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Riley Keenan’s Nature


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Run run

Look at me zooming past

Can’t you see?

Rocks and stones

Let me be

Can’t you see I’m

trying to flee

Smash my head into a tree and

Hope my mother does not see

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I stick and stay

until fall comes

Then I bloom and burst

In yellow, orange and red

Then join my friends and

We fall in to a nice soft bed

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Shining shining

Way up high

Like a diamond

In the sky

Twinkling, dashing, shining

So bight in the

Dark deep night

Once a star

Now a wish

A quiet shish

From a fish

Now good night stars

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Little Plant

Why won’t you grow?

I gave you food gave and you water

Putt on a show with your

Dazing pestles that

Shine in the

Bright light

Why won’t you grow?

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The clock ticks by

The day grows longer

As the day goes by


The clock strikes

Tick goes the clock

And bye bye me

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Big and bight

But gone by night

Big ball of flaming gas and fire

If it is hot the sun is the one to blame

Because of all her hot flames

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Take you to a another place

So excited to see what happens next

Happy, funny, gore?

What’s in store

Opens a door to a another place

And come face to face

with your amazon

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Page 16: E book Riley Keenan

Riley’s Rabbit

Riley really liked rabbits

So Riley rode to red’s roaring rode side rabbit shop

Riley came right out with

Really racy rocker rabbit rob

Rob was the best

Rabbit riley loved rob

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Big and blue

You cover the world

Way up high

You bring me rain

You bring me snow

You put on a show

With all you dazzling white puffy clouds

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Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple

You are you pretty

In the sky

Way up high

You come after rain

When the sun is bright and high

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