Page 1: Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elastic particles in ... · Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elastic particles in con ned shear ow M.M. Villone Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health

Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elastic particles inconfined shear flowCitation for published version (APA):Villone, M. M., D'Avino, G., Hulsen, M. A., & Maffettone, P. L. (2015). Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elasticparticles in confined shear flow. Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 92(6),[062303].


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Page 2: Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elastic particles in ... · Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elastic particles in con ned shear ow M.M. Villone Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health

Dynamics of prolate spheroidal elastic particles in confined shear flow

M.M. Villone∗

Center for Advanced Biomaterials for Health Care @CRIB,Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Largo Barsanti e Matteucci 53, 80125 Napoli, Italy

G. D’AvinoDipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale,

Universita di Napoli Federico II, P.le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy

M.A. HulsenDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven 5600 MB, The Netherlands

P.L. MaffettoneDipartimento di Ingegneria Chimica, dei Materiali e della Produzione Industriale,

Universita di Napoli Federico II, P. le Tecchio 80, 80125 Napoli, Italy

We investigate through numerical simulations the dynamics of a neo-Hookean elastic prolatespheroid suspended in a Newtonian fluid under shear flow. Both initial orientations of the particlewithin and outside the shear plane and both unbounded and confined flow geometries are considered.In unbounded flow, when the particle starts on the shear plane, two stable regimes of motion arefound, i.e., trembling (TR), where the particle shape periodically elongates and compresses in theshear plane and the angle between its major semiaxis and the flow direction oscillates around apositive mean value, and tumbling (TU), where the particle shape periodically changes and itsmajor axis performs complete revolutions around the vorticity axis. When the particle is initiallyoriented out of the shear plane, more complex dynamics arise. Geometric confinement of the particlebetween the moving walls also influences its deformation and regime of motion. In addition, whenthe particle is initially located in an asymmetric position with respect to the movingwalls, particle lateral migration is detected. The effects on the particle dynamics of thegeometric and physical parameters that rule the system are investigated.

PACS numbers: 47.57.E-, 83.50.-v, 47.11.Fg


Soft particles, e.g., liquid droplets, elastic particles, bi-ological cells, are often found in nature and technologi-cal applications. In particular, objects such as microgelsand swollen starch granules can be regarded as elasticparticles. In the last decades, the behavior of elastic par-ticles has been investigated in the literature, aiming atdetermining their mechanical behavior in different cir-cumstances.

When suspended in a flowing liquid, these systems de-form under the action of the hydrodynamic forces ex-erted by the suspending medium. Since the early workby Roscoe [1], it is known that initially spherical elas-tic particles suspended in a Newtonian fluid subjected toshear flow attain a steady-state deformed shape with afixed orientation with respect to the flow direction, thequantitative values of deformation and orientation be-ing function of the flow conditions and the constitutiveproperties of the particle and the fluid. Gao and Hu [2]performed a 2D perturbative analysis from whichthey derived a relationship between the steadyelliptical deformation of an elastic particle and

[email protected]

the flow parameters, and validated such result bymeans of 2D finite element method simulations.Sugiyama et al. [3], instead, addressed the sametopic in 2D through the finite difference method.Afterwards, Gao et al. [4] studied in 3D the behavior ofan initially spherical elastic particle suspended in a New-tonian fluid under shear flow through a non-perturbativemethod, as developed in [5, 6], validating and extendingRoscoe’s results. In our previous works [7, 8], we stud-ied through 3D finite element method numerical simula-tions the behavior of an initially spherical elastic particlesuspended in Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids under un-bounded and confined shear flow, validating the results in[1] and [4], and investigating the effects of matrix elastic-ity and geometrical confinement on the dynamics of theparticle, in terms of deformation and lateral migration.

Non-spherical particles suspended in liquids are ofgreat relevance in industrial applications and biologicalsystems because of the great variety of dynamics arisingfrom the non-triviality of their shape. A certain quantityof papers exist on the orientation dynamics of rigid ellip-soidal particles in Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluidsunder shear flow. Concerning Newtonian suspending me-dia, Jeffery [9] extended Einstein’s predictions for spheresto ellipsoidal particles under the same assumptions, find-ing that the forces acting on the surface of a rigid ellipsoid

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can be decomposed in two torques, one leading to a rota-tion around the vorticity axis and one making the parti-cle spin around the flow direction. Thus, in a Newtonianfluid under unconfined shear flow, rigid ellipsoids indefi-nitely follow an orbit completely determined by the initialorientation. Several experimental papers confirmed suchpredictions [10–13]. For what matters non-sphericaldeformable particles, several studies exist on thebehavior of spheroidal fluid vesicles and capsulessuspended in Newtonian fluids under shear flow(for vesicles, see, for example, [14] and the refer-ences therein, whereas, for capsules, see [15] andthe references therein). Depending on the flowparameters, spheroidal vesicles and capsules canundergo two different regimes of motion, namely,trembling (TR), where the particle periodicallyelongates and compresses and the angle betweenits major semiaxis and the flow direction oscil-lates around a mean positive value, and tum-bling (TU), where the particle shape periodicallychanges and its major axis performs completerevolutions around the vorticity axis. In their re-cent paper, Gao et al. [16] have dealt with the behavior ofa prolate spheroidal elastic particle in a Newtonian fluidunder unbounded shear flow through the same methodused in [4]. The authors have detected that, when theparticle is initially placed with its major axis within theshear plane, such axis always lies on the shear plane,and the particle undergoes similar dynamics tothe ones experienced by vesicles and capsules, i.e.,TR or TU, depending on the flow parameters.

In this paper, the behavior of an elastic prolatespheroid suspended in unbounded and confined shearflow of a Newtonian liquid is studied by means of 3Darbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian finite element method nu-merical simulations. Both initial positions of the particlewith its major axis within and outside the shear planeare investigated, yielding complicated deformation andorientation dynamics. Moreover, for the confinedflow case, also asymmetric initial positions of theparticle with respect to the moving walls are con-sidered, yielding particle lateral migration. Theeffects of the geometric and physical parameters of thesystem on the deformation, the orientation, and themigration of the soft particle are investigated.

The paper is organized as follows: in Section II, theproblem is presented; some hints on the numerical tech-nique are given in Section III; in Section IV, the resultsare illustrated; finally, in Section V, some conclusions aredrawn.


