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IOSA IATA Operational Safety Audit ProgramFundamentals & Derivatives

Safety and Flight Operations - IATA Brazil

20th March 2014

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IATA (International Air Transport Association) is an international organization that supports global commerce related to the aviation industry.

Founded in 1945, has 240 member airlines representing 84% of the world air traffic.

Our Mission is to represent, lead and serve the industry.

Our Vision is to deliver standards and solutions in order to ensure a successful and safe air transport worldwide.

About IATA

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“Safety is the number one priority in the aviation industry”.

Tony Tyler (IATA’s CEO)

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Global Aviation Data Management

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IATA Operational Safety Audit Program Global Aviation Safety audit program managed and

controlled by IATA.

Audit standards include ICAO safety and security provisions and industry best practices from ICAO Annexes 1, 2, 6, 8, 17, 18 and 19.

Available to all commercial passenger & cargo airlines, regardless of IATA membership status.

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IOSA Program – Purpose Improve worldwide airline safety levels. Reduce the number of audits in airline industry.

As consequence…facilitates Code Sharing agreements!

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IOSA Program – History Program development was initiated in 2001. After two years, IOSA was launched with first IOSA Audit conducted in July


Some Highlights Since Introduction Upgrade of Standards to include all cargo operations and passenger flights

without cabin crew. In 2010, upgrade of Standards to incorporate all elements of SMS contained in

the ICAO Framework for SMS.

Next Level Enhanced IOSA

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Accidents Update: As at 30 Apr 20108Issued 1 September 2009Accidents Update: As at 31 August 2009 8

North America


Latin America & the Caribbean






Middle East & North Africa






China & North Asia


Statistics - IOSA Registered AirlinesDisplayed online to public (, recognizes operators that meet IOSA standards

August 2013

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Statistics – IOSA Program/ Audit Status

Sep-03 Jan-04 Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Aug-130












30 August 2013

Audits Saved

Completed Audits


Members Regis-tered

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Accidents Update: As of 30 June 2013


Accident Statistics – IOSA vs. Non-IOSA

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Accident Statistics – World Carriers

30 June 2013

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Where does IOSA fit?

ICAO FAA / EASA Regulatory oversight Fully complementary to USOAP Recognized for safety benefits at ICAO 35th Assembly and ICAO Safety conference Memorandum of Cooperation on data sharing between IOSA and USOAP

Accepted by FAA under DOT/FAA Code-share Safety Guidelines Incorporated to as an AMC to EU OPS for Code-Share arrangements

Not intended to replace Regulatory Oversight Can most definitely complement it Some states are mandating IOSA:

-Turkey, Chile, Madagascar, Mexico, Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama

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IOSA Quality Certifications ISO-CEN Certifications

ISO 9001 certification since 2005. CEN certification since 2010.

Program Quality Goals

IOSA Management in accordance with recognized quality principles.

Consistency and standardization of all audits conducted under IOSA.

Customer satisfaction for all IOSA program users and stakeholders.

Continual improvement of IOSA.

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Documentation System IOSA Standards Manual (ISM) (Edition 7)

IOSA Program Manual (IPM) (Edition 5)

IATA Reference Manual (IRM) (Edition 4)

Procedures and Guidance for Airlines (Edition 1)

IOSA Audit Handbook (IAH) (Edition 5)

All manuals strictly controlled by IATA and the first four

are available at

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IOSA Standards Manual (ISM) Approximately 1000 ISARPs in Edition 7.

ISM content & ongoing revisions maintained and updated by permanent taskforces made up of experts in airline operational safety and security

Meets or exceed ICAO operational safety requirements

Incorporates all elements of the ICAO-mandated SMS framework (Annex 19).

Conformity with all Edition 6 SMS provisions will result in a “baseline” SMS

A well-managed airline will meet IOSA Standards!

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Identified by a “shall”

Must be in conformity to close the


Standards Recommended Practices

Identified by a “should”.

Conformity Recommended, but


May be left to the next audit.

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IOSA STANDARDS and RECOMMENDED PRACTICES (ISARPs)Standard Example – Flight Operations

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IOSA STANDARDS and RECOMMENDED PRACTICES (ISARPs)Recommended Practice Example – Flight Operations

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IOSA Program Manual (IPM) Contains standards that govern all aspects of

the IOSA Program.

