Page 1: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and


Why does EENM host these community check-ins?

● Our work is community-centered

● We know our community has thoughtful, innovative ways to respond to challenges

● Environmental educators are systems thinkers whose thinking can benefit NM right now

Group agreements

● All feelings and experiences are real and valid

● All voices are heard and respected

● What’s true today, may be different tomorrow

● Impacts will be different for different individuals and communities

● Innovative, bold, new ideas are welcome

● We share note taking responsibility and these notes will be shared with the community

EENM’s Response to CoVid-19 webpage:

NMDOH COVID-19 Website –

Coronavirus hotline HEALTH-RELATED questions: 855-600-3453

Coronavirus hotline for FAMILY SUPPORT AND NON-HEALTH-RELATED questions: 833-551-0518

Donations to support Hopi and Diné families can be made here:

June 8, 2020 Community Check-in

“Moving past the statements: How does racial equity work look and feel”

Exploring the term “anti-racist”

How to be an anti-racist by Ibram Kendi

Listening to individual stories

Watching videos of black people and listening to their experiences

13th on Netflix

Exploring connections (e.g. slavery being connected to incarceration)

Coming at things with curiosity

bell hooks’ work always remains relevant. Especially “Teaching to Transgress”

Reclaiming the sacred - Winona Laduke

Page 2: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Listening to younger people

Recent NM in Focus episode, plus a curated list of resources from NM PBS at the bottom of this


Pointing to other organizations doing good work

Trust and relationship building

Amplify other voices

Investing in different hiring practices

We need leaders to look different

Black Feminism and the Movement for Black Lives panel discussion:

Amber Ruffin shares A Lifetime of Traumatic Run-Ins with Police:

“Black Nature Narratives” podcast

What to do Instead of Calling the Police:


A Twitter thread by Bridget Eileen about #abolish the police:

The Woods are my Safe Haven- But That’s Not True for Everyone:

How to Support the Black Lives Matter Movement in Albuquerque:

June 1, 2020 Community Check-in

EENM’s ongoing commitments to equity, inclusion and justice and transparency about our

organizational efforts:

Resource shared today over Facebook:


What is your organization/agency doing about racial equity?

Partnering with others (Tribal communities, etc.) to create hiring pathway and support


How do we more intentionally approach equity in education? Curriculum, instruction

Page 3: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Shifting the conversation from what can my organization do to what can I do?

The learning needs to be ongoing

People need to feel that their voices are heard

Actions are important

We need more conversations in schools and organizations about race

How can students lead supporting communities right now (in terms of racial equity and


here's an article about using chalk to ID plants in the UK:


May 18, 2020 Community Check-in

Link to NM Department of Health guidance on youth summer programs:


RFP from Outdoor Equity Funds released today

What does summer look like?

1 day/week programs throughout summer, week long programs, Grab and Go still going,

Holding programs requires changing drop off and pick up times and snacks along with social distancing

and 5:1 ratio.

CDC has a great decision tree for if you should open your programs.

Do outdoor programs activities need masks? CDC direction is unclear but Governor Lujan-Grisham

mandated masks in public at all times

Make a plan to get tested for COVID before you begin teaching camps!

How do we bring the outdoors indoors in the fall?

Sol forest school is doing weekly theme to go find outdoors then talk about on Zoom.

Drop off kits of materials at schools for zoom teaching

May 11, 2020 Community Check-in

Contingency Planning for Summer 2020: Best Practices Presented by New Mexico Out of School

Time Providers

Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 11:00 AM - Noon - Join NMOST, along with Explora, Horizons, the

New Mexico State University STEM Outreach Center, NDI and the Georgia O'Keefe Museum to

Page 4: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

discuss best practices in contingency planning for programming during the Covid Summer.

