


ELECTROSPINNING HAS GAINED POPULARITY in the last10 years due in large part to an increased interest in

nanoscale properties and technologies. This technique al-lows for the production of polymer fibers with diametersvarying from 3 nm to greater than 5 �m.1 Potential ap-plications of electrospinning include filtration mem-branes, catalytic nanofibers, fiber-based sensors, and tis-sue engineering scaffolds.1–3

One attractive feature of electrospinning is the sim-plicity and inexpensive nature of the setup; the typicalelectrospinning setup consists of a syringe pump, a highvoltage source, and a collector (Fig. 1). During the elec-tro spinning process, a polymer solution is held at a nee-dle tip by surface tension. The application of an electricfield using the high-voltage source causes charge to be in-duced within the polymer, resulting in charge repulsionwithin the solution. This electrostatic force opposes the sur-face tension; eventually, the charge repulsion overcomesthe surface tension, causing the initiation of a jet. As thisjet travels, the solvent evaporates and an appropriate col-lector can be used to capture the polymer fiber. Figure 2Ashows a scanning electron microscopy image of an elec-trospun polymer mesh.4,5 This approach has been used suc-cessfully to spin a number of synthetic and natural6–10 poly-mers into fibers many kilometers in length.3,5

Recently, electrospinning has gained popularity withthe tissue engineering community as a potential meansof producing scaffolds. The objective of this review is todescribe briefly the theory behind the technique, exam-ine the effect of changing the process parameters on fibermorphology, and discuss the application and impact ofelectrospinning on the field of tissue engineering.


The stable electrospinning jet was described in detailby Reneker and Chun as being composed of four regions:the base, the jet, the splay, and the collection.5 In the baseregion, the jet emerges from the needle to form a coneknown as the Taylor cone. The shape of the base dependsupon the surface tension of the liquid and the force of theelectric field; jets can be ejected from surfaces that areessentially flat if the electric field is strong enough.Charging of the jet occurs at the base, with solutions ofhigher conductivity being more conducive to jet forma-tion.5 Electric forces then accelerate and stretch the poly-mer jet, causing the diameter to decrease as its length in-creases. Additionally, solvents with high vapor pressuresmay begin to evaporate, causing a decrease in jet diam-eter and velocity.5 In the next region, Reneker and Chunhypothesized that radial charge repulsions cause the jet

TISSUE ENGINEERINGVolume 12, Number 5, 2006© Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.

Electrospinning of Polymeric Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering Applications: A Review



Interest in electrospinning has recently escalated due to the ability to produce materials withnanoscale properties. Electrospun fibers have been investigated as promising tissue engineering scaf-folds since they mimic the nanoscale properties of native extracellular matrix. In this review, we ex-amine electrospinning by providing a brief description of the theory behind the process, examiningthe effect of changing the process parameters on fiber morphology, and discussing the potential ap-plications and impacts of electrospinning on the field of tissue engineering.

Department of Bioengineering, Rice University, Houston, Texas.*These two authors contributed equally to this work.

to “splay” into many small fibers of approximately equaldiameter and charge per unit length.5 The final diameterof the electrospun fibers upon collection is dependentupon how many splays are created.5

Rutledge and co-workers have recently used high-speed photography with exposure times as low as 18 nsto demonstrate that the jet that appears to splay is actu-ally a single, rapidly whipping jet.11,12 At high electricfields after traveling a short distance, the jet becomes un-stable, begins to whip with a high frequency, and under-goes bending and stretching.11 The group modeled thebehavior of the jet in terms of three instabilities: the clas-sical Rayleigh instability and two “conducting” modes.The axisymmetric Rayleigh instability is dominated bysurface tension and is suppressed at high electric fieldsor charge densities.11 The conducting modes are inde-pendent of surface tension and are dominated by electricforces; one conducting mode is axisymmetric and theother is nonaxisymmetric (whipping instability).11,13,14

Rutledge and co-workers examined the competition be-tween these instabilities for various applied electric fieldsand the flow rate and determined the dominant mode.11

They constructed operating diagrams that outlined theconditions at which whipping could be expected; theirpredictions agreed well with experimental results.11


From the previous description of theory, it is clear thatthe electrospinning process can be manipulated by a num-ber of variables. Doshi and Reneker classified the pa-rameters that control the process in terms of solutionproperties, controlled variables, and ambient parameters.4

Solution properties include the viscosity, conductivity,surface tension, polymer molecular weight, dipole mo-ment, and dielectric constant. The effects of the solutionproperties can be difficult to isolate since varying one pa-rameter can generally affect other solution properties(e.g., changing the conductivity can also change the vis-cosity). Controlled variables include the flow rate, elec-tric field strength, distance between tip and collector, nee-dle tip design, and collector composition and geometry.Ambient parameters include temperature, humidity, andair velocity. In this section, studies that investigate theeffect of each parameter on electrospun fiber morpholo-gies and sizes are highlighted.


Solution viscosity (as controlled by changing the poly-mer concentration) has been found to be one of thebiggest determiners of fiber size and morphology whenspinning polymeric fibers. The relationship between the


polymer viscosity and/or concentration on fibers obtainedfrom electrospinning has been studied in a number of sys-tems,15–25 including poly(DL-lactic acid) (PDLA),15

poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA),16 poly(ethyleneoxide) (PEO),9,17–19 poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA),20–23

poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA),24 polystyrene,25

poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA),26 gelatin,6 dextran,8 and col-lagen type I-PEO.9 At low polymer concentrations, defects in the form of beading and droplets have beenobserved (Fig. 2B);6,8,9,15,17,19,21,22,25,27–33 the processunder these conditions was characteristic of electrospray-ing rather than spinning.28 Additionally, the presence ofjunctions and bundles have been seen, indicating that thefibers were still wet when reaching the collector.17 In-creasing the solution viscosity by increasing polymer con-centration yielded uniform fibers with few beads and junc-tions.6,9,17,25 In some cases, increasing the concentration ofa polymer solution can also affect its surface tension;17

however, for polystyrene solutions with constant surfacetension, beading still decreased with increased viscosity.25

