  • Slide 1
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  • Drop Everything and Read!
  • Slide 3
  • 1. What factors contributed to the outbreak of the Civil War? 2. What was the turning point of the Civil War? 3. What were the consequences of the Northern strategy of Total War on the outcome of the Civil War? 4. Analyze the competing plans for Reconstruction after the Civil War? 5. To what extent did the Radical Republicans achieve their goals during Reconstruction? 6. Analyze the effectiveness of presidential leadership during Reconstruction. 7. What advancements were made by African Americans as a result of Reconstruction? 8. To what extent was the Southern power elite able to restore traditional power relations in the South after the Civil War?
  • Slide 4
  • BeforeAfter Structurally Environmentally Culturally/Demographically Structurally Environmentally Culturally/Demographically
  • Slide 5
  • 1. Interrogate your source. How might the source of the document influence its Point of View or the contents of the document? 2. According to this document, who was clearly at fault for the violence at Wounded Knee? 3. Most accounts of Wounded Knee suggest that the violence started as a result of a gunshot from an unknown source, others suggest that there was as struggle between a soldier and a brave over a rifle and the rifle went off, starting the military response. Why might this description different? 4. How does the fact that this incident was the result of the suppression of a ritual dance influence your interpretation of the event?
  • Slide 6
  • Sand CreekFirst Sioux War Second Sioux War Red River War The Nez Perce The Ghost Dance Culminating Question: Culminating Question: To what extent did US western expansion constitute a conquest? To what extent could it be said that US policy toward the Indians constituted a genocide?
  • Slide 7
  • 1. According to Jackson, what is the nature of the dishonor mentioned in the title? 2. What is Jacksons feelings with regard to the Cheyenne? Give at least three quotes from the article to support your answer. 3. What are the sources of the Cheyennes misery according to this article? 4. According to Jackson, what are the responsibilities of the government to the Cheyenne? 5. What are some ways the Cheyenne tried to resist their treatment? How did this resistance end? 6. What do you think Jackson would propose as solutions to the Cheyenne problem? Use at least two quotes from the text to support your answer. 7. If you were a Cheyenne under these circumstances, what would you do?
  • Slide 8
  • Transcontinental Railroad Steel Industry Coal and Oil Finance Urbanization Chicago Inventions Wheat Meat Long Drive Mining Bonanza Farms Mechanization of Agriculture Industrial Revolution Agricultural Revolution Immigration Create a cause and effect chart from the terms above. Answer the Culminating Question: To what extent was the Transcontinental Railroad a cause of the industrial and agricultural revolutions, as opposed to a consequence?
  • Slide 9
  • 1. According to Carnegie, why is the problem of our age not such a problem? How does he then re- define the problem? 2. What are the three modes of disposing of surplus wealth? Can you think of more? 3. Of these three modes, which does he prefer and why? 4. Explain what Carnegie means by the duty of the man of wealth. What problems do you see with this approach? 5. If you were a man[woman] of wealth, how would you dispose of this duty? Explain why. 6. To what extent is Carnegies argument nothing more than a justification for hording great wealth at the expense of workers?
  • Slide 10
  • Trusts An Octopus A Disease A Warm BlanketA Tree House Create a political cartoon or poster demonstrating which of the above synectics best describes a trust. Be specific about which trust you are referencing. You image should clearly demonstrate why you are choosing this specific synectic.
  • Slide 11
  • Based on this political cartoon, write one or two paragraphs about what this artist is saying about his time period. What are some things that you can infer about the United States at this time? Draw or describe a political cartoon that would update this one for today. Robber Barons Bell Ringer
  • Slide 12
  • Choose the top four scandals of the Gilded Age and create a scandal sheet that describes the scandals, why these scandals were important, and efforts to resolve these scandals. What do these scandals say about the time period? How do these scandals compare to todays scandals? Choose 4 from the following: Gould-Fisk Gold Scheme Fall of the Tweed Ring Thomas Nast Credit Mobilier Scandal Whiskey Ring William Belknap Resignation Assassination of James Garfield Mudslinging Victoria Woodhull Campaign Grover Cleveland Lovechild
  • Slide 13
  • ScandalDescriptionResolutions (Legal?) Gould-Fisk Gold Scheme Fall of the Tweed Ring Credit Mobilier Scandal Whiskey Ring William Belknap Resignation Assassination of James Garfield Mudslinging Victoria Woodhull Campaign Grover Cleveland Lovechild Separate Sheet to be turned in: Separate Sheet to be turned in: Why do you think the Gilded Age was so full of scandals? What was/were the cause[s] for such a scandalous era. Based on your analysis of the causes of these scandals, how effective do you think the proffered solutions would be?
