Page 1: El Manara Issue 48 English Complete


Copts’ News“Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men.” - Luke 2:52

1st Mesra 1727

7th August 2011

Volume 1, Issue 136

Volume 2, Issue 48


28 Pages

50c Thankyou for your

kind donation

[email protected] 1st Mesra 1727

Saint Mark Festival Update

page 3

Important Census Information

page 3

Saint Mary Revival Programs

page 8

Find this issue online at Website coming soon!

Saint George Church Winter Youth Camp

Archangel Michael & St Bishoy Winter Youth Camp

St Mary & St Mina Cathedral Winter Youth Camp

Saint Abanoub Youth Centre Open Day


The St George Church winter youth retreat was a great success, with about fifty youth attending, as well as Father Rafael, Father Matthew and guest speakers. The theme of the retreat was ‘Made In Christ’, based on the verse, “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, Eph 2:10.” The campsite was at Lutanda

Conference Centre, 1-4 hours away, depending on your navigational skills. The camp started out with prayer, followed by some inventive games such as blindfolded musical chairs. The first talk of the retreat was by Hany Tadros, centering on the belief we all were created purposefully by God, His love for us, and the reasons why we exist.

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“Ya wad ya-Bishoyyyy!” was heard resonating through the site for the entire duration of the camp and became the general anthem of the 2011 St Mary & St Mina’s Winter Youth Camp. As one of the newest recruits of the St Mary youth group, I had yet to experience the legendary winter church camps, and needless to say,

my first impression was definitely one that would endure.

In the three days we spent together, there wasn’t a single dry or dull moment. When we weren’t laughing hysterically at the priceless antics of Mr Ibrahim, we were listening intently to the inspiring words of Reverend Fathers, Debbie

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By MARIANNE MANSOUR “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1)

The weekend of July 30 and 31st, marked a special occasion in the history of Saint Abanoub and the Holy Apostles Church. After much anticipation, phase one of our youth centre was officially

open. The weekend commenced with a beautiful liturgy held at the centre. As the weekend progressed, the congregation were treated to delicious food, hymns from both the young and our church choir, great performances from our talented high school students, video presentations and a film amongst other things – each

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During the intra-semester break for many of our youth, we had the opportunity to spend a period of spiritual solace at Lutanda Yarramundi. Our theme for the three days of our camp was ‘Know God and no other gods’.

Friday night began with the youth receiving their (rather amazing) camp

hoodies. It set the feel for unison and fellowship because we all seemed to be wearing a uniform. Fr. Gabriel then led us with an introductory talk to the camp, along with some guidelines to follow in our lives. Late into the night we competed in what I can only describe as a game crossed between ‘guess who’ and ‘murder in the dark’.

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2 [email protected]

7th August 2011

The Symbols of the Holy Mother of God, Saint Mary

The Virgin’s Fast


My beloved flock of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Diocese of Sydney& Affiliated Regions, I would like to congratulate all of you on the commencement of the fasting of the Holy our Mother of God St Mary, I pray to the Almighty God to grant all of you the blessings of these Holy Days.

Let us read together Luke 1:46-48…“And Mary said: ‘My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour. For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant; for behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.”

In all of the hymns and praises of our Coptic Church, we give blessing and praise to our holy mother St Mary, and this verse we just read is a proof that our hymns have their foundation in the bible – they are not just something we make up.

All the hymns we say about St Mary, declares the mystery of the Incarnation, and the mystery of our salvation, as well as many aspects of theology.

Also, the hymns we sing are very rich in symbols and meaning from the Bible, and they speak about all her titles, as well as her relationship to the Holy Trinity, and to the heavenly hosts, as well as to all the human race.

There are many prophecies in the Holy Bible, as well as in our hymns, which refer to St Mary. And tonight, we shall mention just a few…


Let us read together Psalm 45:9-13…• verse 9 says: “At Your right hand

stands the queen” • And verse 13 says: “The royal

daughter is all glorious within” • That is why St Mary is the queen

and at the same time, the daughter of the King.

• That is why in all our icons, we portray St Mary as a queen, with a crown on her head, and we place her at the right hand side of the Lord, because this is what was declared in the Psalms.


Also, because St Mary is the mother of God, then all the titles which the Lord has, can also apply to His beloved mother:• The Lord said about Himself that:

He is the true light (John 1:9), and “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12).

• And so His mother is the Mother of Light, and the Mother of the True Light.

• The Lord is called the “Holy One” (Luke 1:35).

• And so His mother is the Mother of the Holy One.

• The Lord Jesus Christ is the Saviour (Luke 2:11)

• And so His mother is the Mother of the Saviour

• Because Jesus is Lord and Emmanuel,

• So St Mary is the Mother of the Lord (Luke 1:43), and the Mother of Emmanuel (Matt 1:24), and the Mother of the Incarnated Word (John 1:14).

• And so, if St Mary is the mother of the Lord, then she is the spiritual mother of all the Christians.

• The Lord said to St John, “Behold your mother!” (John 19:27)

• And St John writes to us in his epistle saying, “My little children” (1 John 2:1)

• And so, if St Mary is the mother of the Lord and the mother of St John, and we are the children of St John, then these verses mean that St Mary is the mother of us all.

• In the Bible, we read that the 1st commandment with a promise is to honour your mother (Ephesians

6:2); (Exodus 20:12); (Deut 5:16).• And so, if God considers honouring

our earthly mother important, then how much more important is it to give honour to our heavenly mother?

• And so, when we honour St Mary, we are actually honouring the Lord Himself.


SHE IS CALLED THE MANNA POT: • Because she bore within her the

Lord who is the Living Bread which came down from heaven (John 6:58), and who symbolised the manna which the Hebrews ate in the wilderness.

• That is why in the Theotokia of Sunday we sing: “You are the pure golden vessel of Hidden Manna, in which is the bread of life which came down from heaven and granted life to the whole world.”

SHE IS CALLED THE ARK OF THE COVENANT (Ex 25:10-22), which represents the presence of God, because:• The Ark was covered with gold on

the inside and outside, and this symbolises her purity and glory. That’s why in the Theotokia of Sunday we sing: “And you Mary also put on the glory of divinity inside and out.”

• The Ark was made of acacia (akash-ia) wood which does not decay, and this symbolises her holiness.

• The Ark contained the Manna, which symbolises Christ, who is the True Manna who came down from heaven.

• The Ark contained the 2 tablets of the Law (the 10 commandments), which symbolised Christ, who is the Word of God (John 1:1).

• The Ark remained 3 months at the house of Obed-edom before David brought it to his house (2Sam.6), in the same way that St Mary, who

bore the Lord, remained also for 3 months with Elizabeth before returning to her home.

• The presence of the Ark made the people rejoice, and David ‘leaped’ for joy before the Lord (2 Sam6; 1Chron 15:29). In the same way, Elizabeth rejoiced when she saw St Mary, and made the baby in her womb ‘leap’ for joy.

• Because St Mary represents the Ark of the Covenant, all the creatures rejoiced in her: In the Theotokia of Tuesday, we sing: “Hail the Theotokos, the rejoice of Angels!” In the Theotokia of Wednesday, we sing: “They offer honour to you, O city of God, for you became the dwelling place of those who are rejoicing!”

