Page 1: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF
Page 2: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

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Page 3: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

ORNL/TM--9869 Dist. Category UC-20 g

Fusion Energy Division


R. C. GOLDFINGER Computing and Telecommunications Division


Date Published - March 1986

NOTICE: This document contains information of a prelinihary nature. It i s subject t o revision or correction and therefore does not represent a final report.


Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831 operated by


U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE ACO5-840RZ1400

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Page 4: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF
Page 5: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF


ACI-CNO W LED GMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii

1 . INTRUDTJCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 . THEORETICAL BACXGROTJND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.1. THE RAYS CODE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

2.2. WAVE ABSORPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

2.3. PLASMA MODEL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

3 . RAY TRACING CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17



CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


CALCULllTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27



3.7. WALL REFLECTION CALCULATIONS . . . . . . . . . . 35 4 . STJMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

ItEFER.ENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Page 6: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF
Page 7: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF


The authors thank J. H. Harris, T. L. Whit,e, and J. C. Glowienka for valuable discus-

sions c,onnec.t,ed with this work. V. E. Lynch supplied t,he AVAC c d e and help with the

plasma model.


Page 8: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF
Page 9: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF


The RAYS geometrical optics code has been used to calculate electron cyclotron wave

propatgation and heating in the Advanced Toroidal Fxility (ATF) device under eonstriic,tion

at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). The intent of this work is to predict the

outcome of various heating scenarios and to give guidance in designing an optimum heating

system. Particular attention is paid t o the effects of wave polarization and antenna location.

We investigate first and second harmonic cyclotron heating with the parameters predicted

for steady-state ATF operation. We also simulate the effect of wall reflections by calculating

a uniform, isotropic flux of power radiating from the wall. These results, combined with the

first-pass calculations, give a qualitative picture of the heat deposition profiles. From these

results we identify the compromises that represent the optimum heating strate@es for the

ATF model considered here. Our basic conclusions are that second harmonic heating with

the extraordinary mode (X-mode) gives the best result, with funda.mentd ordinary mode

(0-mode) heating being slightly less efficient. Assuniirig the antenna location is restricted

to the low magnetic field side, the antenna should be ptaced at # = 0" (the toroidal

angle where the helical coils are a t the sides) for fundamental heating and a t 4 = 15"

(where the helical coils are a t the toy and bottom) for second harmoiiic heatiag. These

recommendations come directly from the ray tracing results as well as from a theoretical

identific,ation of the relevant fac,tors affeding the heating.


Page 10: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF
Page 11: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF


This paper presents results for electron cyclotron heating using a 53.2-CHz microwave

source in the plasma regime that should provide a target plasma for neutral beam injection

[T, = 500 eV, ne N 1013 crnw3, \BO\ N 1.9 T and 0.95 T (first and second harmonic,

respectively)]. The main objective of the study is to determine how to maximize the first-

pass absorption of the beam and how to have this heating occur as near as possible to the

magnetic axis. When the magnetic field level is adjusted to place the cyclotron resonance

a t the axis (fie = eB/2rMC' = 53.2 GHz and 2f,, = 53.2 GHz on axis for the first and

second harmonic absorption, respectively) the absorption will occur near the axis, but it

may not, be total. The damping strength is a function of the plasma parameters for the

desired polarization and of the local scale length in {BI. Thus the optirnum power deposition

profile will be a compromise between maximizing the absorption and having the heating

occur near the axis. Other considerations in choosing the optimum launch configuration

result from sensitivity of the results to antenna characteristics and plasma parameters. For

esample, finite bPta effects and small chaages in vertical field currents can radially displace

the magnetic axis location. These factors can help point to a preferred launch position.

Our calculations are based on one assumed set of coil currents that gives rise to a

nominal ATF configuration with the magnetic axis located a t 210 cm. The rotational

transform profile is a(0) = 0.33 and &(a) = 1.0, where a = 30 cm is the plasma radius.

Since other current configurations significantly change the topology of the magnetic field

and the flux surfaces, the recommendations we make concerning optimum launching are

valid only for this particular configuration. However, the same general principles and

analysis can be applied to other field configurations, which can be readily analyzed with

our code. The complicated topology of the mod-B resonance surfaces and their relationship

to the location of the magnetic axis are shown to be the primary factors in determining

the wave absorption. Specifically, the maximum absorption occurs when the resonance

occurs a t the saddle point of the magnetic field. Other considerations, such as: natural

symmetries in the system, the separation between the saddle point and the magnetic axis,

and the gradient perpendicular to the ray trajectories, all help to point to a preferred launch

location for any given equilibrium.

The ray tracing is done using cold plasma theory to propagate the rays according to

the results of geometrical optics [1,2]. We treat each case by doing two runs: a single-

pass calculation of the incident beam and a calculation that simulates the effect of the

remaining power. This remaining power is trea,ted by assuming. that the part of the beam

not absorbed on the first pass is quickly randomized in direction, location, and polarization


Page 12: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

2 Introduction

throughout the device. We base the model on our experience with the ELMO Bumpy Torus

(EBDT) experiment. Rence, we can estimate the effect of the init id beam plus subsequent

wall reflections by a superposition of the two cases. We present results for both bigh-

and low-field launch, although only low-field operation is planned on ATF a t this time.

It will be shown that the 0-mode polarization (.6 11 for perpendicular propagation)

is st,rongly absorbed at the fundamental cyclotron resoiiaiice. The X-mode cannot reach

the fiindament,al resonance from the low-field side because of the presence of the right-

hand cutoff. When the magnetic field level is decreased to the point at which the plasma

center is resonant at the second harmonic of the wave frequency, the roles of the 0- and

X-modes are reversed. For this case, the X-mode can reach the second harmonic [as long as

fpe(0) < (53.2 GHz)/&] and i s very strongly absorbed. The 0-mode is weakly absorbed at

the second harmonic and makes an insignificant contribution to second harmonic heating.

The organization of the paper is as follows. Section 2 presents some of the theoretical

backgroiind of the RAYS code. Specifically discussed are cold plasma ray tracing, the

finite temyerat<ure approximations used in cakulating the damping, and d e t d s about the

plasma model. Section 3 displays the ray tracing calculat'ions, and Section 4 presents the


Page 13: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF



RAYS, a code first developed a t ORNL for the study of electron cyclotron heating in

EBT [ 1-31, traces rays in an arbitrary magnetized plasma configuration. The ray tracing is

carried out by integrating the Hamiltonian form of the geometrical optics equations using

the two-component, cold plasma dispersion relation:

(1) aD a D / a = -sgn ( - -) _ _

d8 IFpl dt aw pD/aEy dF - 1 dF - I _I__ -


where D = [ (E1 - ni) (E1 - 9 4 - 6-4 2 ( E 3 - a ; )

eB Wee+ = --

Here, nl = c&'w is the real refractive index, q = E . k, and = d q . For the case

of weak absorption considered here the effect of finite temperature on the ray trajectories

can be neglected 141. We can develop insight into this dispersion relation for the regime of

interest if we consider a simplified form that comes from assuming that 1;1 N w,, >> u,i

and n n l >> nil. Under these approximations, Eq. (3) becomes


Page 14: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

4 Theoretical Background

The two roots of this biquadrat,ic equa,tion in n: correspond to the 0- and X-polarizatLion

modes, A resonance occurs in the X-mode (the upper hybrid resonance) when the coefficient

of the 12: term vanishes: 1 - d i ,Jw2 - w?Jw2 = 0. Cutotfs occur in both branches when

the constant term vanishes:


1 - Wpe II 0 W 2

(0-mode cutoff)

- 0 (X-mode cutoff)

For the 53.2-GHz wv;p;ve bource, the O-snode will be uiiable t o penetrat,e the plasma center

whpn the density exceeds n, = 3.5 x 1 O I 3 *4n X-mode ray from the low magnetic

field side will encounter the right-hand cutoff and be reflected beforc the ray can reach the

lundamental cyclotron rebonance surface, Wce/W = I (except for a small fraction of X-mode

power that can tunnel through the evanescent region on the outer edge of the plasma). The

qnrJstioii of whether the X-mode can reach the second harmonic before hitting the cutoff

w h m launched from the low-field side dependb on the density: when wz,/w2 < 0.5 (which

corresponds to a density of 1.75 x l O I 3 cme3 for 53.2 GBz), the ray can reach the Yecond


