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Born: March 19, 1860

Father Silas was a well-known lawyer

Graduated from Illinois College with honors

Studied law in Chicago

Showed a great ability to speak

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“The Boy Orator of the Platte”

Elected to Congress from Nebraska (two terms)

Appointed to Ways and Means Committee

Fought for Sherman Silver Purchase Act

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Populist Movement


Free Coinage of Silver

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Fight for the common man

Largely supported by farmers

Formed the Populist Party

“The Great Commoner”

Lower cost of money

Economic Focus

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The Paralyzing Influence of Imperialism

Don't make colonial Europe's mistakes

Forced annexation leads to revolt

Military strategy doesn't trump freedom

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Back the Dollar with silver

More plentiful than gold

Helps boost the average worker

Forced inflationVS

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Don't let the masses be held down by the wealthy

The gold standard paralyzes the common man

Back money with silver to help working class

“You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold”

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Received the Democratic nomination

Carried by momentum from “Cross of Gold”

Needed Populist support

Lost to William McKinley

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Received Democratic nomination once again

Continued to push Progressive ideals

Lost to McKinley again, larger margin

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Circuit of paid orators and performers

Used by Bryan to further support between elections

Spread Populist ideals

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Nominated for the last time by Democrats

Continued his Progressive stance

Lost to William H. Taft in another landslide

Forever changed the Democratic Party

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Lost Democratic nomination in 1912

Named Woodrow Wilson's Secretary of State

Resigned after disagreements in 1915

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Was a staunch Protestant

Successfully banned (for a time) evolution from schools

Questioned vigorously about the bible

Final event of his life, leaving him in a bad light

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Passed away July 26, 1925

Intense heat and stress of the trial was too much for his body

Buried at Arlington National Cemetery

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