Page 1: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Midterm Revision Booklet


ENG. 302

Prepared & Checked by:

Mrs. Ahlam Yusuf, Ms. Marwa AlHaddad & Ms. Ruqayah Sharif.

Principal Assistant Senior Teacher School Principal

Mrs. Ghaniah Al- Nashaba Mrs. Ahlam Yusuf Mrs. Suha Saleh Hamadah

Kingdom of Bahrain

Ministry of Education

Jidhafs Secondary Girls School

English Department

Page 2: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Reading 1: Read the following text and answer the questions below:


Hollywood stars are not just beautiful and talented, they are generous, too.

In fact most stars do some sort of work for charity.

Today lots of actors, singers and celebrities, like Angelina Jolie, George

Clooney, Matt Damon, Bono and Scarlett Johansson do charity work. But the

concept of celebrities trying to help others is not new. The actress Audrey

Hepburn, who was in the film My fair Lady, did work for UNICEF in the 1950s.

She was a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador from 1988 until her death in 1993.


Di Caprio is a determined environmentalist. In 2007, he made a documentary. 11th hour,

about environmental problems caused by human actions. He flies in commercial planes and

not private jets which use more fuel. He thinks that global warming is the biggest problem for



George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt raise 5 million dollars for Darfur disaster during

their film festival Ocean’s thirteen at the Cannes. Now, Clooney wants every film festival to be

a charity event. After Matt Damon saw extreme poverty in Zambia and South Africa, he

wanted to help other parts of Africa, too. He made a documentary called “Running the Sahara”

to get support for clean water programs in Africa.


In 2001 Scarlett Johansson didn’t go to the Oscars: she preferred to tour India and Sri Lanka

for the charity Oxfam. ‘It is strange to come home when you see people living in poverty, she

says, ‘It’s strange to be famous, but this means I can help a lot of people’.


Angelina Jolie saw humanitarian disasters when she was filming Tomb Raider in Cambodia

in 2000. When Jolie is on a mission, she lives in the same way as other voluntary workers.

Not very comfortable for a Hollywood star! Jolie says that stars earn too much money. ‘I earn

so much. It’s crazy’ she says. She gives a third of her money to charity.

Page 3: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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A. Answer the following questions: 1. What did Audrey Hepburn do for charity?


2. When did she died?


3. What is Leonardo di Caprio’s documentary about?


4. Why doesn’t Leonardo di Caprio use private jets?


5. How much money did George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt raise for the Darfur crisis

in 2007?


6. Why did Matt Damon make a documentary “Running the Sahara”?


7. Why didn’t Scarlett Johansson go to the Oscars in 2007?


8. How much money does Angelina Jolie give to charity?


9. What do you think about these people?


10. What would you do to help poor people?


Page 4: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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B. Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1. _______________________ an event which result in great damages.

2. _______________________ doing something willingly without being forced.

3. _______________________ having a strong will to do something.

4. _______________________the condition of having nothing like food or money.

determined - disaster – poverty - voluntary

Page 5: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Reading 2: Read the following text and answer the questions below:

What makes Teens Happy?

What makes teens and twenty-somethings happy these days? You might think

money and music as primary sources of happiness. You would be wrong.

Among 13-24 year olds, according to a survey asked of 1280 people, spending

time with family came in at top. Time with friends followed in the number two

position, and time with a significant other was third. Almost no one said money

as a source of happiness.

Seventy three per cent indicated that a good relationship with their parents made

them happy. In addition, when looking towards a role model, nearly half of

the respondents mentioned one of their parents. Moms ranked higher than

dads, though, with 29% of the vote. Dads garnered 21 %.

Most of the teens generally felt happy with the direction of their lives, but the

survey discovered a racial divide. Whites tended to be happier across all

economic categories than blacks or Hispanics. And as for stress, kids noted a

10% higher rate than adults. For 13-17 year olds, school stressed them out. For

those in the 18-24 range, jobs and financial matters caused worry. The middle

class and women had slightly high stress levels.