For high-field launch the situat,inn is as follows. -4pi 0-mode ray incident from the

high-field side will he able to reach the fundame1xta.l resonance as long as the density is

below @-mode cutoff, t i , = 3.5 x l O I 3 A high-field X-mode ray will first encounter

the fundamental resonance, W,e/W = I , and then possibly the upper hybrid layer, u;,/d -t-

@?,/w2 = I. There is very weak absorption of the X-mode at the fundamental resonance

for TIL >> rill, but strong absorption near the upper hybrid resonance ~ J Y mode conversion

to elect,ron Bernstein modes [5-71. If oblique propagation is done, rill - nl, then very

strong high-field X-mode absorption occurs near the fundarxlentd resonance. The density

cutoff for this case is wi,/w2 = 2 or 12, = 7 x 1013 ~ r n " ~ ~ . Bile t,o the difficulty of high-geld

oblique launching, no such experiments are planned, and hence no cdculat,ions amre done

in this paper for high-field X-mode launch. As is shown below, it turns out that, the X-

mode is milch more strongly absorbed at t,he second harmonic than .the 0-mode. Thus,

in suinmaiy, the best strategy for low-field launch is to use X-mode polarization when

the central magnetic field makes the second harmonic resonant there (lzoI - 0.95 11).

When t8he field is increa,sed to cause the fixnda.mentd resonance to appear near the center

(lpul - 1.9 T), then accessibility requires 0-mode launch.

Page 15: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Theoretical Background 5


The fractional absorption of wave energy due to cyclotron damping is given by

where I c d is the imaginary part of the wave vector and s is the path length along the ray. In

order to perform the integration in E¶. (6), it is necessary to determine & . ds as a function

of 8. The value of 4 that corresponds to damping at the fundamental cyclotron resonance

is obtained from a, weak damping approximation for oblique propagatmion similar tso that

given in Ref. 181. In this application, we expand about the local value of (rill, n l ) as given

by the RAYS code. The component of E; in the direction of is given by

Here DC is the cold plasma dispersion relation, ni and n l are the zero-order refractive

indices obtained directly from the integration of the ray equations, and Dw is a warm

plasma correction term of the form


D1 = (1 - q) n2nI + (1 - P ) n2ni - (1 - q) (1 - P)

+ (1 - 2q) (1 - P) r -

n2 + -n - 2 (1 - 2q) - ( r> *;I .i D3 = P [.21%i - (1 - 4) (2 +.e> + (1 - 2 4

and Z(q) is the plasma dispersion function.

For nearly perpendicular propagation, nil 5 v / c , relativistic effects predominate. In

this rpgime our code approximates '211 = 0 and uses the Shkarofsky formulation [Q] t o

numerically solve

Page 16: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

6 Theoretical Background



Using these approximations, Fig. 1 shows the 0-mode ki as a function of magnetic field

strength (normdized to the wave frequency) around the fiindamental resonance for various

values of 1 1 1 1 . It is seen that as the wave vector becomes more nearly perpendicular to

the magnetic field (small values of nil), the damping is confined to an increasingly narrow

region in spase on the high-field side of the resonance.

The X-mode damping near t,he second harmonic is obtained using Poynting’s theorem,

= H where S = Re [E* x ( E x E ) ] is the Poynting’s vector and t~ is the Hermitian part of

the relativistic conductivity tensor. The model for assumes an isotropic M w e l l i a n

distribution and a.llows contributions from a.n arbitrary number of cyclotron harmonics.

(For this application, only the n = 2 term contributes.) The real refractive index is deter-

mined from the ray tracing code; the electric field eigenvectors, z, used in the absorption

equat,ion are determined from the cold plasma, dispersion tensor, D . E = 0. Details on the

c.aJlc.iila,t,ioiis for n may be found in Ref. [ 101. Figure 2 shows k; as a funct,ion of niagnet#ic

field around the second harmonic. A compa,rison of Figs. 1 and 2 reveals that the X-mode

ahsorpt,ion at the second harmonic is between two and five times great,er than the 0-mode

absorption at the fundaxnmtal, with the line shapes quite similar for the two cases.


- ~~.~


Page 17: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Theoretical Background 7

O R N L - D W G 8 5 C - 3 4 8 2 FED


0.5 1 I 1 I

0.4 I II 0.01 I\ - -0 .10


.- I


* 0.2


- - 0.10 ---- 0.20 - * - 0.30

0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 O c e ( 0 ) / W

The imaginary part of the 0-mode wave vector, k*, as a function of normalized

magnetic field strength, LI,,/w.

0.98 0.99 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 O c e ( 0 ) / W

The imaginary part of the 0-mode wave vector, k;, as a function of normalized

magnetic field strength, LI,,/w.


For the magnetic field model we have used the three-dimension4 vitcuuin field code,

AV44C 111-131, developed by V. E. Lynch and others. AVAC uses the Biot-Savart law to calculate the magnetic field that results from an arbitrary configuration of external currents.

Its considerable generality and flexibility allow the accurate calculation of vacuum fields

in torsatrons, stellaratnrs, helical-axis devices, and other machines. It is shown here that

magnetic topology is the significant factor in dPtermining the power deposition profile as

well as the total absorption. This sensitivity implies that it is essential t o usc an accurate,

fully three-dimensional magnetic field for these calculations to get meaningful results.

We approximate the magnetic field in ATF by using AVAC with two filamentary helical

field (HF) coils and four vertical field (VF) coils in a configuration appropriate for ATF. The

Page 18: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

8 Theoretical Background

2 .8


2 . 0

7 1.6 E

Y 1.2

0 - .-


0 . 4

O R N L - D W G 85C-3483 FED

I I I 1



II 0 .01 0.18 0 . 2 0

- * - 0.30



0 .49 0.50 0 .51 W , , ( O ) / C 3

FIG. 2. The imaginary part of the X-mode wave vector, k;, as a function nf normalized

magnetic field strength, w,,/w.

Page 19: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Theoretical Background 9

two HF coils carry equal current with major radius of 210.0 cm and minor radius of 48.0 cm.

The VI" coils are locaked a.t R (cm), 2 (cm) = (281.0,61.7), (281.0, -61.71, (133.0,20.0) and

(133.0, -20.0). The outer VI" coils ca,rry 47% of the H F coil current anti-parallel to the

direction of the HF current, while the inner W coils carry 15% of the HF current in the same

sense. Ampkre's law applied to the HF coils shows that a current of 0.875 M A produces a.

magnetic 5eld on axis ( R = 210.0 CUI) of = 1.0 T. The plasma density and electron

temperature are assumed constant on a flux surface and therefore are parameterized by the

toroidal magnetic fiux function, $. The dependence of density and electron temperature

on minor radius, ne($) , is illustrated in Fig. 3. For the toroidal flux function we have

used an ad hoc UrotatiJig ellipse" model that is a reasonable representation (at least for the

purposes of ray t,racing) of the va,cnnrn flux function. In this model, the flux surfaces arc

elliptical in a plane of constant toroidal angle, 4, and rotate about the Illinor axis with the

helical windings. These ellipses a,re concentric and centered at R = RMAJOR = 210 em.

In Fig. 4 we show (a) the resormnce and (b) the cutoff surfaces described in Sec-

tion 2.1. We have plotted the electron cyclotron resonance, the upper hybrid resonance,

and the right-hand cutoff for lBol = 1.9 T and ne = 1013 ~ r n - ~ . Because an 0-mode ray

experiences no resonances or cutoffs for this density, the entire chamber is ac,cessible to it.

An X-mode ray is evanescent in the region between the right-hand cutoff and cyclotron res-

ona,nce so that it cannot reac,h the plasma center when launched from the low-field side with

these pararueiers. When a n X-mode ray is launched from the high-field side, it reaches the

cyclotron resona'nce but does not encounter the upper hybrid resonance unless it is propa-

gating a t considerably oblique angles. This leads us to conchde that mode conversion and

absorption near the upper hybrid resonance play an insignificant role for these parameters.