Provisions are applicable primarily to:



Audit Organisations (AOs)


Endorsed Training Organisations (ETOs)

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IATA Reference Manual (IRM) Defines abbreviations and terms that are

associated with provisions in:

IOSA Standards Manual (ISM)

ISAGO Standards Manual (GOSM)

IOSA Program Manual (IPM)

ISAGO Program Manual (GOPM)

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IOSA Audit Handbook (IAH) Contains:

Procedures, guidance for audits

Audit techniques

Procedures for compiling the report

Use of Program Options

Used by AOs, IOSA Auditors and the audit

process under IOSA

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Procedures and Guidance for Airlines (PGM) Contains:

Procedures, guidance for audits

Audit techniques

Completion of the Conformance Report

Use of Auditor Actions

Used operators for internal assessment

of the ISARPs.

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8 Independent Audit organizations accredited by IATA.

AOs select, employ and ensure that auditors meet all IPM standards.

AO performance evaluated under the IOSA QA program & key performance requirements (KPRs).

Annual Re-accreditation of AOs based on performance measurement of audit output, onsite evaluations and reviews.

Audit Organizations

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Selection: by AOs as per IPM standards.

Pre-requisites: experience, qualifications are defined in the IPM, ORG, FLT, DSP, MNT auditors must meet special prerequisites.

Training: provided by training organizations endorsed and approved by IATA.

Qualifications: maintained via annual recurrent training and biennial performance evaluations.

IOSA Auditors Selection, Training, Approval, Qualifications

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Official record of the IOSA audit, produced by the AO to IPM standards.

Subjected to rigorous quality control by the AO & IATA before finalization.

IOSA Audit Report

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Owned by the operator.

IATA is the custodian of all reports.

Access to interested parties only with operator approval. (and per non-disclosure agreement)

IOSA Audit Report

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Operators limited to two consecutive audits from the same AO.

5 auditors on-site for 5 days, conformity requires ISARP to be fully documented and implemented.

IOSA registration is valid for, and renewed every 2 years.

IOSA Audit Process

On-site audit startOpening meeting; process, logistics reviewed

RegistrationOperator on IOSA Registry when all findings closed

Planning Audit Conduct

12 Months5 Days

On-site audit endClosing meeting; findings and observations presented to operator

Follow-up: Corrective Action, Verification

ExpirationAudit expires if not all findings closed

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Fundamental safety management concepts

incorporated since Edition 3 of the ISM in 2010.

IATA has integrated all elements of ICAO SMS

framework into IOSA.

Requirements in the ORG Section

e.g. accountability, management review, policy,

planning, communication, resources, quality

management and processes and emergency


IOSA SMS Principles

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Key Components and Principles ofIOSA SMS

Conservative phased approach adopted for the introduction of SMS, in line with ICAO recommended implementation plan.

Existing (QA and other) provisions designated as SMS standards.

New SMS provisions are designated as Recommended Practices.

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Layout of Linked SMS ISARPs

ISM Edition 3, October 2010

ORG 3.1.1 ~ Reactive & Proactive safety data data collection and analysis

ORG 3.1.2 ~ Safety risk assessment and mitigation program

ORG 3.1.3 ~ Operational safety reporting system (a “shall”)

ORG 3.1.4 ~ Confidential safety reporting system

ORG 3.2.1 ~ Setting performance measures

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IOSA SMS Strategy IOSA ISM Ed 3 incorporates all elements of the

ICAO SMS Framework.

IOSA SMS standards will continue to evolve reflecting any ICAO changes – four stages of upgrading to standards, complete in 2016.

Mirroring the ICAO recommendation of a five year SMS implementation plan.

An operator that meets all IOSA SMS standards and recommended practices will be considered as having a baseline SMS in place.

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IOSA SMS Status to Date Observations

Many Operators do not have effective SMS programs in place (40%). Many States do not have SMS Programs (SSPs)

Brazil has implemented (SGSO) since 2010.

Challenges for Operators Reluctant to implement an SMS program with no SSP. Interpretation of SMS ISARPs.

Challenges for Audit Organizations Interpretation of SMS provisions critical. On-going guidance and training for auditing of upgraded SMS ISARPs.

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Enhanced IOSA


Enhanced IOSA as response to industry’s feedback.

Program change to focus on the implementation aspect of Standards and ensure continuous conformity.

Implementation in a transitioned approach until September 2015.

Enhanced IOSA will be applicable to all renewal audits.


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Enhanced IOSAFour Pillars

Continuous Conformity with IOSA Standards

Focus on Implementation

of IOSA Standards

Reliability of Airline’s Quality

Assurance Functions

Auditing Standardization

Focus on implementation of the following four pillars.


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Onsite, Audit Organization (AO) will assess a selection of ISARPs based on an IATA-controlled “Selective Standards Application” (SSA).