The system under investigation is sketched in Fig. 1a:an elastic prolate spheroid is suspended in a Newtonianliquid under shear flow between two parallel plates. Thecenter of the flow cell is coincident with the center of a


x∂Ω4 ∂Ω2

∂Ω1 -uw


∂Ω3 uw












FIG. 1. a) Schematic drawing of an elastic prolate spheroidsuspended in a Newtonian liquid under shear flow. b) Zoomon the spheroid, highlighting its initial geometry, position,and orientation.

Cartesian reference frame with its x-axis along the flowdirection, the y-axis along the velocity gradient direction,and the z-axis along the vorticity direction. The centerof volume of the particle has initial position [0,yP0, 0], and the major axis of the spheroid, in general,lies out of the shear plane, i.e., the xy-plane in Fig. 1a.In Fig. 1b, a zoom of the spheroid is reported, aimedat highlighting its geometrical features: we denote withL0 and B0(= W0) the major and minor semiaxes of theundeformed spheroid, respectively, and we call the ratiobetween the two the ‘aspect ratio’ AR = L0/B0, which,then, measures the ‘prolateness’ of the spheroid and, inprinciple, can range between 1 (a sphere) and∞ (a rod).The particle initial orientation is described by the orien-tation unit vector p0 = [px0, py0, pz0], that identifies thedirection of the spheroid major semiaxis. In the generalcase, the particle is confined in the velocity gradient di-rection, which means that the blockage ratio β = 2L0/Yassumes a non-zero value; on the contrary, no confine-ment exists in the other directions.

For both the soft particle and the suspending phase,it is assumed that the inertia is negligible and that thematerial is incompressible, i.e., the volume is constant.Therefore, the mass and momentum balance for bothphases read

∇ · u = 0 (1)


∇ · σ = 0 (2)

where u and σ are the velocity vector and the stresstensor, respectively. For the Newtonian liquid, σ can be,in turn, expressed as

σ = −pI + 2ηmD (3)

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where p is the pressure, I is the identity tensor, ηm is theviscosity, and D is the symmetric part of the velocitygradient tensor (D = 1

2 (∇u + ∇uT)). For the particle,σ can be written as

σ = −pI + τ (4)

For the extra-stress tensor τ , we write

5τ = 2GpD (5)

which is the neo-Hookean elastic model with a modulusGp. The upper-convected derivative is defined by

5τ = τ − (∇u)T · τ − τ · ∇u (6)

The balance equations that describe the system shownin Fig. 1a are supplied with the following boundary con-ditions:

u = (−uw, 0, 0) on ∂Ω1 (7)

u = (uw, 0, 0) on ∂Ω3 (8)

u|∂Ω2 = u|∂Ω4 (9)

σ ·m|∂Ω2= −σ ·m|∂Ω4


u|∂Ω5= u|∂Ω6


σ ·m|∂Ω5 = −σ ·m|∂Ω6 (12)

Equations (7) and (8) are the adherence conditions onthe matrix velocity on the lower and the upper walls ofthe flow cell, respectively; Equations (9) and (10) expressthe periodicity of velocity and stress in the matrix alongthe flow direction, with m the outwardly directed unitvector normal to the boundary; finally, Equations (11)and (12) are the periodical conditions on velocity andstress in the matrix along the vorticity direction.

The boundary conditions on the particle - matrix in-terface are

u|m = u|p (13)


(σ|m − σ|p) · n = 0 (14)

where n is the outwardly directed unit vector normal tothe interface. As the suspended particle is made of anelastic solid, no interfacial tension exists between it andthe suspending fluid.

Since both the particle and the suspending mediumare inertialess, no initial conditions on the velocities arerequired, whereas an initial condition is needed on the

extra-stress tensor. We assume that the particle is ini-tially stress-free, which means

τ |t=0 = 0 (15)

The equations presented so far are made dimension-less by using the spheroid major semiaxis L0 as the char-acteristic length, the inverse of the imposed shear rate1/γ = Y/2uw as the characteristic time, Y γ as the char-acteristic velocity, ηmγ as the characteristic stress inthe matrix and the shear modulus of the elastic materialGp as the characteristic stress in the particle. The elasticcapillary number, defined as Cae = ηmγ/Gp, which is theratio between the viscous forces and the elastic forces towhich the particle is subjected, arises, then, from Equa-tion (14). All the quantities that appear in the followingSections are made dimensionless through these charac-teristic quantities.


The equations presented in the previous Section aresolved through the finite element method with an Arbi-trary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) formulation. The nu-merical code makes use of stabilization techniques widelydescribed in the literature, such as SUPG, DEVSS, log-conformation [17–19].

Both the suspended particle and the suspending fluiddomains are discretized by means of a mesh made ofquadratic tetrahedra. On the particle-matrix interface,the mesh aligns with element faces (quadratic triangles),which are the same on the matrix and particle side (con-forming geometry). The interface between the suspendedparticle and the suspending fluid needs to be tracked. Afinite element method with second-order time discretiza-tion is defined on it: the normal velocity of the interfacemesh equals the normal component of the fluid velocity,and the tangential velocity is such that the distributionof the elements on the interface is optimized. This ap-proach lets the mesh get rid of the tank-treading motionof the particle, thus greatly reducing the distortion of theALE volume mesh as compared to a Lagrangian descrip-tion of the interface. In order to stabilize the interface,the SUPG method is used. A detailed description of thetechniques, and, in particular, of the approach used onthe interface, with several validation cases, is given in [7].

Due to the complex dynamics to which a spheroidalparticle is subjected when suspended in shear flow, andto the presence of solid walls in the vicinity of the particle,during the simulations the elements of the volume meshprogressively warp; every time the mesh quality, in termsof the shape of the ‘worst’ element in the domain, goesbelow a fixed level, a remeshing is performed and thesolution is projected from the old mesh to the new one.

