Page 1: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

N O T I C E O F V A C A N C Y As of J a n u a i y 15, 2018

R H i l S T R A R S Accreditation No.

150 9001:2008 , < c A . .nnc

Certificate No. AJA15-0055


Posit ion : Solid Waste Enforcer and Educator Team (SWEET) Salary : P14,500.00 Number of V a c a n c y : 4 Locat ion : PENRO Dinagat (1)

CENRO B u n a w a n (1) CENRO L i a n g a ( l ) CENRO Bis l ig (1)

Qualif ication Guide: Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based)

Educat ion :

Tra in ing : EKperienco ; Eligibi l i ty : Other competencies :

Preferably Graduate of Bachelor's Degree i n Envi ronmenta l Science, Forestry, C o m m u n i t y Development or any related field Appl icants w i t h relevant t r a in ing shal l be an advantage Applicants with relevant experience shall be an advantage None required

Basic knowledge on Envi ronmenta l Laws Knowledge on C o m m u n i t y Development

- Advance knowledge on Geotagging Excellent customer service

- At ten t ion to details Excellent oral and wr i t t en communica t ion

- Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure - Ab i l i ty to liaise we l l w i t h professional f rom other Offices

Job Summary:

1. As Enforcers - moni to r compliance of LGUs to the provisions i n Section 48 of RA 9003 2. As Educators - assist the assigned LGUs to serve as models on Ecological Solid Waste

Management (ESWM) implementa t ion 3. Conduct stakeholder feedback assessment, ESWM seminar and act ion p lann ing for the

assigned LGUs 4. Facilitate the conduct of quar ter ly cleanup activities by the LGUs for the Bayan Ko,

Linis , Ko program 5. Assist i n providing technical assistance to LGU and other stakeholders w i t h i n the

province, cities and munic ipa l i t ies i n complying w i t h envi ronmenta l laws such as the Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Cont ro l Act (RA 6969), Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003), Phil ippine Clean Ai r Act (RA 8749), Philippine Clean Water Act (RA 9275), and the Envi ronmenta l Impact Assessment Law (PD 1586). Coordinate activities of the Envi ronmenta l Compliance Assistance Center i n the province;

JOYC Chief, Finance

M A G A D , M E M Administrative Division

Page 2: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

i''-;U'''iv i:iuM' niairs i tasks ihs: 'u-;i\ be yssjgur-.i hv ' i': ap.n ariiair- su.s s'li.'.as s aaksora;;.

k i k . s c s i i t] ,i]Hi\:\ a i u s i i u i v s i i i m t i t • l i f i i a r jp t i tasf im. a m i i l i f Ht l ia iwlag b'^: s,ia>;r-'s , !> "P'Si-ui'sa Mana ix ' f . aaa i t . i i i i i or; i'>r k a i o r t ' J n a . n a i s i t s O i l s , ;

Apjnm.fian adil;!'ss,"i, sa Wilsiin •,, Tusjo'so, Kk-gisniHi I s r s r u i r i adn.lod tb'\ susmJ Ikiia Sdirc! iiM"^ scosion raHi aOatJiad i.«,u!k '''xn'S ims sts ; • r-si.faaai!*-, o; To is,.ssTi|o )>!' i\/-'ai;r(!s

T5 ' ,MA^C,'\{ s AIKM C i l i d ' , T'lnorKa \ At l r ran ik t iT t i iv" s'; oiior;

Page 3: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

NOTICE OF VACANCY As of January 15, 2018


^HSffiiiiiiiSBiiiy Accreditation No. 150 9001:2008 „ c A . . n n =

Certificate No. AJA15-0055


Posit ion Salary Number of V a c a n c y Locat ion

Qualif ication Guide:

Records Management Assistant 453 .00 /day

:1 Records Management U n i t

Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based)

Educat ion

Tra in ing Exper ience EUgibUity Other competencies

Bachelor's Degree i n Library Management, Business Admin i s t r a t i on major Management, Public Admin i s t r a t ion , Informat ion Technology or any relevant field Appl icants w i t h relevant t r a in ing shal l be an advantage Appl icants w i t h relevant experience shall be an advantage None required

