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Genos Emotional IntelligenceIndividual Report

benchmarked against the general population

Lewis Atkinson

25 November 2OO4

Strictly Confidential

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ts Section 1 - About Genos Emotional Intelligence

There are no right and wrong ways to feel in any one given situation, however, there are moreand less effective ways of dealing with emotions.

The Genos Emotional Intelligence instrument has been designed to assess how effectivelyindividuals deal with emotions at work. Specifically it assesses the following five key Emotionalcompetencies:

The ability to identify one's own feelings and emotionallstates, and the ability to express those inner feelings to

i lThe ability to identify and understand the emotions of 1

iUnderstanding Others Emotions jothers and those that manifest in response to workplace i

.t: - nition 'The extent to which emotions and emotional knowledge is iiEmotions Direct cog lncorporated in decision-making and/or problem rorriX!.'' I

iEmotionar Manasement JffiHlttT#::li::J:i|,t:';.uno nesative emotions i;-"'------'-' lboth within oneself and others. i:,

j". jfn" "Oility

to effectively control strong emotionat states jjEmotional Control lexperienced at work such as anger, stress, anxiety and i

i frustration, i

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> Section 2 - Interpreting Results

Your results have been generated by comparing your responses to the Genos EmotionalIntelligence assessment to those obtained from a large normative sample within the workplace.

In general, your scores indicate the extent to which you use emotions and how effectively youdeal with emotions at work. High scores reflect areas of relative strength, whilst average to lowscores reflect developmental opportunities in which improvement may be beneficial.

To assist in interpretation, your scores have been converted into percentiles. Percentiles representyour score relative to the distribution of the benchmark scores in which l-2oo/o = Very Low, 21-4Oo/o=Low,4L-6Qo/o = Average,6l-80o/o = Hi9h,8L-99o/o - Very High. The highestscore in thebenchmark has been assigned a score of 99o/o. Thus if you obtained a score 54o/oon a givendlmension of the Genos Emotional Intelligence, this indicates that 54olo of the benchmirk fallbelow it.

Self'ratings reflect knowledge of your inner self or'self-concept'. In this context, self-ratingsprovide information about the way you see yourself typically dealing with emotions in theworkplace.

Key to Diagrams

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Score Very Low Low Avg High Very High



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Total Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Management

ts Section 3 Your Results

1. Emotio{al Recosnition and Expression:

This dimension of Genos EI assesses how well you perceive your own emotions and how effectively youexpress your feelings to clients and colleagues. The ability to perceive and express emotions contributesto how effectively you can respond to your own emotions; communicate your feelings to others; andtherefore how accurately you display emotional dispositions at work (e.g., genuineness, warmth,trustworthiness etc). The more accurately you can express your feelings, the more effectively others canrespond.

High scores reflect those who are particularly conscious of their emotions at work and who tend to freelyexpress emotions in the workplace. Low scores reflect those who may be less conscious of their emotionsat work and who may tend to inhibit emotional displays in the workplace.

Your Results:


Your score for emotional recognition and expression was in the high range of Genos EI when comparedto the sample population. Your score on this dimension indicates that you are highly perceptive andexpressive of your emotions at work. It suggests that you understand the causes of the feelings youhave, the appropriateness of the feelings you have in comparison to the situation causing them, anddifferent ways in which you might communicate such feelings to others.

While it is important to express emotions at work, it is also important that emotions are expressed in anappropriate and adaptive fashion. High scores on this dimension typically reflect those who areparticularly expressive of their emotions at work, however, high scores do not necessarily reflect thatyour emotions are being expressed in an appropriate and adaptive fashion.

Further insight into whether you respond to your own emotions appropriately, and whether you expresshow you feel to others in an effectively managed and controlled fashion will be gained from examiningyour scores on emotional management and control.

If your scores on Emotional Management and Emotional Control are low, this provides you withadditional information that suggests that you need to plan ways of communicating how you feel to othersin a more adaptive fashion.

If your scores are high on Emotional Management and Emotional Control, this suggests that you


veryLow Low Average High very



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communicate how you feel to others in an adaptive fashion, and that you appear to have naturally highemotional competencies.

