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© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Gin Ng

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© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


A powerful 8 step plan to reach your dream faster

By Gin Ng Khin Wee

LEGAL NOTICEMy current mission in life is to reach out as many lives as I can to help you achieve your DREAM faster! So I’m granting you the rights to give away this special eBook (worth US$47) to anyone you see fit,As long as you do NOT change the content in any way!

The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this eBook, not withstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accuratedue to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein.

Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional.

In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made/results.

Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances and act accordingly.

This eBook is for informational purposes only and is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice.

All readers are advised to seek services ofCompetent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields.You are encouraged to print this eBook only if it’s necessary!

Let’s play our part to save Mother Earth. =)

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

What Subscribers Are Saying About Dream Accelerator:


Dream Accelerator is an essential reading for a person who striving for achievement. Gin had put together an easy-to-follow formula for me to achieve my goal faster. It’s really fascinating to learn that anyone can just take action to manifest their dream in reality when they have the correct mindset in place.

Joshua Yan - October 7th, 2013 at 7:37 pm



“Hi Gin,

Just wanna say thank you for touching my life, I kinda agree with you that we should notblame others and start taking responsibility for ourself. I used to blame other people formy failure as a result I learn nothing, once I start taking responsibility for my own success my situation improve! Not only my situation improve but my colleage and friends around me said I changed to a better person. Thank you once again .”

Tin Hua - November 5th, 2013 at 12:27 am


© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

AcknowledgementsMy parents, Ng Soon Nam and Soo Lee Ling, both show me the power of unconditional loveno matter how many hard times we've been through.

My brother, Ng Shen Wee . Who look after my parents when I’m overseas.

My soul mate, Gan Mei Xin who accepted me and love me for whom I am.

Ken Chee and Clive Tan, founder of 8investment Pte Ltd. They have added so much value in my life and show me what it really takes to become a successful person.

Yee Shun Jian , founder of . They have helped me discover how to live life to the fullest without having to live below my mean.

And most importantly,

YOU. Yes! YOU have downloaded Dream Accelerator because you are committed to your own success. I'm ready to add massive value to your success as long as you promise to take action after reading my book

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Table of Contents Introduction

Dream Setting

Time Controller

I Am Responsible

Say No To Perfection

Take Calculated Risk

Fear Terminator

Take Massive Action



Recommended Resource

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


Hi, I'm Gin, founder of personal development blog and author of Dream Accelerator.

How I use Dream Accelerator to achieve my goals.

First of all, I’m an ordinary guy who owns a job and live a simple life. Trying to climb my way up thru the corporate ladder and achieve financial freedom as my parent always says “find a job in a big company and do your best so that your company will take care of you." Well I use to think this way until things happen that dramatically change my core value of my parent advice. I've lost my job at Singapore back in August 2007. Walking out of the office building at Paya Lebar with my heart full of anger and sorrow. I break down and cry for losing my job. I keep asking myself what mistake I’ve done that it's so critical that it cost me my job? I've given my very best in my job, built up a good customer database and staff relationship and yet I’m being fired for no reason? That's not fair! And the best part is my boss just hand me my final paycheck and said "thank you for yourcontribution, I’m sorry that you have to leave our company." With this heartbreaking event. I decided to go back Malaysia and seek guidance from my parent and vent all my frustration and anger by sharing my story.

When I reach home, I notice something is not right. My mom was quarreling with my dad over money. I thought it was a typical Taiwanese drama scene as my mom always likes to buy healthcare product and my dad always go against her. Until I saw 3-4 red bill and lawyer letter that wanted to sue my dad for not paying his credit card. I confronted him and ask him what actually happen, why we have so many unpaid bills which make the bank wanted to sue us? He just says he forgot to pay and its small matter and refuses to talk about it anymore. In my father's eye I’m forever a kid so he tends not share his problem with me as

