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Tools  |  Training  |  Mutual  Learning  4-­‐5-­‐6  December  2013  


 Rovereto,  Trentino,  Italy              



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Tools  |  Training  |  Mutual  Learning    Do  you  support  start-­‐ups,  entrepreneurs  and  SMEs?    Do  you  work   in  a  BIC,  an   incubator,  an  accelerator  or  another  organisation  whose  clients   are   new   or   early-­‐stage   companies   growing   innovative   businesses?  Do   you  want  to  find  new  ways  of  providing  more  effective  support  to  your  clients?  If  so,  the  EBN  TechCamp  2013  provides  a  unique  environment   for  business  and   innovation  support   professionals   to   learn   about   new   industry   support   tools,   exchange   views  about  effective  support  processes  and  methodologies,  and  see  “behind  the  scenes”  of  three  of  EBN’s  strongest  BICs.    What  you  will  find?    The  third  Tools  Exchange  Forum  with:  • a  pitching  session,  where  15  to  20  tool  developers  will  pitch  their  tools  to  the  audience  

• an  exhibition  space,  where  participants  can  talk  to  tool  developers,  possibly  make  deals  and  exchange  views  bilaterally  

• a  networking  area,  with  constant  refreshments  available  for  participants    

Three  workshops  will  provide  insights  on  some  of  the  industry’s  most  recent  hot  topics.  This  year’s  focus  is  on:  

• updated  techniques  of  coaching  &  mentoring  entrepreneurs  • end-­‐user  testing  through  the  Living  Lab  approach  • the  vital  elements  of  an  acceleration  programme  

 Peer  reviews  of  three  BICs:  

• Dublin  BIC  (Ireland)  • gate  Garching  BIC  (Germany)  • BIC  Trentino  Sviluppo  (Italy)    

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 Are  you  a  tool  designer  or  developer?    Are  you  a  business  support  organisation  that  has  developed  a  smart  way  to  better  support  your  clients?  Are  you  a  company  with  a  tool  that  helps  business  support  professionals  do  their  job  more  effectively?  If  so,  the  EBN  TechCamp  is  the  ideal  place  to  present  your  latest  tools  and  ideas.  Over  2  days,  you  will  have  the  opportunity  to  meet  with  other  industry  professionals  and  exchange  views,  share  ideas  and  do  deals!  You  will  have  a  space  in  the  exhibition  area  and  the  opportunity  to  “pitch”  your  tools  to  all  attendees.  Don’t  miss  this  opportunity  to  meet  your  target  audience.    A  call  for  exhibitors    We  are  looking  for  tools  and  methods  that:  • Have  been  developed  by  innovation  and  incubation  professionals,  supporting  innovation-­‐based  incubators  and  entrepreneurs'  needs  

• Give  concrete  support  to  turn  innovative  ideas  into  new  businesses  • Help  knowledge-­‐based  start-­‐up  entrepreneurs  and  innovative  firms  to  grow  faster  

• Strengthen  mentoring  and  coaching  processes  and  activities  • Help  the  next  generation  of  entrepreneurs  to  acquire  better  investment  readiness  capabilities  

• Bridge  the  gap  between  large  corporations  and  new  ventures    • Help  European  entrepreneurs  to  ‘Go  Global’  

 Support  the  modernisation  of  processes,  methods  and  products  of  existing  firm    


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What  can  you  do  in  the  EBN  Techcamp?      

# You  can  be  introduced  to  the  new  tools  available  for  entrepreneurship  support!  

# You  can  learn  about  the  latest  trends  in  coaching  and  mentoring!    

# You  can  be  inspired  by  the  Living  Lab  concept!  

# You  can  get  ideas  on  how  to  set  up  an  acceleration  programme!  

# You  can  hear  about  interesting  evolutions  of  the  BIC  concept!  

# You   can   have   your   individual   benchmarking   reports   (2012   and   2013)   discussed   and  analysed  by  and  with  the  EBN  quality  team!  

