (p 6.30)


    If you are using yoghurt, why not try making your own?......., and a

    simplified method that calls for warm water and powdered

    skimmed milk.

    Language Point :

    own VS reflexive1. I buy my own book : saya membeli buku saya saja (buku untuk orang lain saya tidak beli)

    2. I buy this book by myself: saya sendiri yang membeli buku saya (saya melakukannya sendiri,

    bukan orang lain)3. He used his own people as hostages dreadfully :Dia (laki-laki) dengan kejam memanfaatkan

    orangnya sendiri sebagai sandera.

    Phrasal verbs : -to call

    Called for (menuntut, meminta) Called upon (mengunjungi, memanggil)

    Called on (menghimbau, singgah) Called out (memanggil, menyerukan)11

  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 2

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 2

    I prefer using goats milk to cows because

    Languange Point : Verb + ing

    1. Gerund : fishing, swimming

    2. Prefer + V(1) + ing

    I prefer swimming than running

    I prefer using coconut than milk

    I prefer chocolate over chips


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 3

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 3

    Warm the milk in a saucepan to just above blood heat. Pour into

    a flask or crock and add 2 heaped tablespoons of plain natural

    yoghurt.. Read the label to be sure that it contains a real

    yoghurt culture which is needed to transform the milk (lots ofso-called yoghurt dont)

    Languange Point :

    1. Imperative (still remember?)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 4

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 4

    Stir the starter in well and replace the lid of the thermos flask or

    crock After 6-8 hours you will have cultured yoghurt.

    Languange Point :

    1. Future perfect tense

    She would have been here if that accident didnt happen. (Dia

    seharusnya bisa berada di sini jika kecelakaan tersebut tidak


    By next week she will have been here for a year. (Per minggudepan, keberadaan dia di sini terhitung sudah 1 tahun)


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Task 5

    Lets read together!

    Paragraph 5

    Transfer the yoghurt to the fridge and use it for museli, drinks,

    soups, dressings, frozen desserts etc. If your yoghurt goes sour,

    youll have to buy another starter and begin fresh

    Languange Point : Conditional Task 5.b


  • 7/31/2019 English for Translation Class5 Module6 (20121007)


    Second Task

    (due by Sunday, Oct 21)