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

I’m forever too young to understand his problem. So I sneak up to my mom in the evening to find out everything from her. Guess what? My dad was in deep financial trouble, his oil business collapse where he didn't receive his client payment on time due to his entire client was holding on cash as 2007-8 subprime crisis hit, most of the small business owner was panic. To make matters worst he owes more than $50,000 to his supplier and they decide to stop supplying stock and asking my dad to pay back all the debt. I thought I was the one who hit rock bottom in my life but look at my dad, he's facing a greater challenge than mine! The next morning when I wake up I walk down to the livingroom and wanted to buy breakfast and I saw my dad sitting on his favorite chair, holding his cigarette and showing no emotion at all. I can sense the stress and burden he was holding on all this while. And he asks me “you wanted to tell me something very important right? What is it?” I take a deep breath to control my tears and replied "oh nothing I just want to share that my boss gave me a 1 month bonus for my good performance." I tell him that I understand his situation now and I wanted to help him. He smiles and tells me that "everything is going to be ok leave it to me, it's tough working in Singapore and you might need this money for rainy days " . I know that it's really not going to be fine when my dad had passed his age of retirement , no employer will go to hire him because of his age . How is he able to pay his entire bill then?? That moment had struck me hard and deep into my soul that I felt I’m really useless and can't do anything to help my family! I even hate myself for being retrenched and I can't help my dad when he's struggling deeply in financial trouble. So I keep my heartbreaking story with me plus a greater heart breaking story from my dad and go back to Singapore.

Returning to Singapore with a weak and demoralize soul, I keep searching for answers. I want to live a different life and take control of my own path as my ex company make me realize that I have no control over my job, my boss can fire me anytime they want regardless of how many things I did for the company. There was one day I come across this book Rich Dad Poor Dad, what caught my

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

attention was Robert Kiyosaki share that he was once homeless and he lives in his old Toyota with his wife for several months and he did some part time job just to fill his stomach. I pause for a moment, and begin to understand that everyone is on his own path of evolution, I realize that no one owes me a living, I’m responsible for myself and I’m going to pick myself up and stop blaming others for my hard time . So Instead of letting my negative emotion take charge of my life I decide to use this negative emotion as my fuel to push me forward toseek solutions in order to get out of my current situation! If Robert Kiyosaki can make it from homeless to financial freedom, I can too!!

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

My family photo during my 7 year old birthday with my younger brother, mom and dad.

-This photo serves as a reminder during my down time, every time when I feel like giving up I will look at this photo and tell myself that “How are you going to bring a better life to your family if you give up?”

Attending my uncle’s wedding during 2011, it’s been 5 years we have never taken a family photo together.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Enjoying myself during my uncle’s wedding, playing with my nephews.

Performing K-pop dance @ Wing Tai Dinner and Dance !

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

A photo that I was mistaken as a girl during Dinner and Dance.

From 2008-2012 I attend seminars and read tons of self help/personal development books and take massive action to go after my dream. After I learnt from various mentors, go thru allot of obstacle and challenge spend time testingout what work and what doesn't work. I am able to pen it down and put together a system that really helps me to reach my goal! I live my life to the fullest because the sense of achievement you gain from reaching your dream will give you strength to explore what's possible for you! This ultimate feeling can never be bought with money!

Today I have more confidence, better self esteem and most importantly I live mylife to the fullest by promise myself to take massive action to improve my situation. Well not only my financial situation improves but other area of my life improves too. I can’t believe that I actually take part in doing a K - pop dance for Wing Tai Dinner and Dance as I’m not even a fan of K pop. As I have shared before, even it’s a small dream like taking yourself to a small vacation trip to leave daily stress and challenge aside. Embrace and celebrate it because you made the decision and take action to make your dream come true. By doing so

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

you add positive energy into your mind and you will wonder what you can accomplish next. Well, enough of my personal story. You might be thinking does it sound too good to be true? You will never know until you take the first step.

I wish you start to realize the power, potential and possibilities of the gem ofa gift I’m handing you.

Now let's get it started to transform your life using Dream Accelerator!!! Dropme an email at [email protected] to share with me your personal story after you use this system to achieve your dream ya!! ; )

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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Why do some people seem to succeed in all they do, but others flounder along at the rear? Mostly it’s because the successful people have set goals and take steps to successfully achieve them. So how do they always seem to achieve theirgoals?

DREAM! Dream my friend is the foundation that keeps them stay focused on achieving their goals. Without a dream we are hardly motivated to even set goals.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

1. How to Set My Dream?

o Think of an ultimate outcome that excites you!