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the


NAAEE has many upcoming great webinars, please check them out here:

EENM Virtual Game Night Fundraiser this Thursday evening! Register here:


Concerns : Framing COVID and social distancing for kids (hoola hoops for safe distance)

Group Sizes

Summer Plans :

Talking Talons - Plan A - EE programming for CABQ summer camp ; Plan B - Virtual; Plan

C - no programs

Siobhan - need to know group sizes; virtual programming; partnering with community programs, keeping volunteers engaged

What research if any is out there about virus spread outside? Is NAAEE keeping track? It would

be nice to find out what it says.

Info on coronavirus outdoors - I'm interviewing a microbiologist, Dr. Moss, in my Facebook

group next Tuesday at 2pm about how we can keep our nature kids safe during corona. I've

asked her to specifically address the scientific research on how the virus behaves outside. It's in

my Facebook group here: Nature Matters with Dr. Jenny

STEM activity link:


Link to the summer food distribution:

Siobhan is looking to connect with students interested in climate - [email protected]

May 4, 2020 Community Check-in

Page 5: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday - Please consider a donation this week to support EENM through our secure website (any amount helps: AND to support our Native Nations so heavily impacted by COVID-19 through and May 6th Racial Equity Challenge virtual conversation about racial equity (click here to register

for Wednesday's Racial Equity Challenge conversation from 4-5:30 p.m.) Really incredible resources for at-home learning by the Council of State Science Supervisors:

edit?usp=sharingSupervisors -


Rebuild America’s School Infrastructure Coalition -

City of ABQ Summer Camp announcement 5/4/20: (city will begin programs June 8th)


Other resources for online learning: We are using google classroom, as well as playing Kahoot!

It's an awesome way to engage the kids as well as play trivia. Exit and entrance tickets have

been really helpful as well :)

What webinars have been helpful to you?

APRIL 27, 2020 Community Check-in




Page 6: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to

allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and community members to share their

challenges and successes. These check-ins are critical as they allow EENM to stay

community-centered and respond to the quickly changing needs of our community of

outdoor and environmental educators (and beyond)! Notes are now available as one

document (from newest to oldest check-ins) here: EENM – COVID-19 Community Check-Ins.

2. Coaching on Communicating with Funders. EENM is developing, collating and sharing new

and best practices for talking with funders about converting program-specific funding to

general operating funds. These communication practices around converting funding

emphasize the value of organizations re-orienting to build program and organizational

capacityinstead of offering in-person programming during these times of “staying at home”:

Building Program and Organizational Capacity during COVID-19.

3. Centering equity, inclusion and justice every day and during the COVID 19 crisis. EENM is

committed to equitable education outdoors. In this time of social distancing, this looks like:

awareness raising about the structural inequities of online and distance learning across New

Mexico, supporting conversations of alternatives to online opportunities through our

community check-ins, and amplifying existing tools for working for equity, inclusion and

justice. On April 20, 2020, we released the following on why distance learning can lead to the

unintended consequences of creating a larger academic gap for our more vulnerable, less

resourced students: Inequities of distance learning.

EENM is amplifying the 21 day Racial Equity Challenge with facilitated virtual conversations to

explore shared learnings from the issues, concepts and tools addressed through the racial

equity challenge. In these virtual conversations (April 15, 2020 and May 6, 2020) we explore

how we individually and collectively create more inclusive and equitable spaces for ourselves,

our students, and our communities.

4. Providing information on economic relief through the CARES Act as well as New

Mexico-specific opportunities like those opportunities compiled here: Economic Relief for NM

Nonprofits, Small Businesses, and Independent Contractors.

5. Sharing the “Wisdom to Live By During a Global Pandemic” mini-video series created by

our amazing Exploring Equitable Education Outdoors Fellows. This four part series is filled

Page 7: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

with great perspective including “Getting Grounded”, “Connecting”, “The Health of Us and

Our Planet”, and “Centering Equity”.

6. Connecting New Mexicans with resources beyond New Mexico such as those through the

North American Association for EE including free webinars and other resources available



1. Additional virtual conversation on equity for those who have participated in the

21 day Racial Equity Challenge on Wednesday, May 6th from 4-5:30 p.m. Save

your seat by registering here.

