Page 1: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment


By Jordon walker

Page 2: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Sending an email attachment

Answer these questions in full sentences.

• Write a sentence saying how you attached the document. I've clicked the paper clip which is the attachment button on the email and then choose the unit that I'm working on and then clicked open and sent it to my teacher.

• Write a sentence explaining why you used polite language. If I used foul language then I'm not being polite but if I use the correct language then that’s called being polite.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Open your student email.

2. Send your teacher an email with your unit 1 presentation.

3. Write it in a polite way.

4. Take a screen shot and put it on the right of this slide.

Page 3: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Sending a reply

Answer this question in a full sentence.

• How I sent an email is by clicking on the message and I have red the message and then clicked on the reply button and then typed a message and then clicked on the send button.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Read the email you have been sent with a computer question.

2. Send a reply to the person. Make sure it is polite.

3. Take a screen shot and put it on the right of this slide.

Page 4: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Forwarding an email

Answer these questions in full sentences.

• Write a sentence to explain how you sent a forward. I pressed the forward button and wrote a message.

• Write a sentence to explain why it is important to add your own the person that your sending or forwarding to, so can tell them that its you sending or forwarding to them.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Forward the email you have been sent to somebody else in the room. Add a new message for them in the email.

2. Take a screen shot and put it on the right of this slide.

Page 5: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Group email

Answer this question in a full sentence.

• I clicked on to a new person and I typed the name in and then i added them in to a group.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Create a new email. Send it to your teacher but add in two people in your class. Share something you have learnt this term.

2. Take a screen shot and put it on the right of this slide.

Page 6: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Muddled Emails

Answer these questions in full sentences.

• Write a sentence to explain how you added more than 1 person.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Click on your email folders and make a new folder for your work to go into.

2. Take a screen shot of your email folders and put it on the right of this slide.

Answer these questions in a full sentence.

• I clicked onto a folder with the cross next to my name and I clicked on it and added a name on it.

• Its important to have folders in and I know what they are for and where they are being kept.

Page 7: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Address Book

Answer this question in a full sentence.

• I clicked on people which is in menu and then I typed in a box by my contacts and clicked enter and it made an address book.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Click on the menu. Select ‘People’ or Contacts.

2. Add a new contact

3. Take a screen shot of your contact book.

Page 8: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Away from Email

Answer this question in a full sentence.

• So people know when I coming back from holiday or if I'm ill at home.

Instructions: Do not delete

1. Click on Settings and create a sensible auto message.

2. Take a screen shot of your auto reply.

Page 9: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Making space in your emailAnswer these questions in full sentences.

• Spam emails are emails that I didn’t ask for and if I wanted to remove them then I could delete the emails.

Answer these questions in full sentences.

• If you have a small file and you sent it to someone would it be quicker? But even if you had a big file that would take for ever to download if you wanted to send to someone.

• If you clicked send for the small file it would just disappear but for the big file it would like take five minutes to go away.

Answer these questions in full sentences.

• If you had emails in your inbox and you didn’t want them there because you’ve already read them then just delete the emails.

Answer these questions in full sentences.

This box should be a complete paragraph answering these questions. Remember to describe.

• What is email archiving? Archiving is like when you get a really big email and it’s a important then you can take it out of the email and move it in one of the folders on your computer.

• What happens when you archive an email? When you archive an email you can always take it out of the email and hide it but if you need to send to someone then you can always take it out of the folder and replace it into the email.

• Why is archiving a good idea? Because if you archive an email and you don’t want no one looking in your emails then you can hide the emails into the folders and also make space without deleting it.

Page 10: Emails By Jordon walker. Sending an email attachment

Email SafetyInstructions: Do not delete

• In the box below write 5 rules to stay safe while using your email.

• Each rule must have a reason why it is important.

• Don’t send out your email account to any people even the people that you know because they could see what your typing

• If you receive an email and you don’t know who its from then don’t reply back to them.

• Make sure your always safe when you logon to your emails and watch out if anybody is watching you behind your back.

• Don’t go on a friends computer because you never know what could happen to the computer and make sure you always log out on a friends computer.

• Don’t email anybody your personal emails because they could find out where you live and what you look like.

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Email Netiquette

Instructions: Do not delete

• In the box below write 5 rules for email netiquette (being polite).

• Each rule must have a reason why it is important.

• If your sending an email then you got to be polite and use manners.

• When your talking on email then you always say hello or hi and when you finished the email say thank you.

• Not being racist or sexiest and you can get reported or past on.

• Don’t send people where to meet up for any fights or meeting any people you don’t know.

• Never swear on the email or you could be taken off the email sites.

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Email Problems

• It is important to be able to solve problems with your email.

• Underneath each scenario in the box write a sentence to explain what the problem might be and another sentence to explain what you would do.

• You should be able to add more than one problem for some scenarios.

• You send an email but you get an error email saying it couldn’t be sent.• You would have to try again later on the day

• You send an email but the next page says that it cannot connect.• If you have got no internet and you have got an important email you need to send off and it brings up a blocked page then you

need to check the internet connection.

• You send an email but the person says that you sent never arrived.• If you sent an email to a friend and they don’t receive it then they will say “your message was not sent because I never received

the email” so you re-write the message and double click the send icon.

• You receive an email asking for your bank details because there is a problem with your account. It looks like it is from your bank .• If you got an email of your bank then you send a message back “if you are the bank then tell me the twelve digit card and then ill

give you my information for my bank account.

• You are trying to attach 100 holiday photos to send to your friends, but it won’t let you.

• If it wont let you send 100 holiday photos then click the USB and then select all the photos that you took on holiday then just click upload and then it will send all the photos in different times with different amount of photos