Example: WEIGHT LOSSNow weight loss has never failed to leave a negative impression to me , every time when I hear the word weight loss I don't feel the excitement and joy around that term. Because my mind keeps feeding me image like to go to the gym, force myself to diet / starve, and so on. With this entire negative thought how could you possibly achieve your dream? I bet even if you set your goal around them they will be abandoned very soon. Instead create a dream with positivity and joy, what's the ultimate outcome you want to see after losing weight? For me the outcome of losing weight will be enjoying a healthy lifestyle,have a leaner body shape so that I’m able to stay with the latest fashion trend without worrying about size, . Keep visualizing the benefit you gain from the outcome, is as visualize as possible, once you keep doing it you will gain positive energy and drive to keep you motivated!

2. Game Plan A.K.A Goal Setting

You need to create goals around your dream. Write it down, taking into account when you are going to achieve the goal and why it’s important. Try and be as visual as possible, explaining how the achievement of this goal will achieve your dream.

3. Divide your goal into pieces"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." -Henry Ford

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Now setting up a goal can be easy, but what's next? When your goal is huge you need to break the goal into tangible steps that need to be taken to achieve the goal.

This step is so important where most people neglected, the goal is so huge until they don't know what to do and then they abandon their goal.

4. Ask quality question "How badly do I want this goal?”

"Will this goal gives me a better life?"

"Where do I get resources to achieve my goal?"

"Who has already achieved the goal I set?”

Answering these questions will give you more drive to achieve your goal as you have opened up your mind to a new path.

5. Pen down your goals. After writing them down, review them regularly. You may also want to keep them handy to keep you motivated. You have to discipline yourself to stick to what you have written. Do not just write them and tuck them away somewhere ‘safe’. It’s better to keep them where you will see them. Personally I like to snap a photo of my goal and set it as my wallpaper so every time when I look at my phone I see my goal.

6. Do not give up. Reviewing your goals will help open your mind to see if you are on the right track. While on track, you may have to face challenges that might change the way you see yourself. Never be discouraged. Encountering obstacles are just a test for how dedicated one is to achieve the goals you’ve set. It will all boil down

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

to you preparing yourself to face anything and doing everything to get to the goal that you have set for yourself. Only you can make it happen. Nothing can stop you if you have set your mind to it and commit to taking action.

7. Keep Dreaming!“Everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.” - Robin S. Sharma, the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

As i said earlier dream is the key to achieve your goals, never stop dreaming! There will be a day that your dream becomes your reality. It's your fuel to help you stay with your goal.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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Time controller is basically about being focused. The Pareto Principle also knownas the '80:20 Rule' states that 80% of efforts that are not time managed or unfocused generates only 20% of the desired output. However, 80% of the desired output can be generated using only 20% of a well time managed effort. Although the ratio '80:20' is only arbitrary, it is used to put emphasis on how much is lost or how much can be gained with proper time management.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Time management is about getting results, not about being busy.

"Don't mistake movement for achievement. It's easy to get faked out by being busy. The question is: Busy doing what?" -- Jim Rohn.

Thoroughly planning and having a set of things to do list for each of the key areas may not be very practical, but determining which area in your life isn't given enough attention is part of time management. Each area creates the whole you, if you are ignoring one area then you are ignoring an important part of yourself.

Time management should not be so daunting a task. It is a very sensible and reasonable approach in solving problems big or small.

A great way of learning time management and improving your personal life is to follow several basic activities.

A way to do this is to keep a list that is always accessible to you.

Set priority to determine which task is necessary or not necessary in achieving your goals and which activities are helping you maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Pat yourself at the back or just reward yourself in any manner for an effective time management result.

Don't procrastinate. Attend to necessary things immediately.

Have a positive attitude and set yourself up for success. But be realistic in your approach in achieving your goals.

Have a record or journal of all your activities. This will help you get things in their proper perspective.

These are the few steps you initially take in becoming a well rounded individual.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

From the moment you integrate into your life time management skills, you have opened several options that can provide a broad spectrum of solutions to your personal growth. It also creates more doors for opportunities to knock on.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


photo credit: Helen K via photopin cc

Dream Is Your Responsibility!

What does that mean? Simple...You have a responsibility to manifest dream on your own life. The responsibility lies on your shoulders. You can’t blame anyone else, and you can’t look outside of yourself for someone else to manifest the dream for you. No one else will do it for you.You aren’t a surfer waiting for the next wave to come in.

In my down time, one key lesson that I learnt is that blaming others for my failure will bring me nowhere, because fundamentally my mind think that its other peoples fault so I will do nothing to change my life. But the fact is our lives are only as good as we decide to make them. We should make short and long range plans and then follow them through, reviewing them as we go. It is our design and determination that decides our destiny and

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

this is our responsibility. When things are not right we should blame nobody, for that only dodges the problems that are our own and that we must fix ourselves. Let's examine our own actions and decide how things will be.