2. Online Workshops: “Bringing NGSS Outdoors with the NM STEM Ready!

Standards” We are converting this popular 2-day workshop into a meaningful

online opportunity.EENM will be offering two trainings in May, one during the

week of May 11th and one during the week of May 18th. Each training will

involve 90 minutes on online time with other educators for four days. These are

full and we will announce more opportunities soon!

3. Virtual Multi-State Summit: We are working with our amazing counterparts in

Colorado and Maine to provide a virtual multi-state summit in summer 2020 to

support a community-generated new vision for the field of EE when we emerge

from the COVID-19 global pandemic. More info soon!

Page 8: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Zoom exhaustion is real:


This is our 11th Community meeting! Breakout rooms were used for the check-ins, with

about ⅔ of participants liking the use of the breakout rooms for checking in. After Eileen

reviewed the group agreements and asked for any modifications, she gave a quick round

of updates.

Successes to share:

● Heather: “The Heart of a Ranger” through the State Parks system was received

very well.

● Kelly: Department of Cultural Affairs is …please help fill this in here…. .

● Eileen: The Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan - the “SCORP” is being

facilitated by the State Parks Advisory Committee and is being thoughtful about

including outdoor education.

● Kim: MESA is having a one hour/week online meeting (professional presentation)

sharing STEM content for STEM students & teachers, it will be posted and the

Zoom link shared through statewide coordinator on their website.

● Grab ‘N Go activities (Kim, Sara, Allison) continue - more partners welcome for

submitting activities. Goal is to include activities that do not require the internet.

● Betsy: Talking Talons is working with funders to have virtual field trips. ● Bernalillo County Nature Challenge was a great collaborative success

Other thoughts: ● Collaborations are awesome and great to see. ● Apple: Questions about how the federal lands re-opening policies will align with state,

county, and city policies. ● Eileen: Anticipates that conversations will be had around the languaging around social

distancing in the outdoors

Page 9: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

● Sandra: could provide material supports for some teachers to develop activities, especially in rural areas. (Eco Champ sp?) Wondering what is the best use of funds during these times that still aligns with the mission and purpose.

● Sara: With summer coming and the loss of districts providing educational structure, there may be opportunities for organizations to collaborate with cities for summer programs. May be other opportunities in the fall as schooling resumes.

Virtual Summit with Maine and _____ EE orgs: ● Group think about how to support educators may be funded


EENM Updates:

1) Structural Inequities of Distance Learning:

2) Racial equity challenge conversation - Wednesday, May 6th from 4:00-5:30 p.m.

3) Please take a few moments to fill out this survey about how COVID-19 is affecting the field of EE.

Data will be used by a variety of organizations to provide advocacy for EE moving forward in the

next few months. Help us ensure that New Mexico is represented through your programs by

filling out the survey here:

4) EENM will be hosting two online NM STEM Ready! Standards workshops the weeks of May 11th

and May 18th - more info will be shared via the ecoed listserve soon.

5) Working with other states to provide a virtual summit to vision new EE and outdoor programs

coming out of COVID-19.

Info about Earth Day from Cass Landrum:


There’s a general consensus that teachers are overwhelmed. It may not be a good time to offer

professional development. Teachers are spending 3-7 hours a day on Zoom. Teachers are seeking ways

to support socio-emotional learning of their students.

NM MESA info: (just a website idea)

Page 10: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

explora survey link: from: Edwina Andrade (Reservations


City of Albuquerque free outdoor wifi spots:

By AZA and ACA: Please register for Virtual Camps: Piloting New Ways to Support our Members and Missions on Apr 27, 2020 3:00 PM EDT at: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. City Nature Challenge ABQ: this Friday, April 24th through Monday, April 27th. Document all the living things you can find in and around your house, neighborhood, and where you can go safely outdoors that are within Bernalillo County on to participate. This is a worldwide event that is happening as a collaboration more than a competition this year, in light of Covid-19. You can access the SMNHC ecosystem videos made for APS @ Home directly from the SMNHC YouTube page or on the APS one under their “virtual field trips” playlist


Updates for this week:

6) CARES Act Updates

7) Racial equity challenge conversation - Wednesday, April 15th from 4:00-5:30 p.m.

