Page 1: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising


Staffs need to complete the attached DfE checklist on the shared drive so

that we can maintain Trust oversight and support where required.



Page 2: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising



EMAT academies partially reopening on a phased basis no earlier than 1 June 2020 checklist and

risk assessment

The Government published guidance on 11 May setting out its expectations that schools partially

reopen on a phased basis from a date from 1 June 2020. Schools across the trust will use this guidance

and further guidance that the Government will provide. The ambition is that:

Primary schools should prepare for children in nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 to return

from 1 June 2020 at the earliest

Secondary schools work towards the possibility of providing some face-to-face contact with

young people in Year 10 and Year 12 to help them prepare for exams next year

Primary schools should prepare for the possibility of all year groups returning for the last

month of term, providing the government deems it is safe to do so.

Priority groups, including vulnerable children and children of critical workers, continue to be

able to attend schools

It must be remembered that the re-opening of schools on a phased basis remains an ambition and is

reliant on the 5 key tests being met, including a significant reduction in the rates of infection.

The Government guidance recognises that early years and primary age children cannot be expected

to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff. In deciding to bring more children back to early

years and schools, the Government has made clear that it has taken this into account.

The Government guidance released on Monday 11th May sets out a range of protective measures,


reducing the size of classes and keeping children in small groups without mixing with others

staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups

increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising outdoor


Schools will strongly encourage children in the Nursery, Reception, Y1 and Y6 to attend school from

1 June 2020. or the date the Government confirms, unless the child or a family member is shielding

or the child is particularly vulnerable due to an underlying condition.

In making these plans, we note the advice from the Government that:

the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies advising the Government has a high degree of

confidence that the severity of the disease in children is lower than in adults and a

moderately high degree of confidence that children aged up to 11 are less susceptible to it

all staff are already eligible for testing, and staff in shielding and high-risk groups should

remain at home

from 1 June, all children and young people eligible to return to their settings will have access

to testing, if they display symptoms, as will any symptomatic member(s) of their household

where a setting has a positive case, Public Health England will advise on the appropriate

course of action, and the relevant group of people with whom the individual has mixed

closely, should be sent home and advised to self-isolate for 14 days.

Page 3: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

The Government guidance includes expectations about effective infection protection and control:

minimising contact with individuals who are unwell by ensuring that those who have

coronavirus symptoms, or who have someone in their household who does, do not attend

school or are isolated within a dedicated area should they display symptoms while in


cleaning hands more often than usual - wash hands thoroughly for 20 seconds with running

water and soap and dry them thoroughly or use alcohol hand rub or sanitiser ensuring that

all parts of the hands are covered

ensuring good respiratory hygiene - promote the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach

cleaning frequently touched surfaces often using standard products, such as detergents and

bleach minimising contact and mixing by altering the classroom layout and staggering break


The Government guidance includes:

wearing a face covering or face mask in schools is not recommended

the majority of staff in education settings will not require PPE beyond what they would

normally need for their work, even if they are not always able to maintain a distance of 2

metres from others

PPE is only needed in a very small number of cases including a) children whose care

routinely already involves the use of PPE due to their intimate care needs; b) if a child

becomes unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in their setting and needs direct

personal care until they can return home

The Government guidance explains that:

children who have been classed as clinically extremely vulnerable have been advised to

shield should not attend school and should continue to be supported at home as much as


for children who are clinically vulnerable, but not clinically extremely vulnerable, parents

should follow medical advice

education staff, who are clinically extremely vulnerable are advised not to attend work and

should work from home where possible – academies will support this by asking staff to

support remote education, carry out lesson planning or other roles which can be done from


if clinically vulnerable, but not clinically extremely vulnerable, individuals cannot work from

home, they should be offered the safest available on-site roles

if a child or a member of staff lives with someone who is clinically vulnerable, but not

clinically extremely vulnerable, including those who are pregnant, they can attend school

if a child or staff member lives in a household with someone who is extremely clinically

vulnerable, they should be supported to learn or work at home

Although the Government guidance recognises that early years and primary age children cannot be

expected to remain 2 metres apart from each other and staff, it advises that:

it is still important to reduce contact between people as much as possible and reduce

transmission risk by ensuring children and staff where possible, only mix in a small,

consistent group and that small group stays away from other people and groups. This could

involve working in small key worker groups

Page 4: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

where settings can keep children and young people in those small groups 2 metres away

from each other, they should do so, noting that brief, transitory contact, such as passing in a

corridor, is low risk

for primary schools, classes should normally be split in half, with no more than 15 pupils per

small group with desks spaced as far apart as possible

rewrite the timetable to stagger assembly groups, stagger break times including lunch so

that children are not moving around the school at the same time, stagger drop-off and

collection times, plan parents’ drop-off and pick-up protocols that minimise adult to adult

contact. Academies may want to consider the use of virtual teaching and assemblies using

Teams, for example teaching can be beamed to a second classroom using Teams so that all

children receive teacher input where appropriate.

consider how play equipment is used ensuring it is appropriately cleaned between groups of

children using it, and that multiple groups do not use it simultaneously

remove unnecessary items from classrooms and other learning environments where there is

space to store it elsewhere

remove soft furnishings, soft toys and toys that are hard to clean (such as those with

intricate parts)

consider how children and young people arrive and reduce any unnecessary travel on

coaches, buses or public transport where possible. There will be implications for start times

and arrangements should be made for parents to drop off and collect while being able to

maintain 2m social distancing rules

Where schools’ circumstances make this difficult, the Government guidance says that solutions

might involve children attending a nearby school and that schools’ order of priorities should be

nursery (where applicable), reception and year 1.

The Government says it will revisit this advice when the science indicates it is safe to invite more

children back to schools. The guidance sets out that schools:

ensure that sufficient handwashing facilities are available - where a sink is not nearby, they

should provide hand sanitiser in each classroom

clean surfaces that children and young people are touching, such as toys, books, desks,

chairs, doors, sinks, toilets, light switches, bannisters, more regularly than normal

ensure that all adults and children:

frequently wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds and dry thoroughly

clean their hands on arrival at the setting, before and after eating, and after

sneezing or coughing

are encouraged not to touch their mouth, eyes and nose

use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste (‘catch it, bin

it, kill it’)

ensure that help is available for children and young people who have trouble cleaning their

hands independently

consider how to encourage young children to learn and practise these habits through games,

songs and repetition

ensure that bins for tissues are emptied throughout the day

where possible, all spaces should be well ventilated using natural ventilation (opening

windows) or ventilation units

Page 5: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

prop doors open, where safe to do so (bearing in mind fire safety and safeguarding), to

limit use of door handles and aid ventilation

there is no need for anything other than normal personal hygiene and washing of clothes

