
«*rv"?N'*"W w ^ w t w y - ^ ~, ,

£e tSjo Chtaaese aftiideB&s will travel fjrqtd their native cotm-

t*T this £M(fr~'i}vvi^^i^Eegt':{9i :-£Mili^ IQ igtrifr-:m-:

fqiir-yewr achola^Mji* proM#«^ by the « t e g ^ . According to a letter rec*lv»iJ

% tJMt tta&relh. GoHege Pew», S * w .teres*. Sarie,.•from th* Rev. 5^'-%;;^^^-|SIN«l!|liit«HV'-of thfc A^ei^Qeese of Nanking, China, the B,M$, ••'Mte-.iitJhiHSt Chautf aniMlsa Kuo ta i i s i h«ve been delayed te setting passage to UM Raited $ta'te*j 1 m wW a* rtvre soj&ette* during «*wr ternV

Both rccjpjto i i i ^affichaltb ship* which provide $3(00 apiece a^nuafly tor t^tion, ,*he, <2hirts*f-*tudcnta will have no boarding TtoSjefc* fhljjkj*. to the generoafti of the eollegferolsalon toll, -fit*.. ^Uiitan Society .pi de -$ale*l«at$-tSte, Geneva, and Smdenf 'Mi*.; Bio* Criuade tfntt pl^Najr»fftil j>fxkn»y. Rochaiter,

-' . "two i&ixs: of 'the, Slathers-, or" ;. .<5ur .Jjdy^c^Mercsr,, «lH»et moth-' «rhou« U * t 1137 331oiwire Ro*d; ; Roclieiter, Jsave b«>eD iran^tcd de-'

i/;free*.lrqnpt\ the S*-. BonWenjiir* •. Qdilw\&to$m-'$&tik4k~- TFruK ' d»c«i) priest, tttttTr*. of^PCoch«-, t e / '^af f#»*Jited ;*.*i)iVatear* ?>•

- . ' J * * * - . ' - ' . ' ' '"' ' ! ' . , ' : . ' •• . _ ' " • -*-' ,' .. Si«ter; lUtiy Rosajli," t*»cher

r / ji.,

Jhurrv rw^^d te^^^ MIMHV Unit tff. v '4*f.-Degrese-'«- WMnmencsemintf-f?Wt?!#r Coffeg* *n4,~ "the—a*

...•"•k'^-;i.«~~'it-"«* n„„. ' 5 ^ jirpu^ have vplunte*Md, t«;

m A W 1* .»< /St. Bona- r ^ d * v the $550} needed anjiaa>

Catholic War iW«»«!?«""l«sip»»?ip«»"

mum mum BUS

Mrjmr wi



v,. ;»4 * t -

\5fi #• **v-

^ ; " ^ " ,

'**»; ' exerdHi A:«j. •.^veaittre CoEejc'A niijve o! 0-mlra. Slitarr, Roaswii lm the

-• 'daughter'off JMK Basti i ira.-^ j};

" Al»o jrerfj iBnt'oaETr*'B-. '.at'de-

who - tetche» it A.<IUIM» Imtl-

ly tor board Joif one jixl. Board ^ r the ither" »t«flejrt wllj be j»it up by th» Ac*d*my'i mlMlon or-

fiiilaitfe>t>!.'.',•••.-"" "'" Aawat* W S M M I I

The CHO who wltt com<f itti

..tuUr---Jti,r>«wtif,:-at*<«K-t»---ti n»^ ^utfeiit»^o^l^^|i«*?P| _.tiv« o i Ecrw ffic livct-hu * Jtster. J*rv- J«me« • }i»rk±nri(itr.. llvlnj


^ y «ra#og «v«ait/'fo«tr who were •warded'' jpraafliiite; - ind^^tldw-

'•j^dmte'-,«saBM|~-'«tt. r,|hf-- 18*6' ' aummet i i i •Ion kt. StBomiven-.