8) Please take a few moments to fill out this survey about how COVID-19 is affecting the field of EE.

Data will be used by a variety of organizations to provide advocacy for EE moving forward in the

next few months. Help us ensure that New Mexico is represented through your

programs by filling out the survey here:

9) EENM will be hosting two online NM STEM Ready! Standards workshops the weeks of

May 11th and May 18th - more info will be shared via the ecoed listserve soon.

10) Updates from work by the Colorado Alliance for Environmental Education:

Adapting Program Models: Online Programming

Adapting Program Models: Offline Programming

Page 11: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Adapting Program Models: Nature and Outdoor Ch...

Adapting Program Models: Resources for Familie...

During the check in with participants, people mentioned how they are loving the snow and also

beginning to adapt in various ways to the “new normal”, though challenges remain.

Update on Grab ‘N Go project: Belen newspaper will print some of the lessons; more teachers

have written in for copies; incorporating focus on family involvement such as gardening activity;

APS - bemp working with 5 schools, working with how to reach more teachers and schools;

equity is a strong focus; APS putting digital activities online; reaching out to superintendents.

Activity #6 just released.

Question about equity - why are some but not all districts going to online learning? Concerns

about device and internet access. Eileen (for EENM) is willing to draft message on why the

project is happening. The message could be helpful for agencies in having solid support for

their work.

BEMP generating google drive documents for resources and contacts. Check today’s email from

the Grab ‘N Go project.

Decisions on continued learning are being made by districts, sometimes on a school by school

basis or even a teacher by teacher basis. Existing relationships are helpful in supporting

teachers. Principal email list from PED:

als email list

Is it helpful to gather and vet resources as a EE community? One resource is a guest speaker list

being gathered by SFPS sustainability staff.

What about the longer term? How can what we are doing now inform the summer and fall


What does next year look like? We don’t know yet. Nonformal and informal organizations have

more flexibility in supporting learning. Funders are also a component. Would it be helpful to

have a conversation to problem solve/ group think strategies/policies about what the future

Page 12: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

might look like? What about safety and when is the right time? Is it worth drafting a collective

statement about safety guidelines in May or June?

(From the chat) What about Earth Day? 50th year. Whitfield Conservation is doing a video and

will be giving away resources. Highlights of how the Earth is breathing from the decreased

carbon activity - links--

Grab ‘N Go might be able to help distribute sunflower seeds and activity.

Resources of Earth’s bounce-back/breath

There's an unlikely beneficiary of coronavirus:

The planet




Part 1, Managers and Program Managers

After checking in with how people are doing, there was a review of EENM’s CoVid-19 resources.

The Paycheck Protection grants are being rolled out through your bank contact them about

submitting an application (or open an account with a bank that is offering them, like First

National, Enterprise Bank, Wells Fargo).

The notes from the first community meeting have great ideas on building organizational

capacity during this time. April 15th - hosting conversation on racial equity challenge. Also will

reformulate the 2-day workshop on NM STEM Ready Science Standards to a four-five day online

experience in May.

If applied for a SBA loan more than a week ago, need to reapply for the EIDL (Economic Injury

Disaster Loan) may be $1,000 per employee up to $10,000.

Page 13: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

● Virtual Campfire experience through Cottonwood Gulch Facebook Live. Check their

facebook page for more info.

● Handing out paper resources to students/teachers brings a transmission risk so some

districts have stopped allowing them. Each district has its own rules about how that

works, and some have gone to digital resources, though not all students have access to

the internet.

● Summer camps: Some orgs have cancelled, some haven’t announced yet. How to

compensate staff and contractors that have already put hours/work into the summer

programs. Refunds? Some orgs offer options to refund, donate, or to defer the funds for

a later program. Some grant funded summer programs may lose the grant money.

● “How do we know it will be safe to have summer programs on the other side of this

outbreak?” Is a significant consideration. Another consideration is parents counting on

the child care if they go back to work.