Figures 5-7 show mod-B and flux contours on various surfaces for ATF. EacA figure

has three contours of constant flux, indicated by dotted lines that c,orrespond to plasma

densities (or temperatures) in our model of 90%, SO%, and 20% of the maximum value at!

the magnetic. axis, 3 = 0. The solid lines are contours of const,ant 1B1 that a,re labeled

according to the normalized value of on each contour. The contour with value 1.0

passes through the magnebic axis, 11, = 0, in the 4 = 0" plane. Thus, for a wave frequency

of 53.2 GHz, this surface is the location of the cyclotron resonance if \Dl = 1.9 T a t this

point, ( x , g , 2 ) = (210,0,0). Figures 5 and 6 are poloida,l cross sec.tions in the toroidal

planes $ = 0" atid 4 = 15", respectively. In the 4 = 0" plane the helied windings

are at the sides of thc v i t c i iu~ chamber, while at (p = 15" t,he windings are a t the top

and bottom of the chamber. Figure 7 displays the contours on the orthogonal surface,

R = t/(z2 + g2] = 210 cm. (This is the cylindrical sheet containing the minor axis.) We .__I__.-

Page 20: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

10 Theoretical Backgroutad


0 .75

," 0 .50



O R N L - D W G 85C-2112 FED

I I I I I I I I I \ I I I I \

I I I 1 J 160 180 200 220 240 260

R (cm) FIG. 3. Normalized electron density, or temperature, as a function of major radius €or

Q, = 0" and 4 = 15". The maximum density occurs on the rninor axis, R = 210 cm;

the asymptotic density is 10% of the maximum.

Page 21: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Theoretical Background 11

FIG. 4.



R (cm)

The fundamental electron cyclotron resonmce, upper hybrid resonance, and right-

hand cutoff surfaces for CUI-'. The intersections of these surfaces with (a) the 4 = 0" and (b) the 4 = 15" toroidal planes are shown.

= 1.9 T, n, = 1.0 x

Page 22: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

12 Theoretical Background


FIG. 5.


w (cm)

Mod-B and flm contours in the d> = 0" plane. The ellipses represent contours

of 90%, SO%, and 20% density. The value of \B\ on each con to^ is indicated,

norma,lized to unity on the magnetic axis, R - 210 cm. The helical windings are

at = 210 f 48 an, 2 = 0 in this plane.

Page 23: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Theureticd Background 13

ORNL-DWG 84-38 l lR FED


3 0

2 0





- 30

-40 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 w

R ( c m )

FIG. 6. Mod-B and flux contours in the # = 15" plane. The helical windings are at the

top and bottom of the torus in this plane.

Page 24: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

14 Theoretical Background

G 84-38qOR FED


3 0


10 -

e---- _. 4 .oo



- 3 0

40 20 25 30 -40

0 5

Q, ( d e g )

FIG. 7. Mod-B and fliix c o n t ~ u r s on the cylindrical surface, R = 210 cm. The helical

windings are a t t,he top and bottom for #) = 15" in this plane, The magnetic axis

lies in the plane of the page at Z = 0.

Page 25: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Thewetical Background 15

can make a number of predictions about wave absorption, which are borne out by the ray

tracing calcidations, by inspecting these figures. First, a sudaee with an arbitrary mlue

of 181 is generally quite complicated in this torsatron geometry. Inspection of the poloidal

cuts, Figs, 5 and 6 , shows a sa,ddle point in the field neax the center and a strong variation

of Vial across the plasma. Because the damping is strongly localized in space in regions

around wJT) = g, it is clear that the damping will be much greater when the reson4ance is

near the saddle point than when it lies on an off-center mod-B contour. Thus, for maximum

first-pass absorption, it is crucid to choose the gyrotrori frequency such that the magnetic

field level can be adjusted to make this saddle point region resonant.

A comparison of Figs. 5 and 6 illustrates the importance of toroidal effects; the two

figures differ in several significant ways beyond the simple poloidal rotation of the helicd

coils. Because the value of 1J3) a t the saddle point is approximately 5% higher at q5 = 15"

than it is a t q5 = 0", the plane of launching will affect the values of optimum magnetic field

level and/or gyrotron frequency. Another toroidal effec.t not seen in a straight (cylindrical)

model is that the branches of mod-B are not symnietric with respect to the magnetic axis;

thus, .inside launch from the midplane will be different from outside launch, for example.

A more subtle effect is the ditference in topology between the two planes. Note t,hat both

of these planes have up/down symmetry in the magnetic field. This means that low-field

launch from 4 = 15" (dong a horizontal line in the midplane) is in a symmetry plane,

wherea,s low-field launch from 9 = 0" (from the top or bottom) is not,. Therefore, with

low-field 4 = 15" launch, the beam is assured of passing through both the magnetic axis

and the saddle point when the boresight is directxed toward the minor auis. This is not

the case with 6 = 0" launch; here the beam (which is nearly vertical), the magnetic axis,

a,nd the saddle point are not colinear in general. Finite beta, varying 'C'F coil currents, and

other effects will move these points out of the fixed beam path. Thus, aiming of the beam

will be more difficult and sensitive to operating conditions for low-field q5 = 0" launch.

Since the saddle point and axis lie on the midplane, another consequence of the up/down

symmetq is that when the axis is made resonant, the resonaut contour will be a %o-miss'

contour when the beam is launched from the midplane. That is7 the resonant contour that

passes through the axis encloses the beam for 4 = 15" low-field lmnch, but it does not

enclose the beam for Q = 0" low-field laiinch (see Fig. 4). Consequently, a portion of the

beam will miss the resonance for the 9 = 0" top launch case. In summary, then, launching

from the midplane dong a horkontd line (low-field 0, = 15" or high-field & = 0") has

some theoretical advantages. The finite spread of the heam in the complicated magnetic

geometry moderates this conclusion somewhat, but the basic effects described here are

borne out by the ray t,racing cdculatictns.

Page 26: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF
Page 27: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF



Nunierous calculations are present,ed in this section for various launch positions and

magnetic fields. With fixed launch point, density, and temperature, the magnetic field

strength is changed, making various mod-B contours resonant. We plot the absorption as

a function of field strength and show power deposition profiles for selected points on the

curve. This heating profile is a histogram in # space ($I = toroidal flux), d P ( @ ) / d @ , in

which @ has been mapped into two different radial coordinates. These radial coordinates,

R ~ G ~ I and RLOW, corresporrd to the given value of $(r ) a:, one moves away from the

magnetic axis in the high- and low-field directions. respectively. The histogram is thus an

approximation of the heat deposited per unit volume a t the given radius.

Two types of calculations are presented: first-pass runs and wall reflection runs. The

first,-pass runs simulate the effect of the beam on its first pass through the plasma. These

calculations take a conical bundle of eight rays, emanating from a point, to simulate a

beam with a full width at half maximum of approximately 3". This i s done by launching

eight rays with azimuthal angles of = O", 90°,

B O " , 270" about the chosen beam direction. The wall reflection runs give an indication

of where the power not absorbed on the first pass is deposited in tLhe plasma. There are

several mechanisms by which this residuaJ power can he left after thP first pass through

the plasma. The most obvious ways are a mixture of polarization modw a t the center and

plasma parameters that cause a given wave t o experience less than 100% absorption. Less

than 100% first-pass absorption can also occur due to beam collimation and aiming errors

or to magnetic field structure different from that modeled in this idealized picture (e.g.,

finite beta effects). From this wall reflection calculation we determine how much of the

randomized power i.; absorbed per boiince, and we obtain a heating profile for where this

power is deposited.

= 0.5", 1.5" and polar angles of

Section 3 is organized as follows. Initially we discuss the first-pass calculations, starting

with the fundamental resonance. In Sections 3.2 and 3.3 we compare the results of launching

from the high- and low-field sides for the t$ = 0" and $ = 15" toroidal planes. Section 3.4

is a similar discussion for the second harmonic. The density chosen for these runs is 1.0 x c ~ I - ~ , which corresponds to J ~ ~ ( O ) / W = 0.53. For each of these first-pass cases, we also

include calculations done a t higher densities approaching cutoff for the respective modes.

For the fundamental resonance 0-mode runs, the higher density used is 2.8 x lOI3 ~ r n - ~ ,

which corresponds to upe(0)/u = 0.9 [O-mode cutoff is LJ, ,(~)/w = 1.01. The high-density


Page 28: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

18 Ray Tracing Cndcdntiorzs

second harmonic X-mode run (Section 3.5) was done with ne = 1 . 7 ~ l0l3 cmW3, d p e ( 0 ) / ~ =

0.7 [the right-hand cittoE eclipses the second harmonic resonaac.e for upe(0)/u = l / f i ] .