Before running simulations, convergence tests havebeen performed in space and time, i.e., mesh resolutionand time-step for the numerical solution of the equations

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proposed in Section II have been chosen that ensure in-variance of the results upon further refinements. Forthe simulations presented in this paper, we have foundthat meshes with a number of tetrahedra in the order of2 − 4 · 104 and time-steps in the order of 1 − 2 · 10−3γare adequate. A detailed description of the proceduresadopted to run convergence tests for a problem similar tothe one of our interest here is given in [7]. Furthermore,as periodicities are imposed in the flow and the vortic-ity directions, the x and z-dimensions of the domain arechosen such that the particle does not ‘feel’ its periodicimages along these directions: in all the cases shown inthe following, the channel is 10 times the particle majorsemiaxis.


A neo-Hookean elastic prolate spheroid is suspendedin a Newtonian fluid subjected to shear flow, as shown inFig. 1.

A. Unbounded shear flow

Let us first consider the case of an unbounded flowgeometry, i.e., Y L0 (or, in other words, β → 0).

Fig. 2 reports the dynamics of a particle with aspectratio AR=1.1 suspended with different initial orienta-tions in a Newtonian fluid subjected to shear flow withelastic capillary number Cae=0.2. Due to the appliedflow, the particle deforms, but, at variance to what hap-pens to an initially spherical one [7], it does not reach asteady-state deformed shape and orientation.

When suspended with its major axis within the shearplane, as soon as the flow starts to act on the particle,the latter is no longer a spheroid, but it becomes a biaxialellipsoid, i.e., an ellipsoid with all the three semiaxes ofdifferent lengths, namely, L, B, and W . (We recall thatsuch lengths are made dimensionless through the initiallength of the spheroid major semiaxis L0.) The greencurves in Fig. 2a display the temporal trends of L (dash-dot curve), B (dashed curve), and W (solid curve) for aspheroid initially oriented along the flow direction, i.e.,with p0=[1, 0, 0]. It can be seen that, after an initialtransient, the lengths of the three semiaxes oscillate withdefined frequency and amplitude, which means that theparticle periodically elongates and compresses under theaction of the shear flow. In particular, it can be noticedthat such frequency is about 1/2π.

In Fig. 3, the front (xy) and top (xz) views of the par-ticle are displayed at t ∼= 3.6, 5.2, 6.8, and 8.6. The firsttime-value (t ∼= 3.6) corresponds to an instant almost inthe middle of the L-growth along a period (see the greencurves in Fig. 2a); at t ∼= 5.2, L attains a maximum (Band W a minimum): in Fig. 3, it can be observed thatthis implies that the particle is maximally elongated inthe shear plane; then, at t ∼= 6.8, L is almost in the


t0 3 6 9 12 15

p x , p

y , p














L, B

, W










Lp0= [1, 0, 0]


0= [0.866, 0, 0.5]

p0= [0.707, 0, 0.707]

p0= [0, 0.707, 0.707]

p0= [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

p0= [0, 0, 1]

AR = 1.1 = 0Cae = 0.2


FIG. 2. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with AR=1.1 suspended with different ini-tial orientations in a Newtonian fluid under unbounded shearflow with Cae=0.2. a) Time evolution of the ellipsoid dimen-sionless semiaxes L, B, W ; b) Time evolution of the Cartesiancomponents of the orientation unit vector p.

middle of its decrease along a period, so the particle at-tains a very similar shape to the one attained at t ∼= 3.6,though with a different orientation with respect to theflow; finally, at t ∼= 8.6, L attains a minimum (B and Wa maximum), so the particle is maximally ‘compressed’.Such shape dynamics recurs periodically in time.

The green curves in Fig. 2b report the temporal trendsof the Cartesian components px, py, and pz of the orienta-tion vector of the spheroid initially placed along the flowdirection. As pz does not move from 0 (see the greendash-dot line), the particle orientation vector always lieson the shear plane, with its x- and y-components (repre-sented by the green solid and dashed lines, respectively)

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t ≅ 3.6 t ≅ 8.6t ≅ 6.8t ≅ 5.2

AR = 1.1, β = 0, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [1, 0, 0]

FIG. 3. Shape evolution of a neo-Hookean elastic prolatespheroid with AR=1.1 suspended with initial orientationp0=[1, 0, 0] in a Newtonian fluid under unbounded shear flowwith Cae=0.2. The shapes attained by the particle at fourdimensionless times are displayed, i.e., t ∼= 3.6, 5.2, 6.8, 8.6.Top: front views; bottom: top views.

that, after a brief initial transient, oscillate with definedamplitude and frequency, always assuming positive val-ues. In other words, the particle major semiaxis formsan angle with the flow direction that is always positiveand oscillates around a mean value. When the particle isinitially placed in the shear plane, the numerical value ofthe initial orientation has no effects on the ‘quality’ of theparticle dynamics, but only introduces a time-shift. Suchbehavior, known as trembling (TR), has been also foundby Gao et al. [16] for the same particle initial shape andthe same flow conditions.

When the spheroid is suspended with its major axis outof the shear plane, during its dynamics, it is no longera spheroid and, strictly speaking, it is neither an ellip-soid. However, since the departures from ‘ellipsoidity’are not great, we still consider the semiaxes L, B, andW of the ellipsoid that best fits the particle deformedshape. Analogously, we still measure the particle orien-tation through the unit vector p. In Fig. 2, besides thecase with p0= [1, 0, 0] discussed above, the results forseveral initial orientations out of the shear plane are pre-sented. The distribution of these orientations is such thatthe whole octant of the Cartesian space characterized bypositive x-, y- and z-values is investigated, the dynamicsin the other octants being analogous due to symmetryreasons. By looking at the black (p0=[0.866, 0, 0.5]),red (p0=[0.707, 0, 0.707]), orange (p0=[0, 0.707, 0.707]),and pink (p0=[0.577, 0.577, 0.577]) curves in Figs. 2a,b, and c, an analogous qualitative behavior can be de-tected; indeed, for all these four starting positions, theparticle dynamics is characterized by shape and orienta-tion oscillations. It is worth noticing that the frequencyof such oscillations is almost invariant with respect to the

particle initial orientation and has a value of about 1/2π.For what matters orientation dynamics, from the px- andpy-trends, it is evident that the particle major semiaxisoscillates always staying above the flow-vorticity plane,whereas, from the pz-trend, it can be seen that, duringits oscillations, the particle continuously crosses the flow-gradient plane. A ‘special’ case is the spheroid initiallyoriented along the vorticity, i.e., with p0=[0, 0, 1], whosedynamics is represented by the blue curves in Fig. 2: suchparticle, whose cross-section in the flow-gradient plane isinitially circular, ‘squeezes’ in the z-direction, whereasit elongates orthogonally to it, until it attains a steady-state deformed shape and orientation with respect to theflow. By looking at Fig. 2b, it can be seen that the x-and y-components of p start from 0 and reach a non-zerovalue, whereas the z-component starts from 1 and decaysto zero: this means that the flow ‘strength’ is such thatthe squeezing in the z-direction makes the particle majorsemiaxis ‘change’ from being aligned with the z-axis tolying on the xy-plane.

