Page 1: EASTER QUESTION TO MUSLIMS BASED ON THE ISLAM … · The Sharia Law pamphlet on potentially cooperating and/or competing religious and secular principles is discussed later. If we

Hi Islam Project



Please see below and attached for related suggestions on this pursuit. Cheers Carol

St James Court, 10/11 Rosebank St., Glebe, Sydney


I was doing some Easter shopping at Broadway when some young men approached me with

Islam Project pamphlets. I had a very interesting discussion with one of them for an hour

and a half on the nature of appropriate political and economic interactions for people in an

internationally linked or other economy or polity, whatever their faith and family positions.

From reading the Islam Project pamphlet Sharia Law I put to you these ideally shared open

regional development proposals for joint action by your particular associates and others.

The Sharia Law pamphlet on potentially cooperating and/or competing religious and secular

principles is discussed later. If we seek to track outcomes together for public good, surely

then let us work openly in openly shared projects based first on the ground and on water.

As an Australian Marxist grandma of English migrant extraction, I was a government

employee and teacher for most of my life until I retired in 2007. I now favour more openly

shared Sharia and secular investment approaches which also refer to Chinese and other

views on human rights addressed later, attached and on .

Let us have projects undertaken openly in writing and translation, trying to fix up any place

as we go, ideally or not. This is research into undertaking any watching, reporting or other

action better in comparative and associated Sharia and secular contexts, including the

religious. Don’t we all have a very particular point of view, like Australian aborigines? The

potential to reduce it to voting is not the most evolved management type one can imagine.

I put this mildly, having seen how voting to change a political guard may destroy the lot.

As a woman, I start easily with the scientific view that more knowledge on a subject is better

than less, including about any beings one is associating with. The more knowledge one has

or has access to in every way, the better chance one has to protect oneself. Secrecy is often

dumb and expensive even for many common commercial ends. I guess most of us have felt

that. Unplanned occupationally driven approaches to production and its state had their day.

A woman should not have to depend on a man’s casinos if his secretive values revolt her.

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The Islam Project Sharia Law pamphlet states Sharia is Islamic Law – derived from Islamic

source texts – the Quran and the Sunnah (the example of the traditions of the Prophet

Muhammad). This law comes from the Creator. The pamphlet writer also states:

‘’Á thousand years ago, European nations were ruled by kings and the Church with laws that

maintained an unjust feudal system, oppressed women and pursued almost continuous

warfare. Europe would never dream of going back to such uncivilized and non-progressive

laws, so why should Muslims look towards laws applied during that era?” (We agree.)

From the Marxist or other common view, the supposedly divine nature of Islamic Law

(Sharia) may be contrasted with Secular law, which may also refer to higher religious belief.

The Islam Project claims that laws made by humans in a secular system are vulnerable to the

prejudices and inadequacies of the men and women who made these laws. They are also

vulnerable to corruption and undue influence by the rich and powerful. (We agree).

The Islam Project pamphlet on Sharia Law states this Law transcends all tribal loyalties and

regional interests and the influence of the rich and powerful. It is thus the best means to

avoid corruption and to effectively unite people under its rule as it has done in the past.

The relations between the religious and secular persuasions can only be openly tested and I

have seldom met a man I did not seek to win over to my political and economic viewpoint to

protect myself by being more encouragingly open. Ask any of them. How common is that in

Islam, Christianity or anywhere else? A woman’s world starts with caring and protection.

The more kids, the less you can help and protect yourself, let alone anybody else. This also

leads to strong views about the central place of family limitation in good policy. Chinese,

British, US and Australian views on human rights are addressed in these regional contexts

later. I like Chinese. The related regional response to the Productivity Commission report entitled

‘Introducing competition and informed user choice into human services’ (Nov. 2016) is attached.




From the Marxist and Australian governance perspectives I take against feudally closed or

related tribal associations in any culture, our contrasting positions on Sharia or on secular

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associations including religious ones are now ideally represented in openly shared

international, regional and local approaches to financial investment and research. Recent

developments in the European Union are addressed in related political contexts later.

Political and cultural spheres are inevitably erected upon economic and regional spheres.

Today I mainly chide the primary local emphasis on unequal distribution, thus letting others

worry about good administration and production, or not. This was also the common

primary error of my comparatively sheltered youth spent under the Whitlam government.