In Section 3.6 we briefly describe additional first-pass ca,lciilat3ions that test some of the

qualitative sta,teirieiihs tha t have been made about lrragnet,ic symmetry and topology. In

t,his section we test the sensitivity to beam width and the effect of a displaced magnetic

axis. Finally, we discuss the wall reflection ca,lciilations and their impact on the heating

process in Section 3.7.


Figures 8-.13 are first-pass calculations a t the fundarneilt,d and second harmorric ai

ti, = 1.0 x 1013 C ~ I - ~ . As described in Section 2.1, the 0-mode is strongly absorbed

at the f ~ ~ n a a ~ ~ e n t a ~ . In contrast, the X-mode beam does not intercept the upper hybrid

resonance and i s wenkly absorbed for n e d y perpendicular propagation at the c.yclotron

~ ~ S O I ~ I I C C . Thus, the first-pass fiindamental resonance calculations are all done with the

0-mode. Figures 8-13 compare lo~7-field launch in the # = 0" and 4 = 15" toroidal planes.

This corresponds t,o launching the beam from the top of the torus at 4 = 0" (the helical

coils are on the midphne) and from the outside of the midplane at Q = 15" (the helical

coils are a t the top and bottom). The ordinate of the graph in Figs. 10 and 12 is the

power absorbed from the beam. The abscissa is the cyclotron gyrofreqnmey, evaluated at

the magnetic amxis and normalized to the wme frequency. Thus uce(0)/u = 0.5 and 1.0

correspond respectively t80 the second harmonic and fundamental resonance falling on the

magnetic axis. The actual ray trajectories in space are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 for the

points laheled. "A" in Figs. 10 and 12. The ray trajectories for the other points (not, shown)

a m similar. We immediat,eiy notice several features. First, inspection of Figs. 10 and 12

reveals that it is possible for 100% of the incident beam to be absorbed on the first pass

when t8he field is sixc,h t4hat t,he resonance fd ls near the saddle point and scale lengths am at

their maximaan. Since the magnetic axis and saddle point are not coincident, this means

that the god of maxinrnm beam absorption may be in conflict with trying t o deposit all

the power n e m the ads . Figures 11 and 13 show the radial heating profiles for several

selected points from Figs. 10 and 12. In Fig. l l b (point "F"), there is a net absorption of

96% when the field level is adjuslied to make wce(0)/u = 1.005 for q4 5= 0" launch. This

heating occurs close to t,he axis; all of the power is deposited within 5 cm of the axis in

the high-field direction and 8 cm in the low-field direction. The situation for fundamental

hea.ting in the @ = 15" plane is not quite as good. In Fig. 13b (point, "E,') 98% absorption

is achieved. but it occurs 10 cm from the a,xis in the low-field direction. If the field is now

Page 29: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Calculations 19

ORNL-DWG 85-3484 FED

FIG. 8. Poloidal projection of X-mode rays launched from the top of the torus in the

t# = 0" plane (low-field launch). T h e v d u e of a t the magnetic axis, (R, 2, #) = (210,0,0), is 0.95 T {second harmonic operation), and the asterisks indicate the

approxhmtbte location of absorption. When 99% of the power of a ray is absorbed,

the calculation is stopped for that ray. Some rays experience weak absorption

because their trajectories (which may lie out, of the plane of the paperj do not

pass through the high-field side of the resonance {see Fig. 2).

Page 30: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

20 Ray Tracing Caicdations

5-5485 FED


3 0

2 0



- E v O O N




-40 220 230 240 250 w 170 188 190 200

R k m ) FIG. 9, Poloidal projection of X- mod^ rays la imhed from the midplane in the # = 15"

plam (low-field launch). The resonance lies on the saddk point. Rays that pass

through the middle of the saddle region do not pass through the high-field side of

the resonance and &re therefore weakly absorbed.

Page 31: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Calculations 21

ORNL-DWG 8 5 C - 3 4 8 6 FED




0 .4

0 .2







1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.4 0 . 6 0.8 W , , ( O ) / O

FIG. 10. Fractional absorption as a function of U , > ~ ( ~ ) / U for top launch in the # = 0" plane

with ne = i0 l3 cm-3.

Page 32: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

22 Hay Tracing Calcdatianfi

I- POINT f w,,(O)/w - ............ A 0.87 0.502 -

B 0.99 0.503

c 0.99 0.510 n 0.64 0.560 -

E 0.22 0.590

------ ---


L .................I I I

F 0.96 1.005 G 0.73 4.030 ti 0.56 1.050 I 0.2'6 1.100


--- ---

0 4 8 12 46 2 0 24 28

HIG H (cm)

FIG. 11. 'Relative daxiiping, d P ( e ) ) / d z ? for selected points from Fig. 10. (a) Points for

second harimnic operation: (b) points for funcla mental. aperation. The damping

rate at a given value of $ is plotted against the two axes, RI,,,, and RLow (the

Z~om a s k i s on the top of the figure). R ~ ~ I G I I (RLOM 1 arp the distances from the

Inagiletic axis to the corresponding d: value in the radial direction towards (away

froan) t h e helical coils.

Page 33: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Calculations 23







O R N L - D W G 8 5 C - 3 4 8 9 FED





0 .4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 o,, ( O ) / O

FIG. 12. Fractional absorption as a function of w c e ( 0 ) / u for midplane launch in the Ip = 15"

plane (low-field launch) with n e = 1.0 x 10l3 mi-' [launch point (R , #, 2) = (250,15, O ) ] .

Page 34: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

24 Rag Tracing Calculations

ORNL-DWG 85-3490 FED

RI-ow (cm 1 0 to 20 3 0 4 0 50

POlN7' f c r Ice [O) /W l _ l l ~

------ A 0.25 0.480 -I- B 0.99 0.490 _o-- C 0.86, 0.540

D 0.48 0.580


-- ---- E 0.980.965 '.

F 0.71 0.980 G 0.50 1.010 ti 0.35' 4.050


0 4 8 42 t6 20 24 28 RHIGH (cm)

FIG. 13. Relative damping, d P ( i b ) / d $ , for selected points from Fig. 12.

Page 35: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Golcdutdons 25

adjusted to make the axis resonant in Fig. 13b (point "Gn), the absorption falls to 50%.

The reason €or the digerenee between @ = 0" and # = 15" is apparent from consulting

Fig. 4. This figure shows that the magnetic axes and saddle points are closer at, $J = 0"

than they are a t # = 15". Thus, when the damping process is comparatively weak, as is the

case here for the fiindamental 0-mode, the damping will only be strong when the resonance

falls near the saddle point. It may be necessaxy to exploit the enhanced absorption that

occurs a t the saddle point when doing fundamental O-mode heating or when the density

and temperature are lower (at startup, for example).


Figures 14 17 show the results of high-field launch in the Q = 0" piane with the 0-

mode. As with low-field launch, it is possible to get 100% absorption when the region

near the saddle point is resonant. The striking difference between these figures arid the

previous ones is that the asymmetric, sawtooth-shaped absorption curves are mirror images

of each other for low- and high-field lalunch. This i s easily understood by an inspection

of the mod-B contour plots, Figs. 5 7 . Consider, for example, the low-field launch case

discnssed previously. Assume that the waves are launched from the midplane in the # = 15" plane and that the resonance falis on the saddle point (see Fig. 6 ) . As the field is

increased, the resonant contour changes from the one labeled "1.04' to ones with lower

nnmerical labels. Thus, the resonant contours encircle the launch point and move towards

it, yielding a continuous, monotonically decreasing absorption (because of profile effects and

the decreasing scale length for the field). If the field is decreased, however, the contours

labeled 1.05, 1.06, etc., become resonant and firs.t-pass absorption vanishes, since these

contours lie out of the beam path. For high-field launch, the situation is reversed, with a

continuous gradual decrease of power on the low-field side of the resonances. Including the

effects of wall reflwtions (Section 3.71, which are not nearly as sensitive to field strength

as the first-pass calculations, substantially reduces the asymmetry of the p r o h

It is interesting to see the effect of toroidicity by comparing the difference between

hiinching from the oiitside, Figs. 14 and 15, and inside, Figs. 16 and 17, of the midplane

at Q = 0". Figure 4a shows that the difference between these two cases is that with

inside launch the beam first passes through the resonance and axis simultaneously when

the axis is made resonant. With outside launch, the beam encounters the other half of

the resonance before it hits the resonant axis. Outside launch will, therefore, cause greater

off-axis absorption. This is not seen in a straight tnrsatron model where the two branches

of mod-€3 contours are symmetric with respect t o the magnetic axis. Comparison of" point

Page 36: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

26 Bay Tracing Calcdationfi

1.0 k D I 1

0 .92 0.94 0 . 9 6 0.98 1.00 1.02 ,. , a n , - . W C 8 \ U I / w

FIG. 14. Fractional absorption as a function of w c e ( 0 ) / ~ for high-field launch in the #I -P 0"

plane wit'h n , = l O I 3 [launch point, (R, (p, Z) = (250,0, O ) ] .

