  • Guide for handling the HW/Project -------------------------------------------------

    I wish to remind you some rules that you have to follow when solving a HW/Project. I am certain that they are not new for you, but I wish to be sure that you satisfy them and do not lose points for not doing that. I will enumerate these rules. It is not intended for them to be in some priority order. Each of them it is important. And you must be convinced that by solving the HWs/Projects you learn a lot and gain a lot for your professional background. And I hope that what I am telling you here will be stored in your central memory, and followed accordingly. Important: You must study the present document and be sure that you follow all rules and requirements shown here!!!!!!Such lets start.

    General Rules- - - - - - - - - - -

    1. Start solving the HW/Project as soon as you receive the assignment. Do not wait too long. By waiting, there is a high risk that you cannot finish it in time, or you will supply a poor quality or an incomplete work.

    2. Before you start the HW/Projects solution convince your mind that you have to do a good job. It means that maybe it will take some time for you to understand what has to be done, and then to do it with care. And you have to do it only once, and to be ok.

    3. For solving, organize your time with care, in such a way to be sure that you will have enough time for solving each component step of the given task, and that it will not be unexpected blind times.

    4. By solving the HW or the Project it does not mean that you only have to apply some equations. Not at all!! In many cases

  • you have to analyze the problem, and take a justified decision. And these steps cannot be solved in only one night before the due date.

    If you are trying to do that, then it is very sure that you will

    have many mistakes, that is, you have to start everything from beginning, spend more time, and probable lose a lot of points.

    5. If you are not 100 % sure about the solution procedure, please look to the available notes and/or project guide. If you still have questions, do not hesitate to ask. Questions and answers are normal, justified components of the educational process.

    6. Everything that you are doing must be clear, clean, well organized and defined, with titles and subtitles, and with the needed explanation about what and why are you doing so.

    Show the work and explanations needed to justify the obtained solution.

    The graphs and tables to be clear, named by the content, with quantities that apply and the corresponding units shown, and so on.

    Always, when the solution is referred to a circuit, show that circuit, and on the circuit define all quantities that you are using for solution, including the positive reference for the variable quantities.

    If the quantities that appear on your equations are not labeled on your circuit, the presence of those equations will be disregarded, and points will be subtracted.

    Also, take care the same quantities subscripts or superscripts to be used on your figures and equations.

    7. When you are selecting data, information and so on from different tables, figures, graphs, books, etc., specify from where those data have been taken, as According to Table ABC-13-D, the distance from the Astrodome to UofH results to be 100 miles, and such it was considered when the weekend break was scheduled and the attached money collected.

    8. Do not forget to write your rated data (your name and ID) on the HW/Project. Staple the HW/Project or, if it is the case, enclose it in a folder.

  • 9. Use the correct notation for the quantities involved.

    10. For each intermediate or final numerical result show the corresponding unit. You do not need to carry units through formulas prior to the numerical results.

    11. In some way underline the most important and the final numerical results.

    12. Do not show only the numerical result, without showing the equation(s) based on which that result was obtained. And do not

    show only the analytical equation used and then only the numerical result. Always, after you present the analytical equation that defines a quantity, repeat that equation, but this time clearly showing the numerical value of each component quantity on that equation. After that show the numerical value resulted by solving that equation.

    13. On the intermediate calculation steps carry as many decimals as you can handle. Only the final numerical results to be rounded. It must be known that in some cases if a rounding is applied along the intermediate steps, the final result will not come out right, or it is coming out with a lot of error.

    14. When for solution you are building and use a computer program, you have to attach the computer program and the corresponding numerical results. Along the computer program you have to show the equations used for solution, and include all comments/explanations, as like you will do it when present the same solution only in a text format.

    15. Do not copy from other colleagues. It will be seen immediately and you may arrive in a high penalty area. Of course, you can discuss the solution with your colleagues, but do not copy, and do not offer your work to be copied by somebody else.

    16. The solution must be edited to only one side of the page. Do not write on both sides.

    Use 8.5 by 11 paper. If in presenting your work as handwritten you have problems

  • in satisfying the requirements specified here, that is your paper cannot be read because it is messy, then you have to present your work as typed. Other way you will receive no credit for that work.

    17. Projects are to be presented on a standard format, that is in the front to have: a cover page with the projects number and title, your name and ID #; a list with the projects content and the corresponding page location; a list of figures name and the corresponding page location; similar for tables and/or appendices.

