Page 1: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

Emotional Health

Table of Contents

The Joy of the Lord……………………………………………….pages 1-3 Emotionally Whole……………………………………………….pages 4-6 How To Deal With Guilt…………………………………………pages 7-8 Overcoming the Emotion of Fear…………………………pages 9-10

In the Name of Jesus, Rise Up!...……………………….pages 11-12

Winning the War between Our Ears………………….pages 13-15 You Can Be Changed………………………………………...pages 16-17 Bridge Over Troubled Water……………………………..pages 18-21

Page 2: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

The Joy of the Lord Nehemiah 8:10b

Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents are buried. As I sat at the table eating lunch with some of the older members; they said that there were two things they remembered about the older generations of my family, they loved to laugh and they loved to sing. Needless to say, I was very pleased to be told of such a joyful legacy. As Christians we are to be filled with joy. Regretfully, that is not true for many, if not most, Christians. In Nehemiah 8:10b, Nehemiah reminds the people that the “joy of the Lord is our strength,” and so it is today.

I. What is Joy?

We tend to equate “happiness” with joy, but they are two totally different ideas because they spring from different sources. Happiness comes from the world around me. Joy originates directly from the Spirit of God. Happiness is conditioned by, and quite often dependent upon, what is “happening” to me. If people treat me well, if things are going well in my life, then I am happy. If my situation is not favorable, then I’m unhappy.

Joy, on the other hand, is not dependent upon the circumstances of my life. It transcends the difficulties and problems that may plague my life. Joy is listed as a “fruit of the Spirit” in Galatians 5:22. In other words, joy comes about in our lives because of the presence of God in our lives. William Barclay states: “…a gloomy Christian is a contradiction in terms, and nothing in all religious history has done Christianity more harm than its connection with black clothes and long faces.” The only way to have an attitude of joy is to release our problems to the Lord. Because He is in charge, we can have joy no matter what happens. In 2 Corinthians 7:4 we read, “…I am overflowing with joy in all our afflictions.” In James 1:2, “… consider it all joy… when you encounter various trials.” This is the result of a conscious decision to give our problems to the Lord and to trust Him through it all.

II. Where Do You Find Joy? Joy is not found in power, position, or possessions, but rather in relationships. We do not relate to God through a religion, but rather through a relationship. In John 15, Jesus shares the simple but profound idea that a life of joy and fruitfulness comes by abiding in Him. Thus, it is the closeness of the relationship that matters most. His relationship with His Father was Jesus’ primary source of joy.


Page 3: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

Therefore, our greatest source of joy is in a relationship with God. The only way we can experience any of the fruit of the Spirit is through obedience to Christ. To discover joy, we must obey Him and trust Him. Jesus said, “If you keep my commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.” (John 15:10-11) In addition to finding joy in relationship with Jesus, we find joy in relationship with others, particularly in giving of ourselves to others. The only time that Jesus is described in the gospels as “full of joy” is in Luke 10:21 (NIV). Upon the disciples first attempt at doing Kingdom work on their own, Jesus was full of joy at their victories. Hebrews 12:2 says that Jesus endured the cross “for the joy set before Him.” That was the joy of being able to fulfill the will of the Father and make possible salvation for all who would put their trust in Him.

III. Why Are Most People Not Joyful?

Most people are leading miserable, joyless lives because they do not really know what they want out of life. They think that things can bring them happiness when the truth is that is not so. Some of the richest people that I have known have been some of the most miserable that I have known. I recently read an autobiography of a man who came to America from Russia and became very wealthy. He talked about the hours that he spent building a successful business, and then he mentioned in passing that he and his wife were divorced and splitting time in the rearing of their young daughter. What good is it to make all that money if you lose your family? An attitude of unrealized expectations can surely rob us of joy. Paul learned the secret of contentment. In Philippians 4:12 we read, “…I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation...” Regretfully, most people have not learned this “secret” as Paul stated it. Other issues in our lives can prohibit us from being joyful. It may be that we have issues with other people that are hindering our opportunity to be joyful. When someone has wronged us, it may be that their offense against us causes us to be distracted and defeated in our relationship with God. Paul challenges us to be at peace with one another: “Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.” (Philippians 2:2) Also, if there is sin in our lives that has not been confessed and forgiven, we know that is a hindrance to prayer and will also keep us from being filled with the Spirit, which enables us to be joyful.