Other thoughts/activities/resources/questions

Outdoor education online

Collaborating with other organizations

How to offer support to parents in an appropriate way

Is there a way to use this time to have the organization come out even stronger?

How to create unique content that is equitable? Online activities are by nature not equitable.

Some districts are using TV programming like PBS.

Having Zoom class with outdoor ‘homework’ that the participants text to the facilitator, who

grades or makes comments on the nature journal ‘homework’.

Balance between completing old projects and imagining innovative new projects.

Community Conversation, part 2, Educators

After checking in with people and reviewing the EENM resources, current and upcoming, the

conversation opened up to participant questions and thoughts.

● Kudos to Kim at MESA, Allison, and Lindsey for organizing the Grab ‘N Go activities.

Requests for digital content have been coming from teachers.

● Rich from RiverSource working on activities that are safely interactive and can be done

near home and can help maintain the funding stream.

● Earth Day is coming up - Allison working on collaborating with other organization to

make multi-organizational video.

● Bureau of Indian Education just closed schools recently.

Page 14: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Converting in-person activities to online activities that are safely interactive. Steep learning


Social media is popular, like using Facebook Live for iNaturalist, and other online challenges

provide opportunities for people to interact. Check out Nature Matters for using an online


Other thoughts/activities/resources/questions

How can we reach students if physical resources are not available and digital resources are not

accessible to everyone?

Little libraries are another venue for distributing activities.

Internet access for all students really varies by district and there is not a unified state policy

(because NM is a local control state - meaning districts control the curriculum and other things).

For instance, all Belen and Los Lunas students have ipads.

The EENM Fellow are releasing videos on how we can navigate these times together.

Is it better to keep these as separate groups or merge? Consensus from this group seems to be

to bring them together.


School Closure Announcement including FAQs:

National Council of Nonprofits page on COVID-19 related info including the CARES Act:

Chart of loans available under the CARES Act:

c-law-116-132 and available here:


Great guide about Paycheck Protection Program from the U.S. Chamber Foundation:

Nonprofit learning lab:

Desire for more info about meaningful distance learning

Page 15: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

The Online Learning Consortium ( has a lot of resources. Their

podcasts ( have been interesting to listen to

for perspective and understanding, not necessarily for the “how to” aspects.

NOLS/WMI Wilderness First Responder Recert in ABQ through Cottonwood Gulch has been canceled.

Update from kim scheerer (NM MESA), Sara Van Note (Wild Friends), Allison Martin (Valencia Soil &

Water Conservation District) & Liz Gallagher (BEMP)

Although there is a lot of online educational content out there for students, each student must currently

have a computer and internet to access it. This is not the case for many of our New Mexican K-12


In an effort to help supplement the various school district’s efforts for students that receive Grab & Go

meals, we would appreciate your help with printing and distributing STEM enrichment activities over the

next several weeks. The google link below has a list of school districts statewide. If you can print and

share materials, or if you can connect with a school source (teacher, PTA member or administrator) that

can print, please use the link below to sign up as a leader and provide your contact details.

STEM Agencies/Organizations: If you can provide a ½ page of STEM content please scroll to the bottom

of this district list to sign your organization/agency up for a distribution date through May. You can just

add your pdf link in the column and note the appropriate subject and grade levels. Our team can help

with translating documents with proper notification.

Shared google doc link:


GOAL: provide each Grab & Go meal site around the state with 2 collaborative STEM stimulus activities a

week through May 22nd

CONTENT: to be printed; ½ page front & back ONLY, multi/interdisciplinary, Black & White ONLY, indoor

or outdoor, English and Spanish preferred

· please see the attached indoor activity example for printing and delivering THIS

Tuesday or Wednesday

· English (pages 1-2), Spanish (pages 3-4) to print & cut in ½

· If you can fit your full activity on one ½ side of a page, please do one side English and

one side Spanish!

MATERIALS: computer, printer, paper, ink and a good attitude!