SHE IS CALLED JACOB’S LADDER:• This is because she symbolises

the ladder reaching from earth to heaven, which Jacob saw in his dream.

• St Mary was the earth in which heaven dwelt, and therefore, by giving birth to the Lord, she became the bridge which links heaven to earth.

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What is it about this fast for the Holy Theotokos that draws the Coptic Orthodox faithful with such fervor? This article provides an overview to the Fast for our Lady the Virgin. May her intercessions be with us all, Amen. The Church celebrates the fast of our Lady the Virgin beginning with the first of Mesra (the 7th of August). It is a fast for which people care very much, and they practice it with forceful ascetism. Some add days to it, in regard to the great love that people have for the Holy Virgin.

The fast of The Virgin is an occasion for spiritual renaissance in the majority of churches. They prepare a spiritual program for daily sermons, and some churches have daily liturgies as well, even the churches which are not in the name of The Virgin.

There is a great feast for our Lady

the Virgin, which is celebrated in her ancient church in Mostorod. Feasts of other saints are also celebrated in these days: the feast of Saint George, at the monastery in Mit Damsis, is celebrated in the second half of August, and also the feast of saint Abba Macarius the Great, and the feast of Saint George in his monastery at Ruzeykat.

Around the same fast of The Virgin, we celebrate the feasts of reknowned saints: Saint Baïssa (2 Misra, 6 August), Saint Julita (6 Misra, 12 August), and Saint Marina (15 Misra, 21 August). During the fast of The Virgin, we also celebrate the feast of the glorious Transfiguration (13 Misra, 19 August). In the same month (7 Misra, 13 August), we celebrate the Feast of the Announcement by the angel Gabriel to Joachim regarding the birth of the Virgin Mary.

The feast of the Virgin is not the only occasion on which the Church celebrates the feasts of the Virgin,

but more is celebrated in the month of Kiahk, which is full of hymns, doxologies, and psalms for the Saint Virgin Mary. Copts in Egypt take part in the fast of The Virgin in a manner that exceeds description.

There are many who fast it ascetically, eating only water and salt, or without oil. Many add a third week to it, as a kind of vow. There are also those who vow to fast this fast without eating or drinking until nighttime, until the appearance of the stars in heaven.

What then is the secret behind this care?

First: The love of Copts for the Virgin who had visited and blessed their country, and left her traces in numerous places where churches have been built.

Second: The multiple miracles that happened in Egypt through the intercession of our Lady the Virgin, made many people optimistic to build churches dedicated to her name. The apparition of the Virgin in her church at Zeitoun, and the many

miracles that accompanied this apparition, have certainly increased the affection of the Copts for the Virgin, and for the fast which bears her name.

Taken from the larger work, “The Holy Virgin St. Mary”, also available at

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Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions 3

1st Mesra 1727 Copts’ News

Saint Mark Festival Update

The Opening Ceremony was held at Sydney Olympic Park Sports Centre on Sunday, 17th July in which over 2000 people attended. The night was started off with the parade of all participants, had lots of entertainment and then came the big finale, the amazing lighting of the torch. It was an incredible night.

A big “Thank You” to all those who served tirelessly to make the Opening Ceremony the success that it was. May God reward you with many spiritual blessings.

The Opening Ceremony was to begin the events, first of which after the theory test is SWIMMING and MUSICAL PERFORMANCES (Choir, Musical Instruments etc...)


Venue: BIRRONG SWIM CENTRE Cnr Wellington Rd & Gascoigne Rd BirrongDate: Saturday, 13th August 2011 – Starting 1:00pm (Pool entry of $2.40 for all spectators and free for participants) Day Schedule: (Y=Youth, S&G = Servants and Graduates)


Venue: FAIRFIELD HIGH SCHOOL - The Horsley Drive, FairfieldDate: Sunday 14th August 2011 – Starting 3:00pm (Entry of $2.00 for all spectators and free for participants) Please Note – You must be at the venues at least 30 minutes before your race or performance

so as to register.


Tasooni Awatef .


On behalf of St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Church we offer our condolences and love to

our Father Yacoub and his family.

She was a sister to all and a mother we loved, A friend to many, a help from above.

She spent her life serving us all, Responding to each and every call,

She raised her children in the image of Christ, Her whole life was spent in self-sacrifice

Giving generously to all in need, In every occasion, she gave love with

Godspeed. No words can describe the great loss to this

Earth, But on the 6th June, Heaven gave her a rebirth, One can only imagine how the angels rejoiced, Countless accolades, they would have voiced.

A good and faithful servant, God has called to leave this Earth and by His love, be

enthralled. Not a house or a heart, did she leave untouched,

All the congregation, will miss her much. But we will continue her legacy, and each other,

serve, For this is the greatest memory for us to

preserve, A peaceful dove is at home with the Father,

And from there she’ll intercede for us, ever after.


Page 4: El Manara Issue 48 English Complete

4 [email protected]

7th August 2011

Sunday 28th AugustSt Anthony + St Pauls’,

GuildfordOld School Egyptian Food Theme

Hawawashi KawarehMOMBAR Kofta Om-Ali

and other international food stalls Face painting garage sale and lots more

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The next day, or still the first for those that opted not to sleep, included a workshop on our relationship with Christ. Discussion topics focused on mankind being created in His image and likeness, but often times we feel weak in sin, lost, and get distracted our busy lives, and the ways to strengthen our relationship with God to feel his continued presence in our lives. Following this was a talk by Father Rafael on being created “in Christ Jesus,” explaining how our faith in God should be unquestionable in order to feel his love in our lives.

After this talk, there was morning tea to maintain our sugar high and provide energy for the activities of the day, which were a choice of BMX riding or rafting. Those that chose rafting were faced with the challenge of building a raft that would float out of 5 planks of wood, 3 empty barrels, and ropes. The groups were divided into boys versus girls, and instructed on how to tie special knots to keep the raft together. With no surprises the girls had a clear victory, due to their listening skills and teamwork, while we watched the boys raft disintegrate in the water.

The final talk of the night was by Albert Osseily, who discussed with

us the fruit of a life in Christ, and his own experiences of how our own busy lives can distract us from doing “good works”. We can tend to want control over our lives and actions and can fail to follow God’s plan and purpose for our lives. We must know we were made for God’s purpose, not our own, and to trust Him, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope,” Jer 29:11. The workshop following this reinforced this, and encouraged God’s plans to work through us for Him.

Saturday night concluded with highly competitive activities such as charades

and trivia. Sunday morning started with Mass, and following this the youth went on a spiritual pilgrimage, where we were encouraged to think about the time we spend with God in our day to day lives, and the time we spend pursuing other things. The camp concluded with the St George Foosball Finale, after a grueling set of games, it came down to the girls team ‘Undestructable’ and the boys ‘Dream Team’. Once the game’s referee and commentators were picked, and the finalists warmed up, the game commenced. The girls had a clear win, and will have their names forever inscribed on the Foosball Competition Plaque!