"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be." - Thomas Kempis (1380-1471)

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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This is where the point most people give up on their dream, let me explain in detail. Have you noticed there is allot of version of the iPhone from

2> 3G> 3GS> 4> 4S> 5. Not only that each new version of iPhone also improves on their retina display, IOS system, 5 megapixels and so on. I use to wonder why they can’t just make the best phone to launch in the market so that we don't waste our money to buy new iPhone again and again. It's only after I attend a seminar back in 2009 the speaker share this fact which shocked me. Imagines Apple only release their world changing iPhone technology today, how much money and competitive advantage they've lost to Nokia and Samsung if they wait for perfection? What if

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Samsung Launch their Galaxy Series before the iPhone? Will Apple still be the market leader then?

Waiting for a time when everything is perfect and in place will cause you tolose your enthusiasm and abandon your goal. Conditions may never be as perfect as you desire. You may never have all the money, time, or knowledge you desire to begin working on your goals. You must take risks, learn and improve as you go along and then watch as everything begins to fall in place. If you have to wait for the perfect time to begin working on your goals you will be waiting a long time!

One book I recommend you to read is called 'Ready, Fire, Aim' by Michael Masterson. A quick summary of his book share this concept of ready, fire, aim. It's alright to just take action. Fire first, so that you can track and traceyour record. Aim and improve along the way until we successfully shoot at the right target, in our case hit our goal. This powerful concept accelerates our progress by helping us free from analysis paralysis , the deadly force that keeps us away from attracting what we want in life!!!

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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"Don’t test the depth of water with both feet" -Warren Buffett.

“There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” - Anis Nin

Everything in life involves a risk, there is no such thing as 100% safe. Let me give you some example,

Food- there's a potential risk that your food might cause choking.

Toilet- there's a potential risk that toilet bowl might break and cause serious injury.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Cell phone- there's a potential risk that phone battery might explode and cause injury.

IPod- jogging in a rainy day there's a potential risk that thunder mightstrike and cause you your life.

Want me to go on? Joke only. I’m pointing this out because every day we are exposing our self at risk, but we might not realize it. We do not allow fear of rejection and failure to dictate our life. Taking risks empowers you to take charge of your life and you will never know the outcome if you don’t take the risk. We should embrace the unknown and anticipate success. Having said that taking risks mean stepping out of what is safe, comfortable and familiar to you. It's not easy to do it because it involves emotion. Fear is the emotion that comes along when we take risks. I will share more about fear handling in the next chapter. Now let me share with you how I take risks.

1. Invest in education.

"There is no bad investment, only bad investor" Robert Kiyosaki

This clearly determines where the problem lies, the investor. Most of the people do not spend time and money on education to understand how things work. Instead they blindly follow what others are doing, as the results they lose time lose money. Then they will say “this is so risky and now I know this is not for me." I don't want you to fall victim to this trap.

2. Find the person who has already achieved your goal AKA Find a Mentor

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

This is powerful, imagine Thomas Edison have failed a 1000 time to create a working light bulb. Would you want to go thru 1000 time failure to createyour own light bulb? Imagine if you were to create a light bulb by your own, how much time and effort have you lost? Or you can just buy the light bulb from him which I think he's more willing to sell a light bulb for you.

Now the method I share above is what I called leverage, leverage allows you to do more with less. You save time and money by short cut the learning curve as you learning from their experience and avoid deathly pitfall they might trap them self in before. But be mindful, there are allot of self claim guru/expert who selling thing they don't understand to make a living. You must check their credibility before you decide to invest in the education they provide.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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“The primary difference between rich people and poor people is how they handle fear”. ... Robert Kiyosaki

"Fear = False Evidence Appearing Real”

Fear of failing, of course everyone does fear no matter how successful theyare. One key thing about how we should handle fear is using it as a fuel to motivate us on pushing us even further to learn more. Once we know more about what the subject we are into, it's very natural that we have less fear and self doubt. Self-doubt and fear interfere with our ability to achieve or set goals. Self-doubt and fear are the voices in our head telling

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

us, "You'll never succeed, so why try?" and "who do you think you are?" Self-doubt and fear are also what make us listen to those voices and decide to give up before we get started.