This result indicates that the variation in viscosity was re-sponsible for the morphological change of the fibers.25 Forsolutions that were too concentrated (and therefore too vis-cous), the droplet dried out at the tip before jets could beinitiated, preventing electrospinning.15,28,34

Attempts have been made to quantify the minimumpolymer concentrations and viscosities required to elec-trospin fibers. Koski et al. found that it was possible tospin PVA as long as [�]c � 5 where [�] was the intrin-sic viscosity and c was the concentration.20 For PEO, itwas found that solutions with [�]c � 10 allowed for spin-ning.18 McKee et al. found that a concentration greaterthan the entanglement concentration, ce, was required tospin linear and branched poly(ethylene terephthalate-co-ethylene isophthalate) (PET-co-PEI).35 Solutions withconcentrations 2-2.5 times the entanglement concentrationyielded uniform, bead-free fibers.35 Recently, Gupta et al.synthesized PMMA and determined the critical chain over-lap concentration, c*.24 They determined that when the so-lution concentration was less than c* there was insufficientchain overlap to form polymer fibers; at all conditions,droplet formation was observed.24 In the semi-dilute re-gion (concentrations between c* and ce), beading was oc-casionally observed. At concentrations approximately dou-ble ce, uniform, bead-free fibers were obtained.24

The diameter of the fibers produced by electrospinninghas been found to increase with increasing solution con-centration.6,17,35–37 For example, PLLA fibers with di-ameters of 100-300 nm were produced from 1 wt% so-lutions while 5 wt% solutions yielded 800-2400 nmfibers.26 Additionally, the diameter of PVA fibers in-creased from 87 � 14 nm to 246 � 50 nm by increasingthe PVA concentration from 6 to 8%.21 It was found thatan increased fiber diameter correlated directly to a de-crease in the surface area of electrospun mats.37


Researchers have aimed to find a relationship betweensolution concentration and the fiber diameter. For exam-ple, it was found that increasing the concentration ofgelatin yielded fibers with an increasing diameter ac-cording to a power law relationship.6 For polyuretha-neurea, it was found that fiber diameter was proportionalto c3 for solutions of a single polymer molecular weight.28

McKee et al. found for PET-co-PEI solutions that theconcentration could be normalized by ce. They found thatthe fiber diameter scaled with (c/ce)2.6, regardless of poly-mer chain length and extent of branching.35

Electrospun fibers typically have a unimodal distribu-tion; surprisingly, for PEO solutions spun at high con-centrations, Deitzel et al. observed a bimodal distributionof fibers.17 They found a secondary population of PEOfibers with a diameter approximately one third of the pri-mary population, which they attributed to fiber-splayingevents.17 Demir et al. also found that polyurethane fibers


electrospun at 12.8 wt% yielded fibers with three differ-ent sized diameters.28

Conductivity/solution charge density

It has been found that increasing the solution conduc-tivity or charge density can be used to produce more uni-form fibers with fewer beads present.8,9,15,19,29,38,39

One approach to increasing solution conductivity hasbeen through the addition of salt; for fibers spun fromPEO,19 collagen type I-PEO,9 polyacrylic acid (PAA),39

polyamide-6,29 and PDLA,15 uniformity increased andbeading decreased upon the addition of salt. Pyridiumformiate has also been used to increase conductivity ofPLLA solutions and demonstrated a significant reductionin beading. It was hypothesized that this volatile salt ad-ditive would not remain in the fibers and therefore wouldnot affect the properties of electrospun fibers.26

Conductivity has also been increased by the additionof alcohol to the solvent, resulting in smoother fibers of poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-valerate) (PHBV) with fewer beads present.38 Likewise, the addition of tetra-chloromethane, which reduced the solution conductivity,produced larger beads.38 Cationic surfactants dode-cyltrimethylammonium bromide and tetrabutylammo-nium chloride were added to polystyrene solutions, andit was found that a small amount (concentrations as lowas 10�6 M) prevented bead formation.40 The use of anonionic surfactant, Triton X-405, did not completelyprevent the formation of beads, so it was hypothesizedthat charged surfactants increased the solution conduc-tivity and net charge density, causing an increase in thewhipping instability yielding more uniform fibers.40


FIG. 1. Typical electrospinning setup. Q, flow rate; d, dis-tance between plate and needle; V, applied voltage. (Color im-ages are available online at

FIG. 2. (a) A random polymer fiber mesh produced by electrospinning a 9% PCL solution. (b) Electrospun mesh obtained us-ing a 5% PCL solution; at low polymer concentrations defects in the form of beads and junctions are observed. Scale bars, 100�m; spinning conditions: solvent � choloroform/methanol (3:1 by vol), voltage � 25 kV, distance to collector � 15 cm, flowrate � 6 mL/h.

The impact of the solution conductivity and chargedensity on the diameters of electrospun fibers was alsostudied. Zhang et al. showed that PVA fiber diameterswere decreased from 214 � 19 nm to 159 � 21 nm whenNaCl concentration was increased from 0.05 to 0.2%(spinning conditions: solvent � water, voltage � 5 kV,distance to collector � 10 cm, flow rate � 0.2 mL/h).21

Zong et al. studied the effect of the addition of varioussalts (NaCl, KH2PO4, NaH2PO4) to PDLA solutions.15

They found that salts with smaller ionic radii producedsmaller fibers (�210 nm) while salts with larger ionic radiiyielded larger ones (�1000 nm).15 They attributed this dif-ference to the higher charge density, and thereby mobil-ity, of ions with smaller radii; the higher mobility resultedin increased elongational forces exerted on the fiber jetyielding a smaller fiber.15 Additionally, the addition of pro-teins to dextran solutions yielded fibers with decreased di-ameters; since the proteins did not affect the solution vis-cosity, the variation in fiber diameter was attributed tochanging the solution charge density.8 In the same way,the addition of cationic surfactants was found to yieldfibers with smaller diameters.40 The addition of anionicsurfactants has not been systematically investigated to date.

