Page 1: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014

Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions). Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño,

personalidad, birthplace, cumpleaños, precio, o location.

1… 2… 3…

Page 2: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Repaso de ayer

Los animales

# idiomas en el mundo

Culturas de Kentucky y Los Latinos

$10.000 Pyramid juego

Page 3: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

ASK ?s de estos animales:

Animales de 2do bloque 1. Starfish – estrella de mar (f)

2. Walrus – morsa (f)

3. Sea urchin – erizo de mar (m)

4. Flounder – platija (f)

5. Sea lion – león marino (m)

6. Turtle – tortuga (f)

7. Shark – tiburón (m)

8. Plankton – plancton (m)

9. Sea horse – caballito de mar (m)

10. Sea turtle – tortuga marina (f)

11. Krill – kril (m)

12. Shrimp – camarón (m)

13. Whale – ballena (f)

14. Hammerhead Shark - tiburón martillo (m)

15. Swordfish – pez espada (f)

16. Lobster – langosta (f)

17. Clownfish – pez payaso (m)

18. Tiger shark – tiburón tigre (m)

19. Great white shark – gran tiburón blanco (m)

20. Stingray – raya (f)

21. Eel – anguila (f)

22. Oyster – ostra (f)

23. Octopus – pulpo (f)

24. Squid – calamar (m)

25. Trout – trucha (f)

26. Marlin – marlin (m)

27. Crab – cangrejo (m)

28. Clam – almeja (f)

29. Coral – coral (m)

30. Mermaid – sirena (f)

31. Killer whale – orca (f)

Page 4: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

En el papel, escribe un animal que vive en la selva/jungla…

Animales de 3er bloque 1. Monkey – mono (m)2. Panther – pantera (f)3. Lizard – lagarto (m)4. Lynx – lince (m) 5. Rabbit – conejo (m)6. Koala – koala (f)7. Orangutan – orangután (m)8. Peacock – pavo real (m)9. Parrot – papagayo (m)10. Panda – panda (m)11. Leopard – leopardo (m)12. Jaguar – jaguar (m)13. Spider monkey – mono

araña (m)14. Cheetah – guepardo (m)15. Badger – tejón (m)

16. Gazelle – gacela (f)17. Bat – murciélago (m)18. Hippo – hipopótamo (m)19. Salamander – salamandra (f)20. Ladybug – mariquita (f)21. Cougar – puma (m)22. Tiger – tigre (m)23. Rhino – rinoceronte (m)24. Prairie dog – perro de las

praderas (m)25. Chimpanzee – chimpancé

(m)26. Python – pitón (m)27. Iguana – iguana (f)28. Sloth – perezoso (m)29. Gorilla – gorila (m)30. Lemur – lémur (m)31. Cobra – cobra (f)32. Tarsier – tarsero (m)

Page 5: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

En el papel, escribe un animal que es un bicho o una araña…

Animales de 4to bloque 1. Dragonfly – libélula (f)

2. Caterpillar - oruga (f)

3. Praying mantis – mantis religiosa (f)

4. Grasshopper – saltamontes (m)

5. Butterfly – mariposa (f)

6. Centipede – ciempiés (m)

7. Cockroach – cucaracha (f)

8. Worm – gusano (m)

9. Stick bug – insecto palo (m)

10. Tarantula – tarantula (f)

11. Wasp – avispa (f)

12. Yellow jacket – avispa germánica (f)

13. Black widow – viuda negra (f)

14. Ladybug – mariquita (f)

15. Bedbug – chinche (m)

16. Hornet – avispón (m)

17. Beetle – escarabajo (m)

18. Brown recluse – araña reclusa marrón (f)

19. Termite – termita (f)

20. Horse fly – tábano (m)

21. Moth – polills (f)

22. Daddy long legs – zancudo (m)

23. Mosquito – mosquito/zancudo (m)

24. Fireant – hormiga roja (f)

25. Firefly – luciérnada (f)

26. Wolf spider – araña licosa (f)

27. Cricket – grillo (f)

28. Gnat – jején (m)

29. Scorpion – escorpión (m)

30. Maggot – larva (f)

31. Louse – piojo (m)

32. Honeybee – abeja (f)

33. Tick – palomita (f)

Page 6: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

El objetivo de hoy

Repaso del Syllabus y Reglas de la clase

Pensamiento (a thought): Are rules helpful in the real world?