Page 16: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

There is a sample script below for contacting schools and/or meal sites. We appreciate your time and

effort for our NM students.

cheers~ kim scheerer (NM MESA), Sara Van Note (Wild Friends), Allison Martin (Valencia Soil & Water

Conservation District) & Liz Gallagher (BEMP)

Sample script: "My name is ____, I work with an organization called _____. We are working together with

education organizations to offer print-outs of STEM materials for the students participating in the Grab and Go

meal program. This would involve us dropping off some print outs of STEM activities. Is this something your site

would be interested in or has the capacity for? We could drop off materials on Thursday or Friday (or

Tuesday/Wednesday) this week. Is there a time that would be best? How many should we print? (if applicable -

how many in English and how many in Spanish?) Do you need us to follow any guidelines related to handling the

materials, how to package them, etc? If you'd rather print them yourselves, we can send the activity to you as


PBS Info for APS students:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday

8 a.m. Grades K-1 Fundamentals /English Language Arts Writing

9 a.m. English Language Development Bilingual

10 a.m. Grades 2-3 English

11 a.m. Grades 4-5 English

Tuesday & Thursday

8 a.m. Grades K-1 Math/Science

9 a.m. English Language Development Bilingual

10 a.m. Grades 2-3 Math/Science

11 a.m. Grades 4-5 Math/Science


Page 17: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Today's blog post from Vu Le on "It's ok to not be ok":\

Amazing collection of nonprofit resources:

Webinar: Wednesday, March 25, 4:00 PM ET, Communication during the COVID-19

Pandemic—Tips and Strategies for the Environmental Education Community, Register here:

Online virtual state or national competitions are probably not equitable as all participants may

not have access to the internet.

PEEC is doing great online daily challenges, as well as NAAEE and other organizations.

Consolidating resources may helpful. It may be clearer in a week or two what new resources are


Balancing meeting funding/contract requirements and using opportunity for professional

learning and organizational planning is a challenge some managers are working with. Different

staff members may have different needs/priorities.

Converting program funding to org. ops requires conversations with founders.

Lots of different opinions about continuing to fundraise now or waiting a bit. Adapting appeals

may be helpful. Expect a decrease of up to 30% in fundraising efforts.

Grab and go for material resources for students is being coordinated with NM Out of School

Time Network.

Great guidance on social distancing in the outdoors including a useful infographic:


Try to be gentle with our expectations of ourselves. See you next week!

Continued with educators……

Checking in with each person. Lots of different emotions as we relate personally to what is

going on in the world, with the family, and with work.

Page 18: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

“I, We, It” framework can be helpful during stressful times. Don’t forget the “I” part - what are

we experiencing - so that we can join together in the “We” to collaborate on the “It”, the work.

We broke to watch the Governor’s press conference:



NMDOH COVID-19 Website -

Coronavirus hotline HEALTH-RELATED questions: 855-600-3453

Coronavirus hotline for FAMILY SUPPORT AND NON-HEALTH-RELATED questions:


Governor’s announcement of closing NM schools through April 3rd:


Important highlights:

● Meals for students will still provided at schools as grab and go options

● Teachers and school staff will be paid during this time

● School buildings, including health centers, will remain open

● Distance learning, where feasible, is encouraged

Unemployment changes going into effect (from Department of Workforce Solutions):

Starting Monday, March 16th, the work-search requirement will be waived for anyone whose

job is affected by COVID-19 who seeks unemployment compensation. Workers are highly

encouraged to apply for benefits online at There is an 800

number available as well (877-664-6984) but online is the preferred option.

Ideas for continuing to pay staff

1) If you have an emergency fund, this is a good time to use it.

2) Reach out to funders and request that program-specific funding be converted to general

operations funding given the unique, unexpected circumstances. See example below:

Phone calls, when feasible, with funders are ideal during this time. Reach out quickly and begin

the conversation about the unique position we are all in and emphasize the investment they

have already made in your programs and organizations. Highlight that we all play roles in

Page 19: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

helping our communities during this time and there is an immediate need right now to support

our staff during this time to not put additional pressure on our already pressured systems right

now. Share that this conversation is to explore how to use their investment in your work by

shifting priorities to continue to build program and organizational capacity and pay staff for the

foreseeable future.

