Page 1: Ending of Dr Hypnison by Moni de Boully




(b/w illustration - a vertical black rectangle with tiny bordure)

…. And suddenly while in unconcentrated thoughts, Doctor Hypnison found himself on the street. He moves slowly through a steep Balkan cul-de-sac lane where the houses are no taller then people.Street Musicians play primitive melodies in folk instruments. The road of cobblestones is rough and small turkish houses are made from nontransparent glass. Above such a sight, the Wise Men of Universe pour beams of light and start to bomb this Glass City.


An opened vertical door, as a rectangle in full black, resemble the mysterious caves where the blind creatures dwell in eternal darkness.


Wheatfield facing the spectators. Music of funeral marches by Scriabin. Shots of sharp knive like rooftops of turkish small houses confront Parallel Lines of Cubist Houses. They start to fight and slaughter until mutual destroy. Simultaneously, narrow lanes reappear on hilly lawns and turn into a flow of stones. They roll above the corpses of houses and of Doctor Hypnison, already resurrected in his Eternal Sleep.

(ending of a film synopsis by Mony De Boully: Doctor Hypnison or Technique of Life, from: Winged Gold, independent publishing, Belgrade 1926.) Translated by Nicholas Suica/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

Note: caps lock Font as they appear in Serbian original publishing of ‘Doctor Hypnison or Technique of Life’, same as with titles inside this closing fragment of film synopsis from the book ‘Winged Gold’.

Short Bio info: Salomon aka Moni De Buli (or Mony De Boully), Belgrade 1904 – Paris 1968 , in his poems and texts (1924-1930) appeared as an early Surrealist guardian of irrational dynamism in Belgrade, at that time Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. His engaging language has expressionistic outcomes as those pictorial and absurd writings he produced with colleague artists. They remain in few books of poems and writings as well as in surrealist magazines in Serbia, but also in a few cooperative surrealist projects when he moves to Paris in the early thirties, never to return.

Longer Bio info: Salmon Monny de Boully

Page 2: Ending of Dr Hypnison by Moni de Boully

1904 Born into one of the oldest and wealthiest Jewish families in Belgrade. Wrote about himself: “Spent his childhood daydreaming, his boyhood reading. In 18 years visited Vienna 18 times and extensively traveled through Europe, except for Russia ...”, Autobiography, Vecnost (Eternity), 1926, No. 4, 1. 1919 Visits Berlin where he got acquainted with avant–garde literature. 1923 Publishes the almanac Crno na belo (In Black and White) with D. Matic, B. Tokin, D. Aleksic, R. Drainac and other representatives of the Serbian avant–garde contributing. Publishes poems in the magazines Hipnos (Hypnos) and Venturaementes (The Coming Spirits), Sabac – only one issue of which was published. Publishing of his long poem Iksion (Ixion). 1925 Stays in Paris where he meets Breton, Eluard and other members of the Surrealist group. On that occasion the translation of the picture novel Vampir (The Vampire) and a text he wrote were published in the journal La Révolution surréaliste. 1926 With Risto Ratkovic starts the magazine Eternity, five issues of which were published. D. Aleksic, D. Blagojevic and others were among its contributors. Publishes the book Krilato Zlato (Winged Gold) and with R. Drainac Dve avanturisticke poeme (Two Adventurist Poems) and Iskrcavanje na Javi (Disembarkment at Java). 1927 His last book in the Serbian language, Antena smrti (The Antenna of Death) comes out. With R. Ratkovic writes Leviatan (The Leviathan), a book of poems. Contributes to the almanac Novi Istok (The New East). 1928 Graduates from the Faculty of Law in Belgrade and leaves for Paris to do his doctoral thesis there. 1929 In Paris, in collaboration with A. Adamov, K. Sernet, J. Carrive and D. de Majo, starts the journal Discontinuité, only one issue of which was published. 1929–1930 He was a member of the Parisian group Le Grand Jeu (The Big Game). Publishes his poems in the magazine bearing the same name and in other Parisian reviews as well: Variété, Cahiers de L’Étoile. 1932 Moves to Paris, but lives for a time in The Hague with his wife Paulette, the mother of the authors Jacques and Claude Lauzmann and the actress Eveline Ray. 1941 His parents die in a Nazi camp and he starts working as a book salesman. 1952 Opens an antique shop at the flea market in Paris. 1968 Dies in a taxi in Paris, and his book of poems and recollections Zlatne bube (The Golden Beetles) is published in Belgrade, three days after his death. 1991 Monny de Boully’s book, Au–delà de la mémoire, Poémes, textes, critique, correspondance, Édition H. J. Maxwell: Préface de Paulette de Boullyc Paris, is published posthumously.