Knowledge on Government Records Management rules and regulations shal l be an advantage Knowledge on Records Admin i s t r a t ion Knowledge on Records Database Advance knowledge on Microsoft Office Excellent customer service General organization ski l ls At ten t ion to details Excellent oral and w r i t t e n communica t ion Able to w o r k harmonious ly and effectively under pressure Abi l i ty to liaise we l l w i t h professional f rom other Divisions

Job Summary:

1. Assist i n the appraisal , physical inventory and disposal of records 2. Assist i n t r ack ing and upda t ing of incoming and outgoing records us ing the Office Data

Track ing Informat ion System (DTIS) 3. Main ta ins Office barcode system 4. Assist i n releasing and ma i l i ng of officials documents 5. Perform other related tasks tha t may be assigned by the immediate supervisor or higher

au thor i ty

Note: Interested applicants may submi t the i r appl icat ion and the fol lowing documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

1. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h at tached w o r k experience sheet and 3. Photocopy of Transcr ipt of Records

JOY C/MA(fGAD, MEM Chief, Finance o&^dministrative Division

Page 4: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmentai Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

NOTICE OF VACANCY As of Januaiy 15, 2018

AJA 2>

\/4B ' i i iSTKARS

Accreditation No. ft^c A_nnc ISO 9001:2008

Accreditation No. ft^c A_nnc

Certificate No. AJA15-0055


Posit ion Salary Number of V a c a n c y Locat ion

Account ing Data Management Assis tant 453 .00 /day 1 Accoun t ing U n i t

Qualif ication Guide: Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based)

Educat ion : Bachelor's Degree i n Business Admin i s t r a t ion major i n Account ing Management or Financial Management or any relevant field

Train ing : Appl icants w i t h relevant t r a in ing shal l be an advantage Exper ience : Appl icants w i t h relevant experience shal l be an advantage Eligibi l i ty : None required Other competencies :

Good analyt ica l and problem -so lv ing ski l ls - Advance knowledge on Microsoft Office

Intermediate knowledge on Account ing and bookkeeping Knowledge on Government Account ing rules and regulat ions shal l be an advantage

- At ten t ion to details Excellent oral and wr i t t en communica t ion

- Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure - Ab i l i ty to liaise wel l w i t h professional from other Divisions

Job Summary:

1. Evaluate completeness of suppor t ing documents for Disbursement 2. Conducts inventory of a l l account ing records 3. Assist i n the preparat ion of remit tance of mon th ly tax w i thho ld ing 4. Manage data of account ing system 5. Perform other related tasks tha t may be assigned by the immediate supervisor or higher

au thor i ty

Note: Interested applicants may submi t the i r appl icat ion and the following documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

1. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h attached w o r k experience sheet and 3. Photocopy of Transcr ip t of Records

JOY C/. MAAGAD, MEM Chief, Firiajice^Administrative Division

Page 5: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

AJA Accreditation No.

150 9001:2008 M C A . n n c

Certificate No. AJA15-0055

N O T I C E O F V A C A N C Y As of January 15, 2018

Posit ion Salary Number of V a c a n c y Locat ion

Legal Support Staff P 453 .00 /day 1 Legal U n i t

Qual iAcat ion Guide: Preferred Qualif ications |Competency-Based)

Educat ion :

Tra in ing t Exper ience : El igibi l i ty : Other competencies :

Bachelor's Degree i n Communica t ion Ar ts , AO English, In terna t ional Studies or any related field None required None required None required

Has knowledge on Envi ronmenta l Laws Good analyt ical and problem-solving ski l ls Advance knowledge on Microsoft Office Excellent customer service

- At ten t ion to details Excellent oral and w r i t t e n communica t ion

- Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure Abi l i ty to liaise we l l w i t h professional from other Offices

J o b Summary:

1. Prepares t r a n sc r i p t /m inu t e s of Technical Conferences/Meetings and wr i t t en reports 2. Prepares official record of the legal proceedings 3. Help reviews/verifies case ci ta t ions 4. Perform var ious adminis t ra t ive and clerical tasks of the U n i t 5. Sort, organize, compile and t rack files from case folders and make available and easily

accessible to h i s / h e r immediate supervisor 6. Perform other related tasks tha t may be assigned by the immediate supervisor or higher

au thor i ty .