Page 37: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Calculations 27

ORNL-OWG 85-3493 FED RLow (cm)

0 io 2 0 30 40 50 I O 0

80 h

4- u)

c 3


60 E? n

2 40 +3-

c .- L

s -0 20


POINT f wce (O) /w

A 0.49 0.9800 _I__. - ------

--- B 0.79 1.000 --- C 0.90 4.005

D 0.99 1.040 E 0.24 1.015 --

0 4 8 42 i6 20 24 28

RHIGH (cm)

FIG. 15. Relative damping for selected points from Fig. 14.

'D" in Figs. 15 and 17 shows that with inside launch, 99% absorption can be obtained

close to the axis. With outside launch and the same field level, 99% absorption results, but

it occurs 10 cm farther out. Therefore, the optimal position for midplane launch is on the

side from which the axis is encountered before the saddle point. This reasoning leads to

the conclirsion that midplane launch in the 4 = 15" plane (low-field launch) is better from

the outside than the inside (Fig. 4b).


The second harmonic results are quali tathdy similar t,o Bhe fundamental results. Fig-

ures 1 and 2 show t,hat the principal difference between fundamental and second harmonic

absorption is that the second harmonic absorption is about two to five times as strong.

Page 38: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

28 Ray Tracing Calcdations

P 0 b- a a 0 v) M a J


a z 0 I- u cc u-



l . C


0 . 8


0 .6



0 9 2 0 94 0 96 0 98 1 0 0 1 0 2

a,, (0)lCd

FIG. 16. Fractional absorpt.ion as a function of M ~ ~ ( O ) / L S for high-field h u n c h in the 4 = 8"

plane with ne = l O I 3 ~ r n - ~ [launch point, (R, 4. Z ) = (170,0, O ) ] .

Page 39: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Cdcdations 29

ORNL-DWG 85-3495 FED

RLOW (cm)

0 40 20 30 40 50 100

80 ,--. cn C 3

4- .-

2 60 e e - 40 3 U \ Q U

t .-


2 0


. POINT f ace (O)/w

----__ A 0.49 0.980 8 0.79 1.000 C 0.90 4.005 0 0.99 1.010

-- E 0.25 1.045


--- ---

0 4 a 12 46 20 24 28

RH IG H (cm) FIG. 17. Relative damping for selected points from Fig. 16.

This results in the fact that 100% second harmonic absorption can be achieved near the

axis for both # = 0” and # = 15’ launch (see point “B” in Figs. l la and 13a). R e d l

that the scale length near the axis at $ = 15’ is not large enough to permit strong, central

damping a t the fundamental resonance. The higher damping rate a t the second harmonic,

however, leads us to conclude that good results can be obtained for either launch plane a t

this densit!y a d temperature.


In order to see the effect of ray refraction due to high density, first-pass runs were done

with the magnetic field adjusted to give optimum central absorption. This refraction is

potentiaJly a concern, particularly for toy launch where t,he in/out asymmetry exaggerates

the deflection of rays away from the center. The density was chosen slightly below cutoff

for the 0- and X-modes in Figs. 18 -21. Figures 18 and 19 show 0-mode rays launched

Page 40: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

30 Ray Tracing Calcda" lions


3 0


i o - %I N




- 40


170 480 (90 200 2iO 220 230 240 250 Fi ( c m )

R L O W (cm)

0 io 20 30 40 50 7-- I


0 4 8 42 46 20 24 28


FIG. 18. Low-field 4 = 0" launch. (_)-mode rays near the fundamental resonance are

(0-mode cutoff density = 3.5 x 1013 ~ r n - ~ ) . la,iinched with ne = 2.8 x 1013

Page 41: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Calculations 31

ORNL-DWG 85-3497 FED


220 230 240 250 w 170 180 190 200

R (cm)

R Low (cm)

0 to 20 30 40 50

FIG. 19.

0 4 8 12 46 20 24 28 RHIGH (cm)

Low-field # = 15' launch. 0-mode rays near the fundamental

launched with ne = 2.8 x l O I 3 cni-'.

resonance are

Page 42: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

32 Ray Tracing Calculations

from t,he 4 = 0' a,nd = 13" t,oroiila81 planes, respect,ively, a,t a densily of 2.8 x 1013 C M - ~ ,

whic,h is 8Q% of the 0-mode cutoff. Comparison with point "F" in Figs. I l b and 13b,

respectively, reveak tha;t, t<here is little diPfererice in the total absorption or the profiles.

The main differelice is a,ering of the rays a.wqr from the center as it a.pyroaches cutoff.

If the densitmy were increased any further to make the center inaccessible, then the rays

would m i s s the resonance and the first-pass absorption would drop to zero. Figures 20 and

21 show the high-density cases (ne = 1.7 x 1013 for second harmonic operation and

are to hc compared with point, "f3" in Figs. 11 and 13. Again we see that the a,bsnrption

is similar for densities approaching cixt8uff. These cdculations thus indieate that first-pass

heating should continue very close t o cutoff and thereafter suddenly vanish.


In tlhis sec.tion we briefly surnmdze (without presentijig figures) cakulations that were

done to qualitatively test sensitivity t,o antenna chara~t~eristics and the effect of a displaced

magnetic nxis. The wide beam case was simulated by launching eight rays in a patt,erii with

a, fi111 width at half maximuni of 10". The other first-pass runs described in t,his papcr used

a width of 3". For the displaced alxis runs we moved bhe axis 2 cm radially inward with

respect t o the beam. The displaced axis runs test the effect on heat,ing if the niagnet,ic axis

is not a t the nominal radius of 210 cm due t o finite betma effects or if VF coil currents are

different from those intended. These runs also test the etFect of unanticipated asymmetry,

such as profile effects os the antenna beam axis not being directly aimed a t the magnetic

axis. The displaced axis runs were done only aA + = 0" with low-fr&l launch, which implies

that, the magnetic axis has moved normal to the beam axis. We did not do & = 15" low-field

lauircb with the displaced axis, since in this case the displacement is along the beam and

is t,herefore presumed t o have slight effect.

Basically we hiid tha t these two effects reduce the total absorption somewhat (or move

it,s location farther out ) , but, not disa3stronsly. For low- field lannch fundarnient,aJ oyera.t,ion

at (I, = O", approximat,cly 90% absorptiou is still possible, although the radius at which

this heat,ing t,akes phce has moved outward from the ma,gnetic. LYis by 1 or 2 cm. The

'detnning" effect is similar for either wide beains or displaced axis . At t$ = 15", recall

that the funclament,d mode has strong ahsorpt!ion only when the resoname is positioned t o

cause heating at -10 cm. The effect of either wide beam or displaced axis is to reduce the

heating to 7'0-80% at about the same radius. For second harmonic, the effects are similar

a t $ = !lo; 100% absorption i s still possible, but it occurs 1-3 cm farther out. rSt 4 = 13",

Page 43: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Tracing Galculatiuns 33

ORNL-DWG 85-3498 FED



i o - N




- 40


(70 480 190 200 2i0 220 230 240 250 R (cm)

R,,, (cm)

0 io 20 30 40 50 100


EIGHT RAYS = 0.999 1


c 2

c -

L 21 60 z n

- 40 3- 4 a

c .- L 13

W 20

0 0 4 8 42 46 20 24 28

RHIGH (cm)

FIG. 20. Lowfield Q = O' launch. X-mode rays near the second harmonic resonance are (X-mode cutoff density = 1.8 x 1013 cm-')). launched with ne = 1.7 x loi3

Page 44: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

34 Ray Tracing Calculations

QRNL-DWG 85-34'39 FED

FIG. 21.