Page 4: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

Conclusion Every Christian has the opportunity to be continually filled with joy. What a difference it makes in our lives when joy reigns. Obedience to God is the essential ingredient that is missing in the lives of joyless people. Jesus makes this very clear in the passage quoted earlier: “…Obey My commandments…that My joy may be in you and that your joy may be made full.” Rev. Allen Stephens Associational Missions Director Rankin County Baptist Association


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Emotionally Whole


While it may vary in degrees, we all live by our feelings. It can be the brightest day with the bluest sky, your health is good, and your future is exciting. All of a sudden in a few seconds one phone call can bring conflict and emotional devastation. It can happen to anyone. It is true with men and women, young people, senior adults, moms, dads, and grandparents. Everyone is affected by the ebb and flow of our emotions. Now most of us try to live with our emotions intact and in check. As we mature, we realize that there are things that may cause us to trip, stumble and lose our equilibrium emotionally that do not have quite the impact that they once did, but we still are affected by them. Emotions are amazing things, and they can be changed by what we see coming at us or the things that blindside us. The good things raise our emotional vibrancy and the bad things pull the rug out from under us. In this message, I want you to consider the importance of emotional health when it is built on a meeting with Jesus and a trust in His amazing work. God made us emotional people, and He certainly understands our emotional deficiencies and instabilities. On the other hand, He also knows when we are emotionally down that He can reshape us with emotions that abound. Three simple thoughts I place before you today. I. The Information

A man who was born lame begged at the Gate Beautiful, and there is no indication whatsoever that his emotions were anything but dull and barren. Some people have lived with non-emotion for so long that they do not even consider that there would be a possibility of feeling good again when emotions are overflowing in their heart. They become emotional zombies. They are alive but dead. They press on in life, but life at its best is only placid. If not empty, they are just running on fumes. This man was brought to the Gate Beautiful and watched wonderful, spiritual, God-seeking people heading into the temple. Often they ignored him and refused to make eye contact. They were certainly not reaching in their pockets to help him. How could a person not become jaded, cynical, and bitter because of all of the passing traffic walking upright, going their way, and having no sensitivity or care for him and his problems? Probably every one of us has been that person, and for sure we have all been the person passing by with no eye contact. It is the setting in which far too many live and exist. That environment will rob you emotionally. At some time or another, everybody you are around has felt this way and in your honest moments, you recognize that you have been like this person may have been. You are not particular healthy.


Page 6: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

Here is the information that I want you to have. Jesus Christ of Nazareth has exactly what you need and not just what you want. Throughout the years I have listened as someone has explained to me how life could be so different, how they could feel better, and know the joy of life if they were not in a dead end job or if their children had turned out better or if they had not married the person that they did or if they could just afford a new house or if …, or if, if, if. There is an old saying that may speak truth to our emotional status. “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, what a wonderful world this would be.”

This man knew what he wanted. He wanted a gift of silver and gold that would make today better. He wanted a change in those other people’s hearts so his emotions could be okay. Jesus Christ comes into his heart with what he needed and not just what he wanted.

II. The Inspiration

What is about to happen in his life and what we are about to observe is a transformation, a total reversal, a double upside down backflip of emotions because he lets Jesus have His way in his life. “Silver and gold have I none but such as I have, give I unto thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” It is such a small thing to stand up and to take a step unless you have never done it or you have not taken a step in a long time. Rise up and walk! This precious man had his cup filled and splashing out everywhere. His steps were affected, but even more his emotional apparatus was affected for he was experiencing joy like he had never known. Consider this for a moment. The inspiration in a person’s life can have great impact on others. Healthy, emotional expressions can bless, encourage, challenge and help everyone around you. With joy the man walked, ran, leaped and praised God for what He had done in his life. How long had it been since the people who came to worship at the temple saw and heard anything from this man but his emotional drabness? He now had experienced an encounter with God that would not let go of his heart.

We live in a world that may be characterized by emotional drabness. We do not laugh nor cry, praise nor pout. We sit emotionally unattached and unmoved. Even when our hearts are moved, we are afraid that someone might have an inkling that the Lord is doing something in our hearts. We circle the wagons and shut down our emotions. In a world of deep hurts, it would be a glorious thing if people knew that in Christ there III. The Inclination

The reason that the man was so healthy emotionally was because he had experienced Jesus. I think that it would always be Satan’s desire that we get as far away from that kind of


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emotional healthiness as possible. Too often we are inclined to slip back into our emotional staleness, drabness and miss out on the joy of the Lord that could flow in us and the impact of that joy on others around us. What happened to this dear brother that God enabled to get up and walk and slosh joy all over the floor of the temple? We do not know, but I can tell you this through the years I have seen people, who have come to Jesus, got up, walked, praised and lived in joy for all of the rest of their days. May that be the blessing of God in your life this very day.