It was corrected mainly by time and broader understanding of the Hawke and Keating era

views on corporatized government and market relations for better service. This has far to

go in being democratic as the ruling legal response is feudally driven, even if some law now

makes more sense and bureaucrats or politicians strive sensibly to work together for good.

In Australia, land use, construction and maintenance have historically been mainly state and

local government matters, so serious discussion of land and housing at the national level has

often had to pull its head in where it counts, often on local grounds. This is also where we

should instead work more openly together and with others in planning or development.

One fears land, construction and maintenance remain the central powers of development

which may value heritage to waste it in feudal family and closed occupational associations.

Surely, we seek ideally to open up joint operations to compare them for their public good.

Design of investments in better land and water use appear ideally at the heart of rural and

urban project design and all related welfare. The cheap and good way appears to be open

project design and direction to assist those poorest and most vulnerable in broader and

more open contexts of global interest. Such project relations may openly challenge the

normal expectations expressed regionally, whatever their historical origins and associations.

Openness appears to be the only way any corruption can be identified, let alone reduced.

Help us retiring folk find somewhere safe and sensible for our money before our death.

Surely there should be nothing safer than improving the land and planning housing in line

with more sustainable heritage protections internationally, starting with reform of the

poorest land use operations rather than with the reverse appeal to the rich as usual? One

also recalls Paul Hogan’s advice that if we are swimming with sharks, to swim between fat

people. (No names no pack drill, as mother, who was fond of military metaphor, often said.)

Open regional government, with related open approaches to heritage protection and

sustainable development appear best if the broadest public utility of the land, water and air

are put first in international contexts of development, starting with the poorest. This is the

mutual funds management approach. We should be able to see and talk or write to each

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other on money or other matters. Tanya Plibersek, our local federal govt. member is

pursuing this, or not, in national disability insurance, unemployment and other pension and

job entitlements. Tell us more about how evidence based development systems can work.

In this local urban context, I like Harry Triguboff and Mirvac as he appears to make a lot of

comparative sense in speaking on TV or in newspapers. I think the Harold Park housing

project in Glebe turned out a nice product with good open heritage recognition and many

new trees planted. How was the construction funded and how is it now being managed?

One often wonders this, for example, in comparison to strata title, with which I am familiar

as a paid-up owner resident at St James Court, living in shared housing in Glebe since 1973.

Lord Mayor Clover Moore and state government MP Jamie Parker struggle to get more open

governance and sustainable development against the odds. Let those who produced this

transformation of the landscape explain Harold Park outcomes to us. Look up with China.

Ask former PM Keating, Lucy Turnbull and the usual suspects if they will tell us more about

the future of Barangaroo. From reading Paul Barry’s book ‘Who Wants to be a Billionaire’’

and knowing how the Chinese people feel about corruption I find I’m even feeling sorry for

Jamie Packer. Fancy anybody being like him about casinos, while losing his father’s money

so quickly all over the world in fast and bad judgment. Is he also working for the new CIA?

Send in a good woman to help and wave Santa good-bye is often my best advice. Being

better and cheaper are almost always assets best decided in open, orderly environments.

See discussions of accountancy and human rights later for example or on land as attached.

Finally, let me say that if I had to choose a religion, which I don’t, I would be a Buddhist as

this persuasion seems most realistic and amenable to resisting the pressures of the normal

Western view that the only acceptable way in life is professionally up. It also appears more

willing to embrace scientific approaches by those who naturally see death as inescapable.

(Would you rather go now or later, we’d like to be asked. Give us grandmas more choice.)

Cheers, Carol O’Donnell, St James Court, 10/11 Rosebank St., Glebe, Sydney



‘’Everything around me is seething with meaning if I can only work out what it is’’. Helen

Garner, cited in Brennan’s account of her work (2017, p. 191)

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Professional services like accountancy and their legal operational frameworks easily

favour many costly mystifications rather than more broadly open general knowledge. Fix

it with a lot more openly written and filmed record so people can see what knowledge

and work is expected to underpin certification for services they will perhaps be buying.

I found Joe Aston’s article in the Australian Financial Review (27.3.17 p.1) ‘Malley’s

confidential Macquarie Uni exit’ about disputing accountants, and his associated comment

very significant in local, regional and global terms. It isn’t easy getting out from under the

Christian soldier. As a grandma one offers advice on accountants to Aston or the Australian

Financial Review, whomever is being sued in the case he describes. Open up and help.