- E u v



3 0


i o





-40 170 480 190 200 220 230 240 250

R (cm)

R L O W (cm)

0 io 20 30 40 50 I- . - ~ ....._____..I


0 4 8 42 i6 20 24 28

HIGH ( c m )

Low-firld # = 15" launch. X-mode rays near the sccond harmonic resonance

launched with ne = 1.7 x l O I 3 C U I - ~ .


Page 45: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Rag Tracing Gdcdaiiotbs 35

recall tha t the second harmonic is 100% absorbed within 2 or 3 em of the a i s . The effect

of the wide beam or displaced axis is to move this heating only 1 or 2 CUI out.

In summary, these "det,uning effectsn cause slight degradation in the heating, but the

basic conclusions that were reached still stand.


The wall reflection calculations predict the fate of the power that is not absorbed on

the beau's first pass through the plasma. For an idealized launcher, as modeled by the

first-pass calculations, the power will reach the plasma center as pure 0- or X-mode for

operation at the first or second harmoIiic, respectively. Trade-offs in antenna design for

polarization control verws directivity, as well as shear nf the magnetic field (which couples

0- and X-modes in the beam as i t traverses the low-density region of the the plasma), result in a superposition of modes beiug launched into the plasma. The power that is not

abhorbed on the first pass will strike a wall and be reflected at the stainless steel waU. To

satisfy Maxwell's equations, the reflected wave will consist of a superposition of both 0-

and X-mode rays. Similar calculations for the EBT device [14,15] showed that there is

approximately an equal partition into the two modes and that the highly conductive walls

absorb less than 0.5% of the power per bounce. After a few bounces, the non-absorbed

power will be scattered throughout the machine as nearly equal amounts of 0- and X-

mode and will ultimately he absorbed somewhere in the plasma. It is the goal. of these wall

reflection calculations to estimate where the power is absorbed.

To model this complex problem, we trace a large number of rays (usually 96) for a given

mode (0 or X) and magnetic field level. These r a p are traced for one pass from several

representasfive launch points and numerous launch angles t o give the absorption per bounce

€or the reflected power. We weight the relative importance of each of these discrete rays so

as to simulate a uniform and coritinirous distribution of power going into all directions. Thus

the approximation used is that after a few bounces, the vacuum chamber is a homogeneous,

isotropic radiator of the remaining power. The weight assigned to each ray's contribution

is determined as follows. We assume that all the power radiated from a launch point on

the wall is radiated unifordy into the 2% steradians that make up the forward hemisphere

facing the plasma. The initialization of the ray directions is set up in the RAYS code with

do-loops increnienting equal intervals in 8 and $j (the azimuthal and polar angles measured

with respect to the forward direction). The forward hemisphere is divided into patches,

each of which has a ray piercing the center of it. The power passing through this patch i s

assumed constant over the patch and represented by the associated ray. Then the weight

assigned to each ray is

Page 46: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

36 Ray Tracing Calculations

where the ij indices refer to O,, @,, 2nd At?, A+ refer to the increments for the respective

angles. The normalization used herr assu111es that 100% of the powpr i s emitted into the

hemisphere and that the power density per unit solid angle is constant. If the RA4YS code

is initialized with tl and Q running from 0 Bo K and 0 t,o 2 ~ , respectively, then the result of

tracing this ensemble of rays will be given by a superposition

where frl (F) refers to the spatial power absorption profile for the ( i , j ) t h ray.

Figures 22 and 23 show the power deposition profiles for rays a,t the fundamental

resonance [ w ~ ~ ( O ) / W = 1) for the 0- and X-modes, respect.ivel7. En Fig. 22 the O-mode

histogram is peaked surprisingly close to the c.enter, with rnedia.n radius near 6 cm. The

absorbed power per bounce of this ensemble of rays is 5.4%. The reason for the centraJ

peaking is that the O-mode absorption is comparatively wea,k (remember that damping

i s a,n exponential process so weaker damping produces a sharper central peak), is peaked

at perpendicular incidence, and i s weighted by density, temperature, scale length, and

angle of propagation. Thus rays passing near the center are preferentially absorbed. En

contrast, Fig. 23 shows that X-mode absorption occiirs throughout the plasma and that

the absorption per bounce is 24%. We understand this result since t,he X-mode absorption

becomes stronger as the angle with the field decrmses. Thus those rays propamgating near

the center undergo weak absorption due to their nearly perpendicula,r incidence. The total

picture that emerges for steady-state fundamental heating is the following. The beam is

launched, reaching the center as nearly pure O-mode (under optirnurn conditions). The

fract,ion of power not, absorbed near tthe center quickly becomes scrambled in space and

polarization. This remaining power will be absorbed mostly in the X-mode and will do

little to improve plasma parameters since the deposition is far off-axis. Therefore, i t is

important, to optimize the O-mode first-pass absorption through control of polarization,

beam c.hnracterist>ics, and frequency.

Figure 24 shows the power deposition profile for an ensemble of X-mode rays at the

second harmonic [ w c e ( 0 ) / w = 0.51. The O-mode component has practically no second

harmonic absorption, and all the residual power is absorbed from the X-mode. The power

is mostly absorbed within 15 cm in the low-lield direction, with absorption of about 8%

Page 47: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Ray Pacing Calculations 37

0 '


RLo, (cm) 0 io 20 30 40 50


1 .O


2 0.8 .- c 3


0.6 t .- ft 0 Y

0.4 * v \ a v 0.2


FIG. 23

ORNL-OWG 85-3501 FED

RLOW (cml 0 io 20 30 40 50

i .o


0 0 4 8 42 16 20 24 28

RHIGH ( c m )

Power deyosit,ion profile for X-mode rays using the wall refiection model. The

magnetic axis lies on the fiindamental resonance.

Page 48: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

38 Ray Tracing Galcdations

- cn c

ORNL-DWG 85-3502 FED

R,,, ( c m )

0 40 20 30 40 50 1.4


F-['---7-r74 WEIGHTED ABSORPTION = 6.083

'C 4.0 3



0 0 4 8 12 16 2 0 24 20

R~~~~ (cm)

FIG. 24. Power deposition profile for X-mode rays using the wall reflection model.

magnetic axis lies on the second harmonic resonance.

per bounce. These calculaiions suggest that the waU reflections will make a contribution

t o useful heat deposited in the plasma for second harmonic operation. Therefore, antcnna

ilesigll (aiming, collimation) a.nd polarization control do not seem a s cruciaJ a t the second

harmonic as they d o at the first.

Page 49: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF


Calculations have been doue to predict the effects of electron cyclotron heating for the

steady-state parameters anticipated in the ATF experiment under construction a t ORNL.

We have used geometrical optics to study wave propagation and absorption near the funda-

mental and second electron cyciotron harmonics. The effect of the first pass of the simulated

beam has been studied, as has the result of the residual power reflected from the walls.

We find that with control of antenna characteristics {aiming, collimation, polariiation)

and magnetic field level, it is possible to achieve significant wave absorption near the mag-

netic axis. Through control of the magnetic field intensity, the first or second harmonic

resonance of the wave frequency can be made to fall directly on the magnetic axis. How-

ever, the first-pass absorption in this case is generally less than 100%. The topology of the

magnetic field is quite complicated with significant toroidal effects. When the resonance is

placed on the saddle point in the field (in contrast to having the axis resonant), the absorp-

tion becomes total for bot8h first and sexond harmonic operation. Thus, adjustment of the

field level with respect to the wave frequency is a compromise, in most cases, betwem max-

imizing the first-pass absorption (saddle point resonant) and depositing the power directly

on axis (axis region resonant).

Due to toroiidd effects, the topology of the magnetic field is quite different in different

toroidal planes. For example, low-field launch in the # = 0" plane (from the top) produces

results different from those of low-field launch on the # = 15" plane. In the q5 = 0" plane

the field level at the saddle point is 99.5% of the field a t tphe axis, which is 4 cm inside the

saddle point. At # = 15", on the other hand, the field at the saddle point is 104.5% of the

field a t the axis, and the saddle point is abont 14 crn inside the axis. Thus, adjustment

of the field level arid aiming of the beam are quite different for the two launch planes.