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2. Understandinq Emotions:

This dimension of Genos EI assesses the extent to which you perceive and understand the emotions ofothers at work. Specifically it assesses; how well you'read'the emotions that others convey; yourunderstanding of the contexts in which they arise; and your understanding of the appropriateness ofothers' emotional responses and behaviours.

This dimension also assesses the extent to which you can'read'the emotional overtones of workplaceenvironments and discussions (e.9., staff meetings) and your understanding of how emotions infiuenceorganisational dynamics. Low scores typically characterise those who are less conscious of the emotionsof others and who tend not to pay attention to emotions in the workplace. High scores reflect those whotend to pay considerable attention to the emotions of others and the impact of emotions onorganisational dynamics and work-place relationships.

Your Results:


Your score for understanding emotions was in the average range of Genos EI when compared to thesample population. An average score on this dimension reflects an adequate rather than soundunderstanding of the emotions of others and the impact that emotions have on the workplace.

Your score on this dimension offers you an important opportunity for development. A betterunderstanding of your colleagues'emotions will lead to better inter-personai relationships, a greater levelof trust, which is essential for high functioning teams and work relationships, and an improved ability tohelp others in the workplace who may from time to time need your assistance.

In the workplace subtle differences in emotions can lead to profound differences in work outcomes andrelationships. You may accurately identify the correct emotion in others such as sadness, but not alw'aysaccurately identify the strength of this emotion. In this regard you may at times, over or under estimatethe strength of the emotions of others.

An average score may also reflect the current culture of your workplace: one that does not overlyrecognise the importance of paying attention to the emotions of others. If this is the case then you needto cooperatively work towards changing this culture and emphasise the importance of developing stronginter-personal relationships with others.


veryLow Low Average High very


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3. Emotions Direct Cognition:

Emotions are not just something we feel, they are a source of information about our relationships withthe world. For example; feeling cold provides information about the external environmenQ and mutualfeelings of warmth and trust provide information about our level of affinity or friendship with a person.This dimension of Genos EI assesses the extent to which you incorporate emotional information in dailyreasoning and decision -making.

Scores on this dimension reflect the extent to which you consider how you feel about different optionswhen making decisions and how different choices might affect both yourself and others emotionally. Highscores tend to reflect those who make intuitive decisions based on feelings rather than purely on facts,figures and technical information. Low scores tend to reflect those who are more technical or analytical intheir decision-making style at work.

Scores on this dimension are sometimes context specific, Certain workplace roles require very analyticaland technical decision-making, whilst others require more intuitive and creative decision-making. Indeedsometimes low/average scores on this dimension are more closely related to success than high scores.However, emotions provide another source of information to consider when making decisions at workand have been shown to contribute to flexible planning, creative thinking and the adoption of socialvalues in decision -making.

In interpreting the meaning of your score on this dimension you will need to consider whether yourcurrent workplace role or position requires purely technical decision-making, a blend of technical andintuitive thought, or a more intuitive thinking style that incorporates emotional information in reasoningand decision making.

Your Results:


Your score for emotions direct cognition was in the average range of Gen6s EI when compared to thesample population. An average score on this dimension indicates a well-balanced decision-making style,one that considers analytical and technical information, and emotional information in the decision -makingprocess.

Average scores on this dimension may be highly effective in certain workplace roles/positions; however,certain roles may require greater consideration and incorporation of emotional information in reasoningand decision-making. You will need to consider the extent to which this score may be effective/non-effective to your current position.

Emotions can portray important information; emotions play a large role in memory and learning, andallow us to effectively recall adaptive behaviours and solutions to issues.


veryLow Low Average High very


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4. Emotional Management:

Emotional management assesses the extent to which you are able to repair negative moods andemotions and to maintain beneficial positive moods and emotions both within yourself and others atwork. The ability to foster positive moods and emotions in oneself and others is an important leadershipattribute. It is also an important underlying attribute of effective stress management and adaptability.