  • Slide 14
  • LegislationDescriptionConsequencesSupporters Pendleton Act Interstate Commerce Ac Sherman Anti-Trust Act McKinley Tariff Sherman Silver Purchase Act Morrill Land-Grant College Act Comstock Laws Which of the reforms described here was of the greatest, long term, value? Which reform is still influential today? Which reform is no longer influential, but should be, and why?
  • Slide 15
  • 1. Compare and contrast the two perspectives in your reading packet. 2. If a member of the banquet were present in the narrative by Riis, how do you think he or she may have justified the extravagance that they enjoyed just a year earlier in the face of such poverty. Use your text to support your answer. 3. If a member of the poor household had been a witness to the banquet, how might they respond? Use your text to support your answer. 4. Is this inequality comparable today. Give examples from current news or research. To fully understand your readings, it is important to note that these two events may have taken place literally down the street from each other.
  • Slide 16
  • Create a flip chart Cover must represent these administrations First tab: Ulysses Grant & Rutherford Hayes Second Tab: James Garfield & Chester Arthur Third Tab: Grover Cleveland & Benjamin Harrison Cover George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson Evaluation of Presidency General Info Ulysses Grant Rutherford Hayes James Garfield Chester Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison
  • Slide 17
  • The Crime of Poverty Read Henry Georges The Crime of Poverty and answer the following questions 1. What do you think George means by social crime? Cite Georges essay to support your answer 2. What are three reasons given by George to support his thesis that poverty is a crime? Cite 3. In your opinion, is poverty a crime, as George claims, is it a personal choice, or is there another option? Reference the source at least three times.
  • Slide 18
  • Panic of 1873 Class Analysis Panic of 1873 Causes Consequences Poor and Working Class Middle Class Wealthy Poor and Working Class Middle Class Wealthy To what extent did the Panic of 1873 exacerbate already existing class conflicts leading to the Great Uprising of 1877?
  • Slide 19
  • 1. Summarize what is going on in this image 2. Why do you think the men on the dock are blocking the way of the man on the platform? 3. In your own words, what is the message of this political cartoon? 4. Draw your own version of this political cartoon that is relevant to today. Immigration Bell Ringer
  • Slide 20
  • Create a poster spotlighting an immigrant group from the Late 19 th century Include: Push Factors Pull Factors Contributions Nativist Response Data: Charts/Graphs Political Cartoon from the 19 th century Primary Source New Immigrants Project
  • Slide 21
  • What would it take to make you leave your native country and live in a foreign country where you do not know the language, customs or manners? Based on the lessons learned by comparing the Old Immigrants in the 19 th Century and the New Immigrants in the 19 th Century, how might these lessons be applied to help us shape immigration policy today? Immigration Culminating Question
  • Slide 22
  • You are an urban planner responsible for this neighborhood. Research this neighborhood and the problems faced resulting from late 19 th century urbanization. Come up with a plan including at least three strategies that would improve the quality of life in this neighborhood. What might be some problems and barriers keeping your plan from being put into action. Mulberry Street, 1900
  • Slide 23
  • DBQ Prep Daniel Webster and the Missouri Compromise.
  • Slide 24
  • 1. What is a gold standard? 2. Who might be against a gold standard and why? 3. Cite at least one passage from the Cross of Gold speech that you believe best summarizes Bryans argument against the Gold Standard. 4. Cite at least one passage from this speech that you believe best describes Bryans ideas about the role of government. 5. Cite at least on passage from this speech that reveals the audience to whom Bryan is speaking. 6. Cite at least one passage in which Bryan is making an historical argument. 7. Which of the following citations above do you most agree with? Explain your answer using historical evidence. 8. Which of the following citations above do you least agree with? Explain your answer using historical evidence.