There are thwretical advantages to launching the beam in the midplane (Le., horizontally)

hecause of up/down symmetry. This implies low-field launch for 4 = 15" and high-field

launch for # = 0". With horizontal launch, the beam can simply be aimed perpendicular to

the wall towards the piasma, and symmetry will ensnre thnt the beam passes through both

the saddle point and the axis. Furthermore, as operating conditons change (e+, vertical

field currents, finite beta effects), these points will remain in the beam path as they move

radidly in or out. For top launch the geometry is very different: the saddle point and

axis are not colinear along the beam, and radial motion of these points is transverse to the


Ordinary mode polarization is desired when the axis is resonant near the fundatmental,

and X-mode is desired for second harmonic operation. With the steady-state parameters


Page 50: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

40 Summlrry and Conclusion6

assumed here (ne = l o t 3 cm-3, Te = 500 eV), the damping rate at, the second harmonic i s

about five t,irnes greater than the rate a t the fundan*entaL This produces slightly different,

c,onclusioiis for the two modes of operation. Because the ma,gnetic scale length near the

axis is shorkr at, 4 = 15" tha,n a,t, t,b = O", the damping rate is less, a.nd it is not possible

to get, 100% on-a,xis a,hsorption for the fundament,a.l mode in the 4 = 15" plane. Thus,

low-field laundi works slightly better in the 4 = 0" plane than i t does for q5 = 15" a t the

fundamental resonance. When the field is decreased to make the center resonant, at the

second harmonic in the q5 15" plane, the increased damping means tha t it is possible

to have 100% absorption very near the axis. For sec.ond harmonic operation, we concliide

that the Q = 15" toroidal plane is superior. We also did runs for higher densit,y and found

tha,t, the h a t i n g cont,imes efticientkj as the density is increased t,owardr the cutoff values

for both fundamentgal and second ha,rrnonic operation. As the density approaches cutoff,

ray refraction increases away from the center until the heating abruptly vanishes a t cutoff.

Briefly mentioned were the effects of a wider beam and a magnetic axis radia,lly shifted

from itas nominal location a t R = 210 c,m. These effects give a, rough idea of sensitivit,y to

beam aiming, c.ollimatmion problems, finite beta effects (which radially shift the magnetic

d geometric effwts. We found that the heating was degraded slightly (due

to either lower total abwrption or an outward shift of the heating by several centimeters),

but, tha t the basic results axid conclusions remained the same.

The effect of wall reflections, due to the non-absorbed portion of the beam, turns; out

to be a n iniportant question beyond the obvioixs c a w of a plasma that absorbs less than

100% of the incident beam. Finite beam width, aiming problems, and changing operating

conditions all iinply tha t significant power can remain after the first pass. Another problem

is due to lack of polarization control. The complex, sheared magnetic field in ATF means

that i t is dificnlt to construct an antenna that will place the desired mode in the center.

Therefore, the actual radiation at the center will be a superposition of 0- and X-modes.

A complicated calculation wds done in which the vacuum charrlber walls were assumed to

be an isotropic, homogeiieous radiator of power back into the plasma. We find tha t for

operation a t the fandameiital recjona~~ce, the X-mode will he absorbed heavily throughout

the plasma (except near the center). The 0-mode, fiindaruental, residual power will be

preferentially absorbed atl the center but a t a rate one-quarter that of the X-mode. This

leads US t o conclude that the X-mode will dominate and that the residual. power will be

absorbed on outer flux surfaces. It is important, therefore, to maximize the first-pass

fundamental absorption dncl not rell- on reflected power. For second harinonic operation,

only the X-mode makes a significant contribution, due t o weak absorption of the 0-mode.

We find that the reflected power for the Tecond harmonic X-mode actanlly does contribute

Page 51: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Summary and Conclusdons. 41

to us;efiil heating, with the majority of residual power absorbed within 15 cm of the axis.

Second harmonic operation may allow more leeway, or design flexibility, in antenna designs.

For startup operation, the absorption rate becomes vanishingly small, and it is crucial that

the resonance be placed at the saddle point in the field. This means that antenna design

may not be critical for startup, although control of the magnetic field level is vital.

In summary, electron cyclotron heating shoiild be an effective source of centraa heating

in the steady-state ATF plasma. The absorption process is a strong one, and in these

idealized calculations, it is possible to place 100% of the power very near the magnetic axis

for both first and second harmonic operation. The complicated, three-dimensional magnetic

field in this torsatron geometry profoundly afferts the results. Only detailed calculations

such as these can predict the outcome of a given heating experiment.


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J. F. Lyan L. W . Owen J. A . Rome D. A . Spong T. L. W h i t e J . S h e f f i e l d L a b o r a t o r y Records De p a r t m e n t

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40. O f f i c e of t h e A s s i s t a n t Manager for Energy Research and Deve lopment , Depar tment of Energy, Oak R idge O p e r a t i o n s O f f i c e , P. 0. Box E, Oak Ridge, TN 37831

41, J. D. Ca l len, Depar tment of Nucl ea r E n g i n e e r i n g , Uni v e r s i t y of

Wisconsin, Madison, WT 53706 42. J. F. C l a r k e , O f f i c e of F u s i o n Energy , O f f i c e of Energy Research,

ER-50, Germantown, U.S. Depar tment of Energy , Washington, DC 20545 43. R. W . Conn, Depar tment of Chemical , N u c l e a r , and Thermal

E n g i n e e r i n g , U n i v e r s i t y o f Cal i f o r n i a , Los A n g e l s , CA 90024


Page 56: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

44. S , 0. Dean, D i r e c b o r , F u s i o n E n e r g y Development , S c i e n c e A p p l i c a t i o n s I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o r p o r a t i o n , G a i t h e r s b u r g , MD 20879

45. tI. K , F o r s e n , B e c h t e l Group, l n c . , Research E n g i n e e r i n g , P . 0 . Box

3965, San F r a n c i s c o , CA 94105 46. J. R. G i I l e l a n d , GA T e c h n o l o g i e s , I n e . , F u s i o n and Advanced

47. R. W . C o u l d , Depar tment of Appl i e d Physics, C a l i f o r n i a I n s t i t u t e

48. R . A . G r o s s , Plasma Research L i b r a r y , Columbia U n i v e r s i t y , New

49- D. Id. Meade, P r i n c e t o n Plasma P h y s i c s L a b o r a t o r y , P.D. Box 451,

50. M. R o b e r t s , I n t e r n a t i o n a l Programs, Off i c e of F u s i o n Energy, O f f i c e of E n e r g y Research, ER-52, U.S. Depar tment of Energy , Wash i n g t o n , DC 20545

51. W . M. S t a c e y , School of N u c l e a r E n g i n e e r i n g and H e a l t h P h y s i c s , Georgia I n s t i t u t e of Techno logy , A t l a n t a , GA 30332

52. D. S t e i n e r , Nuclear E n g i n e e r i n g Depar tment , NES B u i I d ing , T i b b e t t s Avenue, Renssel a e r P o l y t e c h n i c I n s t i t u t e , Troy, NY 12181

53. W. Varma, Physica I Research L a b o r a t o r y , Navrangpura, Ahmedabad 380003, Pndi a

54. B i b 1 i o t h e k , Mzx-Planck P n s t i t u t f u r P lasmaphys ik , D-8046 Garching, F e d c ~ a I Repub I i c of Germany

55. B i b 1 i o t h e k , I n s t i t u t f u r P lasmaphysik , KFA, P o s t f a c h 1913, D-5170 Ju l i ch , F e d e r a l Republ i e of Germany

56. B i b l i o t h e q u e , C e n t r e des Recherches en P h y s i q u e des Plasmas, 21

57. B i b 1 io theque, S e r v i c e du Conf inement d e s Plasmas, CEN/Cadaraehe, Depar tement de Recherches s u r l a F u s i o n Controlee, 13108 Sai nt--Pau 1 - I ez-Durance, France

58. Documenta t ion S.I.G.N., Depar tement de l a P h y s i q u e du Plasma e t de l a F u s i o n C o n i r o l e e , C e n t r e d'E%udes N u c l e a i r e s , B.P. 85, C e n t r e du P r i , 38041 Grenoble, France