    Depending on the project volume, the project to be stapled and/or included in a folder.

    HWs to be stapled on the upper left side, and on the cover page to be written your name and the HWs assignment number.

    18.The HW/Project must be turned-in on the due date at the beginning of that class !!

    19. Do not be late with turning in the HW/Project. Later HWs are not accepted, and for each day late on the

    Project you will lose (1/7) of the points assigned for that Project!!

    20. The points allocated to different HWs/Projects (and which are counted for defining the final grade) are not identical. Points allocated to a HW/Project depend on the complexity of the solution, the estimated time and the needed volume of knowledge required for solution, and so on.

    21. On the HWs solution the solved problems must be shown on the

    same succession as they are on the HW assignment.

    22. Take care that, by not satisfying the above requirements, penalties will be applied to your HW/Project grade, and your final grade will be affected.

    23. If you have questions or complains about the HW/Project grading, then first address them to the TA or the instructor that graded them. If you are not satisfied with the answer, then please come and talk with me.

    Questions and complains are accepted only on the first three

  • working days after that item was returned to class!!

    Supplementary Rules for One Project/Semester- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    1. Before you start solving the Projects Task # X, carefully read and be sure that you understand the Project Objective, the Project Task, the Guide for the Project Task # X, and the Project Solution for the Task # X. Read carefully the corresponding Tasks Guide and in parallel and simultaneously look to the corresponding section of the Solved Project. Be sure that you understand everything. If you have some questions, ask before you start to solve that task.

    2. Read and follow with care the Supplementary Requirements, that are: detailed and justified description of the design steps; clear drawing; the content organized per sections, subsections; write clear and readable; number pages, figures, tables; show the corresponding units; use the right notations; underline the main answers, and so on.

    3. Do not have the wrong idea that if you are doing exactly how it is done on the Solved Project you are doing right. What it is in the Solved Project is a solved case for particular, given data. The input data used there are not identical with your input data. The purpose of the Solved Project is for you to have a quite detailed guide for how to solve the project. And you have to decide what it is best for your version. And it is not excluded that you may come with some better solutions.

    4. Each Projects Task follows and is based on the previous tasks. Such a wrong tasks solution cannot be accepted. Take all measures to solve a task only once, that is, to be ok at that first try.

    5. If it is not otherwise specified, along to the Task that is due, you have to turn-in all previous (graded) Tasks. Such, to be sure that you can continue the Project solution, before you turn in a task, always keep a copy of it for yourself!

    And take care, the solution of one Projects Task is based on the results obtained on the previous Tasks. Such mistakes

  • recorded on one Task must be repaired before going for solving the next Task.

    If in one Task are found mistakes, then when grading it will stated that they have to be corrected. In these cases, you must turn in the graded Task, to which it must be attached pages that shown the corrections made!!!

    Supplementary Rules for Distinct Projects/Semester- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    1. You must know that, along with solving your particular Project case, you also have to present the results analysis based on the particular results of each project-team member.

    2. To be possible for each team member to finalize his/her factors effect analysis, each team member must provide his/her results to the other teams members no later than the day and time specified on the Project assignment!!!

    For that purpose, within the team it must be taken all measures such that the way in which the information between the team members is transferred to be clear defined.

    3. Before the Projects results analysis section starts, each team member must specify the name and the project code number of those team members which had supplied in time the data that have been used for his/her analysis.

    4. For those team members who did not supplied in time their data,

    it is forbidden to use data supplied in time by the other team members!

    5. The results supplied to the Teams members are considered the final results of the provider. If data that appear on the project folder are not the same with those supplied to the Team, they are

    not considered valid!

    6. For the violation of the above requirements grading penalties will be applied.

  • *******************************************************************************

    About Academic Honesty Policy and Plagiarism

    If identical figures, derivations, plots, or calculations are found, without proper referencing as to their origin, it will be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy. If calculation, figures, plots or derivations are found identical to the those posted on the previous semesters, it will be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy. If figures, text, tables, or other material are taken from any textbook without proper references, it will be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy. If figures, text, tables, or other material are taken from lecture notes without proper references, it will be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy. If you and your lab partner, or you and any other student, have the same figures, tables or plots, it will be considered a violation of the academic honesty policy for both of you. The data can be the same; but the figures, tables or plots made with this data must be developed individually. Do your own work, and dont share it.


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