following a day in an educational or childcare setting

The Government guidance advises reducing mixing within schools by:

accessing rooms directly from outside where possible

considering one-way circulation, or place a divider down the middle of the corridor to keep

groups apart as they move through the setting where spaces are accessed by corridors. This

may involve having to use playgrounds as part of the circulation system

staggering breaks to ensure that any corridors or circulation routes used have a limited

number of pupils using them at any time

staggering lunch breaks - children and young people should clean their hands beforehand

and enter in the groups they are already in, groups should be kept apart as much as possible

and tables should be cleaned between each group. If such measures are not possible,

children should be brought their lunch in their classrooms

ensuring that toilets do not become crowded by limiting the number of children or young

people who use the toilet facilities at one time

noting that some children and young people will need additional support to follow these

measures (for example, routes round school marked in braille or with other meaningful

symbols, and social stories to support them in understanding how to follow rules)

using outside space for exercise and breaks, for outdoor education

limiting the amount of shared resources that are taken home and limiting exchange of take-

home resources between children, young people and staff

by seeking to prevent the sharing of stationery and other equipment where possible.

Children should be provided with their own stationery set that is solely for their use.

shared materials and surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected more frequently

adjusting transport arrangements where necessary including encouraging parents and

children and young people to walk or cycle where possible, following further guidance on

how to travel safely, which will be published shortly

The attached checklist and Risk Assessment should act as a guide in preparing for children to return

to school. The first task for all academies is for you to ascertain the number of pupils in Nursery,

Reception, Y1 and Y6 that are likely to return on 1st June if academies re-open.

We will also be producing a template health questionnaire for parents to complete prior to their

child coming back to school. We will need to operate our own contact tracing approach so that if a

child displays symptoms, parents will need to provide details of other children that they may have

had contact with outside of school. If a child displays symptoms they will need to self-isolate for 14


As we receive further information we will keep you updated but in the meantime academies should

complete the checklist and risk assessment below.

Page 6: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising


As a Trust we recognise that academies will need to put into place their own arrangements for

returning to school due to the uniqueness of each site and organisational structure, however there

are some protocols which must remain standardised in order to ensure the health and safety of

children and colleagues.

Entry to School Protocols

Each entrance to the school for children should have 3 distinct zones and should be separate from

each other. This protocol must be followed for all entrances that children use to come into school.

Children should not enter school via the school office unless absolutely necessary.

Academies should stagger their school days in a way that works for them, but should not unnecessarily

impact on the school times.

Zone 1 – Hot zone

This zone should be for parents to bring their child into school and wait with them. Parents should not

simply ‘drop and go’ and this should be explained in writing. On entering the school grounds there

should be a hot zone for parents to be able to wait with their child while maintaining a 2m distance

from other families.

Zone 2 – Check zone

This zone should be for children to be called to either in very small groups or one at a time, whichever

works for your academy. Parents must wait until their child has cleared this zone. A member of staff

should take each child’s temperature and if this is normal then the child should wash their hands using

provided sanitiser and move to Zone 3, their parent can be signalled to go. If a child’s temperature is

high, then they should return to their parents and be isolated for 14 days.

Staff in zone 2 may wish to wear gloves, foot coverings, aprons and a face covering.

Zone 3 – Cold Zone

Children who pass through Zone 2 should move to a waiting area for their teacher. Academies may

wish to make this a covered area where chairs can be set out with as much distance between as



A sign should be placed on all visitor entrances to the academy which provides the school telephone

number or mobile. This number should be used to call the office to discuss the reason for their visit. If

the visit can be managed over the phone then it should be done this way, but if not the visitor should

be allowed in but directed to a designated area in reception to allow for social distancing. Hands must

be washed with sanitiser immediately on entering and leaving the premises.

Exiting School

The reverse of the morning should be undertaken apart from the temperature check. Children

should be called forward into Zone 2 where they should wash their hands with sanitiser before

leaving the premises. Parents must wait in Zone 1 and should retain social distancing rules at all


Page 7: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

What if a child becomes unwell with Coronavirus symptoms while at school?

The child should immediately be taken to the designated Covid room. Staff should immediately change

into the PPE kit provided until a parent collects the child. On collection the parent should be informed

that the child and family must isolate for 14 days, as should the class that the child was in.

The PPE equipment should be disposed of in the bag provided and any reusable items such as

protective glasses and face shield should be disinfected using the wipes in the kit. Any room used by

the child must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before any further use.

It must be remembered that at all times a child is in school we are in loco parentis and must not

neglect our duty of care.

If a member of staff becomes unwell with Covid symptoms, they should be immediately sent home to

isolate for 14 days and any area that they were working in thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. The

class should be sent home to isolate for 14 days.

Please note that Government advice is changing daily and circumstances may lead to a change in the

protocols at any time.

Page 8: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising


Theme Key Action List Completed

Children and


Identify likely numbers of pupils returning and agree

required staffing resource and approach and liaise

with your local authority on your plans


Plan content and timing of communications to parents

and pupils (including discussing attendance

expectations and other specific things that parents

should do to help prepare returning pupils, for

example, arrangements for drop-off/collection).

Initial letter


Plan by


Plan to resume taking attendance registers and

continuing to complete the online educational setting

status form to provide daily updates on how many

children and staff are in school.


Plan how children of critical workers and vulnerable

children will be accommodated alongside returning

year groups and encourage attendance (unless they

are extremely clinically vulnerable and shielding, or

medical advice or further guidance suggests they

should not attend).


Agree what returning support is available for

vulnerable and/or disadvantaged children (including

any dual-registered students) and put in place

provision for the return of pupils with special

educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in

conjunction with families and other agencies and

engage with partners who will help to provide that

support, for example, local authorities.


Agree what safeguarding provision is needed in

school to support returning children (e.g. where new

issues have arisen, or existing ones escalated) and

consider any necessary changes and referrals as

more children return to school, including those with

problems accessing online offers. Check for revised

protocols from your local authority and update

safeguarding policy if necessary.

Yes – all

staff in

classes are


Update behaviour policies to reflect the new rules and

routines necessary to reduce risk in your setting and

agree how to communicate this to school staff,

students and parents and review uniform


Yes –



to be


Work with your catering supplier to ensure meals are

available for all children in school. Also, consider your

Yes –

Norse will


Page 9: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

arrangements for those year groups still out of school

and eligible for benefits related free school meals



Agree whether breakfast clubs, lunch clubs and after-

school clubs can operate (in line with the

implementing protective measures in education and

childcare settings guidance), and under what terms.


No after




Page 10: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

Staff (teachers,

support staff and

non-teaching staff)

Decide content and timing of staff

communication(s) including if bringing staff in in

advance of pupils returning is necessary.

Yes – site

planned and



sorted. To keep

staff in school to

a minimum.

