
E7 + M7 Intro - E05 1

PE-course Project Organised Learning


2: P0-experience exchange

Master of Science – Introductory Semester (E7 + M7 – Intro)

Lecturer: Lars Peter Jensen Ass. teacher: Xiangyun Du

E7 + M7 Intro - E05 2

PE-course Project Organised Learning

(POL) 2: P0-experience exchange

Learning outcome:

After this lesson you should be able to• Explain how reflection can be used as a

tool for learning,• Formulate good advice for the coming

P1-project period,• Describe what a process analysis is.

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P0-experience exchange


8.15: Lecture I: On reflection and learning

9.00: P0-experience exchange i cross-groups

10.45: Poster presentation 11.30: Lecture II: On the P0-

process analysis

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Lecture I: On reflection and learning

1. WHAT is reflection?2. WHY use reflection?3. HOW to reflect?4. Introduction to cross-group work

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WHAT is reflection?

Examples of reflection:A student is reflecting when:

• She notices that important information is missing in a text, thinks about possible reasons for leaving out the info and looks up the info in other places.

• She realises that the given math exercise is different from the standard exercises in the book, identifies the difference and knows what to do differently.

• He looks back at an overruled time plan, identifies the time-consuming activities and makes allowances for these kinds of activities in the next time schedule.

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WHAT is reflection NOT?

Examples of lack of reflection:A student is NOT reflecting when:

• He inserts numbers in a given formula and calculates a result without understanding the context

• She re-formulates an explanation and passes it on without having understood it herself

• He describes the time schedule for the P0-project without noticing and commenting on the mismatch between planned and realised time consumption.

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WHAT is reflection?

Oxford English DictionaryThe action, on the part of surfaces, of throwing back light or heat (rays, beams, etc.) falling upon them;

But also• The action of turning (back) or fixing the thoughts

on some subject; meditation, deep or serious consideration.

From the examples:• Notice• Think about • Look back at• Identify• Plan based on experience

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WHY use reflection?

Engineers of today need methodologicalcompetencies, such as:

Flexibility and capacity for change.

Such competencies are closely connected with ’lifelonglearning’ which can be achieved through awareness

aboutlearning processes. Awareness about learning

processescan be achieved through reflection upon learningprocesses.

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HOW to reflect?

Make conscious observations by asking questions:

WHAT went well in P0? … and WHY did it go well?WHAT went wrong in P0? and WHY did it go wrong?

The reflection is embedded in the WHY? questions

Reflection as a tool for development and improvement of methodological competencies can be used in connection with learning processes within all areas of engineering but in the POL course we focus upon learning processes in the area of project organised group work.

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Introduction to cross-group work

1. Start out with a round of presentation, giving name, P0-project topic and supervisor

2. Do a series of rounds describing how your project group organised the following: Project management, team work, co-operation with your supervisor.

3. Do a series of rounds of analysing and assessing your project process, taking your point of departure in the questions:

WHAT went well in P0? … and WHY did it go well?WHAT went wrong in P0? and WHY did it go wrong?

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Introduction to cross-group work (cont.)

4. From the answers to the above questions generalise in the following format: What we will continue to do in P1 What we will do differently and better in P1 What we will not do again

5. Give ’Good advice’ to yourself and your fellow students (and possibly also to your supervisors) aimed at improving the project work process in P1

6. Write down the ’Good advice’ as a poster on flip-chart paper. The poster you should put up for presentation in room B2-109.

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…and now the cross-group work!

At 10:45 the poster presentation starts – please select one member from each cross group to present

your poster.

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Lecture II: On P0-process analysis

1. A little theory on reflection and learning.

2. WHAT is a process analysis?3. WHY write a process analysis?4. HOW to write a process analysis?

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Theory on reflection – Kolb’s learning cycle





The P0 project has given you some experience.You analyse your experience through reflection.By asking what and how to do better you generalisein the form of ’Good Advice’ which can be tested in P1 and give you new experience.

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WHAT is a process analysis?

• A process analysis is a description, an analysis and an assessment of your project work process.

• The P0-process analysis contains 3 topics:– Project management– Team work– Co-operation with your supervisor

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WHY write a process analysis?

• In order to write the P0-process analysis you have to reflect upon your learning processes …

• Which takes us back to the reasoning conc. the relationship between reflection and lifelong learning etc.

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HOW to write a process analysis?The process is similar to what you have just been doing

inthe cross groups, except that you now do it in yourproject group.

1. Start by describing your expectations to the P0-project

2. Then describe your P0-project work process, incl.: Project management Team work Co-operation with your supervisor

If you feel that other points have been important in your workprocess as well, you should include them also ….

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HOW to write a process analysis? (cont.)

3. After description of the process you continue with analysis and assessment by answering the questions:

WHAT went well in P0? … and WHY did it go well? WHAT went wrong in P0? and WHY did it go wrong? To which extent were our expectations fulfilled?

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HOW to write a process analysis? (cont.)

4. From the answers to the above questions generalise in the following format: What we will continue to do in P1 What we will do differently and better in P1 What we will not do again

5. Conclude the process analysis by giving ’Good advice’ to yourself and your fellow students (and possibly also to your supervisors) aimed at improving the project work process in P1.

The cross group experience should have broadened your insight

and understanding about different ways of organising projectwork.

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A few tricks conc. process analysis Describe before you analyse and assess. If disagreeing upon good/bad experiences, write the

different opinions rather than spending time on trying to reach consensus.

The ‘Good advice’ for P1 must be operational rather than nice but vague intentions.

Read more on: process analysis should be no more than 5 A4-pages, excl. attachments. Relevant attachments could be for example: Time schedule, Collaboration agreement etc. Please send a copy to me by e-mail: [email protected]

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… and now: have an enjoyable time writing your P0-process analysis
