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Drug Rehab Treatment in California

Author: Dion Silva

Pain- killing drugs can get a person addicted

A German firm first synthesized the oxycodone from thebine in the early years of twentieth century. Oxycondone’s chemical name is derived from codeine. It was hoped that a thebine-derived drug would retain the analgesic effects of morphine and heroin with less dependence. To some extent this was achieved, as oxycodone does not have the same immediate effect as heroin or morphine nor does it last as long. The first clinical use of this drug was documented in 1917. This is a drug available only with the prescription. This works as time release pain killer. This is a very good drug widely used for treatment of severe pain disorders.

This is available in a form of a pill or liquid. There are various street names available for this drug like killers, OC, Oxy or Oxycotton etc. it is available in various sizes based on their weight.

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This drug releases its effect slowly, because it has a sustained- release coating, which causes a time bound and sustained as well as controlled effect of this drug. But most of the people misuse this drug to achieve euphoria. This drug’s coating can be removed and taken in a crushed from to cause instant rush of euphoria. There are various short term and long term effects of this addiction. Short term effects can be classified as constipation, sedation, nausea etc. and long term effects can be physical dependence and addiction.

This addiction is very much life threatening. Over the time, the abuser’s body develops tolerance for this drug and the prescribed amount makes no effect, then the dose is increased by the user himself to achieve the high. It is only curable with the help of medical experts and rehabs. Oxycontin addiction rehab can cure this dependency with help of clinical support and psychological therapies. Oxycontin addiction treatment is easily available in the rehabs. These rehabs include the holistic approach towards the recovery for long term sobriety.

Families are also involves for a support outside the rehabs to maintain a compassionate atmosphere, which can keep the newly sober away from addiction. A complete recovery with the help of sophisticated equipments and experts is assured in the rehabs these days. These rehabs follow different way to improve or change the outlook towards dealing with problems in normal life which could be one of the root causes of the addiction.

Deadly substance cause life threatening addiction

Drugs are very much useful, most of the times they are life saving substances. They are boon if consumed in the proportion prescribed by the physician. They can relieve us from pains, depression, restlessness etc. they can work wonders for our body. They can get the real health back to us. But all this is possible only if they are consumed in proportion and for stipulated time frame. But the people get so much used to this comfort released by these drugs in our body; they tend to go overboard in consuming them. Once their body develops tolerance level for such drugs they increase the dosage without consulting the doctor and this way it goes on endlessly. This way they get addicted to the drug. Instead of the drug becoming a life saver, it becomes a bane for their body.

Drug addiction can be hidden in the initial stage, but when things get out of hands, the families and friends look out for a suitable help and support for getting their loved one out of this danger. The families and friends extend every kind of compassionate support to the addicts. Their sole aim is to get their loved one admitted into a rehab, which caters to their needs and is very much supportive

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towards their suffering person. The drug rehab centers come to rescue. It is well equipped with state-of-art machines and well- informed as well as trained professional staff. These facilities do not resemble to a hospital or a typical rehab center, instead they are well planned and decorated luxurious houses with all the facilities at the disposal of their clients.

Many rehabs are placed making use of wonderful landscapes, where the serenity of the nature is exploited to its fullest to make their clients get rid of the addiction. The clients are treated for their recovery from substance abuse and addiction or even any other disorder. The drug rehab programs aim at removing the addiction from roots. One of the most important features of these private rehabs is that they offer confidential services to its clientele. This helps in keeping the anonymity safe of the person. These rehabs are capable of handling various types of disorder and addiction recovery programs in a very delicate manner. After all it is a matter of heart and soul rather than body.

Getting rid of alcohol dependency the spiritual way!

Dependency on any kind of substance is due to many factors. Some do it because of problems in life. Some do it due to sheer adventure and the end result is then the addiction. Some do it with willingness. Various factors lead to the addiction. Alcohol addiction is one of the most dangerous yet the most commonly found addiction among every stratum in society. It is so, because of the easy accessibility and comparatively less cost of this substance. Alcohol is commonly accessible everywhere. Alcohol addiction is the most commonly found addiction in the world.

For many reasons, one of them, being easy availability of alcohol, secondly, it is not banned by the governments like any other substance. There are various reasons which lead to addiction such as family background, social status, peer pressure or even pleasure. The effects of alcoholism vary from gender. The women tend to be on high quicker than the men. This is mainly because of the body weight difference. Also the tolerance levels of both the genders differ.

Once the addiction is accepted, then searching for a good rehab is on. The families or even the addicts themselves try to find a good alcoholism rehab. There are various rehabs which offer professional support and individualistic treatment programs. These yield good results. But there is always a fear of relapse. But these rehabs take utmost care of its clients and provide extended support for long-term recovery and thus minimize the chances of relapse. For avoiding the relapses, behavior reforming therapies are also imparted to the addicts. Some rehabs follow Christian preaching for spiritual enlightenment for long term recovery.

These rehabs are called long term Christian rehab. They thoroughly follow the Christian path of living healthy and good life. They offer church services, prayers,

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meditation, Biblical readings, religious discourses and pastoral counseling as well. These rehab centers give equal opportunity and treatment to all and show the spiritual path in order to reach God and live a clean life as per His teachings. Maintaining sobriety and leading a prolonged addiction free life is their basic aim. They join hands with churches and have special preaching sessions for the addicts. In which the knowledgeable share views and secrets of happy life presented in the Holy Bible! It is truly said, that the highest power guides us when required to, teaches us in the tough times.

Substance abuse commonly found trend among people

Among different kinds of addictions, substance abuse is very much common. It starts with a prescription of a physician for some particular un- easiness such as pains, depression, loss of sleep or hyper tension etc. These cannot be classified under disease category, but these are some kinds of dis- ease, where a person is not at ease. His comfort levels are disturbed. For attaining the normal comfort levels, physicians prescribe various drugs. These drugs are to be consumed in a prescribed dosage. Slowly people get used to getting relief through such external things, instead of developing their own immunity. The euphoria they get once these drugs release their effect is very much wanted. Thus they keep on consuming the drug even after the physician suggests not taking those drugs. The euphoric effect of these drugs is very much welcomed.

There are many prescribed to which people get used to. One such drug is Oxycontin. This is prescribed for the getting relief from pains. It is available in various sizes differing on the weight. This is a very good drug widely used for treatment of severe pain disorders. This is available in a form of a pill or liquid. There are various street names available for this drug like killers, OC, Oxy or Oxycotton etc. it is available in various mg sizes. This drug releases its effect after 12 hours, because it has a sustained- release coating, which causes a time bound and sustained as well as controlled effect of this drug. But most of the people misuse this drug to achieve euphoria. Coating of this drug can be removed and taken in a crushed form to get instant rush of euphoria.

This rush leads to an addiction to oxycontin. There are various short term and long term effects of this addiction. Short term effects can be classified as constipation, sedation, nausea etc. and long term effects can be physical dependence and

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addiction. This addiction is very much life threatening. Over the time, the abuser’s body develops tolerance for this drug and the prescribed amount makes no effect, then the dose is increased by the user himself to achieve the high. It is only curable with the help of medical experts and rehabs. Oxycontin treatment includes detoxification, clinical support, behavioral therapies etc. For long term sobriety retaining there are various alumni programs available where the newly sobers get to interact with long term sobers.

Contact details:

Sober Living by the Sea4816 Seashore Drive,

Suite B,Newport Beach, CA 92663

Get Help Now…! Call: - 866.323.5609Email ID: [email protected]