Consider options if necessary staffing levels

can’t be maintained (including school leaders

and key staff like designated safeguarding leads

and first aid providers)

Yes – currently

fine. 1 staff off

shielding – they

will oversee KS2

remote learning.

DSLs in school –

AP and Thrive


Review the

numbers and

staffing as the

term progresses.

Identify staff who can’t return to school at this

point (for example, those who are extremely

clinically vulnerable or those who are clinically

vulnerable or living with someone who is

extremely clinically vulnerable and stringent

social distancing cannot be adhered to on site)

and how they can work from home (for example,

supporting remote education)

Yes – overseeing

remote learning.

One less

pressure for staff

in school.

Agree any flexible working arrangements

needed to support any changes to your usual

patterns (for example, staggered start/end


Yes. Staggered

start and finish.

Agree staff workload expectations (including for Yes – reduced

leaders) lunch and PPA, so earlier finish and Friday early

for PPA.

Decide what staff training (either delivered

remotely or in school) is needed to implement

any changes the school plans to make (for

example, risk management, curriculum,

behaviour, safeguarding).

Yes – educare

courses for staff

to complete.

Put in place measures to check on staff

wellbeing (including for leaders).

Yes – whats app


Page 11: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising


measures and


Read the guidance on implementing protective

measures in education and childcare settings

and agree how this will be implemented in your

school, including agreeing on any necessary

updated health and safety policy and risk


Yes – in plans.

Decide the physical and organisational

structures needed to limit risks and limit

movement around the building(s) (for example,

classroom layouts, entry and exit points,

staggered starts and break times, class sizes,

lunch queues, use of communal staff areas).

Agree how safety measures and messages will

be implemented and displayed around school.

Yes – in plan.

Lines to mark out

where to queue


Decide what an enhanced cleaning schedule

looks like and how it will be implemented in your

school (for example, how often, when/if an

additional clean is necessary) and how you will

ensure sufficiency of supplies

Yes – in plan.

Spray bottles for

toilet areas;

resource trays

and laptops


Earlier finish to

allow for clean.

Decide the approach to enhance hygiene (for

example, toilet use, hand washing) and decide

on policy related to usually shared items (for

example, books, toys, practical equipment).

Yes – see plan.

Each child has

own resources.

Plans not to

share items.

Plan the school level response should someone

fall ill on site (in line with relevant government


Yes – in plans.

Make arrangements for the very small number of

cases where personal protective equipment

(PPE) supplies will be needed: if your staff

provide intimate care for any children or young

people and for cases where a child becomes

unwell with symptoms of coronavirus while in

their setting and needs direct personal care until

they can return home.

Yes – in plans.

Pupil wellbeing

Plan likely mental health, pastoral or wider

wellbeing support for children returning to school

(for example, bereavement support) and discuss

with your local authority what wider support

services are available. Work with your local

authority to secure services for additional

Yes – part of



Page 12: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

support and early help where possible (for

example, around anxiety, mental health,

behaviour, social care, or changes to mobility),

and consider how these might apply to pupils

and students who were not previously affected.


Agree what learning is appropriate (including the

relationship between face-to-face and remote

education), for example, identify curriculum

priorities, agree revised expectations and

required adjustments in practical lessons, and

any approaches to ‘catch up’ support.

Yes – core offer

for both class

and remote


Outside learning

as much as


Work with your local authority or trust (and where

applicable NHS Clinical Commissioning Group)

and families to identify what provision can be

reasonably provided for in line with education,

health and care (EHC) plans.


to oversee.

Agree ongoing learning offer for eligible pupils

who can’t attend school, as well as offer for

those that continue to be out of school.

Yes – remote

learning provided

as has been the


Home workers to

oversee KS2.

Agree ongoing approach for learning offer for Yes – staff

vulnerable children and children of critical allocated to these

workers who are in school but not in the children.

returning year groups. Resources




Work with other school based-provision as

necessary (for example, nursery, SEN unit) to

ensure policies are aligned where they need to



Agree approach to any scheduled or ongoing Yes –building

building works work ouf of hours weekends/holiday


Plan arrangements with your suppliers and

check they are following appropriate social

distancing and hygiene measures (for example,

food suppliers, grounds maintenance, transport

providers), including when in school

Yes – continue as

has been the

norm since


Ensure you have considered the impact on staff

and pupils with protected characteristics,


Page 13: EMAT COVID Checklist€¦ · staggered break and lunch times, as well as drop offs and pick ups increasing the frequency of cleaning, reducing the used of shared items and utilising

including race and disability, in developing your


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Upload: 001 Approved By: Health, Safety and Well-being Manager © 2020 Norfolk County Council

Date: 12 May 2020 Page 13 of 35

Setting/Premises: Emneth Academy

Location: Emneth

Assessment Date: 18/5/20 Review Date: 28/5/20 8/6/20 15/6/20

Assessment completed by:

Management Planning

Senior Management Team

Item Control measures Yes/no/n



Notes and further information Date required

and completed

Senior Management

Team responsibilities

Adjustments to setting hours (staggered times, attendance for specific hours) has taken account of associated factors such as additional setting transport needs to ensure social distancing on buses as well as activities within the setting and staffing levels.

Yes Staggered starts and finish to the day.

Friday finish – Yr 1 1.10pm; Yr R

1.15pm; Yr 6 & Key 1.20pm.

Yr R – adjusted start and finish

due to 2 bubbles needed from





Marking on the outside of site to ensure

2m social distancing.

Separate entrances into the school.

An assessment has been undertaken that considers different ways of operating where it is required in order to operate safely, for example, moving year groups to different areas, moving specific classes in order to reduce the footfall in adjoining corridors, using additional toilets in other areas that are now available, part time attendance only, restricting the curriculum taught.

Yes Each class has allocated toilets.

Each class has its own ‘bubble’ within

the school.

No issue with corridor – each area has

its own way into the class.


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Date: 12 May 2020 Page 13 of 35

Plans have been put in place to address lack of adequate space or available staff to achieve separation of people/cohorting. Class size issues have been escalated to the Cluster Adviser

Yes Class size meets space requirements

currently. If numbers increase, then

additional classrooms and the hall will


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Date: 12 May 2020 Page 14 of 35

need to be used. Possibly need to split

15/6/20 16/6/20

the week due to rooming and staffing

restrictions. Reception now 2 bubbles – bubble 1 in the hall; bubble 2 in reception classroom. Key workers now across 2 classrooms. 2 staff per classroom.

Consideration has been given to where it is beneficial to restrict access to unused areas to support operational management.

Yes Library is out of use.

Hall not used – may be if numbers


increased. Hall now used for reception due to 2 bubbles.