While increases in conductivity and charge density gen-erally produced smaller fibers, for the spinning of PAA the reverse trend was observed: increases in conductivityyielded increases in the fiber diameter.39 This differencecould be attributed to the ionic groups inherent in PAA.Similarly, the addition of 1–5 wt% MgCl2 to polyamide-6increased the solution conductivity without impacting theviscosity or surface tension. This increase in conductivityalso produced an increase in the fiber diameter.29

Surface tension

The impact of surface tension on the morphology andsize of electrospun fibers has also been investigated.PHBV solutions with different surface tensions and sim-ilar conductivities were obtained using triethylbenzyl am-monium chloride, and it was found that beading was af-fected by the surface tension.38 The addition of ethanolto PEO and PVA solutions lowered the surface ten-sion.19,21 In the case of the PEO, the solution containingethanol exhibited less beading;19 however, when ethanolwas added to PVA solutions, beading was increased.21

The difference in the effect of adding ethanol to thesesystems was attributed to the fact that it is a non-solventfor PVA and a solvent for PEO. Another approach to re-ducing the surface tension of polyurethaneurea solutionswas to add polydimethylsiloxane, but no significant ef-fect in fiber morphology was observed.28

Polymer molecular weight

Researches have examined the relationship betweenpolymer molecular weight and the morphology and size


of electrospun fibers. Gupta et al. synthesized PMMAvarying in molecular weight from 12.47 to 365.7 kDa.24

They determined c* for each of these polymers and foundthat c* decreased with increasing molecular weight. Allpolymers were then electrospun at identical conditions to isolate and ascertain the effect of molecular weight(spinning conditions: solvent � dimethylformamide,voltage � 10 kV, distance to collector � 15 cm, flowrate � 3 mL/h). Upon electrospinning, they found as themolecular weight increased, the number of beads anddroplets was reduced. Uniform fibers were observed atconcentrations that were 6-fold or more greater than c*,regardless of polymer molecular weight.24 Additionally,PMMA with a narrow molecular weight distribution gaveuniform fibers at a lower concentration than those withlarger molecular weight distributions.24 For chitosan inacetic acid solutions, 30 kDa chitosan yielded fragilefibers with many beads present; polymer with a molecu-lar weight of 398 kDa produced narrow fibers with roughsurfaces.7 For poly(N-isopropyl acrylamide), lowering themolecular weight produced smaller fibers that were moredensely packed.30 Varying the molecular weight of PEOfrom 600 to 4000 kDa during the spinning of PEO/chi-tosan solutions resulted in little difference in fiber diam-eter.34 It was found that spinning polyamide-6 at variousmolecular weights produced fibers with diameters thatwere dependent upon the solution viscosity.29

Dipole moment and dielectric constant

Few studies have been performed to date to investi-gate the effect of dipole moment and dielectric constanton fiber properties. The spinning of polystyrene was stud-ied in 18 different solvents, and the only solvents foundto be used successfully had high values of dipole mo-ment.25 Solvents with a high dielectric constant were usedto produce PMMA “cups.”41 Also, the productivity (num-ber of fibers produced per unit time) of spinning poly-styrene fibers was found to correlate with the dipole mo-ment and dielectric constant.42 To date, few studies havemethodically examined the effect of dipole moment anddielectric constant on the resulting fiber morphologysince these parameters are difficult to isolate.

Flow rate

Few studies have systematically investigated the rela-tionship between solution feed or flow rate on fiber mor-phology and size. In general, it was found that lower flowrates yielded fibers with smaller diameters.15 Flow ratesthat were too high resulted in beading since fibers did nothave a chance to dry prior to reaching the collector.21,38,42,43

Field strength/voltage

One of the most studied parameters among the con-trolled variables is the effect of field strength or applied


voltage. At low voltages or field strengths, a drop is typ-ically suspended at the needle tip, and a jet will originatefrom the Taylor cone producing bead-free spinning (as-suming that the force of the electric field is sufficient toovercome the surface tension).17 As the voltage is in-creased, the volume of the drop at the tip decreases, caus-ing the Taylor cone to recede. The jet originates from theliquid surface within the tip, and more beading is seen.17

As the voltage is increased further, the jet eventuallymoves around the edge of the tip, with no visible Taylorcone; at these conditions, the presence of many beads canbe observed.15,17

Using laser diffraction, it has also been shown that in-creased voltages produces jets with larger diameters andultimately lead to the formation of several jets.28 Thepresence of beads and junctions at high voltages wasfound when spinning solutions of PEO,17,19 PDLA,15

bisophenol-A polysulfone,43 chitosan,7 and gelatin.6 Thecorrelation between fiber diameter and voltage was am-biguous. For PDLA15 and PVA,21 higher voltages yieldedlarger fiber diameters; however, when spinning silk-likepolymer with fibronectin functionality32 and bisophenol-A polysulfone,43 the fiber diameter tended to decreasewith increasing applied voltage.

Distance between tip and collector

Varying the distance between the tip and the collectorhas been examined as another approach to controlling thefiber diameters and morphology. It has been found thata minimum distance is required to allow the fibers suffi-cient time to dry before reaching the collector.7 At dis-tances that are either too close or too far, beading hasbeen observed.6,22 For the spinning of PVA,21 gelatin,6

chitosan,7 and poly(vinylidene fluoride),33 no significanteffect of the distance between the tip and collector on thefiber size and morphology was observed. The spinningof silk-like polymer with fibronectin functionality fiberat closer distances produced flatter fibers while furtherdistances gave rounder fibers.32 For bisophenol-A poly-sulfone, closer distances between the tip and collectoryielded smaller fibers.43

Needle tip design and placement

Several designs and configurations of needle tips havebeen investigated for the electrospinning process. For ex-ample, Li and Xia developed a coaxial, two-capillaryspinneret (Fig. 3A).44 Using feeds consisting of two im-miscible liquids, they were able to produce hollownanofibers (Fig. 3B).44 They also used this spinneret toprepare blends of polymers.45