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aspect of the program aided everyone to spiritually grow in their own unique

way. There were also fun activities for the kids, including sumo wrestling and a jumping castle. It was certainly a wonderful way to celebrate the Feast

of St Abanoub! A big thank you must go to everyone who assisted in making the weekend a triumph, especially our fantastic church Fathers - Fr. Pavlos,

Fr. Arsanious and Fr. Athanasius. We look forward to the next phase of the centre and ask that you please pray for its success.

Saint George Church Winter Youth Camp

Saint Abanoub Youth Centre Open Day

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Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions 5

1st Mesra 1727 Copts’ News

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Armanious and the wonderful servants who lead the workshops.

In reference to the camp’s “Shine!” theme, Debbie spoke of our duty as Christians to ensure we allow for our light to shine rather than simply shining our own light. Using the film ‘The Guardian’ as a wonderful analogy, Debbie explained the common misconception among Christians, where we believe ourselves to be those in need of rescuing, when in fact it is our responsibility to be the rescuers themselves. We often strive to enrich our own spirituality and forget our duty to support our brothers and sisters in need. She spoke of the importance of training ourselves for the trials that lay ahead as we attempt to fulfil this duty, and much like the preparation required for any difficult endeavour, the essential tools needed in order to succeed. Not only did Debbie leave us inspired and ready to dive out of helicopters, but she also equipped us with the tools and means to dive with confidence and succeed.

Following the topic was the much anticipated skit which, although it held a particularly comedic edge, was not short on meaning as it exemplified the opportunities that arise in life when we ought to allow the Holy Spirit to shine within us. We were shown how the simplest actions may shine through, not only our darkness, but the darkness of others, and give glory to the name of Christianity.

Perhaps the greatest and most delightful surprise of the camp was the warm sense of community as we engaged in various activities throughout the evening. Games of Pictionary could be heard from the cabins, while tension was built over card games and philosophical debates, with Ms Moawad’s occasional reminders that we were, and would remain, awake.

Thanks to the wonderful servants in the kitchen, breakfast, lunch and dinner, became the highlight of everyone’s day, as we anxiously waited in line, surrounded by their intoxicating smell. Despite having to cater for a large group, the food was well prepared, very well presented and absolutely delicious.

With the grace of God and the hard work of the incredibly dedicated servants, the St Mary and St Mina’s Winter Youth Camp of 2011 would be one for the ages.

St Mary & St Mina Cathedral Winter Youth Camp


So it’s over, St Mary and St Mina’s most memorable camp to date. Sound familiar? The youth never thought it possible that we could outdo the 2010 benchmark ‘Transformations’ camp. The grace of God taught us otherwise; this camp went far beyond any expectations. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. ‘Time to Shine’, an initially perceived Sunday School topic that was to seemingly send us

right back to our childhood, became the most spiritually enlightening and controversial topic. The talented speakers who undoubtedly left their mark were Abouna David and Debbie Armanious. So powerful were their messages that it still has the youth conversing about it today (and I dare say we’ll continue tomorrow). Idolism and habitual tradition were amongst the many rebuked flaws in the modern day Christian community. However, the most torturous reality was that righteousness is not our duty, and no where near Christ’s desire for our

short lives. The youth were startled at the proposal that righteousness alone is a waste of Christianity. “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” John 3:19. ‘Time to shine’ is indicative of much more than flawlessness of character and/ or behaviour, but rather, it is utilising the tools given to us since birth as a gift from God to save others through His light, within us. Gathering others to salvation is

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Time to Shine... I’ll Bet My Life On It

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6 [email protected]

7th August 2011

“Nothing is yet in its true form.” ~ CS Lewis


It was very dark, the pit that stretched out below me. I can’t really remember how I ended up hanging precariously above it, clinging to a couple of lonely branches which grew out of the sides of the well. It was large for a well - it must have been at least twenty metres across, and extended so far downwards that I could see only darkness below me. Daylight trickled in weakly from above, but it came from so far away that it was little more than a soft, grey glow. It was a miracle that I had been able to catch hold of the branches to stop my fall … I must have been falling so fast.“It was no miracle.” A voice came. I started and almost lost my footing. But then I remembered. It was only Him.“Oh,” I said, “it was you?” “Yes.”“So what happens now?”“You need to get to the top. Back up to the daylight.” He said. “Actually, I already knew that,” I said, almost sarcastically. “I was inquiring more as to how we were going to make that happen.”“Oh,” He said. “You have to let go.” He had no face, but I was sure I felt Him smile as He said it.“Oh! You want me to let go!? It was You who designed gravity wasn’t it? You know which way it pulls don’t You?”“Yes. That’s why you have to let go.”I shifted uncomfortably on the wall. In order to keep my feet against the brickwork and my hands on the branches, I had to arch my back in the most unnatural of ways. It was unpleasant, but gazing down into that horrible blackness, I knew that I preferred the minor discomfort of my little foothold to the terrifying uncertainty of the pit.“Why … why do You want me to let go?” I asked, bewildered.“You’ll find out when you let go.”“Oh very funny, seriously, why on Earth would You want me to do that?”“I wasn’t joking. You wouldn’t understand if I told you now. You just have to do it.”I sighed deeply. If I had been having this conversation with anyone else, I would’ve dismissed it as pure lunacy. But I knew Him well enough to know that if He said that the only way up was down, then down I would have to go.“Just … just so I can be sure we’re not misunderstanding each other; You want me to let go of these branches?”“Yes.”“And again, You do know that means I’ll fall?” “Yes.”“Okay then. I suppose … there’s nothing for it. I’ll just have to fall.” I shifted my position again, to get a better look at the dark pit below. It hadn’t become any more inviting since I last checked. It was still impossibly dark, probably bottomless. I took a deep breath, and loosened my grip ever so lightly. As I did so, a stone shifted under my foot and was pulled violently down towards the blackness. Instantly, I gripped the branches

harder than I had before, and pulled myself frantically back upwards. My heart beat like a jackhammer in my chest, and my veins ran cold with adrenaline. There was no way that I was going down there. “I’m sorry,” I said, “I can’t do it. Couldn’t You just make these branches grow upward? Then I could climb to the top!”“You wouldn’t make it.” “A rope then?” “I’ve already told you … there’s only ONE way out. You need to let go.”“I’m sorry … I’m failing to understand the logic here. We want to go up. You’re asking me to go down.”He paused before answering. “We could go on like this forever. Look, do you trust Me?”I took another sigh. “Yes.”“Do you want Me to get you out of this place?” “Yes!” “Then you must let go!”“I … I want to … but …” I gazed back at the pit, and the adrenaline began to course through me with renewed vigour, “… I just can’t.”“Do you want Me to help you?”“Yes of course … wait … define help.” I had long ago learned that He could be quite masterful with ambiguity.“We don’t have time for this,” He said, a new seriousness in His tone, “You need to trust Me. Completely.”I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Trusting Him was not an easy thing to do given the circumstances; He was nothing but a disembodied voice, which for all I knew could have been nothing more than my mind playing tricks on the wind flowing through the well. And what He asked of me was, by all rational standards, suicidal. But I knew Him.“Yes,” I said, reluctantly and as quietly as possible, “I trust You … completely.”For a tiny moment which felt like an eternity, I felt Him stronger than I ever had before. He washed over me like a tsunami, making my fear seem petty and insignificant. The pit was so much larger than me, but so much smaller than Him. “So this is how You’re going to help me?” I thought contentedly, “It’s not so bad.” But I quickly became conscious of an uncomfortable prickling on the palms of my hands. I looked at the branches to which I still clung so desperately, and saw that all over them, little slits had formed. And emerging from these slits, alarmingly quickly, were the pointed heads of little thorns. I tried to shift my grip so that the thorns would not pierce my hands, but I could not; wherever I moved my hands, new thorns would begin to emerge. I began to panic … the peace of the last few moments fell away like a house of cards. “What are You doing!?” I screamed.“Helping.” He said coldly, with the detached tone of a surgeon asking for a scalpel. “Listen to Me carefully. You have to stay upright when you fall. Do you hear Me? Always stay upright. Keep looking up.”As I felt my grip loosening, my feet stumbled again and I fell flat against the wall. Instinctively, I tightened my grip on the branches; and felt the searing pain of the thorns digging into my flesh. Now, my entire weight was pulling down my hands, driving the barbs ever deeper into my fingers and