In order to better visualize the orientation dynamicsof the particle, in Fig. 4 the projections on the flow-gradient (panel a) and flow-vorticity (panel b) planes ofthe trajectories traced by the unit vector p are shown forAR=1.1, Cae=0.2, and for four initial orientations al-ready considered in Fig. 2, i.e., p0=[0, 0.707, 0.707] (or-ange curves), [0.577, 0.577, 0.577] (pink curves), [0.707,0, 0.707] (red curves), and [1, 0, 0] (green curves). In bothpanels, each initial orientation of the particle is symbol-ized by a circle of the same color of the trajectory, andan arrow identifies the direction of travel of the trajec-tory. The orientation dynamics of the particle initiallyplaced within the shear plane (p0=[1, 0, 0]) follows theaforementioned TR motion: by looking at the projectionof the unit vector p on the xy-plane (panel a), it canbe seen that, after an initial transient, p goes back-and-forth along the same trajectory; similarly, by looking atpanel b, it can be observed that the projection of p onthe xz-plane goes back-and-forth on a portion of the x-axis. When initial orientations out of the shear plane areconsidered (orange, pink, and red curves), the followingcommon dynamics happen: after an initial transient, thexy-projection of p ‘draws’ arcs of increasing amplitude,whereas its xz-projection oscillates symmetrically aboutthe x-axis, roughly tracing the number ‘8’. Such kindof behavior has been recently documented by Cordascoand Bagchi [20] for prolate spheroidal capsules in shearflow of a Newtonian fluid, and it is referred as ‘kayaking’.As visible in Fig. 4b, the amplitude of the ‘eyes’ of the8-s progressively decreases with respect to the z-axis andincreases with respect to the x-axis, thus attesting that,regardless p0, at long (in principle, infinite) times, thedynamics of a particle starting out of the shear plane willconform to the TR motion of a spheroid initially placedwith its major axis on the shear plane, except the veryspecial case with p0=[0, 0, 1] (see the blue curves in Fig.2). Therefore, for AR=1.1 and Cae=0.2, TR is the stableregime towards which the particle tends from every ini-

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







p0 = [0, 0.707, 0.707]

p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

p0 = [0.707, 0, 0.707]

p0 = [1, 0, 0]

AR = 1.1 = 0Cae = 0.2


x0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









FIG. 4. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with AR=1.1 suspended with different ini-tial orientations in a Newtonian fluid under unbounded shearflow with Cae=0.2. a) Projection on the xy-plane of the tra-jectories traced by the orientation unit vector p; b) Projectionon the xz-plane of the trajectories traced by the orientationunit vector p. In both panels, the circles represent the par-ticle initial orientations and the arrows indicate the directionof travel of the curves.

tial orientation, the steady-state solution for p0=[0, 0, 1]being, actually, unstable, since even a little perturbationwhich makes the particle move from its steady-state po-sition would make it go towards the periodic regime. It isworth remarking that the crossing of the shear-gradientplane performed by the particles starting outside suchplane would be impossible for a rigid ellipsoid in a New-tonian fluid under shear flow [9]: its occurrence in the

present case is likely due to the mechanism of torquedissipation inside a deformable solid, which makes theellipsoid oscillate about the xy-plane before finally lyingon it.


L, B

, W










Lp0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

BWp0 = [0.707, 0, 0.707]

p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

p0 = [0, 0.707, 0.707]

p0 = [0.998, 0, 0.0632]

p0 = [0, 0, 1]


AR = 1.1 = 0Cae = 0.02


0 5 10 15 20

p x, p

y, p










FIG. 5. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with AR=1.1 suspended with different ini-tial orientations in a Newtonian fluid under unbounded shearflow with Cae=0.02. a) Time evolution of the ellipsoid dimen-sionless semiaxes L, B, W ; b) Time evolution of the Cartesiancomponents of the orientation unit vector p.

Let us investigate the effect of the elastic capillarynumber Cae on the behavior of a particle with aspect ra-tio AR=1.1 suspended with different initial orientationsin a Newtonian fluid subjected to unbounded shear flow.In Fig. 5, the dynamics of such particle is reported forCae=0.02.

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The green curves in Fig. 5a display the temporaltrends of L (dash-dot line), B (dashed line), and W (solidline) for a spheroid initially placed within the shear planewith p0=[0.707, 0.707, 0]. After an initial transient, thesemiaxes lengths begin to oscillate with defined frequency(again, equal to about 1/2π) and amplitude. The greencurves in Fig. 5b report the temporal trends of the Carte-sian components px, py, and pz of the orientation vectorof the spheroid. Like for Cae=0.2 (see Fig. 2b), pz (greendash-dot line) does not move from 0, so the particle orien-tation vector alway lies on the shear plane. After a briefinitial transient, its x- and y-components (green solid anddashed lines, respectively) oscillate with defined ampli-tude and frequency between -1 and +1; this means thatthe particle major semiaxis performs periodical revolu-tions around the vorticity axis (i.e., the z-axis). Suchbehavior is known as tumbling (TU), and it has beenalso found by Gao et al. [16] for the same particle initialshape and flow conditions. In Fig. 5, the results for someinitial orientations out of the shear plane are also shown.As for the case with Cae=0.2 discussed above, the distri-bution of the orientations is such that the whole octantof the Cartesian space characterized by positive x-, y-and z-values is investigated, the dynamics in the othersbeing analogous due to symmetry. For all the startingpositions out of the shear plane considered here, the par-ticle dynamics is characterized by shape and orientationoscillations. In particular, the x- and y-components ofthe orientation vector p oscillate with increasing peakheights, whereas its z-component oscillates with decreas-ing peak heights, always staying positive. As above, a‘special’ case is represented by the spheroid with p0=[0,0, 1], that, after a transient, attains a steady-state de-formed shape with respect to the flow, as shown by theblue lines representing L, B, and W in Fig. 5a. At vari-ance with the case with Cae = 0.2, here the orientationof the particle does not change, as px and py do not movefrom 0, and pz does not move from 1, so the particle keepsits initial orientation along the vorticity.