The use of multiple tips was investigated as a way toincrease the throughput and production rate of electro-spinning of PEO.46 Multiple needle tips were also usedto prepare blends of PVA and cellulose acetate. Using


four tips and varying the number containing PVA andcellulose acetate allowed for fibers with various weightratios of PVA and cellulose acetate to be produced.47 Us-ing two tips and a collector that could move transversely,mixes of PEO and polyurethane fibers were spun.48 Thetransverse motion of the collector allowed for more uni-form distribution of each polymer.48

Collector composition and geometry

A number of materials and geometries have been stud-ied for the collection of electrospun polymeric fibers.Kim et al. collected PLLA and PLGA fibers on metalcollectors, a water reservoir, and a methanol collector.16

They found that smooth fibers were obtained using themetal collector. Collection on the surface of water causedthe hydrophobic polymer fibers to shrink, while metha-nol caused swelling of the fibers.16 Cellulose acetate wascollected using copper mesh, aluminum foil, water, andpaper.36 It was found that the packing density was influ-enced by the conductivity of the collectors: the more con-ductive collectors dissipated the charge of the fibers.When this charge was not dissipated (non-conductive col-lectors), the fibers repelled one another, yielding a moreporous structure.36 Also, porous collectors, such as pa-per and copper mesh, produced a less-packed structureas compared to fibers collected on aluminum foil and wa-ter.36 Poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) was even spun di-rectly onto a human hand.31

Collectors with various geometries have also been de-signed and used. Rutledge and co-workers used two par-allel plates when spinning their fibers in order to gener-ate uniform electric fields.12,49 Frame collectors wereshown to yield aligned fibers with a conductive frameproducing better alignment than a non-conductive one.2

Also, an array of electrospun fibers has been producedusing two conductive, collection rings.50 The fibers weresuspended between the rings, and fibers up to 10 cm longwere obtained. The rotation of one of the collection ringsallowed for the production of a multi-filament yarn.50

PEO was also spun using a multiple field method inwhich the polymer jet passed through three parallel rings,each connected to an independent power supply.51 Thismethod produced smaller, bead-free fibers that collectedin a more focused area.51

Fibers have also been collected using a rotating cylin-drical drum collector rather than a stationary target (Fig.3C); doing so has allowed for the alignment of the fibers(Fig. 3D).10, 52 Better alignment was observed when thisidea was extended to use a drum composed of copperwires that were grounded.53 In another variation, a thin,steel pin was used as a counter electrode and was placedbehind a rotating, non-conductive cylindrical collector;aligned fibers greater than 10 cm in length were ob-tained.54 The rotating drum was also combined with thepreviously mentioned multiple field method to enable the


collection of fibers into thin strips or yarns.51 Theron etal. employed a “tapered and grounded wheel-like bob-bin” to collect and align nanofibers of PEO.55 Their ap-proach yielded fibers that were several hundred micronsin length with diameters from 100 to 300 nm; braidedfibers were also obtained.55

Ambient parameters

Few studies have been conducted to examine the ef-fects of ambient parameters (i.e., temperature and hu-midity) on the electrospinning process. Mit-Uppatham etal. spun polyamide-6 fibers at temperatures ranging from25 to 60°C.29 They found that increasing the temperatureyielded fibers with a decreased fiber diameter, and theyattributed this decline in diameter to the decrease in theviscosity of the polymer solutions at increased tempera-tures. The humidity was varied by Casper et al. whilespinning polystyrene solutions.56 Their work showed thatincreasing the humidity resulted in the appearance ofsmall circular pores on the surface of the fibers; increas-ing the humidity further lead to the pores coalescing.56

Spinning has also been performed under vacuum in or-der to obtain higher electric fields; doing so producedfibers and yarns with larger diameters.5

In summary, we have highlighted studies that examinethe effect of manipulating each parameter in the electro-spinning process and the effect of that parameter on the re-sulting fiber morphology. Table 1 lists each parameter stud-ied and its effect on the fiber morphology. However, it isdifficult to isolate the effect of many of the parameters sincethey are interrelated. For example, changing the solutionconcentration/viscosity affects other solution properties,such as the conductivity and surface tension.

Additionally, though a large number of distinct poly-mers have been electrospun, there has been little sys-tematic investigation of the conditions required for suc-cessful spinning. Typically, a trial-and-error approach hasbeen employed in which the solution properties and spin-ning parameters are varied until uniform, defect-freefibers are obtained. Previously, it has been shown that aminimum concentration is required to electrospin; if thereis insufficient chain overlap, uniform fibers will not beobtained. This minimum concentration is typically 5–10times c*; once this minimum concentration has been de-termined, varying other process parameters can be usedto tune the resulting fiber morphology.

Overall, these studies highlight the potential of elec-trospinning for producing polymeric fiber meshes. Bychanging the solution and processing conditions, such asthe polymer concentration, the properties of resultingmesh can be easily tuned. These meshes have tremen-dous potential as tissue engineered scaffolds, and the ap-plications to date are discussed below.




As defined by Langer and Vacanti in 1993, tissue en-gineering is “an interdisciplinary field that applies theprinciples of engineering and life sciences toward thedevelopment of biological substitutes that restore, main-tain, or improve tissue function.”57 One aspect of tissueengineering has been the design of polymeric scaffoldswith specific mechanical and biological properties sim-ilar to native extracellular matrix (ECM) in order to mod-ulate cellular behavior. In vivo, a vast majority of thecells are in contact with the ECM, which is composedof a network of nanometer-sized proteins and glycos-aminoglycans.58 The intricate complexities of this spa-tial and temporal environment dynamically influencephenotypic and other cellular behavior by providing in-direct and direct informational signaling cues.59 For ex-ample, in bone, the presence of an organized collagentype I ECM for integrin binding is required for devel-opment of osteoprogenitor cells toward mature os-teoblasts.60 These types of interactions between cells andECM can modulate cellular activities such as migration,proliferation, differentiation, gene expression, and se-cretion of various hormones and growth factors.61 Thus,the more closely the in vivo environment (i.e., chemicalcomposition, morphology, surface functional groups)can be recreated, the more likely the success of the tis-sue engineering scaffold.62–64