One naturally takes a historical approach to the global role of accountants in many currently

contesting UK, European and US land and property information service and research routes

with which many Australians may be more familiar. I retired in 2007 from eleven years of

teaching in Sydney University faculty of health sciences after spending an equal number of

years as a state government policy adviser and program manager. One nevertheless

comments comparatively ignorantly about accountancy below, which doesn’t appear

promising. Is the practice an unavoidably partisan political tool of lawyers and their

associated institutions like real estate agents and strata managers? Is it their rubber stamp?

Open up their course and certification practices to find out. Make sure the incentives point

in the right direction for sustainable development. This is difficult because of the past

preoccupations of professionals earning their living. This is the position from which they

also view any attempt at new legislative aims or approaches. They usually drag them back

or impress upon us the importance of doing it by growing more complex books to avoid risk.

This is the process by which risk may be greatly increased before financial crisis and failure.

Is accountancy given to seeking more stable and evidence based ways forward as practice?

At St James Court, for example, our strata management committee agendas seem to be

pointing to more lawyers in treatments of by-laws and associated matters. Why do it? This

could rapidly become very stupidly expensive for the owners and renters of the land and

property, which differs in many ways from the purist professional norms slavishly following

their texts. If people who speak honestly about their concerns and record the results in

writing don’t get ahead they certainly should. Try the logical foundation of mutual cultural

growth for a change, instead of clamming up and hoping to avoid notice. Legal practice is

often extremely stupid and expensive. Try telling that to more girls and showing them why.

This is also a key in assisting the Clean Energy Regulator, which appears unclear if its clients

are the largest polluters it regulates, or all Australians affected by their activities. I assume

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this has major implications for the nature of any project audit and accountancy in future.

One wonders which side they are on in any dispute about the comparative utility of the

open regional stakeholder approach, compared with the normally closed expectations of

stockholder and related operations. How, democratic, for example, is the latter approach?

How broad and open is the operational aim and focus and what are its key mechanisms for

solving problems? Or are the exams all tick the box on-line? Gee Baby, let me guess. What

gives them more time for research? This degraded our product. Is it in figures or is there

some lawyers writing? Try the email trail because it models the public service file within an

immensely more powerful communication network and environment which needs to be

understood. As a woman who started working life as a short-hand typist, I never regret it!

She who takes the minutes rules the world with Microsoft and Google. Fuck the lawyers.

The Clash in Accountancy and Universities

Aston states CPA chief executive officer, Alex Malley, left Macquarie University in 2006,

where he was a lecturer in accounting and a serving director of CPA Australia, after he was

accused of serious misconduct. He was elected CEO of CPA around two years later. Aston

states that CPA is a professional standards membership organization for accountants. He

states Malley was alleged to be directing hundreds of students each year to undertake paid

tutorials through his wife’s company, without Macquarie Uni’s knowledge. Students had

complained he was giving bonus marks in the university’s first year course, Accounting 101,

to students who paid to complete private modules via Mrs Malley’s website, Edextreme.

Unless Malley wrote the matter down somewhere, I expect it is impossible to prove any

course besides the one in the university hand-book was compulsory rather than voluntary,

or that bonus marks were given to students for its completion. Nevertheless, the issues

raised in the Australian Financial Review appear vital to inspect from the perspective of the

public and student interest in fair and cost effective treatment by those who teach them

and who are also urged to consort more with professional peers to make more money.

If the allegations against Malley made to Macquarie Uni. were correct, Aston claims such

actions would breach the Commonwealth’s Higher Education Funding Act, which proscribes

auxiliary course-related charges (in addition to published fees) being imposed on students.

Auxiliary course-related charges being imposed on students in addition to published fees is

normal in universities in my experience because of typical university views of intellectual

property and any related patent, text book, journal publication and associated collegiate

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requirements. I guess Sydney Uni students still also find themselves paying additional fees

to support clubs and societies they don’t attend, as well as those they do, with the lions’

share of the fund going to college sportsmen as usual. In general, I bet the use of auxiliary

course-related charges is growing fast in universities as academics are put under more

pressure to produce research, whether this makes or loses money for the creators or

anybody else in the short or longer term and whether or not it improves the life of related

communities. Academics and their associates have the whip hand over students in current

job markets and are increasingly urged to raise funds in professional alliances outside the

ivory towers. Whether such alliances should be secret or open to inspection is moot.