Page 7: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Syllabus Review

Page 8: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Binder Requirements

Page 9: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Tentative Weekly Outline

Page 10: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,


Get your syllabus signed ASAP!

What are some things you all can do to remember to get stuff signed?


Page 11: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Syllabus Review

Complete #1-11 on the Handout using your Syllabus!

Page 12: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

Bathroom Breaks #12.) You will have three bathroom breaks

throughout the course of the semester – USE THEM WISELY! Don’t ask rudely, such as in the middle of Señor

Blanton speaking aloud to the class. Señor B will write la fecha of your bathroom


#13.) Unused bathroom breaks will count as five points EACH on either Midterm/Final.

Page 13: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

Tardiness 14.) Must be in class when the bell rings

If late, must have note from another teacher or Mr. Blanton needs to receive a call/email.

Here is the order of disciplinary actions: Warning Warning 15.) 30 min. detention 45 min. detention 60 min. detention Etc.

Page 14: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

Disruptions and Excessive Chatter 16.) Señor Blanton is a fan of talking at

APPROPRIATE TIMES There is a time for speaking and a time for

listening. There is also a way to speak to a neighbor in a

non-disruptive manner.


Page 15: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

18.) Class Participation & Daily Work HARD WORK PAYS OFF

It will make you do better on homework, quizzes, and tests.

When you all participate and work hard during class, it makes me want to reward you more often with “fun” activities.

19.) 15% of your grade AND 20.) You will receive a grade EVERY DAY.

21.) It is 5 pts.

Page 16: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Symbols used to grade daily work

22.) A Absent/Not In Class T Tardy L Left Class Participated & Completed Class

Work for the Day -1,-2,-3,-4 Did not Participate &/Or Did

not Complete Class Work for the day

* Excessive Talking/Disruptions D Disrespect &/Or Other

Inappropriate Classroom Acts # Cell phone &/Or Electronic

Device Without Permission

Page 17: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

Other Miscellaneous Reglas 23.)

You cannot leave class (without note, call, email). Excessive use of leaving will result in using one of the

three bathroom breaks. Don’t ask to leave class for another class, library, etc.

24.) Do not ask me, “did we do anything yesterday?” Of course we did something. Reference your Weekly Outline and/or side table to know what you missed. Work can also be found on our class webpage.

Page 18: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

25.) Turn in MAKEUP/LATE WORK in la caja de Cheerios cereal.

26.) Use the final five minutes of class to handle grades, homework, or other questions.

27.) Graded work will be in the azul chairs, in the chair with your block!

Page 19: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Other Reglas

28.) LÁPICES/PLUMAS: If you do not bring a pencil to class, an angel in heaven loses its wings. Bring a writing utensil to class (DUH!), I do not have a tree farm and neither does BCHS. If you don’t have one, ask un amigo o REMEMBER

TO BRING ONE. 29.) You must be INSIDE el salón de clase when

the bell rings. 30.) Señor Blanton cannot give you a grade if

he doesn’t know who did the work. WRITE YOUR NOMBRE ON EVERYTHING.

Page 20: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,


Pretend eres profesor(a) en B.C.H.S. en 2026. What are some problems you may experience as un(a) profesor(a), y how will you fix those problemas?

1 Acted Out Problema de Profesor+Estudiante(s)


Make a list of 5 things you must do to be a successful student (based on what we just discussed).

Page 21: El abrecerebros El 9 de enero, 2014  Using the list of animales de ayer, escriba 3 preguntas (questions).  Pida (ask for) el color, age, tamaño, personalidad,

Smart Phones, e.g. Iphones

Beneficios, Desventajes…