Dr. Jim Futral Executive Director-Treasurer Mississippi Baptist Convention Board


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How To Deal With Guilt Psalm 32

Introduction The worst trip you can ever take is a guilt trip. There is absolutely no reason for a person to

travel on a guilt trip any longer. Many live in regret over past choices. Someone has said, “It’s regret, I think that really is the worst kind of pain. Guilt is bad, and sadness is bad, but regret is the sickly combination of both.” If you are traveling in the ruts of regret because you feel guilt over sins in your past, prepare to lay your baggage down. God wants you to live free. I. We See A Burdened Man (3-4)

A. He had a sin he had committed. David felt guilt because he was guilty. He knew that he had done something that violated God’s moral demands and his own conscience.

B. He had sin that he concealed. He kept silent about his sin (3). Perhaps he thought that if said nothing about his sin no one would know about it. He may have hid his sin because of shame. He chose to conceal his sin. His unwillingness to talk about his sin took away his peace. He could not sleep. He could not rest. It harassed him through the day and haunted him through the night. His strength was depleted. His spirit was depressed. His soul was drained.

The source of his heavy heart was evident. God was convicting him of his sin. Someone has said there are two kinds of wounds that come to the human spirit. There is the wound of sorrow, and there is the wound of guilt. Now sorrow is a clean wound, and it will heal with time. Guilt is a dirty wound. It will never heal until it is treated and cleansed.

II. We See A Broken Man (5) A. He acknowledged his sin to God. (5a) We see a change occurring. No longer is he hiding his sin, but he is openly talking to God

about his sin. The Holy Spirit convicted him of sin so that he could be free from the burden of that sin. When God shows us sin, it is not so that we will forever feel burdened by guilt over that sin but rather it is so the emotional turmoil of that sin can be removed.

The first step for the burden to be removed was to acknowledge his sin to God. English writer Oscar Wilde said, “A man’s highest moment is when he kneels in the dust and beats his breast and tells the sin of his life.”

B. He admitted his sin (5b)

He confessed his sin to God. Confession did not mean he simply admitted his sin to God. True confession involves agreeing with God about our sin. It is saying the same thing about our sin as God says about our sin. 7

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III. We See A Blessed Man (1-2) A. The blessing came because God forgave his sin.

Happiness came to his life again. The burden and guilt had gone away. In verse 7 he says God put a song in his heart. In verse 11 we read God put a shout on his lips. Why the joyful singing and shouting? The joy came because he had been forgiven. The word “forgive” that is used here means “to lift, carry, bear, lift up and carry away.” He did not have to carry the heavy baggage of his past sins any longer.

B. The blessing came because God forgot his sin. Notice in the last part of verse 1 that his sin had been covered. A sin forgiven by God cannot be found from God’s perspective. When David tried to hide his sin God uncovered his sin. When David uncovered his sin God hid his sin. God has no desire for us to live with our sins exposed. He hides our shame.

Jeremiah 31:34 “For I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more.” A little girl noticed her teacher erasing words from the marker board. She asked her teacher where the marks on the board went when they were rubbed out. He answered that they disappear. “But where do they disappear to?” the little girl questioned. “They vanish, “her teacher told her. “But where do they vanish to?” the child insisted. The teacher used all the words she knew to explain, but he could not make it clear to the child. This story illustrates what God has done with our sins when he says he will remember them no more.

When we confess our sins to God he does two things: He wipes the slate clean and He will never charge that sin to our account again. “Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity” (verse 2). The word ”imputeth” means to charge to someone’s account. God no longer charges the sin to our account once we are forgiven of that sin.

C. The blessing came because David accepted God’s forgiveness. The most difficult thing to do can be to forgive one’s self. To forgive one’s self means to let it

go. It means we no longer hold on to the guilt and remorse for our sin. Too often we hold on to hurting our self for something that God has already forgiven.