In order to highlight the dynamics of the particle ori-entation, in Fig. 6 the projections on the flow-gradient(panel a) and flow-vorticity (panel b) planes of the trajec-tories traced by the unit vector p are shown for AR=1.1,Cae=0.02, and for p0=[0.707, 0.707, 0] (green curves),[0.707, 0, 0.707] (red curves), [0.577, 0.577, 0.577] (pinkcurves), [0, 0.707, 0.707] (orange curves), and [0.998, 0,0.0632] (black curves). Like in Fig. 4, each particle ini-tial orientation is represented by a circle of the same colorof the trajectory, and an arrow identifies the direction oftravel of the trajectory. The particle initially lying on theshear plane (p0=[0.707, 0.707, 0]) undergoes TU motion:by looking at panel a, it can be noticed that the pro-jection of p moves clockwise along a circular trajectory;consequently, from panel b it appears that the projec-tion of p on the shear-vorticity plane goes back-and-forthalong the x-axis. When initial orientations out of theshear plane are considered (red, pink, orange, and blackcurves), the following qualitative dynamics happen: the

x-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0







p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

p0 = [0.707, 0, 0.707]

p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

p0 = [0, 0.707, 0.707]

p0 = [0.998, 0, 0.0632]

AR = 1.1 = 0Cae = 0.02


x-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0







FIG. 6. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with AR=1.1 suspended with different ini-tial orientations in a Newtonian fluid under unbounded shearflow with Cae=0.02. a) Projection on the xy-plane of the tra-jectories traced by the orientation unit vector p; b) Projectionon the xz-plane of the trajectories traced by the orientationunit vector p. In both panels, the circles represent the par-ticle initial orientations and the arrows indicate the directionof travel of the curves.

projection of p on the xy-plane has a spiral-like trajec-tory with increasing amplitude, whereas its xz-projectionoscillates drawing ‘horizontal 8-s’ with increasing am-plitude and decreasing z-component. Such behavior issomehow opposite to those documented in [20] for pro-late spheroidal capsules in shear flow of a Newtonian fluid

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and in [21] for rigid prolate spheroids in shear flow of aviscoelastic fluid, where the particle has a spiraling mo-tion tending to a vorticity-alignment. Here, on the con-trary, at long times, the dynamics of a particle startingout of the shear plane will conform to TU regardless itsp0-value (except the case with p0=[0, 0, 1]). Thus, forAR=1.1 and Cae=0.02, TU is the regime towards whichthe particle tends from every initial orientation, exceptthe unstable steady-state solution for p0=[0, 0, 1].

Hence, we are now in the position to say that, fixed theaspect ratio AR of the prolate spheroid, ‘low’ values ofthe elastic capillary number Cae promote TU, whereas‘high’ Cae-values promote TR. We have also investigatedthe effect of AR on the dynamics of an elastic prolatespheroid suspended in a Newtonian fluid subjected tounbounded shear flow at fixed Cae. As we have detectedthe very same qualitative behaviors illustrated so far,both for particles initially oriented within and outsidethe shear plane, these are not shown. We just reportthat increasing AR promotes TU, whereas decreasing itpromotes TR.

B. Confined shear flow

1. Particle suspended symmetrically between the movingwalls

Let us, now, investigate the case where the spheroidis suspended with its center of volume in a symmetricposition with respect to the two moving walls, i.e., withyP0 = 0. In turn, the above mentioned walls areplaced at a finite distance Y , which means that the block-age ratio β assumes non-zero values. For the sake ofsimplicity, only results for a particle with its major axisinitially lying on the shear plane are shown below, thedynamics that the particle can possibly undergo whenstarting with its major axis out of the shear plane beingqualitatively similar to the ones shown in Sec. IV A foran unbounded flow geometry.

Fig. 7 reports the dynamics of a particle with AR=1.25suspended with initial orientation p0=[0.707, 0.707, 0] ina Newtonian fluid subjected to confined shear flow withelastic capillary number Cae=0.06 and for 5 different val-ues of the blockage ratio, i.e., β=0 (unbounded flow),0.25, 0.50, 0.66, 0.75. Like in unbounded flow, the par-ticle deforms under the action of the sheared suspendingfluid. During the particle dynamics, the orientation unitvector p always lies in the xy-plane due to symmetry rea-sons. Therefore, the particle orientation can be describedby a scalar parameter, namely, the angle θ between theflow direction and the unit vector p, to which we willrefer as to the ‘orientation angle’. Since during its dy-namics the particle shape never departs from a (biaxial)ellipsoid, the semiaxes L, B, and W are considered toevaluate the particle deformation in time. It can be seenin Fig. 7a that, after an initial transient, L, B, and Wundergo periodic oscillations for all the blockage ratios

t0 2 4 6 8 10 12






L, B

, W










AR = 1.25Cae = 0.06

p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

L = 0BW = 0.25 = 0.50 = 0.66 = 0.75

FIG. 7. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with AR=1.25 suspended in a Newtonianfluid under confined shear flow for Cae=0.06 and 5 differentvalues of the blockage ratio β. In all cases, the particle initialorientation is p0=[0.707, 0.707, 0]. a) Time evolution of theellipsoid dimensionless semiaxes L, B, W ; b) Time evolutionof the orientation angle θ.

considered. For all the three semiaxes, the amplitude ofthese oscillations increases with β, the numerical valuesof their maxima increase with β, and the minima decreasewith β; in other words, the more the particle is confinedbetween the moving walls, the more it stretches and com-presses under the action of the suspending liquid. Yet themost interesting effect of confinement on the particle be-havior can be caught from Fig. 7b. At increasing β from0 to 0.66, the ellipsoid major axis is found to performcomplete revolutions around the vorticity axis, i.e., theparticle undergoes TU; then, by further increasing β, a

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transition in the regime of motion is detected: indeed, asclearly visible from Fig. 7b, for β=0.75, the orientationangle θ oscillates always staying positive, which meansthat the particle is subjected to TR.

x-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0






1.0 = 0 = 0.25 = 0.5 = 0.66 = 0.75

AR = 1.25Cae = 0.06

FIG. 8. (Color online) Projection on the xy-plane of themaximally elongated shape of a neo-Hookean elastic prolatespheroid with AR=1.25 suspended in a Newtonian fluid un-der confined shear flow for Cae=0.06 and 5 different values ofthe blockage ratio β.