palms. I felt a warm trickle of blood run down my wrist. I screamed in pain.“Help me!” I bellowed, “What are You doing to me!?”“Let go!” He said, an uncharacteristic harshness on the edge of His words.The throbbing pain from my hands begged me to let go, but my visceral fear of falling kept me there. “LET GO!!!” And then the pain became too much. I let go. And I fell. No, I plummeted, like a meteor, down into the blackness. I twisted and turned, falling faster than I thought it was possible to fall. I probably screamed, but the air was rushing past me so fast that even if I had, I wouldn’t have heard it. I was too scared to be angry. Perhaps I tried to call out for Him once, but like my screams, my cries for help were simply caught up in the violent onslaught of air. My body too was helpless, buffeted and battered by the unending emptiness, flitting about like a paper cup in the wind. I was, for the first time in my life, truly powerless.In the course of my twistings and turnings, I caught sight of the dim, grey daylight that flowed in from the top of the well, now no larger than a pinhead. I remembered what He had said … look up; and I realised that there was nothing else to be done. I had, as He had asked, let go, of everything. He had me precisely where He wanted me; the place where I controlled nothing and He controlled everything. I could do nothing, but look up, and trust Him. And so I did. I righted myself, and like a javelin pointed at the very heart of the world rocketed down, feet first, head looking up at the distant daylight, resigned to whatever fate He had in mind. It was not long after I had done this that I started to feel an unusual pain in my back. It was dull and vague at first, but soon afterwards, it suddenly exploded into excruciating clarity. Two strips of burning, searing pain between my shoulder blades. The eruption of pain caused me to falter, and for a few seconds I fell back into an uncontrollable tailspin. “Keep looking up!!!” I heard His voice, somehow louder than the roaring wind.“It hurts,” I sobbed back.“I know!”, He said, this time with the tone of a recovered patient rather than a surgeon, “Believe Me, I know. Just keep looking up!” I gritted my teeth and moved my head upwards. The second I did, My back burst again into a storm of agonising pain. It was as though my very skin was tearing, the bones shifting, snapping and rejoining. My eyes watered with the agony, but I kept them fixed on the tiny pinhead of light above. And then, the pain began to subside. It became milder and milder every second, and as it did, I felt the onslaught of air weaken. I was slowing down. The pain weakened steadily until it was no more than a memory … soon, the pain had disappeared, but in its place, strengthening at the same rate as the pain had weakened, I felt an incredible, new sensation; a feeling that is to pain what water is to fire. It throbbed, much like the pain had throbbed, but not with excruciating, torturous agony - it throbbed with

wholesome, vivifying energy. Before long, it had become as strong as the pain had been … and then stronger. It spread to my entire body, and as it did, I suddenly became aware that the air was no longer buffeting me from below, but from above. In disbelief, I gazed upwards at the top of the well; the thin circle of daylight was getting larger, not smaller. It was only then, only as I realised that I had now begun to fall upwards, that I became conscious of the two glowing lights on either side of my head. They rose and fell in great, sweeping motions, pulsing brilliantly like miniature suns. They were wings. Beautiful, radiant, powerful wings. Effortlessly, they drew the air into themselves and pushed it away, as though it were the easiest thing in the world. They propelled me upwards as though they had never heard of gravity or air resistance. And they were mine, as mine as my fingers and toes. I realised then that they were not new or unnatural, they were always meant to be a part of me. This is what I was always meant to be; He had not given me wings, He had dug them out from within me. I had been living my entire life blind, not knowing that I was ever meant to see; in a wheelchair, not knowing that I was ever meant to walk.As I rose, like a missile, I began to notice others, hanging to the walls as I had been. They couldn’t see me, for although I pulsed as bright as the midday sun they were completely oblivious. Looking at them, clinging desperately to the side of the well like bugs caught on a windscreen, I felt a pang of pity. Their smooth, wingless backs provoked in me the sort of horrified reaction I used to get from amputated limbs and headless bodies. They so broken, so unwholesome … so weak … they had no idea what they were. They thought the only way to escape the well was to climb it. They could never understand, as I had not understood, that the only way up was down. The only way to let Him help them was to let Him change them.“Do you understand now?” I heard Him whisper. “Yes.” When I finally emerged, I saw the sky truly for the first time; no longer bricked in by the shadowy circle of the well, it stretched out to infinity in every direction. In its centre, there glowed a Light brighter than any light had ever glowed, or could ever glow. The best description I can conjure is to say that it was the Light by which all other lights could be said to be bright … it was not merely bright, it was Brightness itself. Around me, I saw thousands … millions of shining stars emerging from the ground, from millions of dark wells just like the one that I had found myself in. They were winged men and women like me; not angels, but humans. Real humans. Humans as He had always wanted us to be. The Light called to us; It did not need to use words. And together, we flew effortlessly upwards towards It, growing stronger, more beautiful with every metre we closed. “God became man so that men might become gods.” ~ St. Athanasius of Alexandria


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Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions 7

Copts’ News1st Mesra 1727

Coptic Youth Camping Centre Project - Long Point

St Abraam Church & HH Pope Shenouda III Coptic Youth Camping

Centre ProjectUnder the direction of the Project Ad Hoc Committee started engaging different specialists to work on Phase 1 of the Project. Relevant Certificates are currently being processed from different utilities, Civil and Structure design work is being carried out, and Earth & Ground work is expected to start within the next three months.

We bow down and give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ who has given us the guidance to start to build His Project.

The Diocese has transferred $300,000 from the 2 Mites Account to the Centre Account with additional $200,000 been made available as and when required.

This is good news for the youth of Sydney to see their dream start to become true as there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

The members of the Congregation of St Abraam Church, the Fathers of the Church, the local Church Committee and the Project Ad Hoc Committee, all would like to take this opportunity to thank all the congregation of Sydney for their donation and continuous support for the project; and would also take this opportunity to thank His Grace Bishop Daniel, the Finance Committee, and the Dioceses Accounts group for their support and transfer of funds.

To share in the blessing of this project, you may direct deposit into the bank account and post or e-mail your deposit slip. Or send a cheque by mail; we will post your Tax deductable receipt to your address. For cash donations please see the centre servants who will visit your Church during the month of August.

