Page 1: Drug addictions -…  · Web view07/04/2012  · Jaime Villanueva. 4/11/2012. Abstract

Drug addictions

University at Texas at El Paso Texas

Jaime Villanueva


Page 2: Drug addictions -…  · Web view07/04/2012  · Jaime Villanueva. 4/11/2012. Abstract


The drug addictions have been increasing enormously over the last couple of years and

youngsters are the ones that fall more easily in the habit of becoming addicted to it, even though drugs

have been showing a noticeable decrease in their consumption and distribution that’s not the case for

cocaine, and in the past it was thought that only certain type of people used this drugs but in recent

research it was shown that now drug addictions is a world problem, not only low class people consume

drugs, now also professional people do it, maybe it was always this way but no body thought it was



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Drug addictions have become more common in between youngsters, middle class and high class

civilians not only lower class people and people with issues. Drug addictions are now a world problem

not only a community problem. Over the last couple of decades this statistics have been showing a

somewhat type of increment. Most of narcotics have been showing some what of decrease in their use

among teenagers except for cocaine, on the contrary cocaine has been showing a noticeable increase in

its consumption and distribution. Also the misuse of class a drugs, those that are the most harmful,

cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy had shown an increment in males in their early 18’s and late 50’s but not on

females. People are ignorant of what the most rapidly increase drug in the last decades, cocaine, is

capable of doing. Lots of families had been completely destroyed completely due to this drug; therefore

the ignorance in the topic has caused dramatic increase injuries and deaths due to cocaine abuse.

Over the last couple of decades youngsters have taken a big role in the percentage of drug

addicts and daily consumers of narcotics especially in the usage of cocaine all over the world. Statistics

showed that youngsters starting in their sixteen have started using this drugs that are known as class A

drugs, cocaine, heroin, and ecstasy’s, the most harmful drugs known to the human body(new York

times, “problem drug use, misuse deliberate self-harm”). Statistics also showed that youngsters who

injected cocaine into their veins were more likely to try to commit suicide than those who just inhaled it.

The federal survey of drug abuse among seniors has showed that drug consumption has decrees

generally but it also showed that cocaine usage has increase from previous years. The survey also

showed the percentage of high school seniors who are active cocaine users. 11 percent of seniors

surveyed reported to be active cocaine users, as against the 6.9 percent last year (New York Times,

“Drug use in high schools down”). But nothing is concrete theirs the possibility that not all seniors are

being 100 percent honest, they could be putting in the survey that they are using the drug when they


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are not or vice versa, they can be saying that they don’t use it when they are daily consumers, but they

reserved it because they are scared that everyone would find out, and they’ll get in trouble.

“Cocaine damage on nose” image 1

Again statistic showed that drug consumption in general has decrees over the years with the

exception of cocaine, on the contrary the consumption of cocaine has increase over the last years, and

as an effect the deaths related to cocaine misuse had triple over the last four years. If this pattern


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continues at this paste in no longer than a few years more and more kids will be dying in really early

stages of their life.

High-grade heroin also has been increasing dramatically over the last couple of years when not

so long ago this same drug was facing an extreme decreasing in its consumption as well as in its

distribution, but in this couple of years high-grade heroin has become powerful and common among

teens and all group ages addicts. Also it was said that drugs were distributed among Black and Latino

communities and they were the ones responsible for the distribution, consumption and sell of the

narcotics, but resent research had shown that not only low class civilians are involved also middle class

and high class also are involved in this drug distribution (New York Times, “statistic suggest U.S. face

new drug abuse problems”). Now this is a global problem, worldwide drugs are consumed and

distributed in all group ages, and classes.


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Fig. 2 “heroin”

Any drug regardless of what kind it is has the same effect in the brain chemistry, for example

those who use heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, nicotine and alcohol experience a change in their brain

chemistry as well as those who smoke marihuana. This experiment was conducted on animals but it will

also have the same effect on humans because previous drug addiction problems were first discover on

animals than on humans as well (Sandra Blakeslee, new York times, brain studies tie marihuana to other

drugs). Last but not least any kind of drug addiction has the capacity of easily breaking up complete

families and most of this cases were caused because of family problems this people faced when they

were in there teen years and that was the way they found what we can call an escape to their reality .


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As a conclusion drugs are what we can say the major problem known by humans, and with time

more and more people are starting to use them on a daily basis, and with time those people are younger

each time, many have their reasons and it might be because of problems with their families or whatever

else that might affect them, and the easy way out to find a somewhat of a relief is in narcotics.

Addictions to any drug can completely destroy a life physically, mentally, emotionally, and also affect

those who surround you. Plus no matter what type of drug is being consumed at the long term it will

affect you in the same way. Many people are ignorant of what drugs are and what can actually

happened if they become addicted to them until they experienced it, but theirs also people who know

and understand what can happen but still they careless and still use them on a daily basis, narcotic

consumers are growing at an enormous pace with the passing of the years and the one drug that is

becoming more popular in between youngsters is cocaine and it’s also growing in quantities of



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• Camilla M. Haw, Keith Hawton (20 Nov, 2009) New York Times

• Joel Brinkley, The New York times, “U.S. says cocaine-related deaths are rising”

• Joel Brinkley, The New York times, “drug use in high school down”

• Image “A” “cocaine damage on nose”,r:2,s:21,i:143

• Nathaniel Sheppard, The New York times, “statistics suggest U.S. face new drug abuse problems”

• Fig. 2 “heroine”,r:17,s:103,i:124

• Sandra Blakeslee, the New York Times, June 27, 1997, Friday- Brain studies tie marihuana to other drugs.

• Shafer Gabriel, family functioning in families with alcohol and other drug addictions.


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