^ u r e ' t ; - , '„ v.'V.'/. 'i'\*'* *'-'-c Secelvlnr - thr traly uxmxtr of

. Scleaet dtpnwi tt .ti« St. Hem-

. ?r«htacr»'i"—jCollexat", JSHcwmer x^Ktf^vCa^3CTMCes^hf'>^iM-'th?

Jwhoh«»hlpi; te-Amtrioan: Catho-' ;^c.coilegel hi n;»p9na« tp'.fcpj ^peali;" *lr6m' •th*'h -CUne*e!r KUwi'


: Mri.- 1Anr<tit AvdJimi *"*o re-

eater* • , * ' .' "' "-iv.


Jhollc lay-leaden, lor. Chin** Some- 30 'coHefe» i^htcli have

jpeiptjatloa,^ t l ^ jala-wlli, open their dorim thl* fati'to" the tirat ql a grpypoj 500 f tudents which, the Church'ta. C3vtua to planning to. educate tt Jay." leadiera under •*«i(Vj-«*riBlahi:' -' ;--..•-'• —— -----,"^,fhe'"parppse of the"pIan7V» t»

lecti^cial i wjhfeh will 1raU» the pmil^s, of the. thurca ;Md o«.

k«et'_ the, ..influence .;•! -Amertcaa «ec«l*j:':-«pjlegea; ymt'1|av#»".bie« educating Oilnese itadehta *on •cholaraWpi' , ••T ' " \ . ^'Wth^JrfatfvWno made the an-»ouncejiierit .concerning the pro|:

that Jt 1* "the L-^^>*«*?^»w-iS»a •-.

«ct, exptalned that Jt li "t»e ipj-ep*j* CfIll?tJon, N , ¥ . ,

ny* pariih.- Elmira, b«W - their . annuad j4trcfcc recmWy it: SKeiwca ; l a k e "an! txxjoyid'»- pTOgrmm of •gam*^ i jort* «nd" ..rtfrtthaawuU ; axraitgea bar; VlrfDala Plrbozola, chalrrmti, atawlrlrif by Coragetd

tOella Rooco*; anil T***eit "tSJU. ; v 'Tte-'ReV,. .lipiilaairr:8Lf6«ori*. : Society Mo*e»»lor,.' the R w . Al bert 3L. Slnicwiiiil *ud the Rev. BeJmrt'Ei"'$icl«3p"''of, AsBbiifn

gueitac at the pffalr.

sray, ol my pedjpJe? to' fflftsw- tb# 4ead of |hft sat|Te: te^nectualfc amd, consequently, to; make Goo and C3oi»U|ml^"! U* CWhea* H li B*ce»ajC3? to |»e-•ent^to Cheth #eD-e«iaite(I men arad women 1a> # I f ttnlform."

S4n«fid«»« (• UHtrie* -•fatta ' '"tRNSKr:^'. 'Preheh,.

Ahny reerdl* In Sehetal. French Wtri Afiica* have askedl permlaalttn to make a pflgrtmafe tis the fatnoiit ahrtoe at Lourdea


lirrmkii mmtnUr •( rmjidrmti+ru mvmil*blr '

. . , - - ' « r , ; * ' - ' — ' • - * - - . * , - > -

S*M»garaphkt €«ur»* '' . Secretarial C«ars«

;-"-'"•-•• - Acfwiatiag: Caur—a ':':."- -- -

Jeaji Summers Business School F»i«aratio« BalWU»g

" v V . • """ ; ' ' ' ' • ' w » € » . . , - ' - • . . . .

"*-«m»*ii»* •#'*-*v*"?*'-

•i«*BU<tai X ; o.

tMibit t*ii*f-fiJSl*'. *»tM»*»it » **i»f«t«i» '**«r n»»|a)fi' «l"Kal| Iwni* fMb* -CttWBe Watf1

V i i a M a i a'Wufc. I l i a w l J T W t k i A . B / l ^ f I V 4 a M a a a w * » i * u t l m a k i U ^ i Wttaji. *M»W^- tf ttgjl j f a f t . tjft#' | g | | w U ^ i * | Vateraai «r# Payid'On Rrtii<l#(t>, .taailarmty e#asp«aJM|«r,j Mm H a w I . Jpi . '*ife, ;alw » tettr»» awl aaipliiy **m**_ m*mUn f<« 4JM paft a«« MMral ;-1- » • - •. PwtaM Gajiagittr. Caaj^tjaa #a»!'la.WKl»«4; at '* aafftltw Mi