In Fig. 8, the projection on the shear-gradient planeof the particle deformed shape in correspondence of themaximum L-value is reported for β=0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.66,0.75. As mentioned above, by increasing the blockageratio β, the particle maximum deformation increases. Itis interesting to notice that, regardless the blockage ratio(and, consequently, the regime of motion), when the par-ticle attains the highest deformation, it is always orientedin the same way with respect to the flow. In particular,for the case under investigation (i.e., for AR=1.25 andCae=0.06), the orientation angle corresponding to themaximum elongation is equal to about 41. This can beread quantitatively from Fig. 7: for each β, if one puts inthe maximum L in panel a and, then, goes down to panelb until intersecting the θ-curve at the same β-value, al-ways the same value of the orientation angle can be readon the y-axis.

The effects of the interplay of the three parametersthat rule the system, i.e., the aspect ratio AR, the elas-tic capillary number Cae, and the blockage ratio β, onthe regime of motion of a prolate spheroid suspendedwith its major axis on the shear plane are depicted inthe phase diagram displayed in Fig. 9. The black solidcurve reports the non-perturbative predictions from [16]


1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5

Ca e





0.20Gao et al.Simulations, = 0.44Simulations, = 0.66Simulations, = 0.75STEADY STATE



FIG. 9. (Color online) Phase diagram for a neo-Hookean elas-tic prolate spheroid suspended in a Newtonian fluid undershear flow. The black solid curve shows theoretical predic-tions from [16], the dashed lines and symbols represent ournumerical simulation results.

for an unbounded flow geometry (with which our numer-ical data quantitatively agree), whereas the series of red,blue and green symbols connected through dashed linesof the same color report our numerical simulation re-sults at varying β (red corresponds to β=0.44, blue toβ=0.66, and green to β=0.75). For each of the consid-ered blockage ratios, every AR − Cae couple below thedashed curve identifies a TU condition; on the contrary,every AR−Cae couple above such curve identifies a TRcondition. Fixed β and AR, increasing Cae is found topromote TR; fixed β and Cae, increasing AR pushes thesystem towards TU; finally, fixed AR and Cae, more con-fined geometries (in other words, increasing β) promoteTR. A very special case is represented by spheroids withAR=1, that are, actually, spheres: when suspended inshear flow, initially spherical elastic particles deform un-til they attain a steady-state deformation and orienta-tion with respect to the flow (in this regard, see [8]).In the phase diagram shown in Fig. 9, the locusof such ‘special’ solutions coincides with the y-axis, as highlighted by the pink curve. As soon asthe particle undeformed shape departs from a sphere, nosteady-state solutions are found to exist, as also reportedin [16].

2. Particle suspended asymmetrically between the movingwalls

Finally, we address the case of a spheroid withits center of volume initially placed in an asym-metric position with respect to the two movingwalls, i.e., with yP0 6= 0. As in section IV B 1, thewalls are at a finite distance Y , thus the blockage

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ratio β attains non-zero values.

Due to the asymmetry of the spheroid initialposition with respect to the walls of the flow cell,a new phenomenon arises, namely, the migrationof the particle orthogonally to the flow directionalong the y-direction. In what follows, when werefer to the ‘vertical position’ of the particle yP,we will mean the y-coordinate of its center ofvolume; similarly, when we mention the ‘migra-tion velocity’ of the particle, we will mean the y-component of the translational velocity computedin its center of volume.

In Fig. 10a, the trajectories of the particleare displayed for an aspect ratio AR = 1.25, twovalues of the blockage ratio (β = 0.25, 0.5), twovalues of the elastic capillary number (Cae =0.06, 0.2), two initial orientations of the spheroid,one in the shear plane and one outside it (p0 =[0.707, 0.707, 0], [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]), and several ini-tial vertical positions yP0 in the upper half ofthe channel, the dynamics in the lower half be-ing analogous (mirrored) due to symmetry. Inorder to report results at different blockage ra-tios on the same graph, the value of the particlevertical position yP is normalized by dividing itby the value of the maximum vertical position at-tainable by the particle center of volume Y/2−L0.By looking at Fig. 10a, it can be seen that, what-ever the values of the parameters, the particlemigrates towards the center plane of the channel,that is the xz-plane at y = 0. More in detail, theslopes of the curves displayed in the above men-tioned figure show that both increasing β and Caepromotes a faster lateral migration; on the otherhand, fixed β and Cae, a different initial orien-tation does not induce appreciable differences onthe trajectories (see the pink-orange, black-red,and green-blue couples of curves). In Fig. 10b,we plot the particle migration velocity vP vs. itsnormalized vertical position in the upper semi-channel yP/(Y/2 − L0) for the same parametersconsidered in Fig. 10a. For every set of param-eters, the migration velocity trends show that,as the particle travels towards the channel centerplane, its migration velocity decreases (in mag-nitude) through damping oscillations, which canbe linked to particle shape and orientation oscil-lations (see Fig. 12). Fixed a set of β-, Cae-,and p0-values, it can be seen that the curves cor-responding to different particle initial positionsall arrange along a ‘master’ trend, even if dif-ferent starting positions can induce a phase shiftin the damping oscillations, due to the presenceof an initial velocity-transient. We remark thatthe migration velocity steep descents appearingin Fig. 10b correspond, for each particle startingposition, to a time span in which the particle hasan abrupt deformation with respect to the initial

t0 5 10 15 20 25

y P/(


- L







1.0AR = 1.25 (a)

yP/(Y/2 - L0)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

v P









= 0.25, Cae = 0.06, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.06, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

= 0.5, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.5, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]