The clash Aston describes between the supporters and detractors of Mr Malley, whatever

he may or may not have done, seems to reflect the common international struggle typically

viewed in differing UK, European and US government and university environments. This is

over the design of professional services and ideally related state and community networks.

The attached submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry into human services addresses

related classification and research issues in medico-legal contexts including ‘’mental health’’. The

professional gaze may be taken only so far from a regional context before becoming dysfunctional.

Australian universities are driven by their ancient British and colonial roots in government

and by US markets which increasingly also harness native approaches in the dominant legal

and professional interests. The normal expectations of legal market operation routinely

produce unplanned and unfair operations, as was most recently shown in the 2008 global

financial crisis, where ‘safe’ investments were not so. Lawyers and Geithner moved in to

pick up the pieces. In hindsight, surely professions are ideally more open, not closed in

increasingly diversified ways. This is so their knowledge and deliberations are widely open

to more effective question, reproduction or change in any project or related public interest.

In Australia, the comparatively recent university adoption of strategic planning directions

provides a more modern discourse than the older feudal view, embodied in law, that the

expression of the collegiate and expert or other interest is identical with expression of the

public interest. This is the market approach beloved of US interests in ‘’small government’’.

One may typically be forced to silence on a matter through the related need to hire lawyers

for restitution. Strategic planning directions, on the other hand, put the organization and

individual into more broadly open regional chains of public and individual responsibility.

These ideally support the nation and its welfare state with better, broader, evidence and

practice. One wonders which rules accountants adopt for themselves and their colleagues.

I assume the relationships many university teachers, researchers, and community service

providers have with each other remain decidedly cloudy. That is the UK feudal nature of the

university beast, as communities of scholars. They are thought by their fellows and others

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to have particular expertise. Their supposed dedication to pursuit of truth, which is also

equated with broader community interests is sought first, unhindered by other interests.

Because of the huge growth of the 20th century welfare state, academics may be more

honestly viewed industrially today as more like government employees or teachers, rather

than independently gathered self-contractors. For universities and students, however, the

drivers of research published in closed journals or subject to commercial confidentiality

agreements become increasingly expensive, irrational and risky for the institution and

public. However, closed publication or other research output is the common market way.

Academic status may be more like state employee status where it counts. Take for example

the form of enterprise bargaining with the National Tertiary Education Union. Here one size

supposedly fits all and the NTEU position is for casual staff to be employed as a specified

ratio of full time staff with tenure or on fixed terms. The NTEU has always appeared to be

stuck in the past in the sense that it eschews clear and openly planned approaches to

development guided by relevant strategic plans or individual members wishes in any region.

I know as I tried to get some help for more openly variable approaches to teaching than the

purely professional blinkers. I sought this on the basis of national and international policy

direction, ideally applied openly to particular concerns on shared grounds. The lectures I

gave and the assessments expected are on www.Carolodonnell under the Learning sidebar.

Instead of entering planning for more useful jobs for students and others, the NTEU sticks to

its last, which is the expected professional career path of the lucky or unlucky few in the

system. I have often wondered on what grounds the most vocal students support the NTEU.

Perhaps they see themselves in academia, politics, or law, like the executive officer of the

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Legal Services and the director of legal advocacy at the

Human Rights Commission. Their advocacy is discussed attached as it is inadequate to the global

and regional situation, like many of the knee-jerk Western views on human rights discussed later.

The US view, however, is more wedded to market and other professional relations entering

universities to make money in associated innovations providing more closed ‘disruptions’.

The antidote to this is working more broadly and openly with government and media in joint

regional land, property and person centred frameworks which try to understand, protect

and make available evidence from the past and present in books, films or other cultural and

geographic products. Effective competition depends on gaining more reliable information

than markets deliver. One wonders where accountants and their supporting organizations

stand on this. Show us exactly what students will get for the money and what they do.

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Aston states Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand is the chief competitor of

CPA – an acronym apparently in search of a full title even on its website. How openly and

widely available are the standards and related organizational aims, product expectations

and outcomes in both environments? Website comparison provides an early and superficial

but apparently useful indication nevertheless. The CPA site appears clearer for good

purpose and cheaper. These are early simple attributes which appear important in practice

designed to meet the public and any related organizational or membership interest.