For Joseph ^ f l a r t -"SOKiftlit.- PflntlfleaT ~<$#i+ &-w*kwm%~il**k*

A. mr% &A$< Meaghet.Jptol-tliytjch, •-' - f - -- M J«m*» -tVffetfeift WUUark_»

5tre. Joseph JP. T0"NetD, 4K»:, "Maai ,iorf-JToaepft ^ ^ XVellea $tv 0iji)tk wig*'r«c*jved'**efl-ta«S'a l l B ^ i ^ ^ ^ O ^ U ^ I ^ ^ ^ J J S T S f f ^ l S S t ;ito.- the, Francjacan Order- - iqt: tm'ployte aiMl'brother *£ m Rfc fS^^iSSS^mSi^muSS^ | M * M ^ ^ l h W ainoni, • ,cl«k- «|;|R^,«i*r. VMm Ji flUtt V . l ^ J i P * W v i « S S S f S i ? ^

. ( j * f *"* '" "

'An. vAMoclatsrt f»«s» dtapatch L *~-x" in amaller ewnwanWes »n4 ttwtt ha t««a*«y MRtatt t AW U> Prtnwd la full the At Xcaittt IMt'rMaiwd. - . o

*ii oertstAty Ja .to at vajpi

lb amaiaitcry In tvfrrthtw Hely ^!!-? . l?^^ " ^ ^ ™ " ' jfe'atsttd U » t 't)» whttPM iHitit ***''*••' m^m **°<*« «"»•

")|IWfk»'ll8^*4«»^«W-*' •

^m^mm A*wr*t»e implied m%M p&W MM -violate*-ith«.»t«l *£&#&* *Joij« , ' o.

The i*r*;« itam **& wttk the

of the da«d dktator'a ttoleii •|*ftp. attVfctlft Iff***** <*yc l prteat aetiiag; INK hiuintartu !•» r live it In till ffmi ajalniiiT

tern, aoVlMUl by taf peUet M "' ronfeiMd atcwuallce, had

aiieaUdM M H W H < BW QM

Bazaar By Km L'" '*•*.'••»



fl<naa>|iinMW lar

*^fi^.> ** • \ »

•Mi W w MK. 4MMJRW . - "4-« -'**.*-.•*-*-•*' ; .3 .r. t. i •ty|*lW(IW|ayj>^aafwB^j^faaa>iaji» ,,«v* * *^- j ftt^-

lawak M a"VHH f a t H A a t a ^

J. 5**t.f ^"-^

*Tlwit_la»t atntatHt rtth*1* iftt TWitw XwajMr; . . the a^ereiwe la ta* wwR* : -wheat * iHa* fc«w« W

-Wbm h prttat k Ir tttrattad, at attaailnaV «f ^kAa*ammmmmft t w j H k * ^ ^ a ^ g ^ a a ^ M ^ M a ^ a f

te (ftawMM ttuanaatiM*)* ea> taa BMBailtt. "h* fa a^


e* ;^^grouj:'nawe--o|^r»ter.1

feoiihonStl?haiL A.^gridirtte-'ot /SJL,"'P|M*''.i

Piroehfta School"* aimlra; yioteif Ocell i yea't Sch*ol axid entered. St, Joaepfi> Seni0tlc l SeW&irj'.' ^rahdisiah

•*«•= of thla year4

<' r##l«tiit' Appoiiittd •• . , ^^ iMiMk,w. {f id: i,;.3i*« Verjf ISev.'Wffliihi fc»tHckfcim. nelly, S.J4; who ha* been princi­pal of Jesuit High School-fcerc tor the Jjfat t(w* s«wr«, ha* b«n named president; of Spring Hill Colkfe, 3lfoblk.AU. Fath-er Donnelly, who. was "born 4h Auguata, Ga., in -IMS,' become* the yotingeat president in the il6-ye«U\ h*itoiy ol Spring Hffli