FIG. 10. (Color online) a) Trajectories of a neo-Hookean elas-tic prolate spheroid with aspect ratio AR = 1.25 in a New-tonian fluid under confined shear flow; b) Migration velocityvP of a neo-Hookean elastic prolate spheroid in a Newtonianfluid under confined shear flow as a function of its normalizedvertical position yP/(Y/2 − L0). Both panels show results atvarying blockage ratio β, elastic capillary number Cae, ini-tial orientation p0, and initial vertical position of the particleyP0/(Y/2 − L0).

shape (see Fig. 12a).When the spheroid is suspended asymmetri-

cally with respect to the walls, and, in particu-lar, it is quite close to one of them, its deformedshape is no longer ellipsoidal. In order to visu-alize this better, in Fig. 11, 5 front (xy−) andtop (xz−) views are reported from the dynamicsof a particle with aspect ratio AR = 1.25, initialorientation p0=[0.577, 0.577, 0.577], initial posi-tion yP0/(Y/2 − L0) = 0.8, blockage ratio β = 0.5,

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AR = 1.25β = 0.5Cae = 0.2p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]





















yP/(Y/2 – L0) = 0.766

yP/(Y/2 – L0) = 0.592

yP/(Y/2 – L0) = 0.511

yP/(Y/2 – L0) = 0.414

yP/(Y/2 – L0) = 0.275

FIG. 11. Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elastic prolatespheroid with aspect ratio AR = 1.25, initial orientationp0=[0.577, 0.577, 0.577], initial position yP0/(Y/2 − L0) =0.8, blockage ratio β = 0.5, and elastic capillary num-ber Cae = 0.2. The shapes attained by the particle atfive vertical positions are displayed, i.e., yP/(Y/2 − L0) =0.766, 0.592, 0.511, 0.414, 0.275. Left: front views (the dash-dot line is the trace of the xz-plane at y = 0); right: top views(the dash-dot line is the trace of the xy-plane at z = 0).

and elastic capillary number Cae = 0.2. On theleft, the first view, at yP/(Y/2−L0) = 0.766, showsthat the particle, released quite close to the upperwall of the flow cell, deforms asymmetrically, at-taining a slipper-like shape; then, going throughthe snapshots on the left, it can be observed that,as the particle migrates towards the channel cen-ter plane (whose trace is given by the dash-dotline), its shape and orientation go through oscilla-tions. Moreover, the top views on the right showthat, during its dynamics, the particle shape isnot symmetric neither with respect to the shearplane (whose trace is given by the dash-dot line).

Even if the deformed shapes displayed in Fig.11 are not ellipsoidal, it is evident that suchshapes are still ‘smooth’ figures with a preferen-tial orientation. Hence, in order to give a quan-

titative description of the deformation and ori-entation of a particle out of the shear plane, weconsider a box encasing it. The semi-dimensionsL, B, and W of such box are analogous to thesemiaxes of an ellipsoid, and the unit vector poriented as the major dimension L is similar tothe orientation unit vector of an ellipsoid.

L, B

, W0.4







AR = 1.25yP0/(Y/2 - L0) = 0.8



0 5 10 15 20 25 30

p x, p

y, p








= 0.25, Cae = 0.06, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]



= 0.25, Cae = 0.06, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

= 0.5, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.5, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]


FIG. 12. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with aspect ratio AR=1.25 suspended withinitial vertical position yP0/(Y/2 − L0) = 0.8 in a Newto-nian fluid under confined shear flow. a) Time evolution of thedimensions L, B, W ; b) Time evolution of the Cartesian com-ponents of the orientation unit vector p. Both panels showresults at varying blockage ratio β, elastic capillary numberCae, and initial orientation p0.

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Fig. 12a displays the temporal trends of L (solidcurves), W (dashed curves), and B (dash-dotcurves) for a particle with aspect ratio AR=1.25suspended with initial vertical position yP0/(Y/2−L0) = 0.8 for the same parameters as in Fig. 10.For all the sets of parameters considered, it canbe seen that, after an initial transient, the lengthsof the three semiaxes oscillate with defined fre-quency. However, at variance with the casesshown in Figs. 2a, 5a, and 7a, where the par-ticle is placed in the middle of the channel gap,the amplitude of such oscillations is not constant.This is due to the interplay of deformation andmigration, because the particle ‘feels’ a chang-ing stress while it goes away from the wall; as itreaches the channel center plane, the oscillationsof L, W , and B will attain the same (constant) fre-quency and amplitude of the ones for a particlestarting at yP0 = 0 with the same β and Cae.

Fig. 12b reports the temporal trends of theCartesian components px (solid lines), py (dashedlines), and pz (dash-dot lines) of the orientationvector of the particle p. When the spheroid isinitially oriented within the shear plane, i.e., withp0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0] (see the pink, black, and greencurves), the orientation vector always lies on suchplane, so pz is always nil. On the contrary, pxand py oscillate, and a qualitative difference canbe detected between the case at Cae = 0.06 (pinkcurves) and the case at Cae = 0.2 (black and greencurves). Indeed, for Cae = 0.06, px and py oscil-late between -1 and +1, then the particle majorsemiaxis performs periodical revolutions on theshear plane, whereas, for Cae = 0.2, the x- andy-components of p oscillate always assuming pos-itive values; in other words, the particle majorsemiaxis forms an angle with the flow directionthat is always positive. Two similar behaviorshad been already detected for particles lying onthe shear plane and starting on the channel cen-ter plane (see Figs. 2b, 5b, and 7b): in particular,the first is a TU-like behavior, whereas the secondis a TR-like behavior. For β = 0.25 and Cae = 0.06,when the particle is initially oriented out of theshear plane, i.e., with p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577] (or-ange curves), the x- and y-components of its ori-entation vector p oscillate with increasing peakheights, whereas its z-component oscillates withdecreasing average and peak heights, always stay-ing positive. As time goes by, then, the parti-cle orientational behavior will tend to conformto the one of the particle starting on the shearplane with the same parameters (pink curve).For β = 0.25, 0.5 and Cae = 0.2, when the par-ticle is initially oriented out of the shear planewith p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577] (red and blue curves),from the px- and py-trends it is evident that theparticle major semiaxis oscillates always staying

above the flow-vorticity plane, whereas, from thepz-trend, it can be seen that, during its oscilla-tions, the particle continuously crosses the flow-gradient plane. It is visible in Fig. 12b that thepz-oscillations around pz = 0 tend to damp, thus,at long times, the orientational behaviors of theparticles starting out of the shear plane will con-form to the ones of the particles starting on theplane for the same values of the other parameters.