SMT have followed arrangements to bring areas of the premises into safe use before opening e.g. asbestos, fire site security and legionella reviews in line with the checks you would normally undertake at the end of the summer period

Yes All in order – meeting with Office

manager to confirm


SMT have ensured essential premises management arrangements continue to ensure the safe operation of the setting.

Yes Site team on site pre and post school



Site manager to assist cleaners with

cleaning site.

SMT have ensured that specific enhanced cleaning arrangements that are required can be fulfilled on site

Yes Disinfectant in classrooms, earlier finish

to ensure staff and site can clean before


the next day.

SMTs refer to the HSW information provided on Infospace or Norfolk Schools, ensure that they understand and communicate this information.


SMT has completed this assessment, in conjunction with staff and staff representatives (and pupils where appropriate) and are responsible for the implementation of actions

Yes Feedback asked for from all and

implemented in plan. All will have copy

of the final plan.


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Date: 12 May 2020 Page 15 of 35

Arrangements have been put in place to undertake a regular review of the assessment and provisions taking into account feedback, suggestions and concerns

Yes Reviewed daily with SLT. 22/5/20

Ensuring compliance The setting will follow their normal arrangements to encourage safe

behaviours and actions if setting standards are not followed.

Yes Parent agreement – acknowledged

and/or signed by email.

Staff to re-enforce expectations.


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Date: 12 May 2020 Page 16 of 35



Governors are involved and supporting the setting to ensure that required actions are completed and have reviewed this assessment as part of their role.

Yes Chair of governors aware of plans. 22/5/20

Safeguarding The introduction of new arrangements have been reviewed by the Senior Management Team ensure that they do not impact on safeguarding requirements in the setting (see additional checklist on Norfolk Schools).

Yes Shared with office manager and SLT. 22/5/20

Supply chain Business management teams will ensure that arrangements are in place for the continuity of essential supplies, for example, cleaning and disinfection products, liquid soap, paper towels (where used), hand sanitiser and PPE that is specified in PPE guidance.

Yes. PPE in school; screen ordered; cleaning

products ordered.


Arrangements have been made to ensure that equipment purchased is fit for purpose e.g. meets with required standards.

Yes. Ordered from certified suppliers; screen

from local firm who have been

supplying other businesses.


Staffing arrangements

Staffing levels

Reduced staff ratios do not significantly compromise the safety and security of pupils (please note EYFS ratios can also be changed due the current exceptional circumstances)

Yes Staffing currently fit for purpose. 22/5/20

Daily review of staffing levels takes place, including those in key safety roles to ensure the safe supervision and operation of the setting including premises management. Arrangements for the deployment of staff and use of alternative buildings have been drawn up for implementation where appropriate and possible (see pupil and staff co-horting).

Yes Reviewed daily and through

communications from parents.

Main hall & hub can be used – impact

on staffing rooms.

Main hall now used for reception


22/5/20 15/6/20

Plans are in place for teaching assistants to be allocated to lead a class group under the direction of a teacher if there is a shortage of teachers.

Yes Currently for key workers only – but

there are TA staff who can be deployed

if needed.


HLTA to lead a year 6 class due to

number of children in school. TA leading 2nd class in reception



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Date: 12 May 2020 Page 17 of 35

Business support and


management staff

Staff work from home where it is possible Yes 1 home working. 22/5/20

Hot desking is avoided Yes 3 office staff on a weekly rota; staff to

work in own area.


Office spaces are arranged to support social distancing (maintaining 2m distance)

Yes 1 office member of staff – isolated in

own space.


Staff have moved to alternative work spaces where social distancing cannot be applied in their usual office setting.

Yes Staff room – limit. Use of the hub for

KS2 bubble.

Key worker staff room in the mobiles.



Premises and

cleaning staff

Activities are scheduled so that premises activities do not take place during times when pupils and staff move around the setting.

Yes Site work out of hours; holidays etc.

Staff who carry out cleaning are familiar with the cleaning and disinfecting processes that are required at this time.

Yes Site team led by site manager. 22/5/20

Staff who carry out cleaning and disinfection have the appropriate equipment required if cleaning is needed after a symptomatic person has left the building.

Yes PPE clothing on site 22/5/20

Volunteers Volunteers will work in the setting only where essential and will be provided with the same information, instruction and support as staff members.

N/A 22/5/20

Cohorting and limiting contact

Pupil and staff grouping

Primary school

classes and early

years providers

Actions have been taken to create smaller groups in order to achieve social distancing (with a maximum of 15 pupils per small group, teacher and teaching assistant or smaller if the classroom size does not allow). The setting should aim to keep these smaller groups together throughout the day e.g. during breaks and lunch to reduce the interaction across groups.

Yes Currently workable due to 3 year groups

and sufficient rooms and staff.


Secondary schools Actions have been taken to create smaller groups in order to achieve social distancing (as a guide classes should be no bigger than half the normal size). The school should aim to keep these smaller groups

N/A 22/5/20

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together throughout the day e.g. during breaks and lunch to reduce the interaction across groups.

Keeping cohorts

together where


Pupils will stay in their class/group wherever it is possible throughout the day, or on subsequent days.

Yes Includes break and lunch as detailed in

the plan.


Arrangements have been put in place to avoid mixing with other groups throughout the day e.g. during lunchtimes, breaks, PE, or on subsequent days.

Yes Staggered times plus zones on the site

for their class.


Staff are paired consistently for two person activities e.g. supervision, teaching, personal care.

Yes Bubbles have teams – they will work

together for the duration.


The same teachers and other staff are assigned to each class group, and where possible for the same day and subsequent days.

Yes AS above. 22/5/20

Where possible pupils use the same desk each day where they attend on consecutive days.

Yes Allocated table and tray. 22/5/20

Multiple groups do not use outdoor play equipment at the same time. Yes Outdoor equipment currently not to be



Reducing and managing visitor

Visitors Essential visitors have been identified (including maintenance and repairs), staff will seek agreement with the most senior person on site if they are in doubt about an unplanned visit

Yes Site visits kept to an absolute minimum. 22/5/20

The setting has determined meeting times on site which are scheduled to avoid the times of peak activity.

Yes After hours preferably. If not then not

at peak times of entry onto site.


Visitors who sign in either use their own pen or are provided with a pen that they take with them.

Yes. Office staff to sign them in. No need to

have contact.


The reception is operating on a one in and one out basis for essential visitors

Yes. Office staff can control with security



Where reception desks are open, staff maintain a 2 metre distance from visitors, (the use of floor markings may be considered useful).

Yes. Desk has a plastic screen for additional



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Where this is not possible the installation of screens to protect staff should be considered

Visitors will confirm that they do not have symptoms (no matter how mild) before entering the premises.

