Page 1: Elements of Architectural Design Portfolio




Page 2: Elements of Architectural Design Portfolio

Project 1

In this project, we were tasked first with recreating the structure of Allwine Hall, an education facility on the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s campus. After creating the frame, shown on the left, we used the ideas of space and path formation to create paths that emphasized differing words (e.g. contain and release) to create primary, secondary, and tertiary spaces.

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Project 2

To build upon the ideas of both space and path, our next project consisted of designing a slip-case for our cell phones. With this, we had to make our yet the phone would stay stationary once placed in the case.

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Project 3

With a solid background in basic design principles, our next project focused on integrating design and engineering principles through building a bridge. To accurately meet the goals of this project, certain parameters had to be met, including that the bridge had to hold at least 10 pounds as well as have a path for a tennis ball to roll along. To judge how well we met the goals of the project, we were judged on design intent, efficiency (weight held divided by the weight of the bridge), and craftsmanship.