In order to give a better insight into particleorientation dynamics, in Fig. 13 the projectionson the flow-gradient (a) and flow-vorticity (b)planes of the trajectories traced by the unit vec-tor p are shown for a particle with aspect ratioAR = 1.25 suspended with initial vertical positionyP0/(Y/2−L0) = 0.8 for the same parameters as inFig. 10. The two particle initial orientations con-sidered (i.e., p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0], [0.577, 0.577, 0.577])are represented by empty circles, and arrowsidentify the directions of travel of the trajecto-ries. The particle with β = 0.25 and Cae = 0.06initially lying on the shear plane (pink curves) un-dergoes TU motion: by looking at panel a, it canbe noticed that the projection of p moves clock-wise along a circular trajectory; consequently,from panel b it appears that the projection of pon the shear-vorticity plane goes back-and-forthalong the x-axis. When an initial orientation outof the shear plane are considered (orange curves),the projection of p on the xy-plane has a spiral-like trajectory with increasing radius, whereasits xz-projection oscillates drawing ‘horizontal 8-s’ with increasing amplitude and decreasing z-component. At long times, the dynamics of a par-ticle starting out of the shear plane will conformto TU. For Cae = 0.2, β = 0.25, 0.5, the particlewith p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0] (black and green curves)follows the aforementioned TR motion: by look-ing at panel a, it can be seen that the projectionof p on the xy-plane goes back-and-forth along thesame trajectory; similarly, by looking at panel b,it can be observed that the projection of p on thexz-plane goes back-and-forth on a portion of thex-axis. When the initial orientation out of theshear plane p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577] is considered(red and blue curves), after an initial transient,the xy-projection of p ‘draws’ arcs of increasingamplitude, whereas its xz-projection traces ‘verti-cal 8-s’ of decreasing amplitude symmetric aboutthe x-axis. At long times, the dynamics of parti-cles starting out of the shear plane will conform tothe TR motion of spheroids initially placed withthe major axis on the shear plane.

We are, then, in the position to say that a neo-Hookean elastic prolate spheroid suspended in aNewtonian fluid under shear flow with its centerof volume initially placed in an asymmetric posi-tion with respect to the two moving walls of the

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x-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0






1.0AR = 1.25yP0/(Y/2 - L0) = 0.8


x-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0






= 0.25, Cae = 0.06, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.06, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.25, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]

= 0.5, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.707, 0.707, 0]

= 0.5, Cae = 0.2, p0 = [0.577, 0.577, 0.577]


FIG. 13. (Color online) Dynamics of a neo-Hookean elasticprolate spheroid with aspect ratio AR=1.25 suspended withinitial vertical position yP0/(Y/2 −L0) = 0.8 in a Newtonianfluid under confined shear. a) Projection on the xy-planeof the trajectories traced by the orientation unit vector p;b) Projection on the xz-plane of the trajectories traced bythe orientation unit vector p. Both panels show results atvarying blockage ratio β, elastic capillary number Cae, andinitial orientation p0.

flow cell experiences two concomitant phenom-

ena, namely, unsteady deformation and lateralmigration towards the center plane of the flowcell. For what matters particle shape deforma-tion and orientation, like in the case of a prolatespheroid suspended on the center plane of theflow cell, fixed the aspect ratio AR, ‘low’ valuesof the elastic capillary number Cae promote TU,whereas ‘high’ Cae-values promote TR. Particlesinitially oriented out of the shear plane will cometo the shape and orientation behavior of parti-cles initially oriented within the shear plane af-ter passing through more complicated dynamics.Lateral migration superimposes to these phenom-ena: in a Newtonian fluid, a neo-Hookean elas-tic prolate spheroid always migrates towards thechannel center plane, with a (oscillating) velocityincreasing (in magnitude) both with β and Cae.


In this paper, we investigate through numerical sim-ulations the dynamics of a neo-Hookean elastic prolatespheroid suspended in a Newtonian fluid under shearflow. Both initial orientations of the particle within andoutside the shear plane and both unbounded and confinedflow geometries are considered. For confined flow, weconsider also asymmetric initial positions of theparticle with respect to the moving walls.

The dimensionless parameters that govern the systemare the particle aspect ratio AR, which is the ratio of themajor and the minor spheroid semiaxes, the elastic cap-illary number Cae, that relates the viscous forces actingon the particle and its elasticity, and the blockage ratioβ, that relates the particle and the flow cell characteristicdimensions.

In unbounded flow, when the particle starts on theshear plane, two stable regimes of motion are found,namely, trembling (TR), where the particle periodicallyelongates and compresses and the angle between its ma-jor semiaxis and the flow direction oscillates around amean positive value, and tumbling (TU), where the par-ticle shape periodically changes and its major axis per-forms complete revolutions around the vorticity axis.Higher AR-values promote TU, whereas higher Cae-spromote TR.

When the particle is initially oriented out of the shearplane, more complex dynamics are detected. However,such behaviors are ‘transient’, since they evolve in timetowards TR or TU, i.e., pz → 0 for t → ∞, where pzis the component in the vorticity direction of theunit vector that gives particle orientation.

The presence of solid walls in the vicinity of the particleinfluences its deformation and regime of motion. Moreconfined geometries, i.e., higher β-s, promote TR.

A phase diagram that summarizes the effects of thethree parameters that rule the system is presented,and our numerical results are compared with the non-

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perturbative calculations from Gao et. al [16] for elasticprolate spheroids in a Newtonian fluid under unboundedshear flow, yielding a complete quantitative agreement.

When the spheroid center of volume is initiallyplaced in an asymmetric position with respect tothe two moving walls of the flow cell, the particleundergoes two concomitant phenomena, namely,unsteady deformation and lateral migration to-

wards the center plane of the flow cell. Con-cerning particle deformation and orientation, thesame qualitative behaviors described above forparticles symmetrically suspended between thewalls are detected. Lateral migration superim-poses to these phenomena, with a (oscillating)migration velocity increasing (in magnitude) bothwith β and Cae.

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