# You  can  attend  organised  peer  group  benchmarking  sessions  on  three  specific  BICs!  

# You   can   formally   and   informally  network,  meet   and   talk   to   your   peers  who  may   share  your  same  problems  or  may  have  solutions  for  them!  

# You   can   share,   comment   and   learn   about   the   latest   policy   trends   at   national,   EU   and  international  levels!  

# You  can  learn  of  a  country’s  BIC  community:  the  Italian  BIC  community  in  this  case!  


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Agenda  4  December  2013    14:00-­‐17:00  


Official  opening  of  the      17:30  -­‐  19:00    Policy   session:   “The   regional   policies   for   innovation   and   new   venture  creation,   what   can   we   realistically   expect   at   regional,   national   and  international  levels?”    

• Antonietta  Tomasulo,  Trentino  sviluppo,  Italy  • Alvaro  Simon  de  Blas,  President,  EBN  • Giancarlo  Canzanelli,  UNDP  (tbc)  

     19:00  -­‐  21:00  -­‐  Cocktail  reception        

“BICs   in   Italy:   New   dynamics   for   stimulating   the   acceleration   of   Start-­‐ups”  Meeting  of  the  Italian  EBN  Members  (upon  invitation  only)    How  can  the  community  of  EBN  members  in  Italy  better  interact  among  each  other  and  among  the  EBN  team  to  assure  a  higher  impact  of  the  BICs  within  the  Italian  regional  and  national  policies  for  innovation  and  entrepreneurship?      Specifically   common   development   goals   need   to   be   shared   and   set   up,   while   raising   awareness  about  the  difficult  job  on  innovative-­‐enterprise  creation.  How  can  EBN  better  help  in  the  process?  

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5  December  2013    08:30  –  Welcome    -­‐  Coffee  will  be  served    A  first  early  morning  occasion  to  meet  the  EBN  team.  

 09:00  –  09:30  –  Opening  

• Antonietta  Tomasulo,  CEO,  Trentino  Sviluppo,  Italy  

• Philippe  Vanrie,  CEO,  EBN  


09:30  –  10:30  –  ‘Tools  Pitching  Session’  

3  minutes  pitches  to   tempt  you  to   investigate  deeper   into  the  showcased  tool  and  methodology.  Participants  will  have  the  chance  to  discover  all  tool  designers  in  an  hour  dynamic  timeframe.  

 à  The  exhibition  area  will  be  permanently  opened.  

 10:30  –  11:30  –  ‘Tool  Exchange  bilateral  meetings’  

 11:00  –  12:30  –  1st  Peer  benchmarking  review:  Dublin  BIC  exposed!  max.  20  participants  

• Chris  Park,    Small  business  consultant  and  trainer,  DublinBIC,  Ireland  


Dublin   BIC   has   been   operating   for   a   quarter   of   a  century   supporting   the   creation   of   568  new  ventures  and   generating   more   than   5500   direct   jobs.   It   has  fund-­‐raised  over  70  Mln  Euros  of   investments   in  168  

companies.   A   public-­‐private   partnership   with   a   dedicated   and   committed   team,  interesting  and  efficient  procedures  and  methods.  What  has  made  them  unique?  For  sure,  among  others,  their  pursuit  for  continuous  improvement!  

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11:30  -­‐  12:30  –  1st  Technical  workshop:  Coaching  and  Mentoring  

Serious  coaching  and  mentoring  services  are  a  must  for  any  entrepreneurs’   support   organisation.   The   more   the  organization   is   dedicated   to   the   creation   and   growth   of  innovative  start-­‐ups,  the  more  the  functions  play  a  vital  role  in   facilitating  successful  ventures.  Coaches  and  mentors  of  course  have  their  own  methods,  and  some  of  the  successful  ones  will  be  assessed  and  explained  during  this  workshop.    


