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Bradly Eye

Mr. Krause



Thesis Introduction

Medical Experts and Religious leaders oppose each other on the advancements in

Ectogenesis and if the technology should be developed for human use. Even though, this

technology is being pushed into creation without greater examining of the effects it has

on an infant and the resulting defects it may have on them.

“The future of human reproductive medicine lies along the speeding trajectories

of several different technologies” (Klass). Many of the new medical technologies have

been rapidly changing the way we look at life, as well as extending life. “Inevitably, there

is genetics. All these technologies are essentially new, and with them come ethical

questions so potent that the very inventors of these miracles seem half-afraid of where we

may be heading.” (Klass) This just shows how the experts are worried about technologies

grasp on human life and how much we are currently depending on it.

The new rapidly growing technology of Ectogenesis has been stirring debate over

the last decades. Too understand Ectogenesis (the development of mammalian organism

in an artificial environment) you must examine the past of this up and coming medical

technology. It was theorized in many works of fiction the first of which truly being a

Huxley’sBrave New World (Reynolds 1). Advancements on the technology itself have

been made in laboratories, goat fetuses for example have been transplanted into artificial

environments once close to full term by Dr. Kuwababa and his associates in Tokyo


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(Klass 1). The advancements made have not yet given an artificial birth to a normal goat


The artificial womb is continued to be developed for humans by many doctors

despite the moral issue. Many medicinal technologies have been developed and caused

great harm before perfected to what we currently know such as organ transplants (Mabie

22). Advancements are being made all through the world on different areas in

understanding the mother’s fetus to creating the technology to grow an embryo (Gelfand

1). In vitro fertilization would be the most likely way to begin the process however the

work is also being done by removing the fetus late in birth (Klass 3). This would give

doctors the ability to remove the fetus from the mother hopefully at any stage in the

pregnancy and transfer it into an artificial womb.

Medical Experts and Religious leaders oppose each other on the advancements in

Ectogenesis and if the technology should be developed for human use. Even though, this

technology is being pushed into creation without greater examining of the effects it has

on an infant and the resulting defects it may have on them.

Overall the facts there are its clear that any child born via an artificial

environment may not be the same as the child that would have been born from the

mothers womb (Dipietro). “In General I think because we understand so little about this,

raising a fetus in an artificial womb can cause all sorts of negative consequences that we

don’t know about.” said Dr. DiPietro. “Janet DiPietro is the world’s leading expert on

what it’s like to be an embryo. A developmental psychologist at Johns Hopkins

University, she is one of the few scientists to have closely studied the womb as an

ecosystem.” (Gretchen 5). It is clear that Ectogenesis is not ready to be used in any


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stretch of practical terms and not enough time has been spent to develop this new



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Premise 1:

Ectogenesis could not be a good end for abortion.

Anti-abortion groups have made stating that Ectogenesis could potentially be the

end for legalized abortions. Ectogenesis is being pushed into action to fast without a

greater thinking of how it may change the world. Many supporters say that abortion could

once and for all end with the creation of an Ectogenesis machine, also known as an

artificial womb (Gretchen 4). This argument sits on top of false hope however. There are

numerous reasons and the technology may not end abortions but, it could create more

problems than it would solve if abortions ended.

This discussion looks at where the children would go if they were unwanted after

being grown in an artificial environment, as well as the potential problems that could

result. If Ectogenesis replaced abortion for unwanted pregnancies were would all the

babies go once full term, adoption would seem the logical sense. In Fisher’s article on

sociology of adoption takes a great look at who is adopting. Rates for inertial couples

increasing have drastically changed the amount of adopted children which has helped

increase percentages. Another study in Fisher’s journal article showed two thirds of

Californian’s adopting parents had all adopted after their own attempts fell short for

having children. Now this large number of potential parents who look into adopting

children after exploring other options for infertility with the creation of an artificial

womb could greatly expand there chances for gestating a natural child. This by its self

may not be a bad thing. However, if Ectogenesis then lead to an end for abortion, it could

create more problems. One idea is that unwanted pregnancies could be transferred into an

artificial womb instead of aborted are still giving the mother a choice made by pro-life


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groups (Gelfand 3). So if both wanted and unwanted pregnancies are being grown and all

unwanted pregnancies are forced to go up for adoption. So the two thirds of adoptive

parents would then have this alternate option which many may use, this would leave

many children homeless and in adoptive care with less chance of being adopted . So

overall the artificial womb may have a drastically negative effect on society.

Modern women’s rights could be greatly altered by Ectogenesis and the impact it

may have on the world. A large fight that has been won for women’s rights is the

legalization for abortion. The advancement on that front could indeed be lost with

Ectogenesis on the rise however (Klass). Although the technology could greatly help

many infertile women some are afraid it may not end there. Woman’s rights may be

altered when an artificial womb comes out not only on the topic of abortion but also on

deciding if they will have the baby themselves (Klass). “Unsafe abortions are responsible

for the deaths of 78,000 women each year world wide” (Watkins 12). This number was a

given in 1995 and could rise if abortions become compromised(Watkins 12). It has also

been said that it would be a way for males to eliminate the need for females by radical

feminists due to the machine could grow their children (Reynolds 3). So it may be

possible that the artificial womb could harm women’s rights and as stated above some

fear it could lead to women being looked on as even lower, due to the fact they would not

have to carry men’s children.

Any ban or law against abortions would be going against women’s rights even

with a Ectogenesis machine. This helps support this premises do to the idea that

Ectogenesis could end abortion (Gretchen 4). In Watkins book it states these reasons that

abortion is a form of gender discrimination. Reason one, its illegal to create a law that


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prevents women from sharing rights or freedoms, so abortion laws do just that (Watkins

10). Abortion laws also harm a woman’s right to health and it’s illegal to deny access to

medical treatment (Watkins 10). Lastly it is wrong to think of women as a carrier of

children and deny positions based on gender (Watkins 11). So it is clear to understand

any attempt to stop abortions using this technology as a scapegoat would still be

discrimination. Ectogenesis is not the right course for people who want to end abortions

due to the problems that would arise and should not be considered by activist groups.

Overall it is very clear and easy to see how Ectogenesis would not be a end to

abortion. It would violate women’s rights, discriminate against women, and even if

abortion was stopped would only have a damaging effect. Ectogenesis should not be

allowed for human testing and should not be put into use.


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Premise 2:

Ectogenesis may have a definite negative effect on the fetus.

There are good and bad affects that putting a fetus in an artificial

environment that may be caused. Ectogenesis is rushing into action to fast with out a

greater thinking of how it may change the world. Many supporters argue that the medical

process of Ectogenesis will help an infant that could otherwise not be naturally born take

its first breath (Klass). The argument, however true, does not give all the facts it is a false

advertisement into the almost unknown and hardly studied. There are many distinct

reasons that the argument for Ectogenesis should not hold up and the effects the

technology may have on the fetus is a substantial one.

Ectogenesis could have a negative outlook for the fetus that would be ‘grown’ by

the process and what that might be entitled for the soon to be parents. This section looks

at how the process would begin and the different approaches that might be taken to get

the fetus into the environment. Obviously any new technology takes time to get right, but

in the case of Ectogenesis. People must remember their dealing with life. Starting Dr.

Liu, a leading expert in the Ectogenesis said “The growing embryos would break through

the tissue, smack against the Petri dish and, like a tree whose roots hit rock,

die.”(Reynolds). This is a perfect example of how something as delicate as life can end

by a process so abrupt. The mouse fetus that Liu’s team had been growing ended shortly

after it began and was deformed and contorted according the Reynolds article. This just

goes to prove how complicated the process truly is and how any wrong step will end in


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death. At Juntendo University in Tokyo they removed almost full grown goat fetuses and

transferred them into the womb created there, this had many effects on what would have

been otherwise a healthy group of goats (Gretchen) Although this is only a mouse fetus

that was used this time what is to say human fetus will have a set pattern and won’t

differ, the process is dangerous and should not be studied.

Some problems with Ectogenesis are that the technology may cause harm to the

fetus due to the fact that it would be a technological based medical procedure and

unnaturally birthing mechanism. As different from the previous paragraph the damage

done here is due to the unnatural way of birthing the child. The largest step forward in the

development of a machine operated womb was created at Juntendo University, where

goat embryos were transplanted into an artificial environment to finish growth

(Reynolds). This describes the process in which they went through and the loss of life

that happened in transfers. Although many did die some came to full term but non

without deformities or lung problems (Reynolds). This presents problems for any human

trials to take place, if the technology requires much refining it could be costly for many

fetuses life’s and could produce some deformed children. Overall it is an unsafe way to

begin any human testing and much more studies need to be conducted before the

technology is further developed.

This will help give one of the only leading experts, on what its like to be inside a

womb, idea’s on Ectogenesis and the harm that may come to a child birthed in such a

way. “Janet DiPietro is the worlds leading expert on what it’s like to be an embryo.”

(Gretchen). This makes her opinion unique due to the fact she has studied the womb

almost as an environment looking at how changes in the environment affect the fetus and


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the baby it becomes (Gretchen). For example, experiments that Dr. Dipietro learned from

lead to the realization the mood alone affects the fetus(Gretchen). When asked if she

thought artificial wombs were a good idea her reply was “I don’t think it’s a good

idea”(DiPietro). She goes on to explain how the fetus and mother get signals form one

another and that putting the fetus in an artificial womb may have a negative effect not

only to the fetus but also to the mother(DiPietro). DiPietro also elaborates on the way that

a fetus while in the womb bonds with the mother and is affected by so many things such

as the mothers heart beating and in turn prepares the mother for the responsibility of

taking care of a newborn baby. Although it is some what speculation DiPietro goes on to

say that the person would not be the same as if they had developed in the natural way.

Either way this world wide leading expert has reasons to believe that Ectogenesis is a bad

idea and may cause more harm than some people realize.

Overall it is not too hard to see the negative consequences that may apply if

Ectogenesis is allowed to continue to develop. Ectogenesis should not be allowed for

human testing and must not be allowed to be put into use for humans. Far too many

unknowns sill exist that have not yet been accounted for, the technology is just not a

natural way to develop a fetus. “So in general I think because we understand so little

about this, raising a fetus in an artificial womb can cause all sorts of negative

consequences we don’t know about” (DiPietro).


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Premise 3:

The new medical procedure could change the child.

Many Factors play into the developmental stages from conception to birth and the

technological aspect is frightening to think what could happen to the child that may grow

out of a technology. “They claim that a glass tank could be made which would feed and

protect an unborn child in the same way as a natural mother” (Hamer). The problem that

this presents is in the testing stages. As any new medical procedure has shown through

time there is always a stage where perfection needs to take place through trial and error.

This pre-stage can not be certain to ever end or the technology is truly perfected, so in the

mean time what happens to all these artificially birthed children. The technology is being

pushed into creation without greater examining of the effects it has on an infant and the

resulting defects it may have on them.

Liu the director of reproductive endocrine laboratory at Cornell University’s

center for Reproductive Medicine and Infertility in Manhattan is one of the nations first

“womb makers” even mentioned that the process is more complicated than imagined

saying “and we knew going into this that making babies is very, very

complicated”( Reynolds). Even the so called expert had trouble believing the complexity

of just how difficult this task was going to be. Liu and her team used rodent fetuses and

although after failed attempts with the tissue size, her artificial environment finally had

some success a rodent fetus grew (Reynolds). It moved and breathed , however days after

it died and was deformed and contorted, more closely resembled a sea horse than mouse


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“a developmental freak” (Reynolds). So this experts experiment ended terribly and

although that’s how these things start off and can only be perfected with trial and error

what would happen to a human fetus or baby. Would mankind accept the first mistakes of

this technology or would they be freaks, outcasts even. How long this would be allowed

to go on.

The mouse fetuses are not the only ones to be tampered with and put in artificial

environment goat fetuses have also been tested (Klass). Yoshinori Kuwabara is the

chairman of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Jutendo University that is in

Tokyo (Klass). Kuwabara and his associates kept goat fetuses ‘alive’ in the artificial

environment for up to three weeks, after removing the growing fetus from the mother

(Klass). They ran into problems and the goats died due to numerous difficulties and

deformities fell onto the ones that were ‘birthed’ (Klass). The potential for human use

although still far away but Kuwabara predicts the technology could be applied to human

use (Klass). The desire is growing and with knowledge of this technology many more

people embrace the idea of the Ectogenesis. But after failures in experimenting it should

not be allowed to transfer to human testings.

The technology that is currently out to save many different premature infant lives

is a sustaining process which is in current use and has undergone similar tests and

scrutiny yet one sound difference remains. The fetus developed and was grown inside the

mother. Liquid lungs the technology that helps premature infants breath with out

destroying there lungs was seen as foolish not long ago and is now used in almost every

hospital (Klass). This process is also like the controversial operating on a fetus while it’s


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inside the womb; it was and still is somewhat of a scary and odd idea yet now there so

precise they recommend this (Klass).

However new technologies will probably alter the true development in the early

stages of the fetus that, as its only a mean of life not a true birth. Liu as mentioned above

has changed her goal and is now working on a womb that could be surgically implanted

into the mother now being there mouse implant that has had some success (Reynolds). So

instead of growing artificially it would only be implanted in to the mother much like the

current procedure of IVF which she is an expert in. Bioethicists worry that a group of

women will come only want the womb to avoid stretch marks and prolong looks

(Reynolds). Dr. DiPietro says “the feral environment is more than just hormones, you

can’t simply add titrates of this or that hormone or protein to re-creat the womb”

(Reynolds). Mr. Yehundi Gordon who is a consultant gynecologist and obstetrician said

this could lead to a baby being psycho logically damaged, and have problems connecting

with its mother (Hamer). Mr. Rainsbury the medical director of the fertility unit at

Roding Hospital in Essex said “there would be a risk of baby farming, genetic

engineering and the creation of a master race, its mind-boggling and terrifying” (Hamer).

Although some may say this extreme idea is not possible it may not be far off with what

some like to control it without artificial gestation. But many experts are agreeing that its

going to be dangerous.

Overall the technology is being pushed by people who desire a baby because they

are otherwise infertile despite the many experts saying it is a good idea. Almost most

experts however agree the technology faces many dangerous factors and some believe it

could lead to much worse things that are now only of science fiction imagination. It may


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be impossible to say just how ones life might be if they were born through the process.

This technology is creating some deformed human beings, not an animals or products,

and then the human does not function properly. Ectogenesis must be stopped before

human testing can be allowed. The future of human history could forever be altered and

radically changed with such a technology on the market. The technology is being pushed

into creation and needs much more examining of the effects it has on an infant and the

resulting defects it may have on them.


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Thesis Conclusion

Ectogenesis is wrong and must be stopped before it harms the children that may

forever be changed if the technology is allowed to be developed for human use. This

technology can not be the end all for abortion as some anti abortion groups thought it

would damage women’s rights to much and this option could not be for every case. The

procedure may alter the child that is artificially created and born using this procedure; it

has a chance to change the future of mankind. To many numerous and dangerous

complications have arose in the testing stages of Ectogenesis and this may not be a good

outlook for mankind the test subject animals that survived did not live long do to

numerous complications from the process. Ectogenesis must stop its developing for

humans and be marked as dangerous and to complex ever to do like the human body.

This argument could affect huge numbers of people and the whole of future

generations. In the next century could may stop having children naturally all together and

grow them like crops. This effects Infertile and fertile couples alike, also would have

great impact on women. This technology if stopped before its development for humans

could avoid future complications and alterations on children. This may be a small piece

to science fiction becoming reality and could be very dangerous. Ectogenesis has not yet

been completed and the few teams that have worked on it must be shown the danger of

the work they do.

The future steps for artificial wombs as some experts have already changed there

idea on how the process should work would be an implanted womb into the mother. This

technology based but not ran machine if implanted back may overcome some difficulties

the experiments had. For people to take action the word of this under the radar


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technology must be spread. Some many people will have never even heard of it and

others will be astonished to learn more. The technology must be looked into as the

impacts it would bring to the world.


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Works Cited

DiPietro, Janet. "Questions about your project." E-mail to the author. 5 Apr. 2008.

Fisher, Allen P. "Still "not quite as good as having your own"? Toward a sociology of

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Gelfand, Scott, and John R. Shook, eds. Ectogenesis : Artificial Womb Technology

and the Future of Human Reproduction. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2006.

Hamer, Rupert. "How Doctors Can 'Grow' Babies in Artificial Wombs." Sunday Mirror

[London] 28 Aug. 1998.

Klass, Perri. "The Artificial Womb Is Born.(Magazine Desk)(Behind Closed Doors)."

The New York Times Magazine. (Sept 29, 1996): NA. Opposing Viewpoints

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Mabie, Margot C. Bioethics and the New Medical Technology. New York: Simon &

Schuster Children's, 1993.

Reynolds, Gretchen. "Will we grow babies outside their mothers’ bodies?" Popular

Science 01 Aug. 2005. 01 Aug. 2005. 17 Nov. 2008

Watkins, Christine, ed. The Ethics of Abortion. Farmington Hills: Thomson Gale, 2005