Tissue engineering scaffolds function as temporaryECMs until repair or regeneration occurs. A scaffold pro-vides a 3-D framework for the cells to attach and developin vitro.65,66 Subsequently, the cell/scaffold construct canbe implanted into a defect site for tissue repair and re-generation.66 Although the desired characteristics of ascaffold vary slightly with the tissue trying to be recre-ated, there are general properties that are desirable. Firstand foremost, the scaffold should be biocompatible,meaning that it will integrate with the host tissue with-out eliciting a major immune response.65,67 The scaffoldshould also be porous with a high surface-volume ratioto allow for cell attachment and in-growth, as well as ex-change of nutrients during in vitro or in vivo culture.65,66

Furthermore, the porous nature of the scaffold will allowfor angiogenesis upon implantation in a defect site (forvascularized tissues). Also, because the scaffold acts asa temporary support for the cells to adhere and prolifer-ate, it should mimic native ECM both architecturally andfunctionally.65,68 Finally, a tissue engineering scaffoldshould be biodegradable so that a second surgery is notrequired to remove the implant.68 The rate of degrada-tion should coincide or at least be controllable to mimicthe rate of neo-tissue formation.67



An important aspect of native ECM is its nanoscalecomponents, such as collagen. It follows that tissue en-gineering scaffolds should also contain nanophase ele-ments. Studies have shown that nanometer-sized ele-ments can affect cellular behavior.69,70 For example,osteoblast and osteoclast activity were increased onspherical nanophase alumina particles, which resembledthe structure of hydroxyapatite crystals found in bone.70

The nanofiber architecture has also been shown to se-lectively promote osteoblast proliferation and differenti-ation in carbon nanofibers.71 Nanogrooved surfaces caninduce contact guidance of human corneal epithelial cells,causing them to elongate and align their cytoskeletonalong these topological features.72 Highly porous PLLAscaffolds with nanoscale pores created using a liquid-liq-uid phase separation have been used for culture of neural


stem cells and were shown to have a positive effect onneurite outgrowth.73 Because the fiber diameters ofnanofiber scaffolds are orders of magnitude smaller thanthe size of cells, cells are able to organize around thefibers58 or spread and attach to adsorbed proteins at mul-tiple focal points.74


Compared to self-assembly and phase separationtechniques, electrospinning provides a simpler andmore cost-effective means to produce scaffolds with aninter-connected pore structure and fiber diameters inthe sub-micron range. The field of tissue engineeringhas sought to capitalize upon these features for the pro-duction of 3-D scaffolds. The following sections high-


FIG. 3. Modifications of the typical electrospinning setup used to produce meshes with unique morphologies. (a) A co-axial,two capillary spinneret can be used to electrospin hollow nanofibers shown in b. A rotating drum collector (c) can be used toproduce aligned fibers (d). Adapted (a) and reproduced (c) from Li and Xia. Direct fabrication of composite and ceramic hollownanofibers by electrospinning. Nano. Lett. 4, 933, 2004. (d) Reproduced with permission from Chew et al. Sustained release ofproteins from electrospun biodegradable fibers. Biomacromolecules 6, 2017, 2005. (Color images are available online

light the use of electrospun scaffolds for tissue engi-neering applications.

Synthetic polymer scaffolds

There has been a surge in the use of electrospinningtechniques to create nanofiber scaffolds for tissue engi-neering. The most typical method of collecting the elec-trospun fibers is on a grounded, collecting plate. Becauseof the randomness of the instable fiber jet, a highlyporous, nonwoven fibrous sheet with a large surface-vol-ume ratio is collected.75 Electrospun PLGA fiber matshave been shown to have a porosity greater than 90%.62

This material is ideal for tissue engineering scaffolds be-cause the high surface area allows for a high percentageof cellular attachment, as well as for multiple focal ad-hesion points on different fibers due to nano-sized fiberdiameters.7 Additionally, fibers in the nanometer and sub-micron range more closely resemble the size scale of ex-tracellular components.75,76 The versatility of the tech-nique has allowed for spinning of a very diverse set of


synthetic and biological materials.1,2 Innovative designsfor fiber collection broaden the library of available scaf-folds and increase the likelihood of successful engineer-ing of specific tissue types. Furthermore, functional mod-ifications to electrospun nanofiber matrices can improvea polymer’s biocompatibility and cytocompatibility.

Electrospun nanofiber scaffolds are capable of sup-porting a wide variety of cell types. Human umbilicalvein endothelial cells attached better and exhibited moreproliferation when seeded onto 50:50 poly(L-lactic acid-co-�-caprolactone) (PLCL) fibers with a diameter of 300 nm compared to 7 �m fibers. Cells attached to mi-crofibers were rounded in shape and non-proliferative,whereas on nanofibers, the cells were spread and an-chored on multiple fibers.7 Mouse fibroblasts seeded onPLGA nanofibers adhered and spread according to fiberorientation.62 Similar results were reported by smoothmuscle and endothelial cells seeded onto hybrid scaffoldsof 75:25 PLCL.63

The ECM like properties of electrospun nanofibershave been shown to affect the phenotypic behavior of a



Process parameter Effect on fiber morphology References

Viscosity/concentration • Low concentrations/viscosities yielded defects in the form of beads 6, 8, 9, 15–38and junctions; increasing concentration/viscosity reduced the defects

• Fiber diameters increased with increasing concentration/viscosityConductivity/solution • Increasing the conductivity aided in the production of uniform 8, 9, 20, 26, 30,

charge density bead-free fibers 32, 37, 39–41• Higher conductivities yielded smaller fibers in general (exceptions

were PAA and polyamide-6)Surface tension • No conclusive link established between surface tension and fiber 19, 21, 28, 38

morphologyPolymer molecular weight • Increasing molecular weight reduced the number of beads and droplets 24, 29, 30, 34Dipole moment and • Successful spinning occurred in solvents with a high dielectric constant 25, 41, 42

dielectric constantFlow rate • Lower flow rates yielded fibers with smaller diameters 15, 21, 38, 42, 43

