
EiS – Education iT Services

“Our passion in EiS is to make a real difference in education and ultimately children’s lives by providing innovative

solutions and outstanding support services”.

Performance Analysis

Performance Analysis

• Be information rich not data rich• Analyse assessment results - grades, points/marks or

ages• Identify pupils for intervention• Variety of analysis grids available

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

• Analyse one or more groups of pupils

• Example: Grade / Points Distribution – view one assessment and look at the distribution of grades / points for the group(s)

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Single or multiple groups can be


Displays either a count or

percentage at each grade/mark

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Example: Grade / Points Average – view multiple assessments and look at the average grade or points score for the group(s)

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Individual attainment can be


Displays average grade for the group in each assessment

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Outcome Type changed to Mean Value

(Points Score)

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Gender Filters can be quickly applied allowing comparison between the genders and cohort as a whole

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Display rows for each group showing entire group and

gender split

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Group Filters facilitate the analysis of vulnerable groups

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Include / Exclude allows very specific


Filters match those used in


Filters can be saved and shared across


Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

• Graphing functionality generates graphs with one mouse click

• Most types of analysis grids have graphing functionality available

Performance Analysis – Group Analysis Grids

Detail of analysis displayed

Graph type can be changed

Performance Analysis – Aspect Analysis Grids

• Designed to look at several assessments at the same time for one group of pupils

• View either the latest results or results from a certain point in time (Result Set)

Performance Analysis – Aspect Analysis Grids

Assessments (Aspects) displayed

in rows

Analysis by grade, points score/marks

or ages

Performance Analysis – Aspect Analysis Grids

• View all results held in SIMS or specify a group of pupils

• Filter by gender

• Custom Filter to view specific pupils in the group

Performance Analysis – Aspect Analysis Grids

Performance Analysis – Result Set Analysis Grids

• Analyse assessment(s) at different points in time

• View grade distribution, marks, ages or average grades/points score

Performance Analysis – Result Set Analysis Grids

Performance Analysis – Result Set Analysis Grids

Performance Analysis – Chance Analysis Grids

• Compare the relationship between results for two different aspects (Input and Output)

• Useful for understanding current/future attainment based on historical

Performance Analysis – Chance Analysis Grids

Output specified in columns

Input specified in rows

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Review)

• Plot an Input and Outcome and compare result against national trend lines

• School progression lines can be generated, based on actual results

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Review)

Actual Results plotted against the


National progression line appropriate to input/outcomeThe larger the

circle, the more pupils with that


Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Review)

National line in red (see key)

School line in green

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Review)

Individual Outcomes shows actual, expected and difference

Choice of scores or grades

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Review)

Group Outcomes shows actual

versus expected

Count or percentage – cumulative available

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Prediction)

• Generate predictions for future attainment

• Use national or school progression lines

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Prediction)

Predictions will be plotted on the progresion line

National progression line


Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Prediction)

School trend line added and predictions

generated for both lines

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Prediction)

Individual Outcomes for both lines comparison

and difference calculated

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Progression (Prediction)

Group Outcomes compares the

two predictions

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Value Added

• Similar functionality to Trend Analysis: Progression

• Plot results against national or school value added lines

• Review results or generate predictions

Performance Analysis – Trend Analysis: Value Added

Results plotted against national line can be used to generate school line

Performance Analysis – Tracking Grids

• Similar to ISP Grids

• Visually establish if progress / attainment is satisfactory or if intervention required

• Analyse grades, marks/scores or ages

• Graphs can be generated

Performance Analysis – Tracking Grids

Target cells allow calculation of on / above /

below target

Rows relate to Result Sets – analyse assessment over


Target cells identify national


Performance Analysis – Tracking Grids

Plot attainment from one term to another

(Result Set)

Target identifies expected progress

Performance Analysis – Tracking Grids

Compare two subjects against

national benchmark

Performance Analysis – Tracking Grids

Benchmarks may be the same for each row or different

Compare attainment of groups

Performance Analysis

• Training course (one day):

E357 - Analysing Assessment – Performance Analysis (Primary)