  • Slide 25
  • Create a Populist Campaign Pamphlet for the Election of 1896 In the pamphlet explain the following: Problems facing the nation according to the Populists Solutions to these problems Who is running for President Who does the Populist Party support and why Whats wrong with the other guy A slogan summarizing the Populist Party A direct quote from a Populist that supports your pamphlet
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  • Slide 27
  • Last Years Activities
  • Slide 28
  • 1. The measures taken to regulate large industrial combinations between 1865 and 1914 were completely ineffective. Critically discuss this assertion. 2. Account for the rise of giant corporations in the period 18701914. 3. The corruption of the Gilded Age was a result of apathy (uncaring attitude) on the part of voting Americans. To what extent is this statement true? Choose one of the prompts below and write an AICE appropriate essay
  • Slide 29
  • Paper 2: Progressivism Compare the goals and the accomplishments of the Progressive Era to the Progressive movement today. How have the influences on this movement changed? Requirements At least six pages MLA format At least two books and three articles as sources Due Date: December 10 th
  • Slide 30
  • Write three editorials to the New York Times of 1880 in which you address the level of economic inequality that is evident in the country. One editorial should be from the point of view of someone in support of the system. One editorial should be from the point of view of someone desiring to change the system One editorial should be from your point of view and how this relates to contemporary history. Things to consider Do the benefits of industrial capitalism outweigh the costs? What can be done to mitigate the costs of industrial capitalism? Is poverty systemic (created by social forces) or individual (created by the choices of individuals) Use SHFs to support each of your editorials
  • Slide 31
  • Look at the graphs on your table and examine them. Write a paragraph or two on the conclusions that you can reach using these graphs. Mention in your paragraph the following Middle Class Income Top 1% Gini Coefficient
  • Slide 32
  • Gilded Age Economic Analysis Write an essay explaining the following prompt. You may use your book, notes and internet for sources. What factors contributed to the rapid industrialization of the Gilded Age Come up with at least four Cite and source
  • Slide 33
  • DuBois Primary Source Questions 1. What is the unasked question identified by DuBois? 2. When does it dawn on Du Bois that he is different? 3. What does Du Bois mean by a double-consciousness or two-ness experienced by African Americans? 4. Explain the effect of the double-aims identified by Du Bois on the black mind and black art. 5. According to Du Bois, why has emancipation been disappointing? 6. What do you think Du Bois would say about the state of race issues today? Justify your answer with what you know about race relations in the time of Du Bois and by citing the source.
  • Slide 34
  • Union Bell Ringer Examine the image. What do you think this image is saying? Who is this imaged directed to? How do you think an image like this would have been received by the Trusts? How do you think this would have been received by elected officials? By working people? Explain your answers.
  • Slide 35
  • Labor Unions Chart Union Description and Membership (Including Leaders) GoalsActionsOutcomes National Labor Union Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor (AFofL)
  • Slide 36
  • Evolution of Social Movements Project Labor Movement Populist Movement Progressive Movement Central Question: Central Question: How did these three movements develop and evolve from around 1866-1901 Concentration: 1. 2. Concentration: 1. identify the goals, actions, important people and outcomes of each movement for the specified time period. 2. Explain why these movements developed in the first place. 3. Describe how they changed over time. Requirements: Requirements: Project must include a timeline of important events and an explanation of how these events answer the central question. Must include visuals, graphs/charts and at least three quotes from Primary Sources.
  • Slide 37
  • 5 Minute Study Place composition books on the front desk.
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  • Robber Barons Zinn Questions 1. Who, in general, were the Robber Barons? 2. Who were some of the Robber Barons named in Zinn and what industries did they control? 3. Why were they referred to as Robber Barons? 4. What were five actions taken by the people to resist the power of the Robber Barons? 5. Write a paragraph on whether or not you believe the Robber Barons issue still applied today. Explain your answer.
  • Slide 39
  • Corporate Corruption Current Event 1. Explain the specific reasons the author gives for claiming that corporations should be sentenced to death. 2. In what ways are the issues highlighted in this article similar to and different from the issues highlighted in Chapter 11 of Peoples History (Zinn)
  • Slide 40
  • US Empire Quick Write Write one or two paragraphs on the topic below: Do you believe that the United States is an Empire Offer at least three reasons to explain your answer.
  • Slide 41
  • Timed Essay 40 minutes Assess the role of technical innovation in the rapidly expanding US economy from 1865 to 1914. Assess the impact of immigration on American social and economic life from 1865 to 1914. Why did it prove so difficult for both Federal and State governments to regulate big business effectively in the period 18651913? Choose one of the prompts below and write an essay addressing the prompt
  • Slide 42
  • Political Cartoon Bell Ringer Draw a political cartoon comparing the politics and/or economics of the late 19 th century to the politics and/or economics today.
  • Slide 43
  • The Greatest Generation? Bell Ringer 1. How does Zinn feel about being referred to a a member of the Greatest Generation? 2. Why does Zinn refuse to celebrate the Greatest Generation? 3. Which generations does Zinn nominate for the title Greatest? 4. Do you agree or disagree with Zinns position? (at least one paragraph, remember Andoscias Rule of Three)
  • Slide 44
  • Presidents of the Gilded Age Create a campaign poster running for Best President of the Gilded Age. Highlight achievements Mention, but downplay weaknesses Grant: Strategists Hayes: Explorers Garfield/Arthur: Philosophers Cleveland: Statesmen B. Harrison: Malcontents
  • Slide 45
  • Activism Bell Ringer 1. What injustices do you think exist in the United States/world? 2. What do you think is the cause[s] of these injustices? 3. What are YOU willing to do to end these injustices? Explain your answer.
  • Slide 46
  • The Progressive Movement List as many accomplishments of the Progressive Movement and explain why they were important. Identifying and explaining 5 = C Identifying and explaining 8 = B Identifying and explaining >8 = A