Since hla ordination at* S i Hiarya*- C^^ f . Sfc - %UfS,'«M^, tis 19*V be ha* b«h itxitlQi>ed at S t nobert'a Hall. Porafret Cen­ter, G«ai«'ana at Jeauit'High •etieof-here). "•.'.•'•' - >• -•"••*.'•

' —r^".j;' |H'>"iaj':1. '.' ''-•.-'• ...'.,'-

Fir*!-of HimaUyan Tribe Is Ord*m*d

I ' lfa*r -tarVi*. -- mc* '& l w the Rev. Le«wf4 j tolomoo wai oroalne<i af thei«pjo?f aeifthaiy ;KfrJfapts r.; C5e»*?a Ilie -tttftttHg -itt*-*a«ft of JM#; w&e.jiS«ed- la « » KMfttlidodV aeeot^fei to a*?i«« mm^S tew i f tte aaaonaTof Ifel ;ii -.#kie^:far'-30tf''WtS. pagatkm, of the FWh. H& trSbf *" O* tetjcha** »««> j^hafeei

*»Wn the Italta »H fey tM

MM M*itiMt*4 t|Mt l i tajWV ant aanteMBX jy faaCttnaad at.** Btaafea Ma tjUUmm,"1tot tta Al* l i fea ta| kablt af BBBdaw tt* B«BM-dfa ' ^ • ^ ' • ^ , ' * T1^ BB^^BWBBBBBB. flBf BBBB^BOTn WTgr ^ » 4 j J ^ K J ^ i Bm 0mJU|kB]^tai|rilB%g«^JB J B ^ _ ^ ^ - A >A

-^ - m i ' - •"• - - | • L JJI ^ iaXi_j_

flaH,ta> tiatf ~ k » at


**Tfc* ChuMh M l Wtf Wll; laBB^ABV^BiBlatoh « f l l a l » B W *- -^

M « "^w»n If lfW V HBL j^BV^BAaWl BWBtBaB# BbB^b ^^_^_^_^_fc^


j anaw • e wewBH BB« «f

HMifaap §t kar aataaM*

wssusm . ^MM^Hfmm^

«H»>rfi" >«wiy *••** ** **»

' - " ^ ^ ^ JS? ^{|teSreCT*tt£,l!!23<- ^ _,lfc^ It ftiKr"* lis. #*irf'''lSN,Ji|s-- NP•*Cl|Hajpi»i(' ./JMt Kf jrt.llhldhRinl' tfc"

i • coriipjkM,,ijj*\/;$uijk« phuitk*t ao,fi#W *M kH«y 'SSla^iS2a*m r" >fd,*n'''iw* *t Kteira- C•tr 61k • jEbgft iem^chra .l^aettfy.. • . '. ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ y nember .*t

•llffiHSS!S?S5e*B^^ fertnf a," ba |r i fttttcK MiWdit' nor Mitt *H» kt «». beart* *-h« he died *' ' "A«»lett»ir HWK)J» Kearney at tit*, 'jfiktr-vm MwOmt' aftp* aa «M|tt*«t |irle«t; Bt, Jfrv. *!•»-*,• Jo#eph S. Cameron and nt m. Miff. tCh»rle». f\- ,S»y-4 deacons ••*£ Jiotiprj; :ftev.

4 B I ^ B B a B M H a B > lf^BBaBBkBlAB| BKHBmiBBJ |gBi f t , • j U f l | f l ^ L a | |fcB) MBaB^£jaB|M|MaM|BMa.

3 | H M B I Tar l i R I M WHKH • wVIBIVn


• |>eOp J « lia v « openesd therft

^atrttijaafldthtsl* - ' familSesas who hm Keen

pairs, tltera-tions tad im­provements , come in and Italic with us •boW a hoirte

modernization loan you smabtfe' to locate living «an*pt»yGut of the ra« qtt»rt«ri, Ef ym Have come you #fll receive; for