• High flow rates produced fibers that were not dry upon reaching the collector

Field strength/voltage • At too high voltage, beading was observed 16, 22, 25, 26, • Correlation between voltage and fiber diameter was ambiguous 28, 30, 32

Distance between tip and • A minimum distance was required to obtain dried fibers 6, 7, 21, 22, 32,collector • At distances either too close or too far, beading was observed 33, 43

Needle tip design • Using a coaxial, 2-capillary spinneret, hollow fibers were produced 44, 46–48• Multiple needle tips were employed to increase throughput

Collector composition • Smoother fibers resulted from metal collectors; more porous fiber 2, 10, 12, 19, 23,and geometry structure was obtained using porous collectors 27, 49–51,

• Aligned fibers were obtained using a conductive frame, rotating drum, 53–55or a wheel-like bobbin collector

• Yarns and braided fibers were also obtainedAmbient parameters • Increased temperature caused a decrease in solution viscosity, resulting 5, 29, 56

in smaller fibers• Increasing humidity resulted in the appearance of circular pores on the


variety of cell types. NIH 3T3 fibroblasts and normal ratkidney cells seeded onto polyamide nanofibers re-arranged their actin cytoskeleton to a more in vivo-likemorphology.77 Breast epithelial cells on the same surfaceunderwent morphogenesis to form multicellular spher-oids. Fetal bovine chondrocytes seeded on nanofiberpoly(�-caprolactone) (PCL) scaffolds were able to main-tain the chondrocytic phenotype during 3 weeks of cul-ture, specifically upregulating collagen type IIB expres-sion, which is indicative of a mature chondrocytephenotype.75 These studies demonstrate that nanofiberscaffolds are not only cytocompatible but can also be usedto stimulate and encourage cell proliferation and pheno-typic behavior. To date, the use of such scaffolds has beeninvestigated for the engineering of mainly cartilage, bone,ligament/tendon, and vascular tissues.

Cartilage and bone engineering strategies have in-creasingly incorporated marrow stromal cells (MSC) be-cause of their ability to differentiate into multiple cell lin-eages. Electrospun scaffolds have been shown to supportthe attachment and proliferation of MSCs.78 Bone mar-row-derived human MSCs seeded onto nanofiber PCLscaffolds are able to differentiate into adipogenic, chon-drogenic, or osteogenic lineages based upon the culturemedia selected.79 Marrow stromal cells seeded on elec-trospun PCL and in the presence of transforming growthfactor-� (TGF-�) differentiated into a chondrocytic phe-notype at levels comparable to traditional pellet cultures.Moreover, the constructs displayed a zonal morphologywith a layer of cartilaginous matrix composed of colla-gen type II, cartilage proteoglycan link protein, and ag-grecan.80

For bone tissue engineering, Yoshimoto et al. seededMSCs from neonatal rats on electrospun PCL and cul-tured this construct in a rotating bioreactor; matrix min-eralization and collagen type I deposition throughout theconstruct occurred after 4 weeks.81 In vivo studies withsimilar constructs showed multi-layers of osteoblast-likecells, globular accretions, a woven bone-like appearance,and the presence of osteocyte-like cells embedded in min-eralized matrix after explantation from the omenta ofrats.82

Lee et al. used a rotating cylindrical target to alignpolyurethate nanofibers for tissue engineering liga-ment.39 They discovered that, when exposed to mechan-ical strain, human ligament fibroblasts exhibited a spin-dle shape along aligned polyurethane fibers and secretedmore ECM than when attached to a random fiber con-figuration.39 Dalton et al. used yarns produced by the col-lection of nanofibers between dual rings as potential scaf-folds for tissue engineering of tendons and muscles or asmedical sutures.50

Novel fiber-collecting methods have been employedfor tissue engineering of other tissue types. Ramakrishnaet al. used a rotating drum collector for the alignment of


electrospun fibers for vascular tissue engineering.63 Hu-man coronary artery smooth muscle cells attached andmigrated along the axis of aligned PLCL (75:25) whileexpressing a spindle-like contractile phenotype; further-more, the organization of the cytoskeleton inside thesecells were parallel to the direction of the nanofibers.83

Fiber alignment was also conducive for cardiomyocyteattachment and growth; when seeded onto electrospunPLLA scaffolds, they exhibited fiber-guided filipodia-like protrusions and developed into sarcomeres.84 A con-tractile cardiac graft was created by Shin et al. from car-diomyocytes seeded onto an electrospun PCL mesh thatwas spun and collected across a wire ring.85 The passiveload of this structure helped to condition the cardiomy-ocytes, which expressed cardiac-specific proteins such as�-myosin, connexin43, and cardiac troponin I, after 14days of culture. Research is underway to extend thismethod to create implantable cardiac grafts.

Natural polymer scaffolds

Natural polymers are often used because of their en-hanced biocompatibility and biofunctional motifs.86 Col-lagen, for example, is often used as a scaffold for cellssince it makes up a major component of the extracellularmatrix. Furthermore, incorporation of collagen and otherbiological components such as alginate,87 hyaluronicacid,88 and starch89 into synthetic polymers can improvethe overall cytocompatibility of a scaffold. Thus, electro-spinning of various biological substances, such as colla-gen, silk, fibrinogen, and chitosan, for biomedical appli-cations has been investigated. Compared to syntheticpolymers, electrospinning of biological materials is lessversatile because a suitable solvent that does not compro-mise its integrity has to be used.90