Bank Details: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Name of Account: Pope Shenouda III Coptic Centre

BSB Number 062199 Account Number: 00905761

Through the intercessions and the prayers of the Mother of God St Mary, the prayers of HH Pope Shenouda III, Pope of Alexandria and the See of St Mark, and his partner in the ministry HG Bishop Daniel, Bishop of Sydney & affiliate Regions, Amen.

The Project Ad Hoc Committee1 August 2011

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the LORD of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for

you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.”Malachi 3:10,

COPTS of Australia would like to thank you all for the help and support that is changing the lives of hundreds of Christian families locally and in Egypt and to invite you for its Mother Mary’s poor man ‘s

dinner on

Sunday, 7th August 2011 at the Orion Centre, 155 Beamish St. Campsie 6.30 pm.

Come and invite others and share Agapi meal with us. On the local level, there are hundreds of needy cases in Australia such as newly arrived migrants who are not entitled to any financial support from the government. These cases are cared for by our local churches in Sydney through various programs and

projects. COPTS supports the work and activities of our Coptic Church in Australia and is happy to direct your tax deductable donations towards these programs or any other projects to help your local

Church. If you would like to help, you can contact a Copts representative in your Church or by contacting Mr Heshmat Grace on 0413276514. Dr Farag Gobran Mo.0412990927

Please pray for the service. God Bless


Dear beloved congregation of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney, “Grace to you and peace from Him, Who is and Who was and Who is to come” (Rev.1:4).

I would like to congratulate all of you on the forthcoming Fasting of the Mother of God, St. Mary, may her blessings be with us all. “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7).

In December 2007 with the Grace of God and the prayers and approval of HH Pope Shenouda III, we were blessed with the purchase of a Coptic Orthodox Church in DUBBO under the name of St John the Baptist, St Elijah the Prophet & St Mary Coptic Orthodox Church – DUBBO. The church serves 20 families in the area.

In May 2010, with the growth of the Church in DUBBO, the congregation of St John the Baptist, St Eijah and St Mary Church was eager to nurture the present members and to draw others to our Lord Jesus Christ; they believe that such growth could be enhanced with a resident priest to mentor and lead the Church Community.

So they wrote to my weakself and to HH Pope Shenouda III requesting a Monk Priest who would be happy to fulfill the vision of the congregation for our Church.

In July 2011 an Auction was announced for the House Adjacent to the Church with an area of 1254sqm which will be appropriate for a resident Monk Priest and for other facilities for the Church, thus the congregation requested my weakself to get the approval of HH Pope Shenouda III for entering the Auction.

On the 19th of July 2011, on the Commemoration of Archangel Michael, HH Pope Shenouda III, may God keep his life for us for many years to come, signed the approval for the Church to enter the Auction.

On the 21st of July, the church was blessed with the purchase of the House adjacent to the Church for an amount of AU$ 232,500. His Holiness Pope Shenouda III approved a loan of AU$ 150,000.00 for the purchase of the house.

As we are left with a difference of AU$ 82.500 to be collected for the house, we are hereby asking your good self, the sons of God and the heirs of the kingdom of heaven, to take the blessings of supporting St John the Baptist, St Elijah the Prophet and St Mary Church–DUBBO.

With your love to our Lord Jesus Christ and your assistance, the word of God will be spread everywhere.

If you are intending to contribute by Cheque, kindly issue the cheque in the name of the “Coptic Orthodox Church” and send it to: The Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney-P.O. Box 171 Bexley NSW - 2207

“Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share.” (1 Tim 6: 18).

May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you and thank you for your support.

HG Bishop DanielWith the Grace of God, Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Sydney & Affiliated Regions

Subject: Purchase of the House adjacent to St John the Baptist, St Elijah the Prophet & St Mary Church - DUBBO


(...continued from cover)

SHE IS CALLED THE BURNING BUSH:• In Exodus 3, Moses saw the burning

bush, which was not burnt or consumed.

• St Mary is called the “Burning Bush”, because the Holy Spirit came upon her with His Divine Fire, and she was not burnt or consumed.

• That is why in the Theotokia of Thursday we sing: “For the Word of God was incarnated in her. The fire of His Divinity did not consume her womb, and she remained a virgin.”

SHE IS CALLED THE CENSER OF PURE GOLD:• Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, is

the union of divinity and humanity, and we can imagine this like the union of coal and fire which we have

in the censer.• For this reason, St Mary, who carried

within her that union, symbolises the censer.

• She is called the Golden Censer, because gold represents glory and eternity.

SHE IS CALLED THE BEAUTIFUL DOVE, because:• Because of her humility, she

resembles a dove.• The Holy Spirit who appeared in

the form of a dove, came upon her (Matt3:16).

• She brought the message of our salvation, like the dove which brought the message of life to Noah, after the flood (Gen 8:10-11).


and the ‘Tabernacle’, because God dwelled in her during the incarnation.

• At the annunciation (annun-cee-ation), the Angel Gabriel said, “The power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:35). In Hebrew, the word ‘overshadow’ means ‘dwelling’ and it was the same word used to describe the tabernacle where God dwelt among His people.

• That is why in the Theotokia of Sunday, we sing: “O Mary the virgin, you are like the tabernacle! You are the true dome where God dwells.”

SHE IS CALLED THE CITY OF GOD, or ZION:• Because in Psalm 87 it says: “And

of Zion it will be said, ‘This one and that one were born in her; and the Most High Himself shall establish her… Glorious things are spoken of

you, O city of God!”

SHE IS CALLED THE GOLDEN LAMPSTAND:• Because St Mary gave birth to the

True Light, she became superior to all heavenly creatures. And she is even higher than the Cherubim.

• That is why in the Theotokia of Sunday, we sing: “You are the pure golden lamp stand that bears the ever-bright Lamp.”

May the LORD bless you all through the intercessions of our Lady Virgin St. Mary and the prayers of our beloved Father of Fathers His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, may the Lord keep him safely for many years to come and help him to serve His Kingdom on earth.

Glory be to the Lord forever, Amen.

The Symbols of the Holy Mother of God, Saint Mary

Page 8: El Manara Issue 48 English Complete

8 [email protected]

7th August 2011

Aghapy TV & CTVIn the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit, One God Amen.

Dear viewers of Aghapy TV and CTV Coptic Channels

The aim of this message is to inform you of the facts and avoid any rumours.

Aghapy TV has been watched all over Australia and New Zealand as a Free to Air Channel over the last 4 years.

United Broadcasting International known as UBI – (a pay TV company owned by a Coptic Christian Family) had signed four years ago a contract with the Coptic Orthodox Church to bring Aghapy TV channel to Australia and New Zealand at their expense. This contract has expired in April 2011. This has saved the Coptic Church approximately one million dollars over the past four years.

On behalf of Aghapy TV Australia, His Grace Bishop Botros and the viewers of Australia and New Zealand, express many thanks to UBI for their support to the Coptic Orthodox Church in particular to Aghapy TV without which we would not have been able to watch it free.

It is understandable and expected that UBI has to cover its costs for bringing this channel to Australia and New Zealand.