Note: Interested applicants may submi t thei r appl icat ion and the following documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

4. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 5. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h attached w o r k experience sheet and 6. Photocopy of Transcr ipt of Records

JOYQ^AAGAD, MEM Chief, Finance 8y Administrative Division

Page 6: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

Accreditation No. ISO 9001:2008

Certificate No. AJA15-0055

N O T I C E O F V A C A N C Y As of J anua ry 16, 2018

Posit ion : Driver Mechanic Salary : P 4 5 3 . 0 0 / d a y Number of V a c a n c y : 3

Locat ion : Finance and Adminis t ra t ive Divis ion

Qualif ication Guide: Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based) Educat ion T ra in ing Exper ience EUgibil i ty Other competencies

Graduate of Automot ive Mechanic (NC II) Appl icant w i t h relevant experience shal l be an advantage Appl icant w i t h relevant experience shal l be an advantage None required

Excellent customer service - At ten t ion to details

Excellent ora l and w r i t t e n communica t ion - Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure - Ab i l i ty to liaise we l l w i t h professional f rom other Offices

Job Summary: 1. Provide d r iv ing services to E M B employees i n the conduct of envi ronmenta l activities 2. Perform messengerial w o r k 3. Cleans assigned vehicles, bo th in ter ior and exterior for the purpose of ma in ta in ing

appearance, sani ta t ion and safety of vehicle 4. Fabricates par ts for the purpose of providing i tems necessary for repairs 5. Inspect assigned vehicles (e.g. brake system, oi l levels, t i re pressure, wiper blades, fan,

exterior and in ter ior condi t ion , etc.) 6. Performs m i n o r body w o r k (e.g. front ends, fenders, etc.) for the purpose of ma in ta in ing

the appearance and safe operation of vehicle 7. Perform other tasks as may be assigned from t ime to t ime by the immediate superior or

higher au tho r i t y

Note: Interested appl icants may submi t the i r appl icat ion and the following documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

1. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h at tached w o r k experience sheet and 3. Photocopy of Transcr ip t of Records

JOY Chief, Finance &

GAD, MEM Idministrative Division

Page 7: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

N O T I C E O F V A C A N C Y As of J anua ry 16, 2018

150 9001:2008 Accreditation No.


Certificate No. AJA15-0055

Posit ion : Informat ion System Operat ion Specialist Salary : P 20,000.00 Number of V a c a n c y : 1

Locat ion : Management Informat ion System U n i t

Qualif ication Guide: Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based) Elducation : Graduate of four year Informat ion Technology (IT) related course Tra in ing ! Appl icants w i t h relevant t r a in ing shal l be an advantage Exper ience : Server Security Management

SQL Ins ta l la t ion, Configurat ion, Maintenance and Deployment Deployment) Network, Admin i s t r a t i on , Ins ta l la t ion (LAN/WAN), Maintenance and Operat ion Computer Hardware Maintenance and Operat ion

Eligibi l i ty : None required Other competencies :

- Advance knowledge i n p rogramming Excellent customer service

- At ten t ion to details Excellent ora l and w r i t t e n communica t ion

- Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure Abi l i ty to liaise wel l w i t h professional from other Offices

Job Summary: 1. To provide E M B Office w i t h sufficient IT tools solut ion and knowledge on Financial

Informat ion System, Document Track ing Informat ion System, Procurement Track ing System, HR Informat ion System, Asset Inventory System, Data Cataloguing,and Event Manager

2. Assist i n the documenta t ion of EMB-13 related activities and events th rough photo and video

3. Assist i n the p roduc t ion of AVPs for informat ion disseminat ion and advocacies 4 . Lay-out newsletter and other lEC materials 5. Assist i n the upda t ing of content of social media and webpage 6. Assist i n the layout and produc t ion of infographic materials

Note: Interested appl icants may submi t the i r appl icat ion and the fol lowing documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

1. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h at tached w o r k experience sheet and 3. Photocopy of Transcr ipt of Records

JOY Chief, Finance & '

^GAD, MEM iministrative Division

Page 8: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tei. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

N O T I C E O F V A C A N C Y As of J anua ry 16, 2018

Accreditation No. 150 9001:2008 ,«c/v.nne

Certificate No. AJAI5-0055

Posit ion : Informat ion System Development Specialist Salary : P 20,000.00 Number of V a c a n c y : 1

Locat ion : Management Informat ion System U n i t

Qualif ication Guide: Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based) E d u c a t i o n : Graduate of four year Informat ion Technology (IT) related course Tra in ing ; Appl icants w i t h relevant t r a in ing shal l be an advantage Exper ience : Server Securi ty Management

SQL Ins ta l la t ion, Configurat ion, Maintenance and Deployment Deployment) Network, Admin i s t r a t ion , Ins ta l la t ion (LAN/WAN), Maintenance and Operat ion Computer Hardware Maintenance and Operat ion

Eligibi l i ty : None required Other competencies :

- Advance knowledge i n p rogramming Excellent customer service

- At ten t ion to details Excellent oral and wr i t t en communica t ion

- Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure Abi l i ty to liaise wel l w i t h professional from other Offices

Job Summary: 1. To provide E M B Office w i t h sufficient IT tools so lut ion and knowledge on Financia l

Informat ion System, Document Track ing Informat ion System, Procurement Track ing System, HR Informat ion System, Asset Inventory System, Data Cataloguing,and Event Manager

2. Assist i n the documenta t ion of EMB-13 related activities and events t h rough photo and video

3. Assist i n the p roduc t ion of AVPs for informat ion disseminat ion and advocacies 4. Lay-out newsletter and other lEC materials 5. Assist i n the upda t ing of content of social media and webpage 6. Assist i n the layout and produc t ion of infographic materials

Note: Interested appl icants may submi t thei r appl icat ion and the following documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

1. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h attached w o r k experience sheet and 3. Photocopy of Transcr ipt of Records


Chief, Finance 86 Administrative Division

/ ^

Page 9: EKperienco ; Applicants with relevant experience shall be · Education: Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration major in

Department of Environment and Natural Resources Environmental Management Bureau

Office of the Regional Director Caraga Regional Office

Purok 5, Brgy. Ambago, Butuan City Tel. No. 085-3413826; 3425332; 3421877; Telefax 085-8150890

ISO 9001:2008 Accreditation No.

Certificate No. AJA15-0055

N O T I C E O F V A C A N C Y As of J a n u a i y 16, 2018

Posit ion : Statistics and Informat ion Management Specialist Salary : P 20,000.00 Number of V a c a n c y : 1 Locat ion : P lanning U n i t

Qualif ication Guide: Preferred Qualif ications (Competency-Based)

Educat ion : Graduate of Bachelor's Degree i n Statistics or Mathemat ics Tra in ing : Appl icants w i t h relevant t r a in ing shal l be an advantage Exper ience : Mus t have an experience i n data collection, analysis,

in terpre ta t ion and presentat ion of quant i ta t ive and quali tat ive in format ion

Eligibi l i ty : None required Other competencies :

Experience i n Research Excellent i n Data presentat ion and analysis Good analyt ical and problem-solving ski l ls Advance knowledge on Microsoft Office Excellent customer service

- At ten t ion to details Excellent oral and w r i t t e n communica t ion

- Able to w o r k harmonious ly , competently and effectively under pressure - Ab i l i ty to liaise we l l w i t h professional f rom other Offices

Job Summary: Operationalization and Support to Planning, Administrative and Repository Systems

Note: Interested appl icants may submi t the i r appl icat ion and the following documents to the H u m a n Resource Management U n i t on or before Janua ry 26, 2018:

1. Appl ica t ion addressed to Wilson L. Trajeco, Regional Director 2. Updated Personal Data Sheet 2017 version w i t h at tached w o r k experience sheet and 3. Photocopy of Transcr ipt of Records

JOY(5^pAGAD, MEM Chief, Finance ^Administrat ive Division

/ ^