12:30  –  14:00  –  Lunch  

 14:00  -­‐  15:00  –  2nd  Technical  workshop:  Living  Labs    

• Jarmo  Elukka  Eskelinen,  CEO  -­‐  Forum  Virium  Helsinki  and  Chair  -­‐  European  Network  of  Living  Labs,  Finland  

• Jacky  Chef,  Director,  Promotech,  France  


End-­‐user   testing   of   innovative  ideas   and   products   right   from   the  beginning!   The   Living   Lab  approach  has  been  endorsed  by  the  European   Commission   and   has  produced   in   the   recent   years  interesting  results,  contributing  to  the  selection  of  useful  and  marketable  innovative  ideas   and   leading   to   the   improvement   of   new   products.   Learn   how   your   BIC   can  introduce  and  benefit  from  the  Living  Lab  methodology.  





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15:00   –   16:30   –   2nd   Peer   benchmarking   review:     BIC   Trentino   Sviluppo  exposed!  max.  20  participants  

• Luca  Capra,  Trentino  Sviluppo,  Italy  


The   largest   Italian   B.I.C.   managing   6  satellites,   Trentino   Sviluppo   is   the  agency   set   up   by   the   Autonomous  Province   of   Trento   to   foster   the  

sustainable   development   of   the   Trentino   system   by   taking   action   and   providing  services   aimed   at   supporting   the   growth   of   business   skills   and   the   capacity   for  innovation   entrepreneurs.   Many   changes   have   occurred   since   1986,   which   have  brought   to   the   formation   of   the   BIC   as   we   know   it   today.   What   are   the   success  factors?  What  are  new  paradigms?  Could  it  be  even  better?    


15:00  –  ‘Tool  Exchange  bilateral  meetings’    

17:30  –  Closing  

 19:00  –  Networking  dinner  


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6  December  2013    09:00  –  Welcome  

 09:30  -­‐  10:30  –  3rd  Technical  workshop:  the  fundamentals  of  acceleration!  

Innovative  companies  need  to  be   incubated  and  accelerated.  Are  we  ready   for   the  task?  Started  in  2005  with  the  establishment  of  Y-­‐Combinator,   the   accelerator   movement   has  rapidly   grown,   especially   in   the   US   (with   more  than  60%  of   the  world   accelerators).   Apparently,  accelerators  are   tapping  quickly   into  a  gap  of   the  enterprise   support   services   value   chain.  Therefore,   for   the   sake   of   innovative  entrepreneurs,  BICs  and  incubators  need  to  start  a  long-­‐lasting   relation   with   this   “new   kid   on   the   block”   and/or   start   their   own  acceleration  programmes.  

 10:00  -­‐  11:30  –  3rd  Peer  Benchmarking  Review:  gate  Garching  BIC  Exposed!  max.  20  participants  

• Franz  Glatz,  CEO,  BIC  gate  Garching,  Germany  


The  10-­‐year  old  BIC  in  Munich  has  undergone  extensive  changes  in  the  recent  years,  to   introduce  many   new  needed   services.  What   are   the   expected   outcomes   of   this  effort?  Can  we  see  already  an  impact?  Come  share  ideas  on  how  they  did  it  and  how  you  think  they  could  have  done  it!  

10:30  –  ‘Tool  Exchange  bilateral  meetings’  

12:30  –  Closing  remarks  

12:30  –  Lunch  

14:30  –  Social  programme:  Science,  Art  &  shopping!  


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Organisers    EBN   is   the   leading  non-­‐governmental   pan-­‐European  Network,  incorporating   250+   Business   &   Innovation   Centers   (BICs),  Innovation-­‐based  Incubators,  Innovation  and  Entrepreneurship  Centres  and  Business  Accelerators  across  Europe  and  beyond.      EBN   was   created   28   years   ago   by   the   European   Commission  and   European   industry   &   knowledge   leaders,   with   the   purpose   to   stimulate   the  