59. L i b r a r y , CUI ham L a b o r a t o r y , M E A , Abingdon, O x f o r d s h i r e , OX14

T e c h n o l o g y , P.0. Box 81608, San D i e g o , CA 92138

of Techno logy , Pasadena, CA 91125

York, NY 1 0 0 2 1

P r i n c e t o n , NJ 08544

Avenue d e s Ba i n s , 1007 Lausanne, Swi t z e r I and

308, Engl and

Page 57: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

Distribution, 47

60. L i b r a r y , FOM- Ins t i t uu t voor Plasma-Fysica, R i j n h u i z e n ,

61. L i b r a r y , I n s t i t u t e of Plasma Phys ics , Nagoya U n i v e r s i t y ,

62. L i b r a r y , I n t e r n a t i o n a l C e n t r e for T h e o r e t i c a l Phys ics , T r i e s t e ,

63. L i b r a r y , L a b o r a t o r i o Gas I o n i z a t t i , CP 56, 1-00044 F r a s c a t i , Rome,

64. L i b r a r y , Plasma P h y s i c s Labora to ry , Kyo to U n i v e r s i t y , Cokasho,

65. Plasma Research Labora to ry , A u s t r a l i a n N a t i o n a l U n i v e r s i t y ,

66. Thermonuclear L i b r a r y , Japan Atomic Energy Research I n s t i t u t e ,

67. G. A . El i seev ,

68. V . A . Glukh i kh, S c i e n t i f ic-Research I n s t i t u t e of E lec t ro -Phys i ca l

69, I. S h p i g e l , I n s t i t u t e of General Physics, U.S.S.R. Academy of

70. D. 0. Ryutov, I n s t i t u t e o f Nuc lea r Phys ics , S i b e r i a n Branch of t h e Sovetskaya S t . 5, 630090

Edisonbaan 14, 3439 UN Nieuwegein, The Ne the r lands

Nagoya 464, Japan

I t a l y

I t a I y

U j i , Kyoto, Japan

P.O. Box 4, Canberra, A.C.T. 2000, A u s t r a l i a

Tokai-mura, I b a r a k i P r e f e c t u r e , Japan

Box 3402, 123182 Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Apparatus, 188631 Len ingrad, U.S.S.R.

Sciences, UI i t s a V a v i lova 38, ffloscow, U.S.S.R.

I. V . Kurchatov I n s t i t u t e o f Atomic Energy, P. 0.

Academy o f Sc iences of t h e U.S.S.R. N o v o s i b i r s k , U.S.S.R.

71. V . T. To lok , Kharkov Phys ica l -Techn ica St. 1, 310108 Kharkov, U.S.S.R.

72. L i b r a r y , Academia S i n i c a , P.O. Box 3908,

I n s t i t u t e , Academical

B e i j i n g , China (PRC) 73. N. A. Davies, O f f i c e of t h e Assoc ia te D i r e c t o r , O f f i c e of Fus ion

Energy, O f f i c e of Energy Research, ER-51, Germantown, U.S. Department of Energy , Wash i ngton, DC 20545

74. D. B. Nelson, D i r e c t o r , D i v i s i o n of Appl i e d Plasma Phys ics , O f f i c e of Fus ion Energy, Off i c e of Energy Research, ER-54, Germantown, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington , DC 20545

75. E. Oktay, D i v i s i o n of Conf inement Systems, O f f i c e of Fus ion Energy, Off i c e of Energy Research, ER-55, Germantown, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20545

Page 58: Electron Cyclotron Heating Calculations for ATF

76. A . L. flpdenakei-, F u s i o n Sys tems D e s i g n Branch, D i v i s i o n of Development and Technology, Off i c e of Fusion Energy , O f f i c e of Energy Research, ER-532, Germanbown, U.S. Depar tment of Energy , Wash i n y t o n , DC 20545

D i v i s i o n of A p p l i e d Plasma P h y s i c s , O f f i c e of F u s i o n Energy , O f f i c e of E n e r g y Research, ER-541, Germantown, U.S. Depar tment of E n e r g y ,

Wash i n g t o n DC 20545 78. P. M . Stone, F u s i o n Systems D e s i g n Branch, D i v i s i o n of Development

and Techno logy , O f f i c e of F u s i o n Energy , O f f i c e of Energy Research, ER-532, Germantown, U.S. Depar tment of Energy , Wash i n g t o n , DC 20545

79. J. M . T u r n e r , I n t e r n a t i o n a l Prugrarns, O f f i c e o f F u s i o n E n e r g y , Off i c e o f E n e r g y Research, EX-52, Germantown, U.S. D e p a r t m e n t of

Energy , Wash i n g t o n , DC 20545 80. R . E, Mickens, A t l a n t a U n i v e r s i t y , Depar tment of P h y s i c s , A t l a n t a ,

GA 30314 81. M. N. R a s e n b l u t h , R I A 11.218, I n s t i t u t e for F u s i o n S t u d i e s ,

82. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read File, C/O D. W . Ross, U n i v e r s i t y of Texas,

83. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o R. C. Davidson, D i r e c t o r , P lasma F u s i o n C e n t e r , NW 16-202, M a s s a c h u s e t t s I n s t i t u t e of Techno logy ,

Cambri dge, MA 02139 84. T h e o r y D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c /o F. W . P e r k i n s , P r i n c e t o n Plasma

P h y s i c s L a b o r a t o r y , P.O. Box 451, P r i n c e t o n , NJ 08544 85. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o L. K o v r i z h n y k h , Lebedev I n s t i t u t e

of P h y s i c s , Academy o f S c i e n c e s , 53 L e n i n s k y P r o s p e c t , 117924 Moscow, U. S. S . R .

I. V . K u r c h a t o v I n s t i t u t e of Atomic Energy , P.O. $ox 3402, 123182 Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Depar tment ’Read F i l e p c / o T . Kamimura, I n s t i t u t e of Plasma P h y s i c s , Nagoya U n i v e r s i t y , Nagoya 464, Japan

77. W . Sadowsk i , F u s i o n Theory and Computer S e r v i c e s Branch,

U n i v e r s i t y of Texas, A u s t i n , TX 78712

I n s t i b u t e for F u s i o n S t u d i e s , Austin, PX 78712

86. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o B . B. Kadomtsev,

87. Theory

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Distribution 49

88. T h e o r y D e p w t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o C. M e r c i e r , Depar temente de R e c h e r c h e s s u r l a F u s i o n C o n t r o l e e , B.P. No. 6, F-92260 Fontenay- aux-Roses (Se ine) , F r a n c e

89. T h e o r y D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o T. E. S t r i n g e r , JET J o i n t U n d e r t a k i n g , Culham L a b o r a t o r y , Ablpgdorl, Oxfordshire OX14 308,

Eng I and 90. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o K. R o b e r t s , Culham L a b o r a t o r y ,

Abingdon, O x f o r d s h i r e OX14 3DB, E n g l a n d 91. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read Fi l e , c / o D. Biskamp, M a x - P l a n c k - I n s t i t u t

f u r P l a s m a p h y s i k , D-8046 G a r c h i n g , F e d e r a l R e p u b l i c of Germany 92. Theory D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o T . Takeda, Japan Atomic E n e r g y

Research I n s t i t u t e , Tokai-mura, I b a r a k i P r e f e c t u r e , Japan 93. T h e o r y D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c / o C. S . L i u , GA T e c h n o l o g i e s , I n c . ,

P.O. Box 81608, San D i e g o , CA 92138 94. T h e o r y D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c/o L. D. P e a r l s t e i n , 1-630, Lawrence

L i v e r m o r e N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r y , P.O. Box 5511, L i v e r m o r e , CA 94550

95. T h e o r y D e p a r t m e n t Read F i l e , c /o R. Gerwin , CTR D i v i s i o n , Los

Alamos N a t i o n a l L a b o r a t o r y , P.O. Box 1663, Los Alamos, NM 87545 96-247. G i v e n d i s t r i b u t i o n a c c o r d i n g t o TIC-4500, M a g n e t i c Fusion Energy

( D i s t r i b u t i o n C a t e g o r y UC-209, T h e o r e t i c a l PI a m a P h y s i c s )