Its website states CPA Australia is known for being the world’s best member service organisation. Its stated goal is to maximise the share of people who want a career built on professional accounting skills. To use the CPA designation, a member must:

complete a degree or a postgraduate award recognised by CPA Australia

complete the CPA Program, including three years of professional experience in finance, accounting or business

undertake CPD activities each year

comply to a strict code of conduct set by CPA Australia

To offer public accounting services, CPAs must also complete CPA Australia's Public Practice Program, which involves distance learning and an Intensive, and must hold a Public Practice Certificate in accordance with the CPA Australia's by-laws. Let us see such courses to judge.

Australians face the divided North in global and regional development contexts

Confidential relations between professional peers and between professionals and their

particular clients are traditionally seen as the legally protective norm. This is only ignorance

under another name. Since the rise of the welfare state, the Declaration of Human Rights,

the Nuremberg Declaration and the global financial crisis in 2008 this view is coming

increasingly under attack for entrenching many feudal, partial, pre-scientific, community

expectations, driven by elite circles of influence. The problem may be typified in legal state

and professional practice and dependent on it. Bill Ferris, Australian venture capitalist,

mourned living ‘’in a risk averse culture in which fear of failure regularly trumps the

excitement of gain’’. I would rather see more broadly open, honest, reliable service instead.

Australian fear of small business failure seems highly rational to me because of growing

costs of doing business and the unlikelihood of getting enough return on a continuing basis

to support the number of people who depend on the business. The practice accountants

adopt with fellows and clients is vital for better understanding and service. Open it up.

Smiggle fascinates me, for example, as any day I pass the store nobody is inside, not even

little girls. The AFR often touts it, however, as an international investment sensation.

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In ‘Not Quite the Diplomat: Home Truths about World Affairs’ (2005), Chris Patten, the last

British Governor of Hong Kong quotes The Analects of Confucius which state that when the

governor of She asked Confucius about government the Master said, ‘’Make the local

people happy and attract migrants from afar’. It seems a good plan today. Patten later

states a key difference between the European view of the world and the US view is that

Europeans more often think that ‘’Capitalism should operate within the law, not the law

within capitalism’ (p. 219). However, one hates his typically English or Catholic view of

human rights discussed later, although his stance appears universally shared in Australia. In

my view, it is too stupid to inflict on poor people and the rich have bought their way out of

the problem. This is discussed later. We are in good company with many more across the

world, including former Chief Justice of the High Court, Sir Garfield Barwick. Sucks to Chris.

Chinese development policy in the Asian Century is in pursuit of international One Belt One

Road development opportunity. This is an ancient historic and environmentally degraded

route already. Sally McManus, new leader of the Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU)

recently said ‘neo-liberalism’ had run its course and experiments in privatization had failed.

The latter has not been well tried in government, perhaps, because of the normal, closed,

adversarial ways. The Land and Property Information Service appears next cab off the rank.

Let a thousand journalists contend to explain the ramifications of this to us, your readers.

As a Marxist grandma at St James Court, one finds former PM Paul Keating convincing when

he wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald (SMH 30.3.17, p. 4): ‘’We have a comatose world

economy held together by debt and central bank money. Liberal economics has run into a

dead end and has had no answer to the contemporary malaise’. Learning what I have since

the global financial crisis in 2008 I don’t believe the financial services industry has my

interests at heart and feel people like me are easily sacrificed when necessary. On the other

hand, Australian governments and their related associations have often served me well.

Free education, health care, news, entertainment, parks and other support are great. I

expect a lot more Chinese feel similarly warm about their government achievements.

In 1999, when the Australian, James Wolfensohn, was president of the World Bank,

Europeans were voicing similar concerns about the effects of the ‘Washington Consensus’ in

the Annual Bank Conference Papers on Development Economics. Joseph Stiglitz and Pierre

Alain Muet, for example, pointed out the growing pleas to go beyond an unconditional

liberalization of markets without attention paid to institutions, in order to concentrate

better on financial stability and job creation. They stated that in contrasting the Russian and

Chinese experiences of transition towards capitalism, if one has to choose, competition is

more important than private property for the effective functioning of the market economy.

This is the national, regional, strategic planning and project development starting point.

