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<week 2>


We are “group H” in Speaking and Writing 3 Tuesday class. We are going to propose

plan about

company which make web pages.

First of all, let me explain our company. Our work is to make Web pages by a request

from other

companies and groups. We use CMS for making of the Web page but we don't decide

which CMS

we use yet. We will entertain it next conference.

Next, we don't only make web pages but give a helping hand to other company and

group which

have problem.

Lastly, let me explain feature of our company. We don't need large office because we

use only PC

in work and if there is net environment, we can work anywhere.

Thank you very much for your time and effort.


Group H : Takaaki Ouchi, Yuya Otsuka, Tomohiro Oyama.

E-mail address : s1170007, s1170008, s1170010

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<week 3>


Date: April27,2010

From: AWPM

To: Professor Brine

Subject: Our Company

Hello, we are group G in Speaking and Writing 3 Tuesday class. We are going to begin company

which create web page. Our company's name is AWPM(Aizu Web Page Maker).

First, let me complain importance of our company. Today many people and many company use the

Internet. So if we want to begin business, we can not neglect the relationship between business and

Internet. Thus, web page which use the Internet is absolutely imperative.

Second, we think that procedure of beginning company is consisted by three steps. First step is

assembling members. Second, we need prepare computers and soft wares. Third step is advertising

our company in a Internet and newspaper. By the way, our company is not stock company so we

need not large place and underwriter.

Third, let me complain constitution of our company. It is as follows.

President: Tomohiro Oyama

Treasurer: Takaaki Ouchi, Yuya Otsuka

Creator: All members( Takaaki Ouchi, Yuya Otsuka, Tomohiro Oyama)

Finally, please help me translate English into Japanese when we receive the job offer from USA.

Thank you very much for your time and effort.


Group H : Takaaki Ouchi, Yuya Otsuka, Tomohiro Oyama.

Page 3: English

E-mail address : s1170007, s1170008, s1170010




President: Tomohiro Oyama

Treasurer: Takaaki Ouchi, Yuya Otsuka

Creator: All members


We create web pages and support companies.

We prevent that companies and groups are buried in information and age.


We don't cross over that our company is stock company.


service mindset


company and group think "We want good web page"


Our company works small job but our company continue for years.


*We create web page better than offer of companies and group.

*Our company is small so we can do quick works.

*Studying in University,etc...


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<week 4

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<week 5

AWPM(Aizu Web Page


< Purpose and History of the Company >

AWPM is emergent company and constructed from the few people.

We receive

make a request from clients (other companies or groups) and make a

Web page.

< Price >

Clients can choose a one from light course, middle course and high


Course light middle high

Price 500$~ 1,000$~ 1,500$~

< Benefits of using our product >

Our company has rapidness which large company don't have so we

can quickly

tackle needs of clients. Our Price Plane is low so clients that don't

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have large

money can casually commission our company.

< Contact >

E-mail address:

[email protected]



Telephone number:


(AM.9:00 to PM.9:00)

Office Location:

XXXXXXXXXXX in Fukushima

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<week 6>

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Speaking and Writing-3 <week 7>

Writing a Business Plan

Business Plan of AWPM Group H


WM s1170007

Takaaki Oouti


Yuya Otsuka


Tomohiro Oyama

I. Cover Page 1. Name of the business

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AWPM(Aizu Web Page Maker)

2. Address

If there is net environment there, it is all right anywhere.

3. Telephone number


4. Name of Owner(s)

Tomohiro Oyama

5. Logo (A professional, attractive logo can be used to dress up the cover page)

6. Submitted to (for financing only)


II. Executive Summary 1. Company name and type

name:AWPM(Aizu Web Page Maker)

type:limited private company.

2. Goals or objectives of the plan

overseas advance

3. How the plan will be implemented

We receive the request from the customer, and make the web page.

4. Effect of the plan on the business

The number of customers increases.

If you're obtaining a loan or equity your Executive Summary should also include:

A. Name of the business and the legal for of operation, e.g., sole proprietorship.

Web page maker

B. Amount of money needed

We want it for 5000 dollars.

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C. How the money will be used

personal computer.

D. Effect of the money on the business

We work with the personal computer that bought it.

IV. The Business A. Description of the Business

Our business is company which make Web page. Our business will be not big if it

is a

start-up stuation. We need prepare small space and few computers. Today there

are many

new and small company which want to advertise itself so our work that make web

page is


B.Industry Analysis

As long as there is the Internet in the world tasks of Our company don't dry up.

In addition,

companies which use the Internet is increasing. So our tasks will be increase too.

Market of

making web page is more large than old days. Market share have been changing.

Today the

market is bery big. Characteristic of it that they want impact, design and


C. Vision Statement

We make an advertisement and publicize it. If we get trust by making good web

page, our

company will last a long time.

D.Vision Trigger

slogan: We make a your future

E.Mission Statement.

Goal of our company is that AWPM become a not large company but small

company. We

aspire that AWPM become company which someone can casually consult and


F. Business Objectives

Our Business Objectives are three. First, we will become to create beautiful web

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Second, we can receive requests from clients with cheaply money. Finally, our

task is fast.

V. Business Operations

A. Marketing


Our company has rapidness which large company don't have so we can quickly tackle

nees of

slients. Our Price Plane is low so clients that don't have large money can casually

commission our



We plan three course.

High: 1,500 $〜 Middle: 1.000 $〜 Small: 500 $〜


Our task need the Internet. So We need not large office.

AWPM need Internet Line and room which we can seat.


We use the Internet to promote us. For example, digital advertisement, our web page


B. Competitive Analysis

Our competitors is superior so we cannot list concretely them. They naturally are

others in the

same trade which create web page.

Our strength is rapidly. On the other hand, our weakness is that we cannot create web

page at

once because our company contain three members.

C. Legal Structure

1 .


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2 .


3 .

“Owner” is business title. We have equal light about task.

D. Management Expertise

1 .

Graduation from university.

2 .


3 .

Owner have the final say but he don't have autocratic light.

Payoff is equal.

4 .

Material of art or Computer.

E. Support Personnel

We want the person who can do HTML.

VI. Financial Planning Tools

A. Financial information


Please transfer cash to the account. Yes,we are. I have a cash receipts journal or

classify each item

in your checkbook.


I classify expense of the business. And I write personal draws or payment of the

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expense in the



We write about earning of a day in checkbook.


Yes, we are.I use computer. I use log or other system to document.


VII. Summary At first we receive a request to make Webpage. Next,We get money of request. Finary,

we accept

a demand and make a web page. we don't only make web pages but give a helping hand

to other

company and group which have problem.

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<week 8>

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<week 9>

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<week 10>

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<week 11>


Aizu Web Page Maker


Takaaki Ouchi (s1170007)

Yuta Otsuka (s1170008)

Tomohiro Oyama (s1170010) Slide2

Our Web-Brochure ・Purpose and Hisutory


・Benefits of Using Our Product


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Our Business Plan ・Executive Summary

・Business Operations

・Financial Planning



of Our Web-Brochure ・Fast-food Amount of Information

⇒Main object is appeal


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of Our Business Plan ・Heavy Amount of Information

⇒Main object is conveying closely

information to clients

⇒This information become the base of business


Logical Arrangement

of Our Web-Brochure ・Information discovery to clients


Logical Arrangement

of Our Business Plan ・This information is base of business

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Major Key Words

of Our Web-Brochure ・"Price"



Major Key Words

of Our Business Plan ・"We need not large office"


Thank you.