Conclusion I heard about a man who came to his pastor one day and he was being tormented by guilt. There was a horrible sin that he had committed. The pastor said, “Well, son, have you confessed it to God?’ He said, “Pastor, I have confessed it a thousand times.” The wise pastor said, “Son that is your problem. You should have confessed it once and thanked God 999 times for forgiving you.” Don’t live another moment feeling guilt over your sin. Confess your sin to God, and accept the forgiveness that he offers through Jesus Christ. Dr. Marc Howard Associational Missions Director Lee/Itawamba Baptist Associations


Page 10: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

Overcoming the Emotion of Fear Exodus 14

Introduction After God created mankind and the universe, he felt that what He had created was “very good.”

(Genesis 1:31) God, when He created us, gave us the emotions we possess today. Part of being made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27) means that we are emotional beings just like God. Because we are created in the image of God we can feel love, joy, peace, happiness but also sadness, disappointment, fear and all other emotions. Fear is an emotion that can control our lives to the point that we will never take a step of faith. Over and over in the Scriptures we are told, “Do not be afraid.” Fear can keep us from being where God wants us to be and can hinder us doing what God has called us to do.

In Exodus 14 we see the children of Israel being freed from Egyptian bondage and coming to the Red Sea. Moses is leading them and they had been gone from Egypt for about 5 days. They camped where there were mountains on two sides and the Red Sea was before them. After they had camped there they realize that Pharaoh and his army were pursuing them. Exodus 14:10 states that they were very frightened. How can we overcome this emotion of fear?

I. The Influence of Fear Upon Our Lives

A. Fear can cause us to question whether we have heard God correctly-Ex. 14:11 Fear can cause us to question the direction we have sensed God leading us. Fear of the unknown can make us doubt.

B. Fear can cause us to blame others-Ex. 14:11 Fear caused the people to blame Moses for their predicament. In times of difficulty we are looking for someone to blame which keeps us from facing our fears. When we are fearful we are focused on what is going to happen to us.

C. Fear can cause us to stay stuck in the past-Ex. 14:12 Fear leads us to want to go backwards, to retreat and to forget about moving forward to where God wants us to be. It is fear that causes us to say, “We have never done it that way before.” We know that there was a miracle of God waiting for Israel. They would have missed the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea if they had allowed fear to control them.

II. Overcoming the Emotion of Fear Moses responded to all their questions with faith and trust in God. He encouraged them to not be afraid. Notice that he did not take their comments personal. He does not become defensive. He understands that they are frightened. Living by faith is not always popular. The greater our faith the less time we spend defending ourselves. Moses led Israel to do several things with their fear. We can also overcome the emotion of fear. 9

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A. We overcome fear by trusting God-Ex. 14:13 We must remember that God is with us and we can trust Him. (Proverbs 3:5-6) In Exodus 14:1-2 we see that it was God who told Israel where they were to camp. God led them to camp where there were mountains on two sides and the Red Sea in front of them. The only way of escape was to go back toward Egypt. Pharaoh and his army were approaching from that direction. If God has led us to a place, we must remind ourselves that being where He has placed us is the safest place to be. When God leads us to a place He will provide. This was a test of faith for Israel. God allows us to go through times like this for our strengthening and for His glory.

B. We overcome fear by standing still and seeing God work-Ex. 14:13-14 The words “stand by” in Hebrew can mean “stand still, stand firm, station yourself or take one’s stand.” The word “see” can mean “to understand, to look at, to examine or to reveal.” One reason Moses told Israel to stand still was because he knew that fear causes us to run away. When we get frightened our body prepares to fight or flee. Most of the time when things get uncomfortable and we become afraid, we tend to want to get away. We cannot see God act if we are running. Instead of looking at our problems and running away from them, God’s word encourages us to look to the Lord and trust in His ability to lead us through this situation. Our God does not work according to our time schedule, but He is an on time God.

C. We overcome fear by facing our fear and moving forward-Ex. 14:15-18 There is a time to fast and pray. There is a time to stand firm and wait with expectation. There is a time to face our fears and move forward. Faith is an action verb. Faith involves moving forward not backwards. Notice that God in v. 16 was leading Israel through the middle of the Red Sea. God takes us through our difficulties, not around them. It would not require much faith for God to take us around our problems. Every step that Israel took through the Red Sea was a step of faith. God took care of Israel and the whole nation made it through the Red Sea. The army of Pharaoh was destroyed.