A meeting between His Grace Bishop Botros and UBI occurred in Egypt last month to reach an agreement concerning the costs of continuing broadcasting Aghapy TV as free to Air. Bishop Botros expressed it clearly that he is in no position to pay for UBI its costs to bring Aghapy TV to Australia and New Zealand.

A meeting held between Aghapy TV office in Sydney with UBI management reached the following:a) UBI agreed to delay the encryption of Aghapy TV and CTV until the first of September 2011.b) The viewers of Sydney has the opportunity to receive Aghapy TV and CTV channels as free to air if we are able to pay UBI its monthly costs.c) To achieve this aim every viewer in Australia and New Zealand has to contribute a minimum $20.00 monthly as subscription to Aghapy TV office in Sydney.d) Aghapy TV office in Sydney will issue a subscription form to authorise Aghapy TV to deduct monthly payments from their credit cards account(s).e) If for any reason we cannot collect the required amounts to pay UBI, UBI will encrypt Aghapy TV and CTV channels. f) Encryption means that Aghapy TV and CTV will not be free to air anymore. Only subscribers to UBI will be able to watch Aghapy TV and CTV for a monthly fee of $20.00. UBI will give you the option to pay month by month or sign a one year contract.g) You will not be asked by UBI to subscribe to other Arabic channels unless you agree to do this. But if you decided to subscribe to UBI you might be asked to pay for a receiver and a technician to install the receiver for you. The costs may vary between $85.00 to $200.00 approximately as a one off payment.h) If Aghapy TV and CTV continue to be Free to Air you will continue to watch the two channels without any change to your existing receiver and no extra cost to you.

Can we succeed to make Aghapy TV and CTV free to Air?

The answer is YES - only if every viewer pays his minimum monthly subscription to Aghapy TV account. We need at least 2500 viewers to pay a minimum monthly membership of $20.00.The money collected will pay UBI his charges and the balance will be transferred to H G Bishop Botros to assist him in production of Aghapy TV programs.

For more information call us from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday on 1300 303 926. You can also email us on: [email protected]

You can also access our website and print the membership form, complete and fax to 02 9671 7728.

Membership forms will also be available at church bookshops and representatives. We can email membership forms

For any Bank Account deposits please include your name in the deposit and advise us by calling 1300 303 926 or email us on [email protected].

Aghapy TVCommonwealth Bank, Marrickville BranchBSB 062199 Account 1038 4767

Moawad Khalil (For/Aghapy TV Australia)

Saint Antonious & Saint Paul’s Coptic Orthodox Church, Guildford

Diocese of Sydney & Affiliated regions Holy Virgin Saint Mary’s fasting spiritual revival

“Keep the Psalms and the Psalms will keep you” The church invites you to this spiritual revival during the days of fasting. May the Holy Spirit abide & work in us, to become holy by attending daily.

Through the prayers of H.H Pope Shenouda III & his partner in the Apostolic Ministry our beloved father H.G Bishop Daniel.

Holy Mass 8.30-10.30am Vespers & sermons 7 to 9pm Arabic sermon English sermon Saturday 6/08/11

VRev Fr Shenouda Mansour The Lord is my shepherd ;I shall not want Psalm 23:1 V Rev Samuel Wadie Guirguis Rev Fr Makarious Ebrahim

Sunday 7/08/11 Church fathers

I was glad when they said to me,” Let us go into the House of the Lord” Psalm 122:1 V Rev Fr Moussa Soliman Rev Fr Arsanious Barsoum

Monday 8/08/11 Church fathers

How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of Hosts Psalm 84:1 Dr Sameh Farag Rev Fr Jonathan Isaac

Tuesday 9/08/11 V Rev Fr Tadros Samaan

Hear my prayer, O God: Give ear to the words of my mouth Psalm 54:2 V Rev Fr Mina Diskoros Rev Fr Bassilious Gad

Wednesday 10/08/11 V Rev Fr Tadros Samaan

God be merciful to us and bless us and cause His face to shine upon us Psalm 67:1 V Rev Fr Tadros Samaan Rev Fr David Mahrous

Thursday 11/08/11 Rev Fr Makarious Ebrahim Help Lord for the godly man ceases Psalm 12:1 V Rev Fr Georgious Fahmy Rev Fr Yousef Fanous

Friday 12/08/11 Rev Fr Suriel Hanna

It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man Psalm 118:8 V Rev Fr Rafael Iskander Rev Fr Paula Balamon

Saturday 13/08/11 VRev Fr Shenouda Mansour

Unless the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain who build it Psalm 127:1 V Rev Fr Bishoy Yassa Rev Fr Matthew Attia

Sunday 14/08/11 Church fathers

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble Psalm 46:1 V Rev Fr Tadros El Bakhoumy V Rev Fr Augustinos Nada

Monday 15/08/11 Church fathers

Those who sow with tears shall reap with joy Psalm 126:5 V Rev Fr Moussa Rafla Rev Fr Suriel Hanna

Tuesday 16/08/11 V Rev Fr Tadros Samaan

O Lord, truly I am your servant; I am your servant, the son of Your maidservant, You have loosed my bonds

Psalm 116:16 Rev Fr Bishoy Botros V Rev Fr Pavlos Hanna

Wednesday 17/08/11 V Rev Fr Tadros Samaan

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him and He will show them His covenant Psalm 25:14 Rev Fr Makarios Ebrahim Rev Fr Gabriel Yassa

Thursday 18/08/11 Rev Fr Makarious Ebrahim

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path Psalm 119:105 Rev Fr Luke Malek Rev Fr George Nakhil

Friday 19/08/11 Rev Fr Suriel Hanna

Your hands have made me and fashioned me: Give me understanding that I may learn Your commandments

Psalm 119:73 Feast of Transfiguration V Rev Fr Hanna Gad Rev Fr Sharobim Sharobim

Saturday 20/08/11 VRev Fr Shenouda Mansour

Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is Good! For His mercy endures forever Psalm 136:1 V Rev Fr Botros Morkos Deacon Antonious Soliman

Sunday 21/08/11 Church fathers

Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord Psalm150:6 V Rev Fr Tadros Samaan V Rev Fr Shenouda Mansour

Monday 22/08/11 Church fathers Feast of the Assumption of the body of our Mother, the pure Saint Mary the Mother of God

St Mary & St Mina’s Cathedral Crn of Forest Road & Bay view Rd, Bexley – SydneyThrough the prayers of H H Pope Shenouda III and his partner in the apostolic ministry, our beloved father H.G. Bishop Daniel, Bishop of Sydney & Affiliated regions, St Mary & St Mina’s Cathedral is delighted to invite you to its Spiritual Revival, which will be held in the period between 7th – 22nd of August 2011 for the occasion of the fast of the Virgin St Mary (the Patron of our Church). The Theme of the Revival is taken from this year’s Motto (“I will praise You;……...for great is the Holy One of Israel in your midst ”Is 12 )

Mon 1/8/2011 6:30 - 8:30 Vesper of St Joseph the Carpenter and a sermon about the virtues of St Joseph followed by prayer meeting by V Rev Fr Bishoy Yassa , Tasbeha & Holy Mass from 12:00 - 2:00 am Tue 2/8/2011 5:00 - 7:00 am Second Mass (The Feast of St Joseph the Carpenter)