Ways your staff can evolve and improve programs during this time:

1) Online professional development, especially with gaining knowledge and experience

with the NM STEM Ready! Standards. A great place to start is with our Quick Start Guide

available here -

The Math and Science Bureau at the Public Education Department has this resource



2) Set up online chats with program staff to explore your programs using the Best Practices

Tool for EE Program Development

( This tool was

developed by over 50 educators with reflective questions that can lead to discussions

and ways to improve your programs.

3) Reach out to other organizations and set up online chats to learn from one another.

Seek out others working with similar audiences or covering similar content and begin

discussing what collaboration or alignment of programs might look like. Don’t know

where to look? Check out our statewide inventory of programs: This could also greatly help with reducing

feelings of isolation during this time of social distancing and a way to encourage

continued connection, even virtually.

Ways your staff can contribute to organizational capacity building:

1. Set up online conversations with staff to explore ways to build a more inclusive and

equitable organization. Consider ways to hire facilitators with the skills to support

authentic conversations around equity, inclusion, and justice. Especially if you are a

white-led organization, use this time to create a development plan to hire consultants

and facilitators (especially people of color-led organizations and groups) to support your

organization’s transformation.

a. Why? and


Page 20: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

b. Complete the “21-Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge” with your staff

starting March 30th -

c. Explore readings and host online chats with staff







2. Develop or update a risk management policy - here’s a place to start:

3. Explore how to incorporate trauma-informed and social and emotional learning into

your daily practice.

4. Design an ongoing staff coaching program -

5. Revise program evaluations. Check out this great 4-hour online module by the North

American Association for EE on “Research and Evaluation”:

Track all of the efforts completed by your staff. This documentation can be shared with funders

to show how the money was used. So often, we don’t take time to plan and reflect and there’s

a lot of brain trust in our organizations that can be utilized during this time to lift up

organizations in the long-term.

What if I’m getting paid and/or don’t have any work tasks during this time? Reach out to an

organization and ask how you can volunteer virtually! Also, donations are so helpful to us small

nonprofits during times like these. Here at EEANM, there is no funding currently to support this

work of connecting, providing resources and ideas, and hosting conversations like these. A little

goes a long way for us in times like this -

Why host this virtual community conversation?

● Our work is community-centered

● We believe our community has thoughtful, innovative ways to respond to challenges

● Environmental educators are systems thinkers whose thinking can benefit NM right now

People are feeling many different things right now. All is true, all experiences are valid.

Page 21: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

Some community guidelines for today:

● All voices heard and respected

● What’s true today, may be different tomorrow

● Impacts will be different for different individuals and communities

● Innovative, bold, new ideas are welcome

● Notes are being taken and will be shared

Environmental Education of New Mexico’s Vision: We believe that every New Mexican should

have access to high-quality, engaging, and meaningful environmental education opportunities.

This will lead to a thriving future for all, where environmental and social responsibility drive

individual and institutional choices.

Our Mission: Through implementing an advocacy-focused movement as well as advancing

collaboration and leadership, EENM will ensure every NM child has equitable access to

environmental and outdoor learning.

Population Served: By investing in leaders and collaborators that represent a variety of

educational experiences and perspectives, the ultimate recipients of our work will be the heart

of New Mexico, our students from preK-12thgrade.

2-3pm Managers, leaders, and administrators Conversation

● NM Out of School Time network is capturing and sharing a lot of resources on Facebook

page - and at this link:

● Distance learning is not offered everywhere due to equity - students without internet

access could experience a larger gap in knowledge.

● Instructional time will (probably) not be made up - required instructional time being


● Unemployment Insurance : reach out to Dept. of Workforce Solutions, waiving

work-search requirement,

○ 1-800 for folks to call for unemployment benefits.

