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Beginners Investment Guide

Group n°6Maria Peña GarciaMariana CreixemsGonzalo DapasMarko LukovacAlexandre Dinkespiler

Lay Out

• Pitch• Market analysis• User Interface• Business Model Canvas • Marketing Plan• Cost and Revenue• Future Projections


• Few investment instruments available for small investors.

• Lack of knowledge to do investments in the stock market

• High Risk Perceived


Online user friendly magazine offering economic and financial articles and education related to invest in stock market for “Dummies”.


We want to be the bridge in terms of knowledge between the stock market and “common” people.

Market Analysis

• Target: Spanish 20-40 y/o • Highly educated• Upper-middle class (with savings)• Total market size: 6 487 832

Market Analysis

Millennial (Ages 20-40)

Why millennials? - Experienced the financial crisis: want risk

reduction- Have more savings on cash- More Entrepreneurial behaviour

User Interface

Business Model Canvas

Millennials (ages 21-36)

Gen X (ages 37-49)

Website (RWD, Flat UI, web 2.0)

- Online communities

- Live chat- Newsletters

& recomend.

- Online magazine offering economic and financial articles for beginners

- Educating customers to invest on stock market

- Web side development

and distribution

- Constant updates of

stock market news

- Advertising- Subscription option 1- Subscription option 2- Subscription option 3

- Online brokers (OptionsHouse; TDAmeritrade;Scottrade..)

- Google

- Business magazines

(Financial Times; Forbes; The Economist; Money Advisor..)- Cloud

- Web engineers- Employees- Stock market analysts

- Web site

Marketing Plan: SEO

• Optimize the code of the webpage: invisible part of the iceberg (metadata)

Better visibility → Better ranking in Google → better position in results page → More traffic

Results may be slow to appear and deceiving, but SEO cannot be ignored

Marketing Plan: Ad

1) SEA: Google Ad-Words campaign:

• Pay per click• Conversion tracking

codes to see which keywords generate traffic

2) Facebook campaign• Easy to target audience

Marketing Plan: DisplayPlatforms managing advertising space for:

Financial Spanish newspapers: mainly El Economista

• Ideal scenario: Cost Per Lead: commission paid only in case of transformation

• If not possible, Cost Per Click: fixed amount per click

Marketing Plan: e-mailing

Weekly and monthly e-mailing reports to:

Actual customers• Free articles• Offers to upgrade the package

Prospects• 10 attractive articles about investing: limited reading• Occasional special offers for subscription

=> Aim: traffic retention and conversion


Weekly analysis of performance (monitoring the key metrics):

• Visitors• Unique visitors• Page viewed• Bounced rate• Traffic source• Average time on site• Conversion rate Help us adjust our strategy and optimize our campaigns

Subscription options

Costs / RevenuesFinancial Analysis 2015 (yearly cost)

Domain Name 100 $

Hosting 1000$

Website Development 10 000$

Website Maintenance 750$

Total Fixed Cost 11.850$

Ad-Words From $ 2000 to $ 6000

Facebook advertising From $ 2000 to $ 4000

Display campaign From $ 3000 to $ 4000

Total Variable Cost From $ 7 000 to $ 14 000

Total Cost From $ 18 850 to 25 850$Subscription cost 49$ (Premium)

Total Revenue 25 951$ (4% conversion rate)Conversion Rate 0.04



• Implement a CRM tool: emailing actual customers using the information we collect via subscription

• Extend product line

• Grow by market development: English speaking habitants in Europe

• Future € devaluation will leverage the stocks performance

• Break-even expected during the 2nd year of operations

Why BiG ?

