
During a conference with During a conference with graduate students, a Professor graduate students, a Professor

of University of Berlin...of University of Berlin...

GermanyIn the Beginnings of 20th Century

…challenged his students with the question below:

“Has God created everything?"

A student courageously answered:

“Yes, God has done it…”

“Has God really created everything?” Asked the professor again.

“Yes, Sir”, answered the young student.

The professor continued, “If God has created everything, has God created the evil? Because the evil exists. And since everything we do, is an image

of what we are, is God evil?"

The young student did not say anything before the professor argument and the

professor, happy and full of pride, delighted himself because, once more, he

had proved Feith is a Myth!

Another student stood up, raised his hand and said:

“Professor, may I make a question?” “Of Course” answered the Professor.

The young man remained stood up and asked the Professor:

“Professor, does the cold exist?”The Professor answered

“What a question? Of course it exists! Haven´t you ever happened to feel cold?”

The student answed: “As a matter of fact, Sir, cold does not exist. According the laws of Physics,

the sensation we called cold, is in reality the absence of heat.

Every object or body is subject of study when it emits energy. The heat is a type of energy.”

The Absolute Zero is the total absence of heat emition. All the bodies remain on

inertial state, uncapable of any reaction, so the cold does not exist. Men created this

definition to describe how we feel if we do not feel heat."

“And, does the darkness exist?” Continued the student.

The Professor answered: “Yes, it does”.

The student continued:

“You have made a mistake again, Sir! The darkness either does not exist.

Darkness is actually the absence of light.”

“Light is subject of study, Darkness is not!

Nichol’s prisms exist to decompose the white light

into different collors it is composed.

We cannot do it with Darkness!

A simple ray of light crosses the darkness and touches a surface from where the ray is reflected

toward our eyes.

How can we measure how much dark is any space of the Universe? Based upon in the

present amount of light in that space. Do not we do it this way?

Darkness is a definition men developed and created to describe what happens when the light

is not present!”

Finally, the young man asked the professor: “Sir, does evil exist?”

The Professor answered: “Of course it exists. As I said before, we

see crimes, rapes and violence worldwide. Those are results of evil.”

The student argumented:

“Evil does not exit, Sir. At least it does not exist alone. Evil is the absence of Good. It replicates the previous cases of definition.

Evil is a definition created by men to describe the absence of love in their hearts and to say

the God created evil!”

“God did not create Evil. Evil is different from feith and from love that

exist on their own. Like heat and light do. Evil is the perception we catch from men

that do not have Good present in their hearts!

Like it happens with the cold when there is no heat and like it happens with the darkness

when there is no Light.”

In the beginning of the 20th century, the

audience stood up to aplause that young man.

The Professor stopped argumenting and silenced himself!

He answered:


Immediately The University’s Principal walked towards the

student and asked him his name.

It does not matter if there was a conference in Berlin...

It does not matter if Albert Einstein argumented with the Professor in the conference...

If really matters to start thinking about the causes

that make the good to flee outfrom the heart of human being!

“The most poverty felling is the solitude and the feeling of not

being loved!”

“The most poverty felling is the solitude and the feeling of not

being loved!”

“Today the most sickness is neither leprosy nor tuberculosis. The

most sickness is the felling of not being loved!”

“Today the most sickness is neither leprosy nor tuberculosis. The

most sickness is the felling of not being loved!”

“Worldwide there are more hunger of love and appreciation than hunger of food!”

“Worldwide there are more hunger of love and appreciation than hunger of food!”

““Sometimes, we think poverty is starvation, lack of clothes and Sometimes, we think poverty is starvation, lack of clothes and lack of shelter. Poverty is not belonging. Not being loved and lack of shelter. Poverty is not belonging. Not being loved and not being taken care is the most poverty. It is necessary to not being taken care is the most poverty. It is necessary to start it at home for producing the medicine for this kind of start it at home for producing the medicine for this kind of


““Sometimes, we think poverty is starvation, lack of clothes and Sometimes, we think poverty is starvation, lack of clothes and lack of shelter. Poverty is not belonging. Not being loved and lack of shelter. Poverty is not belonging. Not being loved and not being taken care is the most poverty. It is necessary to not being taken care is the most poverty. It is necessary to start it at home for producing the medicine for this kind of start it at home for producing the medicine for this kind of


If we do not have time for our spouses and kids,

they will feel they do not belong.And they will try to belong

somewhere else!

In their search for belonging, Kids can try belonging

at their schools and sometimes

finish for belonging to drug dealersor gangs!

In their search for belonging,

Spouses can try belonging somewhere else!

In their search for belonging, people try belonging in their workplaces and

finish for discovering that the market rules itself (According offer and demmand) because the economists

created an abstract entity to blame when they cannot solve social problems

and to justify their theory’s failures!

It really matters whether you make someone to feel he belong or not!

It matters whether you laugh making someone thinking you are


It really matters if you avoid being seen talking to someone that

the common sense labels as inferior!

It really matters whether your sight and actions

don’t match to your speech or evento the lack of it!

Because people really perceive whenyou do not care!

Because people perceive partiality of your actions

before the impartiality of your speech!

Because people get tired of showingthey are comitted and also of doing the best

to consider belonged!

Because people that feel they don’t belong,will stop trusting and will not

trust even in their shade anymore!