Yes. Instructions on the door for visitors. 22/5/20

Visitors will wash their hands on arrival (hand gel is provided for situations where visitors cannot wash their hands on arrival)

Yes. Gel at the entrance. 22/5/20

Arrangements are in place to receive general deliveries without close contact (including food deliveries which may be received at an alternative location)

Yes Supplies dropped off at the

doors/kitchen back door.


Contracted works are undertaken out of hours where possible and/or specific times for scheduled works are agreed.

Yes. See above 22/5/20

Arrangements are in place to review contractor site movements and ensure safe distancing and compliance with universal hygiene requirements.

Yes Already been in place with electrician/IT



Parents have been advised that they should only come into the setting for essential reasons e.g. illness or safeguarding factors and information about contacting by phone instead of having face to face meetings. Only one parent should be allowed to visit the setting in these circumstances

Yes Within letter home to parents. 22/5/20

Travel and parking

General The setting have assessed that any additional vehicles and vehicle movements can be carried out safely (a vehicle movement assessment has been carried out where required)

Yes Car park is shut to all vehicles during the



Carers/parents in clinically vulnerable groups are discouraged through communications, from dropping off and picking up children

Yes Within letter home to parents 22/5/20

Cycling Pupils are instructed to use bike racks one at a time, additional bike racks are provided where required.

N/A No bikes to be ridden onto site.

Car journeys Parents, staff and pupils have been advised not to gather in parking areas.

Yes No area to gather – markings on the

way onto site.


Parents and staff have been advised that only the same household members should travel together by car

Yes Within letter home to parents 22/5/20

On foot Pupils and parents have been advised that it is preferable that members of the household should walk to the setting together where possible

Yes Within letter home to parents 22/5/20

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Pupils and parents have been advised that they should not walk together in large groups

Yes Within letter home to parents 22/5/20

Public and school


Pupils, parents and staff have been advised not to use school transport if they have symptoms


Pupils, parents and staff have been advised to wash their hands before and after using transport services


Pupils, parents and staff have been advised of the government advice to wear face coverings when travelling on public transport, unless it is not safe to do so


Pupil attendance times have considered reduced numbers associated with public transport where possible.


Social distancing is applied as far as is possible in school vehicles by substituting smaller vehicles with larger ones or running additional vehicles.


Seats in school vehicles are cordoned off where needed to support passengers spreading out in the vehicle and not sitting face to face.


Markings are provided where queuing is required for transport services on school premises


Windows are opened during journeys where it is safe to do so N/A

Touch points on school minibuses/vehicles are wiped down with disinfectant wipes after use


Staff do not transport a symptomatic pupil (unless specifically in relation to a residential setting)


Arriving at and leaving the setting

Parents and pupils –

arriving and leaving

the premises

All site movements will be supervised by staff members who will ensure that social distancing measures are being followed.

Yes Clear markings – photos in plan. 22/5/20

Parent/carer pick up and pick up protocols have been developed to minimise adult to adult contact and avoiding gatherings.

Yes In school plan. 22/5/20

Managing peak


Additional entrances, such as fire exits and other direct class room exits are used and supervised to reduce gatherings at the setting entrance (hand sanitiser has been provided at these points)

Yes Additional entrance used for Year 6.

Other entrances for years 1 and key


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worker children. Main entrance for

reception children.

Where alternative entrances cannot be provided, times have been staggered to prevent queuing.

Yes Staggered due to size of site and



Floor marks have been added to assist with social distancing in outside areas.

Yes See photos on plan 22/5/20

Staff and school champions supervise at peak times. Yes Testing zone manned by same staff. 22/5/20

Reception class Parents and carers will be given drop off times in order to avoid groups arriving together and using entrances at the same time.

Yes Clear timings – in letter home to



Where possible, additional supervised entrances will be used to avoid people gathering at the same time

Yes Main gate and side entrance used. 22/5/20

Parents have been advised that only one parent should attend. Yes In letter home to parents 22/5/20

Bags and coats Staggered access times allow for cloak rooms to be used without pupils gathering.

Yes Staggered times for all years – in plan. 22/5/20

Alternative areas that are not being used have been allocated for cloak room use in order to prevent pupils gathering. Times of use are supervised and managed.


Educational Activities

Classrooms and

other learning


Each classroom has been assessed and reviewed to identify the maximum pupil numbers that are suitable to reasonably achieve social distancing measures and this is know to all e.g. through the use of posters

Yes This includes keeping at 2m spacing.

Rooms can take 15 children, however

not possible to keep 2m apart.


Where appropriate, capacity levels are detailed in each room for staff to refer to.

Yes Through discussion 22/5/20

Rooms have been organised to encourage social distancing, tables and chairs are moved apart in order for pupils to spread out and arranged to enable sitting side to side and not face to face. Where it is not possible to move furniture seats are taped off/marked as not to be used to support social distancing

Yes Social distancing with desks spaced out

and own tray for each pupil.


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Unnecessary items have been removed from learning environments where there is space to store elsewhere.

Yes Out of action mobile currently used as



Classroom based activities have been reviewed and modified to support social distancing

Yes Core learning offer, outside learning,

independent projects.


Consideration has been given to use alternative larger spaces such as gym, hall instead of classrooms where appropriate.

Yes Mobiles used for key worker children 22/5/20

Outdoor learning

and PE

New outdoor learning opportunities have been considered to encourage pupils to be outside

Yes Use of outdoor learning – part of

curriculum offer


Consideration has been given to the use of outdoor spaces during break times, measures such as staggering break times and increasing supervision to support social distancing is in place.

Yes Staggered times for children. No

outdoor play equipment to be used.


Close contact

educational activities

Consideration has been given to changing elements and times of curriculum delivery, or the order of lesson plans where it will reduce close contact between staff and pupils or pupils and pupils.

Yes Lesson plans shared with all staff –

especially where it will impact outdoor



Resources Resources and the exchange of resources that are taken home have Yes All on-line are with lockdown. No 22/5/20 been limited resources to be sent home.

Art work – left on a clean surface for 72

hours and then sent home.


Use of sports halls


Different pupils mixing together is avoided through staggered times and/or use of additional areas (by operating at half the capacity).

Yes Mobiles being used for key worker

children. Any PE outside.


Use of school

swimming pools

Please refer to updated swimming pools guidance. N/A

Showers Sport activities have considered associated shower use in order to ensure that social distancing can be applied.


Cleaning and disinfection arrangements are in place for showers. N/A

Lunchtime and breaks

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Lunch The following measures will depend on: kitchen size, meals required, preparation that is carried out on site, how food is delivered and

method of payment.

Different pupils mixing together is avoided through staggered times and/or use of additional areas (by operating at half the capacity).

Yes Staggered lunchtime outside. Children

to have packed lunch in ‘bubbles’.


Times that meals are provided are staggered to reduce queues Yes Member of staff to pick up lunches to

bring back to classes.