Conclusion What fear has gripped us? Is there something in which God has been leading us to become involved

but we have become reluctant because of fear? We may feel that we are facing our Red Sea and do not know what to do. May we realize that through Christ we can do all things. (Philippians 4:13) Defeating fear begins with knowing Jesus as our resurrected Savior and Lord. With Christ in our lives to guide us we can overcome fear by trusting in God, by standing still to watch the deliverance of the Lord and by moving forward at God’s command. Jesus came to give us power and strength not fear. The way we think about a situation will affect the way we feel and the way we feel will affect the way we behave. If we can change the way we think as we face any difficult situation and trust God, knowing that He is there for us and will be with us as we move forward, we can overcome this feeling of fear and our behavior will reflect the power of the living Christ inside of us. Do not fear! Dr. Dan Howard Pastor FBC, Philadelphia 10

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In the Name of Jesus, Rise Up! Acts 3:6,16


Emotional health is something that seems to be in short supply in our world today. The big question is, “Should emotional instability and chaos spill over into the church and the children of God?” Or has the good news of the Gospel provided for our emotional health as well as our spiritual health? We need to admit up front that there are some horrible mental and emotional diseases that are a result of a fallen world, and often God uses the medical field He has created to heal or treat these cases. But I do believe much of our emotional stress is self-induced, as we trust in ourselves or the ways of men, rather than our loving, all-powerful God. I believe if the world would see children of God handling stressful situations with peace and confidence in our King, it would be a great witnessing tool to bring our Lord Jesus glory. I. We are not promised perfect health in this life.

Some prosperity preachers misinterpret Isaiah 53:5 (healed by His stripes) to mean we are to have perfect health. The context of this passage is clearly talking about Jesus dying for our spiritual health. Our God can still heal, but doesn’t guarantee physical healing. “I often wonder why many of those guys wear glasses?” We are going to have stressful situations arise that can affect our emotions. John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10 (Paul’s thorn); Example of stress (Disciples in storm), Matthew 8:23-27

II. Followers of Jesus Christ are promised peace in this life

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Matthew 6:25-33; Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

III. Followers of Jesus have the emotional health to be on mission for our King

God always equips us to do what He has called us to do. We may have been an emotional wreck at one time, unable to partner in the Kingdom mission, but if we are a true follower of Jesus, we are a new creature. (Now would be a great time to examine yourself and make sure you are trusting in the finished work of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection for salvation, and not on religion.)


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Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. The Kingdom mission is explained in 2 Corinthians 5:17-20 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation; that is, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the message of reconciliation. Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.

Jesus gives us all we need to be His ambassadors and accomplish His Great Commission. Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” How incredible to know Jesus has all power and has promised to be with us as we are on mission for Him. This should give us great peace. Acts 1:8. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 2 Timothy 1:7 (no emotional stress or fear) Example with the former demoniac in Mark 5:18-20

We can take great comfort in the promise of 2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence


Strivers and stressors believe in a very small God. How big and how great is your God? William Barclay said, “The man who feeds his heart on what God has done in the past, will never worry about the future.” The old hymn asked, “Are you weak and heavy laden?” Then answered, “Take it to the Lord in Prayer.” JD Greear in his book Gospel said, “As we pray, measure the compassion of Jesus to answer your prayer by the cross, and the power of Jesus to answer your prayer by the resurrection.” As you are tempted to struggle in your emotions by the chaos around you, run back to the good news of the Gospel and be anxious for nothing, but pray about everything. Then claim the glorious peace of God which passes all understanding, knowing it will guard you heart and mind in Christ Jesus.”

Rev. Jimmy Meek

Pastor Colonial Heights BC, Ridgeland


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Winning the War between Our Ears 1 Kings 19:1-4


Even the most spiritually dedicated have days when the stress of life overwhelms. The stress of life captures our mind and affects our health. The Institute of Preventative Medicine reported that 66% of all doctor visits are stress related. Additionally, stress is considered a major contributor to our two main killers, cardio problems and cancer. Though we may not have developed cancer or heart trouble yet, we can have battles in our mind regarding current threats we think are around the corner. Many have sleepless nights and unproductive days because their minds are captured by some threat or fear. Our hope might be that we become so spiritually mature that nothing threatens us. The fact is all people face the battle between their ears. The mental conflict produced by stress cannot be avoided but it can be won. Elijah was a great man of God that faced a battle of the mind. He should have felt confidence and victory having just seen God reveal himself in power. On Mount Carmel, God answered Elijah’s prayer when fire fell from heaven and consumed the sacrifice Elijah prepared for the Lord. With an awesome display of power, God convinced the people that He was the God who answers prayer. As a result, Elijah stood alone against 450 prophets of Baal who were destroyed. Immediately following this great victory, Elijah faced a threat. In 1 Kings 19:1-4, Queen Jezebel threatened Elijah with his life. Immediately, this great man of God experienced a great battle of his emotions. Notice in this scripture the depth of desperation Elijah showed when he heard the threat. Scripture: ` Kings 19:1-4 Notice how God helps solve the battle between our ears. Three commands from God are the steps to a peaceful heart and a clear mind. I. God’s First Command: Get Up! (19:5)