The big question came down to the future, and whether today's youth will remain

happy. Sixty-two percent of teens believed the future will hold greater amounts

of happiness. People surveyed in the 18-24 year old range were even

more optimistic than their younger counterparts. However, many in both age

groups anticipate a more difficult life than their parents' is in store.

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A. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False


1. Spending time with family made young people the happiest. (_______)

2. More dads were heroes to their children than moms. (_______)

3. Whites were generally less happy than Hispanics. (_______)

4. Kids had a lot less stress than adults. (_______)

5. According to the article, the future will definitely be more difficult. (_______)

B. Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1. _______________________ to expect something to happen.

2. _______________________ important and noticeable.

3. _______________________ to arrange something or someone in a

grading system.

4. _______________________ related to industry and money.

Significant – ranked – economic - anticipate

Page 7: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Written by JSGS Students:

Should exams be abolished?

Educational systems all around the world have always been solely dependent

on examinations to measure the students’ understanding of the subjects. Some

people are for the opinion that exams should be abolished, while others are

supportive of the current system. This essay will examine both opinions.

People who hold the belief that exams should be cancelled do so for a number

of reasons. One of their most common arguments is that exams measure only

what the student can remember on the day of the exam, rather than the

knowledge they have accumulated throughout the term. This can be terrible

because many students study only by memorizing content without

understanding or gaining anything from it, all for the sake of a good grade. The

argument that follows is that this system can be very disadvantageous to

students with poor memorization skills. For example, a student’s hard work could

all be gone in a second due to forgetting something during an exam. Anyone

can see how unfair this can be.

However, some people still argue that the examination system is not as flawed

as it is made out to be. A compelling argument of theirs is that nowadays,

students are graded based on class participation, projects and presentations.

As a result, it is not as dependent on exams as it used to. Another thing is that

exam grades tend to drive students to be competitive with each other. Therefore,

with each student always striving to be the best, hardworking people are bound

to stand out and achieve great grades, while also gaining the knowledge that

the subject was offering.

To sum up, the examination system is not completely flawed nor is it perfect.

Therefore, rather than abolishing exams and getting rid of them, we should

make changes to the current system, which could be better than wasting time

to find alternatives that may not even be suitable for students.

Written by: Batool Saeed Traif (6 Chem 1)

Discursive essay

Page 8: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Written by JSGS Students:

Teenagers having part-time jobs

Teenage years can be the most challenging years for some of us, it combines

school and social life. Many students choose to work in part-time jobs while

studying in school, how beneficial is it for students?

Naturally, many teenagers need money for their personal needs, with the quick

development of technology and the constant inventions of new gadgets and

devices, many of them long to own these devices. Also, getting a part-time job

would help young people to be more responsible when it comes to their money.

Although making your own money is helpful. Working while being in school isn't

a wise idea for particular people. First, students start dropping out of school

thinking that money is more important than education. In addition, it will affect

their grades as it’s hard to balance between the two. Besides, in some cases,

teenagers unfortunately use the money they make foolishly, for instance, buying

harmful things like drugs and cigarettes.

To conclude, it depends on the teenager's maturity and well-being, it can be a

good idea for some students and a bad idea for others.

Written by: Ghufran Moh’d A.Aziz (6 Chem 1)

Discursive essay

Page 9: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Written by JSGS Students:

School Uniform

Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

for having school uniforms but others are against it. In fact, I totally agree with

having school uniforms for several reasons. This essay outlines my opinions and

the opposite side about the topic.

In my opinion, school uniforms are good. First, wearing different clothes will be

hard to choose. For example, it takes ten minutes to wear school uniform and

twenty minutes to wear clothes. As you can see this is a good point. Second, I

believe that school uniforms save money. In fact, students wouldn't need to buy

a variety of clothes. As an example, poor students can't afford buying lots of

clothes for every day. So, a school uniform is cheaper. One last reason, school

uniforms are useful because they show that you belong to the school as a

students. For instance, when girls wear Abaya without holding their school bags

they look like teachers or parents. All in all, this has positive effect.