Outside spaces or classrooms are used to eat packed lunches to reduce the demand on hall space

Yes If nice, then outside. 22/5/20

Hand gel is provided for pupils and staff to use immediately before collecting their lunch

N/A Member of staff to pick up lunches. 22/5/20

Social distancing is employed at meal collection points (the use of floor tape to demarcate areas may be useful) where this is not possible screens are installed where required between pupils and serving staff


Alternative payment methods are being used to eliminate cash handling


Tills are screened where still in use N/A

Tables and seating are moved apart and reflect the maximum capacity

to allow social distancing. Where furniture is fixed and cannot be

moved space is created by taping off/taking out of use alternate


Yes Children to eat in their spaces in the


Areas marked out on the playground for

social distancing.


A different entry and exit route are being used at dinner times where

more than one door is available

Yes Appropriate entrance for the classes. 22/5/20

Contracted food


The setting has worked with the contractor to ensure their

arrangements meet with the above requirements and they are

employing social distancing in the kitchen and servery area.

Yes Norse catering – possibly outsourced

and delivered or 1 member of staff

preparing packed lunches.


Breaks Breaks are staggered to reduce the numbers of pupils who take a

break at the same time

Yes Staggered times – in plan 22/5/20

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Play equipment use is supervised to ensure that pupils do not gather. N/A Play equipment not to be used.

Pupils and staff have identified suitable play activities for break times Yes Staff will make clear to children. 22/5/20

Pupils take it in turns to leave the class and at the end of break times

and socially distance while they are waiting

Yes Part of the plan 22/5/20

Markings have been added to outside spaces to assist with queues

when coming back into the building.

Yes Markings in white have been applied to

the site.


Additional staff supervision is employed to ensure social distancing

takes place

Yes Each classroom has additional members

of staff to support social distancing


Movement around the premises

General interactions

and movement

around the building

An assessment has been made of close contact (within 2 m) interactions and these have been reduced as much as is possible.

Yes In the plan 22/5/20

Windows are open to increase ventilation where it is safe and appropriate.

Yes All staff aware 22/5/20

Interactions take place side to side instead of face to face where it is possible

Yes All staff aware 22/5/20

Movement of whole classes is avoided where pupils can stay in the same room and staff can move to different classes instead. Rooms used have been selected to enable this.

Yes Children to be in class or outside – also

minimal movement around the school.


Class times have been staggered to prevent large numbers moving around the premises at the same time where pupil movement around the premises cannot be eliminated e.g. for D&T, sport.

Yes Staggered break and lunchtimes. 22/5/20

Group interactions have been reviewed by staff and eliminated where possible by providing alternative arrangements or temporarily stopping this activity.

Yes All aware of timetables & curriculums to

avoid interactions.


Times for using stairs and corridors have been planned to ensure that use of common areas does not encourage gatherings.

Yes Staggered break and lunchtimes 22/5/20

Where large numbers of pupils still need to move around the setting, alternative external routes have been provided where available and consideration is given to implementing a one way system where this is possible


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Where appropriate one way circulation and central dividers have been placed in the middle or corridors to keep groups apart.

Yes Each class has their own entrance into

and out of the classroom.


Movements around settings are supervised and school champions support this activity.

Yes Minimal movement other than break

and lunchtime.


Toilets and handwashing facilities Times are staggered where possible and consider the increased

handwashing times that have been introduced. Yes Each year has their own toilet area 22/5/20

Distancing for queuing has been introduced e.g. through floor markings

Yes Staff to release 1 at a time. Markings for

queuing up after break and lunch.


Where the setting is in part use, additional toilets are being used in other areas of the building to reduce use and queuing where possible (and balanced with the discouragement movement around non- essential parts of the building)


Every other urinal/basin has been taken out of use in toilets that have high usage


Where there are no suitably located hand wash basins, hand sanitiser points have been provided e.g. in classrooms, at building entrance points, learning environments, in dining areas.

Yes All classroom to have sanitisers for staff.

Handwashing for children.


Hand sanitiser is stored appropriately and safely according to pupil

age and individual risks.

Yes Stored with staff and main office. 22/5/20

Meetings and events

Assembly Arrangements are in place for small groups only or Assembly is held on a class by class basis and within the classroom where possible

Yes Class teacher to conduct

assembly/PSHE session


Events Sports, plays and events will not be scheduled until government guidance is clear in relation to social gatherings.

Yes No sports gatherings. 22/5/20

Staff spaces and


Whole school meetings do not take place in person, the school has put suitable alternative arrangements in place, for example, online, cascaded through smaller meetings.

Yes Any meetings by teams. Minimal

contact with staff.


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Additional staff room areas have been provided in order to avoid large gatherings at peak times

Yes Each classroom has drink making

facilities; hub as another staff room.


Furniture has been arranged to encourage distancing Yes Furniture removed from main staff

room to ensure distancing.


Parents evenings Meetings are undertaken by telephone or internet. Yes Teams used. 22/5/20

Urgent meetings Unplanned meetings are avoided in the setting unless they are essential e.g. safeguarding, health related.

Yes Safeguarding/health – by conference



School clubs and

community sports

(non curriculum)

The premises will not be used for clubs that are not essential (see below for breakfast and afterschool clubs)

Yes No pre or post school clubs. 22/5/20

Trips and work


Trips and work experience will not be planned until further advice is provided from PHE.

Yes No trips planned for the summer term. 22/5/20

Hire and use of

school premise

Additional hire and use will not be planned until further notice. Yes No hire. 22/5/20

Breakfast and afterschool clubs

School clubs that are


An assessment of activities has been carried out applying the control measures that are detailed in this risk assessment. Where findings differ from this assessment, they have been recorded on a separate risk assessment form using this format.

N/A See above

Universal Hygiene Arrangements

Cleaning and disinfection

Cleaning A review of the current cleaning arrangements has been carried out in order to identify the existing cleaning and disinfection arrangements to inform the additional cleaning required as outlined in COVID-19 guidance for all education settings

Yes Site team have read ‘deep clean’

guidelines. Adopted during the current



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Where the same space or equipment is used by different groups or

cohorts of children cleaning takes place between each group’s

occupation or use

N/A Each class will not be sharing resources.

All contact surfaces which are fixed to the premises have been identified and are disinfected on a daily basis e.g. door handles, toilets, taps, handrails, external gates and dining room equipment.

Yes Part of cleaning process both during

and at the end of the day.


Learning equipment such as computers and tablets are cleaned with a disinfectant wipe prior to use.

Yes Laptops only used by a year group and

not shared. Disinfect own laptop.


Handheld and frequently touched sports/PE equipment is disinfected prior to use

N/A Not to be used.

Staff and pupil shared workstations are cleaned with a disinfectant wipe prior to use

N/A No shared workstations or desks.