Elijah ran approximately 90 miles to Beersheba and collapsed under a broom tree. Evidence of retreat and exhaustion reveals stress overload and even depression. The Lord did not leave Elijah in his depressed state of activity. He commanded Elijah to get up and do something! The fact is that a change of action always precedes a change of feeling. Consider a physical illustration. Suppose someone places their hand on the hot element of a stove. What do you think will happen? Answer: it will burn. If we treated this physical pain as we treat emotional pain, we would just leave our hand on the hot element until it felt better. Emotionally, many a person has hidden in some dark room away from friends and normal activity, waiting until they felt better to


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return to normal activity. The smarter response to the physical problem of a burning hand on the hot element is to move it. As a matter of fact, the sooner it is moved the quicker it heals. The same is true emotionally. The sooner we do something differently, the sooner we will begin to see improvement.

When Elijah arose from his pity party, he noticed God had provided food to meet his current needs and possessed the plan for survival and success.

II. God’s Second Command: Listen Up! (19:11-14) Elijah’s emotional upheaval was because his focus was on his problem. The voices in Elijah’s head were only negative. His thoughts were only of negative thoughts of doom and loneliness. God commanded him to go stand on the mountain to receive a word from Him. Ultimately, God was heard in a “still small voice.” What he heard was, “What are you doing here, Elijah?” (19:13) God began to show Elijah the solution to his problem was not dealing with a woman ninety miles away, but with himself. Elijah had to stop listening to the voices in his head to hear the voice from above. In a state of panic, we do not hear simple instructions that might help. An illustration of this is in John 5:1-8 where a cripple is at the Pool of Bethesda, waiting on a miracle to occur and worried about who would help him. Meanwhile, the Savior stood by him and asked, “Do you want to get well?” When the cripple took his eyes off his problem and began to listen to Jesus, solutions came. If we are going to find God as the source of our solution, we must allow Him to control our thinking. He must seek Him to hear Him. God speaks through scripture, prayer, sermons, Christian friends, spiritual music, and even through reminding us of past events. However, before anything can be heard from God, we must be in a mood to listen to Him.

III. God’s Third Command: Link Up! (19:15-16) Elijah was told to refocus on his assignment. In effect, God was saying, “Forget about your enemy and do your job!” The Lord commanded him to go to Syria and anoint Hazael as king. After that he was to anoint Jehu over Israel. The third assignment was to appoint Elisha as the prophet to replace Elijah. With so much to be accomplished, Elijah was encouraged to get busy and forget about potential trouble. Donna Nakazawa in the article, “How Are You Handling the Wear and Tear of Today’s Stress?” in Psychology Today, wrote, “. . .Our long term emotional health has less to do with what happens to us than with how we react to what happens.” The fact is most of our worries never happen.


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Conclusion One morning, I couldn’t sleep. About 3:00 a.m. I entered my home study to find something to

read that might make me go back to sleep. I happened to select an old book that my home pastor had given me. It was, The Royalty of the Pulpit. I opened it to the middle and began to read. It spoke of an old circuit riding preacher with a horse and surrey and dog named, “Deacon.” When the preacher would be traveling to his churches, the old dog would fight every dog at every house along the way. Worried about “Deacon,” the preacher would be tempted to stop and see if “Deacon” needed help. But the preacher learned, “If I will keep going my way, what is happening in the bushes will take care of itself.”

The mental conflict produced by stress cannot be avoided but it can be won. Focus on your

calling and your service. God will handle everything else.

Dr. John Temple Pastor Poplar Springs BC, Meridian


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You Can Be Changed Acts 3

Introduction People often ask themselves, “Can I be changed? Can my life really be different? Can I become the person God wants me to be?” Our text shows us; through Jesus Christ our lives can be changed. We can experience the power of God to overcome the struggles of life. I. You can be changed when you accept the message of Jesus Christ.