A collagen nanofiber mesh scaffold may have the ad-vantage of not only resembling the size scale but also thechemical and biological function of ECM. The spinningof collagen types I and III is feasible using 1,1,1,3,3,3hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFP) as a solvent.10,91 Collagenfiber diameters of 100 nm (type I) and 250 nm (type III)were achieved; these fibers possessed the typical 67 nmbanding pattern observed in native collagen.10 Culture ofaortic smooth muscle cells under dynamic conditions ledto proliferation and infiltration into the collagen network.By coating electrospun collagen with PCL, Venugopal etal. produced a scaffold with mechanical properties sim-ilar to skin and with the ability to support the attachmentand proliferation of human dermal fibroblasts for dermaltissue engineering.92

Elastin and fibrinogen are other proteins found in thebody that have been electrospun into nanofiber matrices.Elastin is a major component of the arteries and lungs,imparting resiliency and elasticity to these tissues.93

Huang et al. developed a method to electrospin a syn-


thetic peptide sequence of elastin (Val-Pro-Gly-Val-Gly)4(Val-Pro-Gly-Lys-Gly) mixed in water.94 The ulti-mate tensile strength of dried nanofiber meshes was 35MPa with a Young’s modulus of 1.8 GPa. Through hy-dration and peptide cross-linking, it is possible to mod-ulate these values to better mimic material properties ofblood vessels.

The plasma serum protein fibrinogen is part of thewound healing and blood-clotting cascade. In order tospin human or bovine fibrinogen, it was solubilized inminimum essential medium/HFP (10:90).95 A linear re-lationship between the fiber diameter (80–700 nm) andfibrinogen concentration (0.083-0.167 g/mL) was ob-served. A fibrinogen nanofiber mesh can be utilized as abiomedical gauze for wound healing.96 Additionally, afibrinogen scaffold could be conducive for cartilage re-pair, as fibrin glue has been suggested as a candidate ma-terial for neocartilage formation.97

Interestingly, Fang and Reneker were able to spin ac-tual DNA fibers.98 Other natural molecules that havebeen successfully spun include silk, chitosan, and dex-tran. Silk fibrin is derived from silkworm and has goodbiocompatibility, biodegradability, and minimal inflam-matory response when implanted in vivo.99,100 The silknanofibers were able to support bone marrow stromal cellattachment and growth, despite the presence of PEO inthe spinning solution.100 The preparations of chitosan anddextran have also been investigated, and although theircytocompatibilities were not tested, these materials pos-sess material and functional properties that could proveuseful in tissue engineering strategies.8,34

Composite scaffolds

Composite scaffolds can also be created using electro-spinning. For example, by sequentially spinning differentpolymer solutions, a scaffold with layers can be created.Each layer can be tailored for specific cell adhesion andcould be potentially beneficial for zonal articular cartilageor arterial vessel repair.48 Boland et al. have demonstratedsmooth muscle cell infiltration into a multi-layered scaf-fold of collagen types I and III and elastin when culturedin a rotary cell culture system.91 Alternatively, two or morepolymer solutions can be spun concurrently, resulting in ascaffold with mixed types of fibers. Collagen types I andIII could be spun in this manner to create a scaffold thatbetter mimics their in vivo ratios.10 Another strategy is touse a polymer that degrades faster than the other, therebyincreasing the microvoid spaces for tissue in-growth.48 Byco-spinning solutions of PCL and gelatin, bigger pore sizeswere achieved upon gelatin degradation, resulting in an in-crease in rabbit bone marrow cell migration.90 However,the reported migration depth of the attached bone-marrowstromal cells was still only about 100 �m. The incorpora-tion of gelatin to increase the pore size could be important


since the small mesh sizes of electrospun scaffolds maybe a limitation for tissue engineering applications.

In many of the in vitro studies described, the attachedcells formed a monolayer at the top of the scaffold, butthere is little evidence to suggest that cells migrated intothe depths of the scaffold, especially since the pore sizesare small compared to the size of cells.48 It has been sug-gested that cells cannot migrate through pores smallerthan 10 �m.101 In order for these nanofiber scaffolds tobe functionally useful as tissue engineering scaffolds, cul-tivation of cells into a 3-D framework is critical.81 How-ever, dynamic culture conditions and in vivo studies haveshown that there is cellular penetration and matrix depo-sition throughout nanofiber constructs although themechanisms by which this occurs is not clear.82,91,101 Itis posited that in these conditions, cells are able to pushagainst the fibers during their migration paths and thusoptimize pore sizes for further cellular infiltration.91,102

Another type of composite scaffold developed hassought to incorporate carbon nanotubes into the electro-spinning process as a means to reinforce polymeric fibers.Multi-walled carbon nanotubes were incorporated intoPEO81,103 and poly(acrylonitrile) nanofibers (PAN).104

The PAN fibers were spun using a moving collector, and,at high concentrations, the nanotubes were aligned. It wasfound that the reinforced polymer fibers had an increasein tensile modulus by 144% at 20 wt% nanotubes andtensile strength increased by 75% at 5 wt% nanotubes.105

Therefore, it may be possible to tailor the mechanicalproperties of nanofiber scaffolds to resemble that of thetarget tissue.

Functionalized scaffolds

A common strategy in tissue engineering is function-alization of a scaffold in order to increase biocompati-bility or induce specific biological responses from at-tached cells. For example, prolonged in vivo activity ofTGF-�2 was observed when it was bound to fibrillar col-lagen via poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) compared to ad-mixed samples.106 Functionalization of electrospun fibersis also feasible and is typically carried out either by post-processing methods to conjugate molecules to the surfaceof nanofibers or by incorporating the bioactive factor intothe spinning solution.

A novel, surface-modified scaffold was created forsupport of primary rat hepatocytes to illustrate the feasi-bility of covalently attaching cell-adhesive molecules onnanofibers. PAA was grafted onto poly(�-caprolactone-co-ethyl ethylene phosphate) (PCLEEP) allowing forconjugation of galactose ligand, which mediates hepato-cyte adhesion. Hepatocytes cultured on these galatosy-lated PCLEEP nanofiber scaffolds formed 20–100 �mspheroid aggregates that engulfed the nanofibers.107

Recently, the conjugation of bone morphogenetic pro-


tein-2 (BMP-2) on chitosan nanofibers for bone regener-ation was described by Park et al.108 BMP-2 conjugatedto the surface of chitosan membranes increased os-teoblastic cell attachment and retained bioactivity for upto 4 weeks. Furthermore, the BMP-2 coated surface ofthe chitosan membranes resulted in better proliferation,alkaline phosphatase activity, and calcium deposition ofosteoblastic cells compared to BMP-2 adsorbed mem-branes.

