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Page 1: Dysfunctional Families

Most dysfunctional families are a direct

outgrowth of TROUBLED


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Troubled parents may:Have addictionsUse physical violenceMay be unable to provideExploit children (use them as possessions, use strong authoritarian control)

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Regardless of the parents’ intentions, children may suffer:Depression

Live troubled lives

By withdrawing from society

Have low self-esteem

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Abusive Parents1. Physical- satisfying their emotions by taking their anger out on their children, by not correcting their children, by using little effort to control their children.

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2. Sexual –Contact between an adult and child that must be kept secret.

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3. Verbal – Frequent belittling or criticism, using profanity toward their children, verbally abusing them instead of their actions.

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Roles in a Dysfunctional FamilyAddict-a family member that is under the

influence of alcohol, drugs, porn, work, etc. to the point of disrupting the family.

Enabler-a family member that allows the addict to continue their addiction; excuses, ignoring the problem, denial, etc.

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Family Hero Child:“9 going on 40”Takes over parent role, earlyResponsibleSelf-sufficientLooks good on the outsideGood student, good in sports, prom queen,

etcMake parents look good

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Scapegoat (Child)Family feels ashamed ofActs out the tension the family ignores

Provides distractions from real issues

Has trouble in schoolBecomes pregnant or addicted as teenagers

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Lost Child (Child)Attempts to be invisibleDaydream, fantasize, read a lot, watch TV

Deal with reality by withdrawing from it

Deny they have feelingsDon’t bother getting upset

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Mascot/Family Clown (Child)Takes responsibility for emotional well-being of family

“Social” director/clownDiverts family’s attention from the pain and anger
