
Inspirational Quotes for TeachersA Random Collection

“Education is our passport to

the future, for tomorrow

belongs to the people who

prepare for it today”.

- Malcolm X

“I never teach my pupils. I only

attempt to provide the

conditions in which they can


- Albert Einstein

“The most important attitude

that can be found is the desire

to go on learning”.

- John Dewey

“Education is a social process.

Education is growth. Education is

not a preparation for life; education

is life itself”.

- John Dewey

“Live as it you were to die

tomorrow. Learn as if you

were to live forever”.

- Mahatma Ghandi

“You can never be

overdressed or


- Oscar Wilde

“Education is the most

powerful weapon which you

can use to change the


- Nelson Mandela

“Intelligence plus character

– that is the true goal of


-Martin Luther King

“The task of the modern

educator is not to cut down

jungles but to irrigate


- C.S. Lewis

“Kids don’t remember what you

try to teach them, they

remember what you are”.

- Jim Henson

“Study without desire spoils

the memory, and it retains

nothing that it takes in”.

- Leonardo da Vinci

“The educated differ from the

uneducated as much as the

living differ from the dead”.

- Aristotle

“Children must be taught

how to think, not what to


- Margaret Mead

“Education of the mind

without education of the

heart is no education at all”.

- Aristotle

“The more I live, the more I

learn. The more I learn, the

more I realize, the less I know”.

-Michel Legrand

“Anyone who stops learning

is old, whether twenty or

eighty. Anyone who keeps

learning stays young”.

- Henry Ford

“Knowledge will bring you

the opportunity to make a


- Claire Fagin

“Education is the kindling of

a flame, not the filling of a


- Socrates

“The earth and sky, woods and

fields, lakes and rivers, the

mountains and sea, are excellent

schoolmasters, and teach some of

us more than we can ever learn

from books”.

- John Lubbock

“Learning is not attained by

chance, it must be sought for

with ardour and attended to

with diligence”.

- Abigail Adams

“Instruction does much; but

encouragement everything”

- Johann Wolfgang von


“Wisdom is not a product of

schooling but of the lifelong

attempt to acquire it”.

- Albert Einstein

“Wisdom…comes not from

age, but from education and


- Anton Chekov

“The highest action a human

being can attain is learning for

understanding, because to

understand is to be free”.

- Baruch Spinoza

“Spoon feeding in the long run

teaches nothing but the shape

of the spoon”.

- E. M. Forster

“A lot of life is a constant


- Eleanor Roosevelt

“The purpose of education is

to replace an empty mind

with an open one”.

- Malcolm Forbes

“Education: that which reveals

to the wise and conceals from

the stupid the vast limits of their


-Mark Twain

“The mind once enlightened

cannot again become dark”.

- Thomas Paine

“True teachers are those who use

themselves as bridges over which

they invite their students to cross;

then, having facilitated their

crossing, joyfully

collapse, encouraging them to

create their own”.

- Nikos Kazantzakis

“Play is the highest form of


- Albert Einstein

“Education breeds

confidence. Confidence

breeds hope. Hope breeds


- Confucius

“A mind is like an

umbrella, only useful

when open”.

- Unknown

“Teachers don’t just teach: they can

be vital personalities who help young

people to mature, to understand the

world, and to understand the

world, and to understand themselves.

A good education consists of much

more than useful facts and

marketable skills”.

- Charles Platt

“I touch the future. I


- Christa McAuliffe

“Teachers are the one and

only people who save


- Mustafa Kamal Ataturk

“Whenever you read a good

book somewhere in the world a

door opens to allow in more


- Vera Nazaria

“Human resources are like natural

resources; they’re often buried

deep. You have to go looking for

them; they’re not just lying around

on the surface. You have to create

the circumstances where they

show themselves”.

- Ken Robinson

“Too often we give children

answers to remember rather

than problems to solve”.

- Roger Lenin

“…it’s not just learning that’s

important. It’s learning what

to do with what you learn

and learning why you learn

things that matters”.

- Norton Juster

“Education is the

movement from darkness

to light”.

- Allan Bloom.

“When the atmosphere

encourages learning, the

learning is irresistible”.

- Elizabeth Frost

“A good education helps us

make sense of the world and

find our way in it”.

- Mike Rose