Day/Date Liturgy & Rev Fr

6:30 – 7:30 pm Vespers, glorification

7:30 – 7:45 Choir 7:45 - 8:45 Sermon

8:45 - 9:00 Prayer Meeting


Sun 7 / 8 /2011 1 Misra 1727

5:45 – 8:30am First Mass A 8:30 – 11:00 am Second Mass E 8:15 - 11:00 am Third Mass A

Praise & Thanksgiving in time of tribulation V Rev Fr Bishoy Yassa

Mon 8/ 8 /2011 2 Misra 1727

8:30 - 11:00 am Knowledge & Understanding V Fr. Taros Samaan

Tue 9/ 8 /2011 3 Misra 1727

5:00 – 7:00 am E Kindness Rev Fr David Mahrous

Wed 10/ 8 /2011 4 Misra 1727

8:30 - 11 am First Mass 11:00 - 12:00 noon Ladies Meeting

4 - 6 pm 2nd Mass

Rest & Quietness V Rev Fr Tadros El-Bakhoumi

Thur 11/8/2011 5 Misra 1727

8:30 - 11:00 am Followed by St Simon’s Group

Patience and Long Suffering Rev Fr Gabriel Yassa

Fri 12/8/2011 6 Misra 1727

5:00 - 7:00 am Fear of God Fr. George Nakhil A ____________________

Rev Fr Augustinos Nada

Sat 13/ 8 /2011 7 Misra 1727

6:00 - 08:00 am 8:30 - 10:30 am

Peace Mr Magdy Kelada A (Superintendent of St Mark

Sunday School)

Sun 14/ 8 /2011 8 Misra 1727

5:45 – 8:30am First Mass A 8:30 – 11:00 am Second Mass E 8:15 - 11:00 am Third Mass A

Purity V Rev Fr Bishoy Yassa

Mon 15/ 8 /2011 9 Misra 1727

8:30 - 11:00 am Faith Rev Fr Jonathan Ishak

Tue 16/ 8 /2011 10 Misra 1727

5:00 – 7:00 am E The New Praise (Ps 96) Rev Fr Athanasious Ibrahim

Wed 17/ 8 /2011 11 Misra 1727

8:30 - 11 am First Mass 11:00 - 12:00 noon Ladies Meeting

4 - 6 pm 2nd Mass

Wisdom V Rev Fr Moussa Soliman

Thur 18/ 8 /2011 12 Misra 1727

Commemoration of Archangel Michael

8:30 - 11:00 am Followed by St Simon’s Group

Discernment &Differentiation

V Rev Fr Rafael Iskander

Fri 19/8/2011 13 Misra 1727 The Feast of


5:00 - 7:00 am Hope Rev Fr Botros Morkos A ___________________

Rev Fr Shenouda Mansour E

Sat 20/ 8 /2011 14 Misra 1727

6:00 - 08:00 am 8:30 - 10:30 am

Joy Mr Raef Farag (Superintendent of St George Sunday School

Sun 21/ 8 /2011 15 Misra 1727

5:45 – 8:30am First Mass A 8:30 – 11:00 am Second Mass E 8:15 - 11:00 am Third Mass A

Love Followed by Spiritual Vigil

that will end with the First Mass from 12:00 - 2:00 am

V Rev Fr Yacoub Magdy A ____________________ Rev Fr Matthew Attia E

Mon 22/ 8 /201116 Misra 1727

The feast of the assumption of the body of St Mary

12:00 - 2:00 am First Mass V Rev Fr Mikhail Mikhail 8:30 - 11:00 am Second Mass Rev Fr Youssef Fanous

9:00 - 11:00 am Third Mass Rev Fr Moussa Rafla (Aswan) All the beloved Rev Fathers are invited to attend any of the Masses of The feast of the assumption

of the body of St Mary

Page 9: El Manara Issue 48 English Complete

Published by the Diocese of Sydney & its Affiliated Regions 9

Copts’ News1st Mesra 1727

(...continued from cover)

Saturday was the meat of our experience. We had two core talks with Fr. Antonios, who described to us various worldly idols and how we could avoid stumbling on them. Later in the afternoon we had a (quite memorable) Amazing Race challenge, which required us to all filter our brains and stretch our muscles across the entire campsite. We concluded the night with vespers, tasbeha and a laid back campfire.

Sunday we had Holy Mass and thanked God for the past couple of days. We had benefited immensely. Finally at the end of the camp, we broke an idol ‘pinata’ to remind us that we could conquer anything with God’s grace and power.

Thank you to all the servants and our parish priests for this wonderful opportunity!

Archangel Michael & Saint Bishoy Winter Youth Camp

(...continued from page 5)

our responsibility because we were granted the opportunity and given the training by simply being born into the Coptic Church. Christ is the Light, and he is the one who draws others toward him, we must only provide a hospitable home for the Lord to use us. “God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship in Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practise the truth.” 1 John 1:5-6.

The spiritual element was the perfect foundation to an exciting array of events that came crashing after. The official camp catch phrase “YA WAD YA BISHOOOYYYY”

had our youth fall off their seats in painful laughter… it even got Abouna Yousef in stitches! The context is too brilliant to explain. Dragon Boat Racing, round two of the ‘Amazing Race’ and a segment of ‘Talk about your Generation’ are just a few of the fantastically executed chances the youth got to let our ‘Arab’ competitive light shine. A special mention goes to the ‘Talk about your Generation’ that had the olds compete with the better half (of the 90’s) to feel superior in some way since their days are over; we let them win, it was slack! Lest we forget the famous St Mary style skit, performed on the Saturday night that skilfully incorporated both the spiritual, ‘Ya wad ya Bishoooy’ and

Kyrollos into one fantastic display of ‘Lebanese’ humour. All in all, it was a camp that was hard to flaw and that says a lot.

Finally, thanks to the Fathers of our church, who we are blessed to have, i.e. Abouna Samuel, Abouna Mikkail and Abouna Yousef. Additionally, thank you to all of the Youth who put this together… what a great bunch we are at St Mary’s!

To label this year’s winter camp the best, would mean that next year cannot exceed our expectations. We know now, that with God, it’s just a matter of what He has in stall for us next. Simply can’t wait!

Time to Shine... I’ll Bet My Life On It


As we struggle to achieve the perfect life, we often forget the most important aspect - our Spiritual Life. We find ourselves trapped in a routine, lacking any desire for God. Read this article by HG Bishop Angaelos to find out how we can overcome this and learn to focus on God.You are startled to alertness in the morning by the sound of your alarm clock, and go through the regular rituals of preperation, have a cup of tea, and realise that you are running late... again. You run out of the house and make your way to school, college or work. You 'start' your day. you have a lunch break, after which you keep looking at your watch until it is time to go home. You eat, watch the television, reply to your email, 'surf' the 'net' for a while, sleep and then awake the next morning at the sound of your alarm clock; you are running late ... again, .... and so 'life' goes on.This is the type of routine that can creep into our lives and make them seem monotonous and boring. There is only one way to avoid this ... only one way of making truly meaningful and exciting ... and that is, by truly 'living' your life, and wanting and having God in it.We all know that this is what is required, and we have all heard and read it so many times before. We repeatedly try to let God have a role in our lives, but it often becomes very frustrating when we are not successful. We have such grand plans and great strategies, but we never seem to start, and as a result, we do not fulfil these wonderful ventures that we have so carefully contemplated.