SSA will free time which the AO will use to assess implementation of ISARPs more deeply.

Linking of mandatory observations with specific ISARPs will reinforce the assessment of implementation

Enhanced IOSA Elements


1. Focus on Implementation

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Operator will conduct internal audits against ISARPs under quality assurance program in 24-month period between two renewal audits.

After 24-months period operator will submit a Conformance Report (CR) to AO as a record of assessment activities.

CR will be a “live document” that is continually updated to reflect the current status of conformity.

Enhanced IOSA Elements


2. Continuous Conformity

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Operator will strengthen its quality assurance through continuous internal assessments.

AO will validate internal auditing which will form part of the assessment of the operator’s QA program.

Online training modules addressing airline internal auditors.

Enhanced IOSA Elements


3. Reliability of Quality Assurance

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Global level of standardization of airline internal QA auditing through use of:

Use of Auditor Actions.

Standardized online training for all airline internal auditors.

Enhanced IOSA Elements


4. Auditing Standardization

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CAB 2.1.7 If the Operator conducts passenger flights with cabin crew, the Operator shall ensure cabin crew training courses include testing or evaluation by written, oral or practical means to satisfy requirements for cabin crew members to demonstrate adequate knowledge, competency and proficiency to perform duties, execute procedures and operate emergency and lifesaving equipment.

Auditor Action Steps (to establish documented and implemented)

Identified/Assessed policy/requirement for testing/evaluation in training courses for cabin crew members.

Interviewed responsible manager(s) in cabin operations

Examined curricula/syllabi of training courses for cabin crew training instructors.

Examined testing/evaluation records of selected cabin crew members.

Other Actions (Specify)

Auditor Actions



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Conduct of airline Workshops in all IATA regions.

Conduct of regulator Seminars (web based or in-loco).

IATA Support for Enhanced IOSA


Other Elements

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Increased reliability of QA Program.

Improved auditing skills.

Continuous conformity with ISARPs and ICAO SARPs.

Individual support from IATA from 2013.

Pioneering the industry.

Enhanced IOSABenefits for Operators


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Standardized self-assessment of operators against ISARPs.

Increased continuity of conformity with ISARPs.

Transparent auditing procedures and techniques.

Focus on the assessment of implementation by Audit Organization.

Enhanced IOSA Benefits for Regulators


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IOSA – Registered Airlines Brazil (2013)


Findings Observations

Airline 1 10 5

Airline 2 1 21

Airline 3 0 7

Airline 4 14 21

Airline 5 0 8

Airline 6 1 6

Average for Brazil 4.3 11.3

Global IOSA Average 9.6 19

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IATA Standards Safety Assessment Program (ISSA)

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ISSA will strive to meet the following objectives

Make the proven safety benefits of IOSA available to a wider segment of the industry (General Aviation, Air Taxi, Regional, VIP transport,etc..).

Provide an voluntary, affordable safety analysis tool for Operators not covered by IOSA or existing safety audit programs.

Provide a structured means of assessing the phased implementation of SMS.



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Audit Standards derived directly from all IOSA disciplines

Emphasis on “Organization and Management”.

Approximately 230 Standards and Recommended Practices.

Verification of both documentation and implementation required.

Program Management standards contained in ISSA Program Manual.

Revisions/updates to Standards will be in alignment with the IOSA update processes.

ISSA Audit and Program Standards


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ISSA Audit Scope

Eligible Commercial or government

passenger and/or cargo operations.

Aircraft with one or more turbine powered and/or multiple reciprocating engines.

Two-pilot operations.

Excluded Aircraft with single, reciprocating


Single pilot operations.



Any operator who is currently on the IOSA Registry.

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Initial Audit, followed by biennial renewal audits, audit follow-up and registration period in alignment with IOSA

Audit conducted by two Auditors for two days (four man-days on-site, subject to verification during beta-test phase)

Use of IOSA accredited auditors qualified and current in the ORG, FLT and MNT IOSA disciplines.

Use of Q5 AIMs, the software platform currently used for IOSA.

ISSA – Conduct of Audits


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IATA will operate and govern all aspects of the program.

Will not be linked, associated or conditional on IATA Membership.

Will be priced to suit the intended market.

Will be promoted and marketed separately and maintain a clear distinction from IOSA.

Will begin with 3 – 5 beta-test audits in the first half of 2014.

On line by 2015.


ISSA Summary


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José Alexandre.T.G. FregnaniAssistant Director – Safety & Flight OperationsIATA Brazil

[email protected]

Tel: +55 11 2187 4236

“Represent, lead and serve the industry.”
