  • Easy English version

  • Life Without Barriers has a plan about how we will

    make our business more accessible

    include people with disability in our business

    employ more people with disability.

    The plan is called our Accessibility, Inclusion

    and Employment Plan.

    This booklet is a summary of the bigger plan.

    You can ask someone to help you read this


    Some words in this booklet are blue. You can

    find out the meaning of these words on page 13.

    In this booklet Life Without Barriers will be

    called LWB.

    Life Without Barriers

    = LWB



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    Why do we need the plan?

    Having a job is important because it can help you

    feel good about yourself

    feel included in the community

    buy the things you need.

    It can be harder for people with disability to

    get a job.

    learn new skills

    get promoted.

    Things that make it hard for people with disability

    to work are

    not enough training

    being treated differently because of their


    offices and spaces that are hard to get around.

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    LWB wants people with disability to be able to

    live the life they want

    to get a job they enjoy.

    What the plan says we will do

    LWB will make sure people with disability are

    welcome and feel safe in our business.

    We will employ people with different backgrounds

    and abilities.

    We will help other employers understand why

    they should employ more people with disability.

    We will keep finding ways to make it easier for

    people with disability to

    work in our business

    understand the way we work.

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    We will make sure our staff understand how they


    include people with disability in our


    employ more people with disability.

    We will work with other businesses and share the

    information we know. We will do this so

    others know more about disability.

    We will tell the government how they can make

    life better for people with disability.

    We want other people and businesses to read our

    plan. We hope this will help

    other employers to make their own plans

    us make sure we do what we say in our plan.


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    About the Access and Inclusion


    The Australian Network on Disability tells

    businesses how they can be more accessible

    and inclusive. The Australian Network on

    Disability is also called AND.

    AND says there are 10 things we need to think

    about to make our business more accessible

    and inclusive.

    The 10 things we need to think about are

    Commitments. This means we promise to

    make our business accessible and inclusive

    for our staff and clients with disability.

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    Premises. This means we must make it easy

    for people with disability to use our buildings

    and spaces.

    Communication. This means we must

    provide information in ways that are easy for

    people to understand.

    Technologies. This means we must use

    different technologies that make it easier for

    people with disability to work and get


    Workplace adjustments. This means we

    must make changes to our workplace to make

    it easier for people with disability to work in our


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    Recruitment and selection. This means we

    must employ more people with disability at

    every level of our business. For example as

    managers as well as other staff.

    Career development. This means we must

    give people with disability training so they can

    keep learning and do different kinds of work.

    Services. This means we must make our

    services easier to use for people with


    Suppliers and partners. This means when

    we work with other businesses we must make

    sure they are inclusive of people with


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    Innovation. This means we must always look

    for new ways to make our business more

    accessible and inclusive.

    More jobs for people with


    In our plan we have set some goals about how

    many of our staff will be people with disability.

    We have goals about

    our new staff


    the staff who already work for us.

    Our goals about new staff say

    By June 2020 - 8 percent of our new staff

    will be people with disability.

    By June 2021 - 10 percent of our new staff

    will be people with disability.

    8 %

    10 %

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    By June 2022 – 12 percent of our new

    staff will be people with disability.

    Our goals about staff who already work for us say

    By June 2020 – 4.5 percent of our staff will

    be people with disability

    By June 2021 – 7.5 percent of our staff will

    be people with disability

    By June 2022 – 9 percent of our staff will

    be people with disability.

    12 %

    4.5 %

    7.5 %

    9 %

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    About the Disability Ability

    Wellness Network

    We will start a new group of staff called the

    Disability Ability Wellness Network. This will

    also be called DAWN.

    Staff at DAWN will talk about ways we can

    support people with


    problems with their health that last a long


    mental health conditions.

    DAWN will be started by August 2019.


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    More information

    You can read the full Accessibility, Inclusion and

    Employment Plan.

    Go to our website:

    You can ask questions about the plan

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone: 02 4033 4500[email protected]

  • What these words mean

    accessible Easy to get into and out of. Easy to use.

    For example an accessible building is one that is

    easy for people with disability to get into. It would

    have ramps and lifts for people who use


    inclusive When everyone can join in. Nobody is left out.

    technologies Equipment or devices that you can use to make

    tasks easier. For example screen readers or

    speech machines.

    percent An amount out of one hundred. Percentage is

    also written like this %. It can be used even if there

    are not 100 things. For example if you have 10

    apples and you eat 5, then you have eaten 50

    percent of the apples.

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    mental health


    A mental health condition is an illness that can

    change the way you