The ReasonPart of the problem is that we are "lukewarm", meaning that we are indifferent, and sometimes even apathetic. We are not passionate about our desire for God. In the book of Revelations, there is a serious proclamation made to the angel of the Church of the Laodiceans, and that is, "I know your words, that are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you our of My mouth. (Rev. 3:15,16)Be careful however, that recognising this as a cause does not by any means lead us to accept it as justification. In recognising a problem, we must endeavour to find a solution.

The SolutionIn order to be passionate about, and dedicated to, anything, one must have a vision, while at the same time being enthusiastic and willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve that vision. This enthusiasm cannot come from nothingness, but rather, it comes from the true realisation that I want God in my life, while at the same time setting a real and worthwhile goal for that life.Any significant step in our lives should be in the direction of a final goal, but in our spiritual lives we often lack the ability to set ourselves these goals, thus lacking the required vision, passion and enthusiasm.

The first necessary step for us is to want a life of vitality.To break out of the routine, we must have a clear idea in our minds of where we want to go. When studying, we do so to achieve certain results which allow us to reach our required end, and in working we aim to achieve certain professional, social or financial goals ... but what of our spiritual lives? What is our long-term goal? In Revelation 3:17, we are warned about being merely satisfied with worldly wealth and satidfaction, and the passage then goes on to say: "I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, [that] the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see." (Rev. 3:18)Our Lord wants us to aim at buying the 'gold' and 'white garments' of spiritual purity; that which is far better than all that the world has to offer. So why then do we not do so?

The problem is that we have a false sense of material satisfaction which makes us think that what we have is enough ... but our Lord counsels us to take that which is better.The feeling of 'nakedness' of which Saint John speaks is that which has come about by sin, and God wants to give us pure white garments to cover that sin and weaknesses. Why then do we refuse to take these garments? Because we are 'lukewarm', we are neither cold nor hot. Could we possibly be satisfied with our frantic and rushed lives, not wanting that which is better?

We need to overcome our indifference and, at a practical level, consider every aspect of our lives, while looking to our Perfect Example in order to see how to have a life of vigour as our Master and Lord did.Our Saviour told us that He came so that we " ... may have life." (John 10:10) He has also told us that He is "the Light of the world." (John 8:12) and "the Way, the Truth and Life" (John 14:6). He has not merely told us how we should live, but in His humility, He took our limited human flesh and practically showed us how to do so with such conviction.

Our Lord has given us a wonderful example of how to approach every aspect of our lives with energy, vitality and faithfulness.We are children of God, and this is full time position. We cannot put on a different 'hat' at school or at work. We are always Children of God, and must therefore act accordingly. An important element of this, as mentioned above, is to have a definite objective for every aspect of our lives.

To avoid the stifling routine of our day-to-day lives, we have the oppurtunity to look at how the Lord, during His incarnation, led a life of vigour in every way.

Social LifeOur Lord's first miracle at the wedding of Cana shows us that although He attended as a guest at this social event. He did not simply go to enjoy the social element. Our Lord had an active role in being a part of the joy, and did something meaningful and helpful. In the same way, when our Lord visited Mary and Martha, He did not simply go and leave with no benefit, but He spent time with them and taught them. There was no monotomy in the life of our Lord for He seized every moment, and whenever He saw that something needed to be done, He would do it.

Professional LifeOur Lord's feeding f the multitudes and His sermon on the mount are clear examples of His vision and direction in relation to teaching people. The last supper also shows us how He was carrying out those things which He had come to do, while at the same time teaching and maintaining

His vision by handing it down to His chosen disciples, who then delievered them to us.

Academic LifeWhen our Lord was tempted on the mountain by Satan, He showed us the importance of knowledge and the learning of the Scriptures. Our Lord was preparing Himself for His ministry, and while so doing, used this oppurtunity to teach us the importance of the knowledge of scripture. How much of our mind do we occupy with God? How much importance do we place on learning His teachings so that we can then bothe live them, and pass them on to others?

Family LifeIn His last hour, our Lord did not forget His mother, and He entrusted her into the hands of His beloved Saint John. The Son also continually spoke to, and made reference of, the Father ... teaching us also to have the same bonds.

Spiritual LifeOur Lord showed us that we must cleanse the temple, and not use if for anything other than that for which is was intended. The temple of which I write is not one which is built of stone, but rather, the temple which is within every one of us. Our hearts must be cleansed so that they continue to be used for one reason alone, and that is, the dwelling place of God. At the same time we remember our bodies are " ... temples of God" (1 Cor. 3:16) and thus, must be kept in a state worthy of their Dweller.

Contemplative LifeWe must also note that our Lord always had time for prayer. He went to a deserted place in the midst of turmoil, so that He could pray quietly. We often forget the importance of prayer, as we become side-tracked by the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

In conclusion, if we want meaningful lives, we must remain focused on our goal and have direction. It is easy to lose our way and become too entangled in the routine of life, but our Lord had put up the sign-posts to guide us back to a life of strength and joy, leading us to His heavenly Kingdom. Let us be vigilant, and consider every facet of our lives, ensuring that there is clarity and unity of direction, ensuring us of a life free from monotony and boredom.

A Meaningful Life

Page 10: El Manara Issue 48 English Complete

10 [email protected]

7th August 2011

Exodus Mowing Services:

Exodus Youth Worx was recently awarded a government grant of $2900 to start a new local community project. With the help and ideas of our youth we came up with a lawn mowing business “Exodus Mowing Services”. This new local business will help employ unemployed youth providing them with opportunities to gain experience and get involved with the community. This is a great prospect for our youth and community to grow together and branch out to the wider community. Our services include lawn mowing, trimming, edging, blowing, hedging and general clean up. Please help support us in a mission to redirect our youth back to God, this is the beginning to building a better future for the youth.

For a free consultation and a quote on the spot please call us on 0414 075 680.

“We mow so youth can grow”

+James William


The 6th anniversary of the beloved Deacon James William, son of Robert & Nabilia William and

brother to Victore, Alfred & Phillip William will be

held after the Holy Mass service at the family home on the 21st August 2011.

Kindergarten Experience @ St Mark’s College

Kindergarten marks an important transition to the primary grades. At St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox College developmentally appropriate kindergarten classrooms encourage the growth of children’s self-esteem, their cultural identities, their independence and their individual strengths. Kindergarten children will continue to develop control of their own behaviour through the guidance and support of warm, caring teachers. At this stage, children are already eager to learn and possess an innate curiosity. Teachers with a strong background in early childhood education and child development at St Mark’s will provide for children what they need to grow physically, emotionally, and intellectually.

St Mark’s Coptic Orthodox Primary College offers a broad-based curriculum with emphasis given to the care and development of the child as an individual and a contributing member of a community. We recognise the vital place of Faith in the lives of students and are concerned with the awakening, nourishing and developing of this Faith within a sound general education.

St Mark’s curriculum caters for different learning styles and endeavours to develop problem-solving and thinking skills within a climate of discovery.

To secure a place in 2012 for your child/ren contact the college office on (02) 9825 6768