A beggar goes to the temple to receive help. Imagine the shame he felt having to ask for money and having to be carried by others. His life will change this day because he will meet Jesus Christ. Peter responds to his request with a bold proclamation. He tells him, “In the name of Jesus, walk.” The man leaps to his feet and praises God. Christ can change anyone who is willing to receive his message. This man would never be the same. Polycarp was the Bishop of the church in Smyrna. When he was eighty-six years old he was told to renounce his faith, quit preaching, or face death by the Roman authorities. He refuses. His response was classic, “Eighty and six years have I served my Lord, how can I turn my back on him now?” The Romans burned him to death in front of his congregation. I remember struggling with the Holy Spirit when he was convicting me of my sin. Thankfully I also remember the freedom and joy I felt when I yielded to his call. The great theologian C.S. Lewis entitled his autobiography Surprised by Joy to communicate the life he had received in Christ. If you have received life in Christ do you make yourself aware of those who need him? Peter and John could have walked on but they took the time to minister. Will you? There are always those around us who need help. One poet states, “Be kind to everyone you meet because they are all carrying a heavy load.” When it comes to ministry we often worry about what we do not possess rather than what we do possess. Remember Jesus took a school boy’s lunch and fed more than five thousand people. He can take your concern for people and bless that with his power. Lives will be changed.

II. Your life can be changed when there is genuine repentance.

As the apostles so often did, they use the miracle as an opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus Christ. When the people saw a changed man Peter addresses the crowd. He gives them a thorough explanation of who Jesus is and what he did for us. At the conclusion of the message Peter calls for a response. He tells them if they repent and genuinely turn from their sins, they can experience the joy and healing just as did the crippled man.


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One reason for the success of Billy Graham’s preaching, according to some researchers, is his emphasis on repentance. Jeremiah the prophet continually preached that people should turn from their sins. Unfortunately, the people did not listen to him. The nation paid a high price for their disobedience. Do we call for authentic repentance in churches today? Do we soften the message so that it has no value? Too often in church we come just as we are, singing “Just as I Am,” and leave just as we were. God never intended for our lives to be the same after we respond to the gospel. Repentance is turning from our sin and turning to God so we can live a holy lifestyle.

III. You can be changed when you accept the forgiveness God offers.

Peter tells the crowd that after repentance God forgives and refreshes his people. This text reminds us God offers not only to help us physically, as he did the lame man, but offers to help us spiritually and emotionally. Forgiveness is the basis of our relationship with Jesus Christ. God graciously offers his love to all who will receive his kindness. He even offers forgiveness to those who murdered our Lord. Forgiveness sets us free emotionally, spiritually, and physically. I had a friend who told me about stealing something from his employer when he was in high school. The owner of the business went to the local authorities and asked them to go easy on this young man. He told the police he believed in this young man in spite of his theft. The owner went on to tell them he was willing to drop any charges. As I heard my friend tell that story he was overwhelmed with emotion, even though he is much older now. Forgiveness changed his life forever. He never stole again and has lived a very successful life.

Conclusion From this text we have God’s iron clad promise of restoration. Will we receive restoration? Will we choose to stay where we are in our lives? I once heard a story about an old Indian chief. He was given a free railroad pass for life from the railroad company. At his death the pass was found in his shirt pocket. It had never been used. The chief could have traveled anywhere for free but never used his pass. Will you accept God’s offer of forgiveness, love and restoration? Dr. Thad A. Moore Pastor FBC, Coffeeville


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Bridge Over Troubled Water Acts 3

Introduction The old quartet song puts it like this: "Farther along, we'll know all about it; Farther along, we'll understand why; So, cheer up, my brother, live in the sunshine; We'll understand it all by and by. In Acts 3, the disciples of Jesus are introduced to a man that would be the first of many that would allow them to prove the prophecy of Jesus that “they would do greater works” (John 14:12). I. The Predicament he was born into (Acts 3:2)

Ask any expectant parent about their soon to be born child, and most will answer, “We don’t care whether it is a boy or a girl, just so long as he/she is healthy.” Many parents can relate to the disappointment that comes with birth defects in their children. I am not saying they are disappointed with the child; a parent’s love for their child is unwavering. But they are disappointed with the circumstances that they and the child will be faced with. Inevitably, the questions come pouring out…. Why do children have to suffer? Why did this happen to us?

What did I do to cause this?