*eh&"F<w tail have tip to 36 month* to repay your loan. Look over yotir twme oowr. S«e if this isn't * p!b» that y w cm pot feto action at once and

relieve tfce bousing Ms that now exitts.

i n the *tlM?, l»w«»Bat« " gwiges- 'Ihat 'sans &»•%*«$.• vtrtec§ into tentiaible 'ir wWifc "te» "S» yote-* •%-jportiBaity fc>. perforam § wet'^l-'iftvf-ce.If' yout' ae«4 ftcHKlt tnv fiy loaf


flra&er' # / W Aa^l-jraamBM Ctfftrwiim '-'

.,.>,..«., Rev. George, a ' Wood 'i«Nf-'Wr*.'*tftiM RyiftCAjrettJ". vxAyiH, autd Ker. Johr* K Roawh; tfenfUeti ', • ', - Th«»aho^» ArWiaintawtre: Rer. Michael J. l>-itoi», initrt toetaett .Ee*. Arthtit ^Jgattgjl©,. k«f3*iMe Bearer; ReV, IliymOfMi •#*;Wibl» J(0o^ * e « ^ ' « » a |te*. R«6«ft A. JaSia;, cindfe &e#Hr«rTi 'T!»~th#' «aaauary ;Wi*t!'r He R t Rev, Ifagr, WOT«hv K As> gan mid the Rt Hey. Magr. Jfo-;»e#ji 'E.Gr*iJy-ij«A twf'1t««r^}4

WUIlim V . H.1*«L Edw*r«! J. Byraa*. Maynar*4. C!onatlfc Wtt« •gMd-''3V '-Orajiih,;. ..Aaelbejfc':,-!.' fcoatldeiv ^Wor *. H&rfey* %t-

- t ^ . . *B~J« ,«- . ,v_. ^ M tiawjN^Gdlwng. Frank W* Jw* emmtry on Oe •o^uth^.tjope* Cnrt^WflBSdn Sheeftte, € ^ 3 ,

«r«i doted to Christian KW»al6tf.;f,- BrenhW. Edward is W a ^ i . gr5es- '- Berrftawf JP. GefeDi PatrfcJt A

%eeit 0% ttlfr PiiPtDtBcd ataa* JNI j e a n More teeing «|#Miiti« •H^e«at«n4e»fc at th*Bt«fty-lta. Hon * y * * » ago,

Sunrtving fceaWea Monatgtwr .Halt. «re. m - -»«er' Dftsv Itaa*-Schnelder Hart? thr** aooa, WU-liaw M-, «*ho vrill be «rd*lf>t4 lit .June front St- Rernartia'Hmi-

"~ «S* t «^f^'^' i in* 'T«rla% J #«i» Hatif ''tiianit-

m»»t«F ^I.ctr*1 4«r%- Atcft Walt**? f.' O i w » - '

WaowpWail tester , Nr--'JS^''iHaV^. .CJiCJ ~-

Dr. Daniel C tyGrady, professor 1 of philoaophy at the 'Untversity ; of Notre JDame and one of the j outstanding clinical psycholog-1 l«u la the Army during World I War JX haa been appointed *s-i-sociate editor' of Tie {few &&**• aflttejsni. tit. ffiSrady*^* }nemb«r of the1 Notre Bame fitcdHy trace 1S8S. ressenOy returned to the Univerai^ after a threeryear leave of absence to «erve Ja tfte :Army. .

Kelly, VS?alter galttiVain.:'£&&,. CaMiel ;A> 1?imjfe:Wetd<ii, O,

Ed*vard M, tyon*, Gerald C. Lamdbat, Itobert :'A" iKeieiter, Jfoha M. Ewtfj^ Leo V. Smith; Frsecii f Peghinv W*,J. Dug'

idseph D, Donovan, Thomas J. '!«aa*!^. '<5e#«e ' m •' ttisGrntik, Joaeph ^ f l t f t : •&#&», Vincent

Mn. Martin C IJrJc and Mrt.