emergence   and   growth   of   new   innovative   enterprises,   to   help  modernizing   existing   firms,   and   to   boost   the   endogenous  economic  potential  of  European  regions.    EBN  is  a  Brussels-­‐based  team  delivering  a  full  range  of  services,  which   include   a   comprehensive   set   of   accreditation   &  networking   services   to   the   BICs,   as   well   as   deployment   and  coordination   of   EC   &   international   projects   in   relevant   areas.  EBN   is   an   engine   for   powering   innovation   based  entrepreneurship,   and   to   connect   enablers,   innovators   and  entrepreneurs.      In  partnership  with:        Trentino   Sviluppo   is   the   agency   set   up  by   the   Autonomous   Province   of   Trento  to  foster  the  sustainable  development  of  the  Trentino  system  by  taking  action  and  providing   services   aimed   at   supporting   the   growth   of   business   skills   and   the  capacity  for  innovation.  Trentino  Sviluppo  recently  merged  with  the  governmental  agency  of  tourism  promotion  of  the  province.    Trentino  Sviluppo  is  a  EBN  member,  BIC  accredited.  

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 A  few  words  about  the  Trentino  Province    Trentino  is  an  autonomous  province  of  Italy,  with  Trento  as  a  capital  and  Rovereto  as  the  center  for   culture,   wine   and   museum,   overall   in   a   quaint   atmosphere.   Trentino   is   renowned   for  its  mountains,  such  as  the  Dolomites,  Alps,  and  the  Lake  Garda.    Rovereto  is  a  favourite  destination  for  art   lovers.  The  city  hosts  the  Museum  of  Modern  and  Contemporary   Art   (Mart  Museum),   one   of   the   most   important   in   Europe,   where   temporary  exhibitions  are  held,  in  addition  to  its  extraordinary  permanent  collections.    Get  a  chance  to  visit:  

MART,  the  new  Museum  of  Modern  and  Contemporary  Art  

The  War  Museum  in  the  Castle  of  Rovereto,  castle,  built  by  the  counts  of  Castelbarco  in  the  13th–14th  centuries;    

Mighty  Bell  Maria  Dolens;  

MUSE,  the  new  Museum  of  Sciences  in  Trento;  a  visit  to  the  famous  Trento  Christmas  Market!  

 More  information  about  the  Trentino  Region  and  the  city  of  Rovereto:    December:  the  right  time  to  get  some  fresh  air!    The  EBN  TECH  CAMP  will  take  place  in  early  December,  just  the  right  time  to  get  some  fresh  air  and,  for  the  sportive  ones  enjoy  the  snow  in  the  Trentino  region!    The  Trentino  province  is  situated  in  the  Dolomites  and  benefits  from  large  ski  area,  state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐art  ski  facilities…            

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Tools  |  Training  |  Mutual  Learning    How  to  get  there?    When  planning  your  visit  in  Trentino,  you  can  choose  between  arriving  in  Trentino  by  car,  train  or  airplane  according  to  your  needs  and  the  distance  you  have  to  cover.  The  region  is  easy  to  reach  thanks  to  its  central  position  between  the  Southern  Alps  and  the  Po  and  Veneto  plains  in  northern  Italy.    If   you  are   travelling  by  airplane,  you  can   land   in   Italy  at  Verona,  Bergamo,  Venice  or  Milan  and  reach  Trentino  with  a  one  to  two  hour  trip  choosing  either  a  car-­‐rental  service,  shuttle  busses  or  trains.    Check  online  the  interactive  Flight  map:­‐in-­‐aereo    All   long-­‐distance   Italian   and   European  trains  stop   in   the   two   main   train-­‐stations  of  Trento  and  Rovereto.    If  you  are  travelling  by  car,  take  highway  A22  (“Autostrada  del  Brennero”)  and  exit  Rovereto  Nord  or  Rovereto  Sud.      Address    Trentino  Sviluppo  Via  Fortunato  Zeni,  8      38068  –  Rovereto,  Trentino,  Italy            

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Tools  |  Training  |  Mutual  Learning  4-­‐5-­‐6  December  2013  


 EBN  Valerio  Leonardi    [email protected]  +  32  761  10  94    Giordano  Dichter  [email protected]    


Trentino  Sviluppo    

Luca  Capra  [email protected]    +39  0464  443111