High scores tend to those who are able to consistently maintain a positive disposition at work and whoeasily foster positive moods and emotions amongst others. Low scores tend to reflect those who find itmore difficult to effectively manage emotion at work and who are prone to show negative and pessimisticmoods and behaviours in the workplace.

Your Results:


Your emotional management score was in the average range of Genos EI when compared to the samplepopulation. Your results on this dimension reflect an average ability in regulating and managing emotionsin the workplace.

This dimension assesses your ability to manage both your own emotions and the emotions of others atwork. You will need to consider whether you think you are about average at both; or whether you arebetter at managing your own emotions than you are at managing others emotions at work or visa versa;and develop a plan for moving forward accordingly.

It is important to consider that your score on this dimension offers you an important opportunity forpersonal development of your emotional management skills. Reinforcing and enhancing your capacity toeffectively regulate and manage your own and the emotions of others at work should lead to increaqddenjoyment and motivation, better interpersonal relationships with your clients and colleagues, andtherefore higher levels of workplace success.


veryLow Low Average High



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5. Emotional Control:

This dimension of Genos EI assesses how well you are able to control strong emotions experienced atwork' These emotions include feelings of frustration, anger, sadness or hostility. Emotional Managementconcerns your capacity to effectively regulate and manage both your own and the emotions of others ona daily basis. Emotional Control differs from Emotional Management in that it is concerned primarily withthe impact that strong emotional reactions to events have on your ability to work effectively and on yourdemonstrated behaviours.

Strong emotional reactions often result in "emotional hijackings" experienced when emotions override anindividual's capacity to think and act effectively. Strong emotions can cause us to react to situationsinappropriately and when the emotion subsides we often wish our response had been more controlled.'For example, have you ever experienced a strong emotional reaction to something and sent an email offto someone about the situation that you later wished you hadn,t sent?

It is important to show emotion in the workplace. However, strong emotional responses and outburstsshould only be used in specific circumstances. Strong displays of emotion should not provoke anger,resentment or confusion in colleagues. Strong expressions of emotions like anger, frustration, sadnessand hostility are not constructive in many workplace contexts and can damageinterpersonalrelationships at work.

High scores on this dimension typically reflect those who are able to inhibit strong emotions fromaffecting their thoughts, actions and behaviours at work, while low scores reflect those who find thismore difficult.

Your Results:


Your emotional control score was in the average range of Genos EI when compared to the sample '

population. This result reflects an average capacity to effectively inhibit strong emotional states at work.

Average scores on this dimension suggest that there may be times when you do have difficulty ininhibiting strong emotions from negatively impacting on both your internal state and your outwarddisplays and behaviours. As such, reinforcing your capacity in this area would be beneficial. Dealing moreeffectively with strong emotions at work will result in better interpersonal relationships with clients andcolleagues.


veryLow Low Average High very



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6. Total Emotional Intelligence:

Total Emotional Intelligence represents the average of your scores on the five different emotionalcompetencies assessed by the Genos EI instrument. It therefore reflects your general level of emotionalintelligence and competency in dealing with emotions in the workplace.

Your Results:


YourTotal Emotional Intelligence was in the average range of Genos EI when compared to the samplepopulation. Given that Total Emotional Intelligence represents the average of your scores, it is mostlikely that you will have areas in which your scores from the different dimensions are relatively high andlow. As such, it is important to examine your various levels of competency in each of the areas asiessed,and to focus on areas where improvement would be most beneficial.

This result presents an important development opportunity. Whilst you appear to have the averagepersons level of competency in dealing with emotions at work, enhancing this capacity should teaa toincreased job satisfaction, better interpersonal relationships with clients and colleagues, and overallworkplace success.

A first step in moving forward is to plan ways of developing dimensions which where low and to planways of reinforcing areas where you have received higher scores. Consider the various emotionalcompetencies presented in this report and how you might staft to employ them more effectively in yourworking life. Spend more time at work considering how you and others feel at work in various situationsand the way such feelings are influencing behaviour. Consider the development strategy listed below anddevelop a plan for moving forward in section four of this report.


veryLow Low Average High very