Crucifix Rmtovil Sought In Mll-H v_. ; p*m ^ lttfi»-^'-i»t)«cle# «|14AttM»,lft Mttw are agHif* -*«g -fof •r*«rVil''*i:' itilSfiax** :.a«^. #hoi?|», aeessfiling; i s Ssfe-. fonw GartBhal Schiifter, Arch-Wlftfe «f W t n , *nb * W e t f * mm dentweiation of "-the agitA. :-ttsn,\: ... .•'•", -.•• ~- ;--• H& itaf«B^''j«ttttJt»dt : « i t 4ef .iNtne; *fa»f *nW^th*&>'' '^gftitlpt-Bt-% l«fe-irreal''Ilifirr:

; B ^ StttjflM • <to ;'a. &ngei*pt'

crucifix te ItaBin achoola, . , - -j '11 ,*i 11' i j i a i - i uj •' ut . . ;'

. . , VlHaBlia GriMte«te# *7 * RowefnoBt — fStd):.—• '-Degree*'

were *«ardea to 97 gsfn&Mtai of Ste VBlandvi College ._-, .aanmj*? •easiott at Iteaetnent" College

*)*** . l . . ^ i > > n , . i .

4ar«s JBBHBt cJMt

Itolfl, daughter of Mr. and Mra.


• / •


i n ' in»Mwy.^ iwi i 1 HIIIIIIMI 1,1, . i r , n n . n Lrn m u m m i , niinn

1 n « « n'«1 n » » o »n i »i < « » V »i n.iinian «»». 1 1 1 11 H i »II «•«'iVwflffi




..... OtfDJSPLAY .,. . .


nm tuRNiTuat AMU RUGS ' 115-11? R #giCg S t -, •• "76-78 S. Mark** S i .

-'toateA" .'-'cartas-r";' » " » , ' » ««»>' i"H' a '^»» i» i * i»» i» i» i» i»<» i«» '»«« ' i» i^» | i# i«» i i» i»» i»>< i i»« i i i i j » f i> t i f iB i«n i

si{#fflitajef ^mtfrJf lay* - ittgWiS,

', .sSt»«i f -.tfce)--l^«f'«*-«lfe^r

:'^r1^''jEn»p3& .IBtev^*** *;8o«-o«j». mS'-Hwu &&t 'iE San« ^ck wey*, li|4tfMf3$alj£r. .»»•* tSl* ' ^ te'o^^',<r£,.^,.'S*J(#jgi^i(n SKM best, wap ana AJEthiiir Clark w «tol»a Olhairfelr ;#«?» aah-

5f»,e^3fe- - . • ••* •'.• .-':-,"«--. , ,

£oBo iMg£ $tl ,. . T y 'Oeif«w|^ a". 1

;«esr -»iri« .jPe spTo*: P'.4H s i • i.iwtt." »d#.j*i .^e hsxm U m larloVa '|iai«h|» m$e wli^h ttw «*aj)l(S'-'ie&-te a.'-weW* trf& .Upon - H|idr- MtJra tney- WW Ifw » « . B t " •''

The bride, who attended St Wary'» PwrochUU School, Com-

i;togi 'Vter-'ikk&uast. mu& tlmm Bu*ine«i School, 1» * fowsw •meiaher' -a| -Om WAWE8. She served as * Phanmswls^* MHt<» for Id raontha, moat df t i e time i n California. Mr. Cfficy^ ft erttd-nato of Korthslde High muwi i s a |b a World War H veteran, liavjhg strved four years in the

1 European TF<he*te' of Operations

MAT MATIC i T W i ^ * BT B J V » « P ^ » R BF TBJ


A wonJerfuHy »ighfw»J|ht a***-

ttg|$» efaerri'c fwia wh*** »>iry li**

w*Hk aHier « K | «MM» affkMinf.

•» i f i^ _ >«

I •^l»lll> I.IMI M HljjUKUlM I'll. M.II.I lll>llll»^IWt^»»W«W«a*»««BljWM^III<^IMIIM;wr>;

^ • f * A ?

\\' 4t~~#$"

°/ \ ^ r