On the other hand, people may have an opposite opinion. They mainly look at

the advantages. First, you can wear whatever you want. Another argument is

that students will be able to choose more comfortable clothes instead of a school

uniform. In addition, every student will be unique with his/her own style.

To sum up, personally speaking I am for having to wear school uniforms and I

think so because it's more formal and easier to wear. Finally, people will always

have different opinions over this topic with many reasons to support their points

of view.

Written by: Tasneem Jameel AlHelli (6 Phys 1)

Discursive essay

Page 10: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Written by JSGS Students:

Early marriage

Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. In the last few years

early marriage has been one of the most important topics. Some people are for

but others are against. In fact, I totally disagree with early marriage for several

reasons. This easy outlines my opinion and the opposite side about this topic.

In my opinion, early marriage is an issue that affects teenager’s nowadays,

because they are not at a suitable age to be married. For example, in Lebanon

this issue is trendy and teenagers are suffering. As you can see, those who get

married early usually get divorced after a short while. I believe that girls who get

married at an early age are forced to do that. The main reason is family

traditions. For instance, girls are forced to be married at the age of 14-15. It seems

to me that families are the main reason behind early marriages. I think teenagers

have priorities more than marriage, like education. It is very obvious that

educated people are more suitable for marriage. Researches show that those

who are educated have a very successful family life. All in all, education and

knowledge are the best solutions before getting married.

On the other hand, people may have an opposite opinion. They mainly look at

the advantages. They think early marriages keep teenagers from choosing the

wrong path. It also makes them more independent from an early age. Moreover,

it teaches them the value of money.

To sum up, I see that the disadvantages are more than the advantages.

Marriage should occur at an appropriate age for both genders to avoid problems

that may affect them in their teens. In the end, people will always have different

opinions over this topic with many reasons to support their points of view.

Written by: Zahraa Hadi (6 chem 1)

Discursive essay

Page 11: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Written by JSGS Students:

Online Shopping

Being a person born in the technology era, I can say many things have changed

since 2000. One of them is shopping online. Is it a blessing or a curse? This essay

will highlight the bad and good points about shopping online.

Personally, I have never tried anything other than ordering “food” online before.

But my friends who have tried the method, said that it was an effective way for

many reasons like saving time and energy instead of going to a mall and

walking for hours and not finding what you are looking for. Secondly, shopping

online provides more choices but shops are limited to a specific number of

goods. Moreover, I believe that online shopping is environmentally friendly

because it decreases the traffic and pollution. For example, for online shopping,

we save the environment from the poisonous effects of petrol.

On the other hand, the risk of getting hacked and your money stolen is huge.

Also, you might get tricked by the seller. Not to mention, it is more fun to go

shopping with friends than shopping online on your own.

To sum up, personally speaking I am with online shopping, because it is time

saving and much more efficient. Finally, people will always have different

opinions over this topic with many reasons to support their points of view.

Written by: Fatema Hubail, Ghufran Moh’d, Maram Eskafi, Zainab A.Nabi,

Buthaina Alherz, Eman S.Mahmood & Zahraa Dagher. (6 Chem1)

Discursive essay

Page 12: ENG. 302. 302 Prepared & Checked ... Should exams be abolished? ... School Uniform Everything in our life has a bright side as well as a dark one. Some people are

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Reading Model answer

1. She was a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

2. In 1993.

3. About environmental problems caused by human actions.

4. He doesn't use private jets because it uses more fuel.

5. George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt raise 5 million dollars for Darfur disaster.

6. To get support for clean water programs in Africa.

7. She preferred to tour India and Sri Lanka for the charity Oxfam.

8. She gives a third of her money to charity.

1. Disaster. 2. Voluntary.

3. Determined. 4. Poverty.

1. True.

2. False.

3. False.

4. True.

5. True.

1. Anticipate. 2. Significant.

3. Ranked. 4. Economic.

Reading 1:

Reading 2:

Q- A:

Q- B:

Q- A:

Q- B:
