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Elmhurst Memorial

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What is Elmhurst Memorial?

•  Elmhurst Memorial Healthcare (EMHC) is a hospital located in Chicago’s western suburbs.

•  They are a publicly owned entity that encompass a wide variety of departments and wards.

•  Our contact within this organization will be Robert Blazek, the Director of Human Resources at EMHC.

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What are we looking to do?

•  EMHC is looking to combat a high turnover by creating a strategic group interviewing program.

•  This group interviewing program will consist of 3 recruiters interviewing between 3-5 interviewees at one time.

•  Each set of interviewers will contain 2 people from the recruiting department and 1 manager from each hospital ward.

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What are our resources and who are our supporters?

•  EMHC is a publicly owned entity and is limited to a federal budget.

•  EMHC must also look to make sure that they are following more strict non-discriminatory training practices as a result of being federally funded.

•  We will consult with the heads to the recruiting, financial departments.

•  We will also consult with the heads of each department that will employ a strategic group interviewing.

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Who are we looking to train?

•  Our person analysis revealed that we will be looking to train individuals from the recruiting department as well as department heads or managers on how to interview multiple applicants within a group dynamic.

•  We will train each individual how to perform and contribute effectively within a group.

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•  We looked to O*net to grab relevant information of what KSAOs that recruiters in a group setting need to possess.

•  We found some of our most relevant information through the HR Specialist job description.

•  We were also able to grab information from our organizational contact Robert Blazek.

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What are our KSAO’s?

•  Knowledge: Personnel and Human Resources, English language, personal service and management, basic tasks for success in each department.

•  Skills: Active listening, speaking, critical thinking, group coordination, judgment making, social perception.

•  Abilities: Oral comprehension and expression, deductive reasoning, group functioning.

•  Other: Maintaining relationships with group members, gathering information in a clear manner, group decision making

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Training Objectives and Criteria

•  Our training objectives are derived from our KSAOs.

•  These objectives list all of the abilities that a trainee should have after going through training on how to become a strategic group interviewer.

•  Our criteria is a threshold that will allow us to determine if our trainees are meeting our objectives.

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Objective 1

•  Knowledge of organizational fit/culture

•  By the end of training all trainees should be able to use active listening to see if a candidate will jive with the culture after they are trained.

•  Our criteria for this objective is to present a quiz that requires trainees to score a 90% or above on a test on the organizational culture

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Objective 2

•  How to properly function in a group dynamic

•  By the end of training, all trainees should be able to perform in all roles within a group (discussion leader or contributor).

•  Our criteria for this objective is going to be collected through all trainees gathering self report and peer reviews on an individuals ability to contribute and support conversation.

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Objective 3

•  Have a flowing discussion throughout the interview process with interviewees.

•  By the end of training all trainees should be able to facilitate discussion effectively by utilizing a structured interview.

•  The criteria for this objective is each interviewer will have a specific question they are designated to ask and facilitate discussion on.

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Objective 4

•  Make effective group decisions.

•  By the end of training all trainees should be able to come to a common consensus, understand ones own ideas and challenge the thoughts of yourself and other.

•  The criteria for this objective is to score a 90% or above on a test that identifies the best possible decision of a scenario.

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Objective 5

•  Ask and identify key answers

•  By the end of training all trainees should be able to ask and identify the best possible answers to interviewing without alluding to a specific answer.

•  The criteria for this objective is to identify all key terms within a scripted answer for 5 answers.

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Objective 6

•  Concept of time and its allocation.

•  By the end of training all trainees should be able to allow each applicant a chance to respond to a question and distinguish responses from one another.

•  The criteria for this objective is the interviewers ability to allow each interviewee approximately 2 minutes to answer a question.

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Pre-Training Conditions

•  One half of performance is motivation!

•  We are looking to employ both expectancy theory and goal setting theory.

•  Expectancy theory will motivate recruiters to do well in training because it is crucial to their job and their job is an integral part of the performance of the company.

•  Goal setting theory will help to give recruiters specific goals on what they should achieve and thus will increase motivation.

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Training Design: Gagne’s 9 Events

•  Gain attention by informing why this is important

•  Give overview of training objectives

•  Ask informal question about previous interviewing experience

•  Make objectives more approachable by giving concrete situations.

•  Present info through a video

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Training Design: Gagne’s 9 Events

•  Have recruiters get into groups and practice interviewing in front of class and they will decide why it was good or why it was bad.

•  Class will discuss the practice interviews all together.

•  Present a situational question suvey with 4 options that they rank from most effective to least effective.

•  Reiterate all they had presented, ask if they have any questions and provide materials to look over.

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•  We will do a massed a practice over 2 days

•  This is the most cost effective.

•  First day is going to be going over a formal training session with Gagne’s 9 events.

•  Second day will be assessment of objectives and mock interviews.

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The Group Dynamic

•  Temporal Stability: Our membership is shifting dependent on the interview that is being done. Therefore it is not going to be effective to have a long spaced training program.

•  Skill Differentiation: Two recruiters will be paired with a department head. There will be a need for cross training so the recruiters will be aware of the KSAOs that the department head would be seeking for selection.

•  We should also look to at OUTCOME training

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Team Performance Compilation

•  We should look to move through the Kozlowski model to focus on team members roles and abilities.

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Team Processes

We will need to train the team to function well as a unit by:

•  Creating a supportive environment which allows different voices.

•  Training on how to communicate with each other.

•  Training on how to resolve conflict.

•  We may need to employ team coaching down the road.

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Delivery Methods of Training

•  Traditional/formal education model

•  Multimedia

•  Job context

•  We will incorporate all three of these methods in order to create an all encompassing training program.

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Post-Training Conditions

•  We will look to have positive transfer. Our needs assessment determines a high threshold for organizational support which will increase our transfer.

•  We will utilize training through principles theory. The teams will learn a general process and apply it each time

•  We will have large amount of support from the organization on utilizing knowledge.

•  We will provide post training supplements like review quizzes and even meetings with team coaching.

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•  We will provide training on how to give a strategic group interview in groups with low temporal stability.

•  Our training will utilize Gagne’s 9 and look to move through the Kozlowski model to create an effective team in a massed practice setting.

•  Continued support and incorporation of a learning culture will foster the continual development of the group.