Only parents who have the responsibility of raising such children can really relate to and understand the extra care it takes and the stress it often carries. The physical stresses brought on by the physical limitations of the child are often recognized by everyone close to the family. The financial stress brought on by frequent doctor and hospital visits are often more than the family budget can take. Sometimes financial stress is relieved by extra jobs, benevolent friends, and even government programs. While the physical and financial stresses are usually apparent, the emotional stress is usually ignored. People are often quick to help with physical problems. Many are given assistance for the finances. But where do we go with our emotional hurts?

The world would have you to man up, and get over it. I have even given this advice myself.


Page 20: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

Life is filled with disappointments.

Job 5:7 Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. John 16:33 …In the world ye shall have tribulation. Job 14:1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble.

II. The Problem that would not go away

Acts 4:22 says that he was over 40 years old. As this child grew to manhood, he had all but given up hope of ever walking. He had never known the joy of running and playing with his friends. He had never known the satisfaction of getting up and going to work. His life was filled with disappointment and disgust. He could not walk, he could not work, he could not even worship. Like his parents, he too must have often asked those questions:

Why me? What did I do to deserve this?

Why can’t I be like everyone else? One of the emotional stresses that come from having a “birth” defect is that it is usually a “life defect”. A person with a broken bone knows that eventually it will heal and he will walk again. A person with pneumonia knows that eventually the antibiotics will kick in and he will feel better. Not so with a birth defect, or a terminal disease. For many in this state, pain and suffering define their life and the emotional pain often reaches deeper than the physical. It is the first thing they feel when they wake, and the last thing they feel when they drift off to sleep, if they are fortunate enough to find sleep. It is reasonable to believe that this man had probably heard of Jesus of Nazareth, but he had never met him. He had possibly heard how Jesus of Nazareth had healed leprosy, blindness, and even other cripples; but not him. He never seemed to be in town when this man named Jesus came through. The predicament he was born into developed into a problem that would not go away.

IiI. The Present (gift) that he received This day started as did every day before it. He had to go through the sordid routine of having someone help him do everything. He could not even walk to the kitchen table. Just another day, or so he thought. His parents took him to the temple gate called “Beautiful”, but he saw no beauty in it, for he was a cripple. His daily task was to beg for alms. What a life!!


Page 21: Emotional Health - Mississippi Baptist Convention Board€¦ · Nehemiah 8:10b Introduction A few years ago I attended a homecoming service at the church where my paternal grandparents

But on this day, his life would be changed forever. He did not get what he asked for, he got so much more.

IV. The Privilege that came upon him

Not only did he have the pleasure of walking as never before, he had the privilege to show the world the power of God. And if God can make a cripple walk, then he can make a sinner free. As a parent, I can personally relate to the situation this family faced in our text. Our second son, Evan, who is now 22 years old, began having Grand Mal seizures at the age of three. He has continued to have seizures on a regular basis for these many years. The affect of seizures have caused him to be disabled, not having the ability to drive or hold a full time job. Doctor visits, hospital stays, and high doses of medications have been the normal routine of our lives.

Then, in June of 2012, our first grandson was born. His birth brought much joy and happiness to our families. However, ten days after Gunnar was born, the genetic tests that are now standard procedure for all newborns revealed that he was born with Cystic Fibrosis, a lung disease that also affects the Pancreas. To say that these to diseases have affected our families would be an understatement. But in all our struggles, we continue to trust our great God and Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. And while we have prayed countless times for the Great Physician to heal both our son and grandson, He has chosen thus far to show us His power through their disease instead. My family and I can truly relate to the stresses caused by the physical, financial, and emotional pain involved with disease. But through it all, we have chosen to do as Peter and John said, and whether God chooses to heal or not, we will “In The Name of Jesus, RISE UP”!!!

I am in no way saying it is easy, but God has promised us His care, and since He has promised, we will claim His promise. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.(Philippians 4:13) And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) These verses are not clichés, but the very Word of God, to offer us hope even in the midst of trials and trouble.


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Conclusion One of my favorite songs is “Bridge Over Troubled Waters”. The lyrics to the song have always captured by thoughts.

When your weary, feelin' small When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all I'm on your side, When times get rough And friends just can't be found When you're down and out When you’re on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you I'll take your part When darkness comes And pain is all around Chorus: Like a bridge over troubled waters I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled waters I will lay me down

I can think of no better bridge over the troubled waters of life than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.

Greg Herndon

Pastor Troy FBC, Pontotoc