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As Patten pointed out, ‘’there is a tendency to talk and write about foreign policy and world

affairs as though they were the preserve of an ancient priesthood. They are not. They

involve all of us and they are understandable – shorn of jargon – by all of us. We can change

the world for the better. But we need to understand it first’’. You will have to get past

lawyers and their mates to do this. If the law is an ancient mystery, as our former Chief

Justice of the High Court, Sir Garfield Barwick declared it to be (Marr 1980), it is top lawyers

and political acolytes who made it so by typically reducing public knowledge, understanding

and speech in the strongest way it counts. They apply outdated prescriptions or ‘’expert’’

words narrowly, feudally and remotely from the general aim or sore spot. They encourage

concealment and silence to get more money unhindered by the availability of any clearer or

cheaper revelation of matters or grounds. They prefer extravagantly feudal arts instead.

To ignore the role China’s one child policy played in the elevation of wellbeing and health

throughout the world, compared with Africa or other parts of Asia or South America since

the Chinese Revolution, requires a lot of self-blinding. Yet Patten and Australians do it all

the time. What are they – racist or just lacking imagination? Why ignore the knowledge

that is derived so easily from comparative memory of any poor regional past and present?

The answer often appears to be that professionals always prefer their professional blinkers

because they support their family ties so well.

Without a clearer recognition of the global role in family wellbeing historically played by

contraception, abortion, euthanasia, and the death penalty for major criminals, Australians

appear comparatively blindly cocooned in a welfare state. Women in comparatively rich

communities act automatically on the knowledge that the more children a woman has the

less she is likely to be able to support herself or them in a style to which those around them

may or may not have become accustomed. In countries without a welfare state the

Western idea that major criminals should be kept, even if they seek to die, is to put huge

additional burdens on the poor who are already suffering from rapacious, vicious men. We

are all going to die and many of those who fought for and used contraception and abortion

will naturally demand the right to die when they choose in old age. The state should help us

to do so and to donate our bodies to good causes, like feeding endangered species, etc. etc.

Sir Garfield Barwick opposed a bill of rights. He said: ‘’If this trend is carried much further we

shall cease to be a society at all. We shall end up an aggregation of individuals, each bent

on his own self-satisfaction and self-aggrandisement; a rabble, with no duty to one another,

with only rights to exert and insist upon’’. Marr states, it was an extraordinary claim for a

lawyer to express that the pursuit of rights might endanger a society. He found a Chief

Justice making such an assertion was disturbing (Marr, 1980, p. 256). Nevertheless,

Australia remains without a Bill of Rights and many in Asia, Europe and elsewhere appear to

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agree with Barwick that we shan’t find a good balance between the rights of the individual

and the demands of society ‘’by denying the claims of the society and only asserting the

rights of the individual, ignoring any duty of the individual to his fellow men’’. Inclusive and

stable wellbeing cannot be built on the dysfunctional legal word, as many found in 2008.

In ‘’The Euro and its Threat to the Future of Europe’, Stiglitz states there should be more

understanding that markets on their own may create instability. He calls for more actively

cyclical fiscal policies, reducing the burden that has been imposed on monetary policies. He

states that that if the Eurozone is to work – that is, if it is to provide a framework within

which countries can prosper and countries can persistently attain full employment – the first

necessary reform is a common fiscal framework. Instead nations have historically found

themselves in commonly driven political frameworks which multiplied risk and inequality.

Like Stiglitz, former finance minister of Greece and Sydney Uni economist, Yanis Varoufakis,

appears to support a European banking union. In Ánd the Weak Suffer What They Must? he

describes the history of the European Union and the euro, as they emerged at first from the

period of the Marshall plan to rebuild Europe after World War 2. He writes that the

eurozone emerged not as a route to shared prosperity but as a pyramid scheme of debt

with countries such as Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain at the bottom. Propped up by

the banking boom, its design ensured that collapse would be inevitable and catastrophic.

It seems the kind of economic planning potential that Stiglitz, Varoufakis, Patten and others

would like to see is for greater political independence, which was the reverse of where Tony

Blair was taking Britain into greater dependence on the US alliance and its associated costs.

Many suggest continental banking union is needed that is more capable of acting to support

countercyclical economic activity, especially in poorer nations, rather than dragging them

into more unsustainable debt. Does this require a mechanism similar to the relationship of

Australian governments with the Reserve Bank? (I’ve absolutely no idea.) The Productivity

Commission discussion of the plant breeders rights scheme suggests it may have many

benefits in the way of addressing jobs, the health of land, water and endangered species.

Sadly, it is hard to understand regional requirements in the light of professional interests.


Carol O’Donnell, St James Court, Rosebank St, Glebe, Sydney