Disinfectant wipes are available for staff to use where required. Yes Part of cleaning order. 22/5/20

Cleaning play equipment and toys

Toys that are more difficult to clean have been taken out of use temporarily, for example play dough and wooden toys

Yes Reception, year 1 and year 6 class have

been cleared.


Toys that are put into children’s mouths are cleaned between use N/A

Soft toys and dressing up items are washed after use in a washing

machine at 60°C wash cycle for 10 minutes through a wash cycle or

taken out of use where this is not possible.


Children are allocated their own resources e.g. pencils where possible

and are not encouraged to take equipment home

Yes Own trays for each pupil to be kept at

their desk.


Books (books are items that are difficult to clean)

Books are issued to pupils on a rotational basis Yes Each pupil has their own exercise and

text book in their trays – minimal use


Used books are set aside for 72 hours after use to reduce microbial


Yes Books to also to be disinfected at the

end of the day.


Books and posters checked for visible soiling and disposed of where


Yes Walls clear. 22/5/20

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Lunchtime Trays, tables and chair touch points are disinfected after use Yes Sprayed after children have gone for

break and lunch.


Cleaning equipment after breaks

Outdoor play equipment is cleaned between group use N/A Not in use.

Waste tissues Bins are provided for pupils and staff to dispose of used tissues and

are emptied regularly throughout the day

Yes In place and lined with bin liners. 22/5/20

Handwashing arrangements

Handwashing Staff are ensuring that handwashing is carried out more frequently

than normal (pupils and staff) following the requirements of COVID-

19 guidance for all education settings and NHS guidance in an age

appropriate way e.g. observing young pupils, instructing in the class

Yes In place pre-lockdown and children to

be monitored.


Handwashing frequencies include: on arrival, before and after eating,

before and after breaks, after going to the toilet, before leaving and at

other required intervals during the day.

Yes In the plan 22/5/20

Supervision arrangements are in place to support pupils with

handwashing where it is needed.

Yes Monitoring of the younger children

Handwashing is being encouraged rather than using hand sanitizer

wherever it is possible

Yes Each year has toilet and sink facilities. 22/5/20

Age and developmentally appropriate ways area being used to

encourage pupils to follow requirements.

Yes As pre-lockdown 22/5/20

All staff and pupils are following Catch it, Kill it, Bin it requirements. Tissues and bins are provided for use.

Yes As pre-lockdown 22/5/20

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Health Needs

Staff health

Specific health


Staff who are clinically vulnerable have been assessed and suitable

measures have been put in place to manage the risk e.g. ensure extra

care is taken in observing social distancing. in accordance with the

guidance in COVID-19 Your health and your safety when working in

educational settings

Yes Clear measures in place and following

staff consultation Academy plan is

agreed by all.


Pregnant members of staff have had a specific assessment using the

New and Expectant Mothers assessment process and specific COVID-

19 guidance.


Staff who live in a household with someone who is shielding and/or

clinically vulnerable have been assessed. These staff members will

only attend the setting where extra care can be taken in observing

social distancing measures and following the COVID-19 guidance for

all education settings

Yes Clear plan in place for all staff and

children to be safe.


Wellbeing Suitable supportive measures have been put in place for staff, for

example, how to obtain well-being support

Yes Whatsapp, open dialogue with staff 22/5/20

Symptoms Staff will go home as soon as possible if they develop symptoms Yes Staff to have temperature tested in the

morning before entering the school – in

the foyer.


Pupil Health

Specific health


Pupils who are clinically vulnerable (previously referred to as having

an underlying health condition) have been assessed and following

medical advice, these pupils will only attend the setting where extra

care can be taken in observing social distancing and infection control

measures relating to these pupils as outlined in COVID-19 guidance for

all education settings

Yes Parents and CS/support workers to

make decision on sending back in

consultation with the Staff, following

sharing of the plans.


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Pupils who are living in a household with someone who is shielding

(extremely vulnerable) or clinically vulnerable. These pupils will only

attend the setting where extra care can be taken in observing social

distancing and infection control measures relating to these pupils as

outlined in COVID-19 guidance for all education settings

Yes As above 22/5/20

Symptoms Pupils know what the main symptoms are and who to report to if they

develop symptoms, no matter how mild

Yes In parent letter and also reminder each

day from staff


Staff check with pupils regarding symptoms on their arrival and

remain vigilant for developing symptoms throughout the day

Yes All aware of actions to take 22/5/20

Arrangements are in place for the management of pupils who are not

able to communicate their symptoms and staff are aware of these

arrangements e.g. temperature checks

Yes Temperature check on entering school.

Can be used during the day.


Increased supportive

measures for pupils/

psychological needs

Individual pupil risk assessments have been undertaken where

required and management plans reviewed. These have been

communicated to all staff following the guidance available on Norfolk


Yes Behaviour plan in place for key pupils.

Adapted for return to school.


Pupils are encouraged to understand that it is normal to experience

different reactions and are encouraged to discuss their questions and


Yes Part of reflective session each day. 22/5/20

Available resources are used to identify and support students and

staff who exhibit signs of distress.

Yes Well-being online resources for staff.

PSHE resources to support children.


Where the setting is

not the ‘usual

setting’ for the pupil

Relevant information including emergency contact details, dietary

requirements and medical needs have been provided and relevant

controls put in place on an individual basis.

N/A All in usual classrooms.

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Communication and Involvement

General Arrangements



Arrangements have been put in place to ensure communication and collaboration between pupils, staff, staff representatives (e.g. unions) and parents. Communication routes are publicised and have been formally planned.

Yes Clear communication with staff through

email, dojo, phone calls.


Arrangements are in place to ensure that parents support the setting requirements and to support hygiene requirements with pupils both in and outside the setting.

Yes Parental agreement in place to support

the Academy.


Parents and carers have been communicated with about symptoms

and household isolation requirements

Yes In the parent letter 22/5/20

Visitors Information about visitor arrangements are displayed in a suitable place where necessary, including information about social distancing, hygiene and not attending the person has symptoms. Where possible this information is also shared on the setting website or directly with visitors in advance.

Yes On the front door of the building. 22/5/20


safety arrangements

Site signage has been reviewed, referring to the following: temporary signs for outside space

Yes Signage around the school to support

staff in outside space


Site changes such as entrances and exits will be identified where required

Yes In parent letter 22/5/20

Communication will include the use of recommended information on notice boards and throughout the setting, for example, handwashing, key staff notices

Yes Relevant information to be displayed.

Signs to be displayed.


The arrangements that have been put in place have considered additional and inclusive support measures where needed, for example, routes have been marked in braille or with other meaningful symbols.

Yes Clear and at the right height for children 22/5/20

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Staff Instruction

All staff instruction Staff have been instructed on the nature of COVID-19 and its

transmission. They have confirmed they understand the reason for

the control measures that are required.

