Download pdf - Earth


Saving the Earth Join a eco club at school or gather some friendsto start up. Decide on your campaign. Talk to your friends and family about saving fuel by walking,cycling or takingthe bus for some journeys instead of traveling by car Remember to switch off the lights and spend a minute less in the shower. Reuse as many items at home as possible.

Envioremental Awarenes Week


In this brochoure, you can find out more about what is happening and about what can be done to help to save the Earth.

by nite emanuel

Fighting waste

Every year, we use 500 bilion plastic bags. Thats about 70 for each pearson _ and most of them are throw away! We also throw away a huge amount of plastic bottles, tin cans and paper.The three Rs:Reduce:see if you can walk more often, reather than traveling by carReuse:take if your old clothes and toys to a charity shopRecycle:take glass bottles, paper and tins to recycling bank.[Type a caption for your photo]Vanishing hbitatsWhen a habitat is destroyed, plants and animals have to adapt to the new conditions or find somewhere else to live. If cannot, they They many die out.