Casper et al. incorporated low molecular weight hep-arin (LMWH) into nanofibers of PEO and PLGA by mix-ing it directly into the spinning solution.109 By labelingthe heparin with a fluorescent dye, the researchers wereable to use multiphoton microscopy to show that heparinwas distributed both throughout individual fibers, as wellas the thickness of the mesh. Incorporation of PEG-LMWH resulted in improved heparin retention in thefibers and could theoretically allow slower release of at-tached growth factors that bind to heparin, such as basicfibroblast growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor, and TGF-�. Thus, this approach represents a simple way todeliver growth factors through incorporation of a growth-factor binding molecule into electrospun fibers.

Drug delivery carriers

The effective delivery of therapeutic agents toward al-leviating medical conditions is one aspect of polymericbiomaterials design. Polymeric drug delivery systems areadvantageous because they can be controlled to deliverdrugs efficiently to a localized area.110 The nuances ofsuch a system may have profound implications on tissueengineering: nanofiber drug delivery systems may provideinsight into the direct incorporation of bioactive growthfactors into scaffolds. Additionally, drug delivery systemscan be combined with implantable tissueengineering scaf-folds to prevent infection while repair and regenerationoccur. The discussion below describes the approaches tomodulate the release of drugs from nanofiber scaffolds,with an emphasis on antibiotic delivery.

The high surface area–volume ratio of electrospunscaffolds allows the efficient delivery of a loaded drug.Various drugs have been successfully introduced (i.e.,maintain their structure and bioactivity) into nanofiberscaffolds, which can potentially be used as drug deliveryvehicles.71,111 One method to incorporate therapeuticdrugs into nanofibers involves solubilizing the drug intothe polymer solution to be spun.112 Using this method, aloading efficiency of 90% into PDLA nanofibers was re-ported for the antibiotic drug Mefoxin.15 Covalent con-jugation to polymers represents another method to modulate drug release.113 Jiang et al. used a PLGA/PEG-g-chitosan (PEG-g-CHN) blend for delivery of ibupro-fen.114 The interactions between ibuprofen and chitosan


in the physical blend attenuated ibuprofen release ratesby limiting its diffusion. Moreover, conjugation of ibu-profen to PEG-g-CHN prior to spinning reduced the re-lease rate even further.

It has also been suggested that the high porosity ofnanofibers allows for rapid diffusion of degradationbyproducts.114 Burst release of Mefoxin in PDLAnanofibers was observed in the first 3 h and complete re-lease occurred within 48 h.15 Such a release profile maybe suitable for prevention of postoperative infections.However, the burst release may also be indicative of thedrug being attached only on the surface of the nanofibers.This was observed by Luu et al. who successfully incor-porated intact plasmid DNA into PLGA and PLLA-PEGblock copolymers that, upon release, was active over a20 day period.115 However, the DNA was localized onthe nanofiber surfaces, leading to burst release within 2 h. This approach could serve as a potential platform forsuccessful gene delivery. A tubular fiber structure, inwhich a bioactive molecule is encased within thenanofibers, could be a more effective platform for drugand gene delivery systems.2 By changing solution com-ponents, it might be possible to encapsulate DNA intothe fibers by micelle formation and thus obtain slowerrelease kinetics.115 More research is required to under-stand the mode of drug incorporation in electrospunnanofibers; for example, the high surface-volume ratio ofnanofiber scaffolds may contribute to an increased burstrelease delivery effect.

Different release rates may be obtained by simply vary-ing the fiber diameter or loading dosage. Zeng et al. usedtriethylbenzyl ammonium chloride and sodium dodecylsulfate in PLLA solutions to create more uniform andsmaller fiber diameters; the release of rifampin from thesefibers in the presence of proteinase K followed zero or-der kinetics.116 Also, blends of biodegradable polymerswith different degradation rates can be used to controldrug release. Release kinetics of tetracycline hydrochlo-ride changed from burst to a more sustained release when50:50 blends of PLLA:poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)(PEVA) were used compared to either PLLA or PEVAalone.112 However, the polymer choice may be depen-dent on the desired drug to be released and vice versa.Doxorubicin hydrochloride, a hydrophobic drug, was notwell dispersed within electrospun PLLA fibers until itwas made lipophilic.116


Although electrospinning was first described over 70years ago, attention to the technique has increased dra-matically within the past 10 years, due in large part tothe rising interest in nanoscale properties and materials.The tissue engineering community has begun to capital-


ize on the inherent nanoscale nature of electrospun poly-meric fibers as potential scaffolds to mimic native ECM.Electrospun matrices are able to support the attachmentand proliferation of a wide variety of cell types; more-over, the cells are able to maintain their phenotypes onthese nanofiber scaffolds. Using innovative collectorsand spinning techniques, scaffolds with aligned fibers,different compositions, improved mechanical properties,varying degradation rates, or functional moieties can beproduced. Nevertheless, despite the comprehensive ex-perimental and theoretical studies illustrating the abilityto control fiber formation, concerns with fiber diameteruniformity still need to be addressed. Precise control offiber morphology will be necessary for improved scaf-fold designs that better recreate the functions of nativeextracellular matrix. The generation of designer scaffoldswith clinically relevant dimensions and the homogeneousdistribution of cells within them will also need to be ad-dressed for tissue engineering applications.


We acknowledge funding from the National Institutesof Health (R01-AR42639, R01-AR48756, R01-DE15164)for tissue engineering applications using biodegradablepolymers. U. Sharma acknowledges support from a train-ing fellowship from the Keck Center Nanobiology Train-ing Program of the Gulf Coast Consortia (NIH Grant No.1T90 DK070121-01).


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