○ Specific COVID related details for workforce

● Continuing to Pay Staff:

○ Emergency Fund if available

○ Reach out to funders - start the conversations about the extraneous change during this

funding period

○ Convert as much as you can to general operating funds (encourage conversation around

meeting immediate needs of org through Ops funds)

● Alternative staff time:

○ Professional Development

Page 22: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

○ Including/improving Best Practices with-in programs

○ Take note of what staff is doin to show to funders that funds are going towards

worthwhile investments geared toward moving forward

○ Revise program evaluations

○ Update risk management policy

● Challenges:

○ “How to use Zoom” tutorials to improve remote working within teams

○ Some free accounts

○ Seasonal Staff - How to modify the expectations of the work?

○ People pulling out of programs and asking for refunds:

■ Reach out to folks - express need to continue to pay staff and continue

conversation about refund - eg”can we please use your tuition to contine to pay

staff - not stress unemployment system

■ There is not a standard refund policy and insurance policy unknowns

■ ACA guidlines about refunds?

■ In some instances - Global pandemic is not “an act of God” and coverable

○ Online Programs - Facebook live, YouTube, some sort of list of shared resources with

activities for people to do

○ Outside - How to communicate how to be safe outside - language from CDC hopefully


○ Transparency towards fund with staff and customers

○ Families: guidelines are constantly changing, fluctuation on how people feel about being

outside, erring on side of caution currently, but may change by next week

○ Think about what other options for being outside are there - some families to not

wanting to hike or go to parks, and how some families view outside time may differ

from our own.

○ Hiring - attempting to hire people at this time when summer programs are still

up-in-the-air, will they have a job to offer in a month

■ Planning for summer, not many applicants applying for summer positions

■ Flashbacks to 2008!!!

■ Planning makes sense for now, but things may change by the time gets here

■ Refund Policies - resource share

■ Line of credit from banks can mitigate some cash flow demands for now



● Regular meetings and conversations during this time, as well as when things start to smooth


● Check-in with staff and clients

● Innovations: iNaturalist, NatureMatters, Pajarito - online programs started today, Zoom

hangouts for support, Facebook Live, what can we do to elevate EE to all of the teachers that

have the capacity to do professional development and planning through the “end of school”

● Weekly/bi-weekly chat, should we remain group specific, would it be best to have a general chat

with everybody, does it depend on how the next chat goes, maybe a specific summer

Page 23: EENM COVID-19 COMMUNITY CHECK-INS...1. TEN virtual community check-ins since mid-March. Each community check-in is designed to allow for educators, teachers, program managers, and

programs/camps group in the future - For now, Monday afternoons BECAUSE WE ARE ALL


● Be adaptable

3-4pm Educators, Teachers and Community Members Discussion

PEEC launched Take it Outside today, sharing outdoor challenges, content, crafts- see the school closure

as an opportunity to be outside more than usual.

Generic outside activities that can be done outside without supplies or prior knowledge. Generic

activities that could be done anywhere in NM

Set up a self-guided activities on a trail-chalk self guided activities on a sidewalk, for people who can’t

get out to a trail.

Pass out fliers/activities with school lunch services

Does a system shake-up like this large gap in learning lead to more positive feelings for year-round


Is sharing materials (like paper) safe right now? This is unknown at this point, what are schools and

groups distributing food doing to reduce the risk of contamination

There is a national discussion right now trying to get information from reputable sources (like the CDC)

about how to be outdoors responsibly, how to be outdoors and maintain social distancing. How do we

promote good use of the outdoors and keeping outdoor spaces open? The forest service may have

recreation specific guidance about this.

How do we use the brian power of teachers who are not in school right now.

Educators and teachers are not feeling secure enough to go for new PD opportunities right now.

Down the road yes

Resources from companies that are offering free subscriptions right now

Feel free to share resources with Eileen ([email protected]) and she will compile them and send out

an EcoEd email

Teleworking is a new challenge for some, looking forward for new ways to collaborate, new and

interesting collaborations will help some work from home

How do you have group/community meetings online? Zoom, Google Hangouts, YouTube etc...

How do educators whose jobs are mostly hands-on with public function in these times?

Weekly check-ins with this group