Yes All have contributed to the Academy

plan and are aware of their



All staff have confirmed that they are confident in applying the control

measures identified in this assessment.

Yes Academy plan developed by all 22/5/20

Staff have received appropriate instructions in relation to the specific

measures that have been put in place in the setting (as detailed in this


Yes Detailed in Academy plan 22/5/20

Staff have been involved in the practical implementation of this


Yes Detailed in the Academy plan and

setting up the setting ready for 8th June


Pupil involvement and communication

Championing COVID-

19 measures

Pupil Social Distancing and Universal Hygiene Champions have been

appointed in order to promote and reinforce the requirements,

supporting staff and peers in line with the guidance in COVID-19

guidance for all education settings.

Yes SLT 22/5/20

Pupils and staff have contributed towards how these new roles will

support the schools aims

Yes Staff have help to develop the plan and

also the necessary hygiene needed


School champions understand the universal hygiene arrangements in

the school, why they are important and how to promote them.

Yes Signage, Academy plan and all aware. 22/5/20

Pupil information All information is provided to pupils in an honest, age-appropriate


Yes Pictoral signage used. 22/5/20

Educational tools

Infection control education

Age appropriate education is used to encourage pupils to: Yes Part of PSHE curriculum session by staff

to classes.


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become advocates for disease prevention and control at home, in school, and in their community by talking to others about how to prevent the spread.

encourage pupils to follow social distancing, increased hand washing and information about developing symptoms of viruses

Regular intervals in the day for hand


Markings for social distancing.

The following resources are used where appropriate:

e-Bug resources to teach pupils about hygiene.

the Educational Settings poster

the Coronavirus Toolkit for Professionals which contains campaign materials.

Yes Staff teacher to use as and when. 22/5/20

Additional information used to educate pupils is taken from trusted

sources such as InfoSpace or Norfolk Schools (which both contain the

same COVID-19 information) and Public Health England.

Yes As above 22/5/20

Other considerations

Actions if a person develops symptoms

Actions if a person becomes unwell with COVID-19 symptoms

A suitable room has been identified to wait in and is large enough to

keep a 2 metre distance between the ill person and any supervising

staff (close to a toilet where possible)

Yes Thrive to be used. Good ventilation and

close to the side exit to the main

building. Isolated from all other classes.


The room has been emptied of unnecessary items. Yes Room is clear. 22/5/20

Tissues and a waste bag have been provided in the room Yes 22/5/20

If a pupil develops symptoms they will wait in the room that has been

identified as soon as possible

Yes Clear procedure. In Academy plan and

parent letter.


In the unlikely event that a pupil spent a significant amount of time in

a classroom or other area after they developed symptoms,

arrangements will be made to move pupils and staff while that area is


Yes Moved to main hall/hub depending on

year group.


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Staff who look after a symptomatic person should wear PPE if they are

supervising the person in the same room while waiting for collection

in accordance with the PPE guidance and must wash their hands

thoroughly if they have contact with the person and after they have


Yes In the Academy plan 22/5/20

Appropriate cleaning materials are available to clean areas a

symptomatic person has been in after they developed symptoms as

detailed in the guidance.

Yes Cleaning materials ordered and in



Where a person tests positive, the rest of their class or group will self-

isolate for 14 days.

Yes Dependent on the year group, it may be

that the whole school will need to be

closed and deep cleaned.


Waste If a person is symptomatic on the premises the cleaning cloths used

and tissues etc is double bagged and tied and kept separately for 72

hours (secured from pupil access) before being disposed of with

normal waste.

Yes Staff to be made aware. 22/5/20

Planning for emergencies

Fire evacuation Fire assembly points have been reviewed to ensure that pupils do not

gather in groups, where required, separate assembly points have

been introduced in order to prevent large gatherings in one place.

Yes Current lining up is more than sufficient

to maintain social distancing of groups.


Fire drills that are carried out encourage social distancing. Yes All come from separate exits from the

main building.


Staff and pupils understand that in an emergency they must leave

without delay

Yes As per usual practice. 22/5/20

First aid – all settings Pupils with specific first aid requirements only attend where the

appropriate first aid can be provided

Yes Currently not an issue 22/5/20

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First Aid arrangements have been checked and meet risk assessment

training level and ratio requirements for the number of staff and

pupils in attendance (including trained staff whose certification

expired on or after 16 March and is now extended for 3 months). If

this is not possible the following steps have been taken:

Yes Each class has a first aid trained person.

PPE to be used when administering any

first aid.


Higher risk activities are avoided where it is possible e.g. use of D & T


Yes No practical/accident potential subjects

to be taught.


The previous 3 months accident history has been reviewed and all

previous investigations have been completed with control measures

in place to reduce future risk.

Yes All up to date. 22/5/20

There are arrangements in place to respond to a first aid event, e.g.

two people respond to provide instructions from a trained responder

by calling 999.

Yes 22/5/20

A member of staff has been nominated to check and maintain first aid

kit contents

Yes Office staff 22/5/20

First aid boxes are located in prominent places Yes All stocked up to date 22/5/20

The location of the automatic defibrillator is known to all staff Yes TBC 22/5/20

Staff who do not have training have been provided with Basic First Aid

Skills information and familiarised themselves with the relevant areas

they may be required to use.

Yes Mainly class teachers – aware of basic



Changes to first aid arrangements are communicated to all staff Yes In the Academy plan 22/5/20

To support social distancing, staff will instruct an injured person

about what to do for minor injuries if it is age appropriate

Yes If minor and child is capable. 22/5/20

Where close contact is required the first aider uses PPE as outlined in

Personal Protective Equipment Guidance

Yes In the Academy plan 22/5/20

Paediatric First Aid There are a suitable number of Paediatric First Aiders including

trained staff whose certification expired on or after 16 March and is

Yes Up to date in the Academy 22/5/20

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Alternative paediatric first aid arrangements)

now extended for 3 months. (please complete the next section if you

have answered “no”)

Every effort has been made to provide a Paediatric First Aider. Yes See above 22/5/20

The above is not possible and there is access to a trained First Aider or

emergency PFA on site.

N/A 22/5/20

Any other actions that are not listed above

Clear expectations of behaviour

Parents know that if their child does not conform to expectations

regarding behaviour, then appropriate actions are needed.

Yes Parental agreement 22/5/20

Lateness to site Parents are late to drop off children and therefore not gone through

the procedure of going through the zones of safety.

Yes Parental agreement – site is closed off

after a certain time as part of the

Academy plan.


Resources from home

Children and parents are clear that the only things that can be

brought from home are their packed lunch and drinks bottle

Yes Parental agreement. 22/5/20

Assessor’s Name: Manager’s Name:

Position: Position:

Signature: Signature: