
Eclipse event

• Maynooth Green Campus will be hosting an event to witness the solar eclipse on Friday

morning 20th March 2015

Eclipse event

Two great spheres will be getting together

Eclipse event

We hope to capture this special experience…

Eclipse event

…safely, using protective glasses and projections

Eclipse event

…like this one, made exactly one week before the eclipse…

Never look directly at the sun!

Eclipse event

Venue: The Staff Training and Development Room, 3rd Floor, John Hume Building, 8.30-10.30, 20th

March 2015

• We don’t promise the sun and moon, but will provide cups of tea and coffee

Eclipse event

Wouldn’t it be nice to think that future generations will continue to enjoy events

like this too?

We depend on the Sun and Moon but we alone are responsible for the Earth

Maynooth Green Campus

Greening the campus for a sustainable world