While many people experience self-doubt and fear at some point in their lives, they take action anyway. Others remain stuck, or are confident in only one area of their life, such as work. They are too afraid to try new things like going back to school, entering new relationships or learning newskills. When we let self-doubt and fear rule our lives, we miss opportunities. We predict and believe that nothing good will happen to us,so we don't try anything new, and refuse to take even low-level risks. This leads us to discount people or situations that could help us reach our goals. While self doubt and fear can come in different forms and from different sources, we can learn to break through them.

1. Make a list of your fears. Only by admitting that they exist can you seek solutions.

2. Write down how these fears affect your life.

3. Become aware of the voices in your head and write down those negative messages.

4. Start building a support system of friends and eliminate people from your life who foster feelings of negativity.

5. Join a support group of people who have similar issues.

6. Change each negative message to one that is affirming and constructive.

7. Read books that help you feel better about yourself.

8. Be aware of your past, and be willing to let go of it.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

9. List your goals and the actions you need to achieve them.

10. Take one of those actions every day. Each time you do something that brings you closer to achieving your goals you will feel better about yourself.

When fears and self-doubts come back, and they still do, I break through them by using the tools and skills I've learned and now teach. They work.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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As I was going through a new training course, that is helping me to developa new career, there it was staring me right in the face - Take Action!

Few people REALLY understand how important this concept is to success.

We all know the old saying, “Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda,” when we see an opportunity slip away. I know I’ve said, “I THOUGHT OF THAT YEARS AGO!” about some new gadget I came across. I didn’t take action. I let small problems be excuses for not moving forward with the things I truly want.

Well, I finally decided enough is enough! I want a new lifestyle revolving around the goals that I want and not what someone else thinks I should want.

Everything doesn’t have to be perfect the first time. I’ve definitely fallen into that old trap! Heck, most people don’t even notice. Just do something! You can fix the mistakes later. We learn from our mistakes.

By allowing yourself to say, “I changed my mind” and “I was wrong”, you will experience newfound freedom.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

We are all creatures of habit and hate to be blown out of our comfort zones, but taking risks and just getting out there can move mountains.

“Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill’s entire book revolves around one premise and that is to think. After thinking, take action and be persistent.

Be positive in your thinking and stay away from negative influences. Whenyou hear negative comments, just realize most people are envious and secretly wish they were as brave as you.

Don’t believe that success is hard. It is a process, so take it one step at a time. You can learn what you don’t know.

I could go on and on about positive thinking. I’m sure you’ve heard it before. If you are looking to change your financial situation and your life, believe in yourself and take action! Don’t let anymore wonderful opportunities pass you by!

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,


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“It may seem difficult at first, but everything is difficult at first.”-Miyamoto Musashi

At the beginning of your journey, everything seems difficult to you. But don’t feel sad , it’s completely normal when we step out of our comfort zone.

Reinforcement play a major role in keeping us stay focus towards our dream.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Create positive self-talk

It means purposely giving yourself positive reinforcement, motivation, and recognition- just as you would do for a friend. Congratulate yourself when you do well, and remind yourself of your abilities, accomplishments, strengths and skills.

Make self-talk work for you.

When you habitually say to yourself has a very profound impact on your self-image, your self-esteem, and your performance as well as eventual success. Remember that your subconscious triggers physiological responses to match the pictures and thoughts that you have of yourself to make them happens. Make this work for you by keeping your self-talk positive

Stop negative self-talk.

You may well be quick to nag yourself because your mother wanted you to more than perfect. However, negative self talk can be damaging because your subconscious believes what you say to you when you repeat that negative talk in your mind over and over. How is your subconscious to know otherwise? If you catch yourself using negative self-talk, stop and rephrase. Eliminate the negative words.

Focus with affirmation statements.

Affirmative statements are positive self-statements or reminders to help you achieve goals. They are positive messages with a punch “mental bumper stickers” of sorts to motivate your subconscious mind to work for you.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Here are guidelines to help you to use the powerful tool of affirmative statements as vital mental reminder technique.

Make the statements personal to yourself.

Not arbitrary or generic. Use the phrase “I”, your own name, or you

Keep affirmations short.

How can you use the affirmations if you cannot remember them?

Phrase your affirmations positively.

The mind accepts as truth in the words that you give it. Use positive words only as affirmations. Leave out any negative words. For example say “I will not be nervous during my interview with the warden “. Rather say “I will be calm and self-assured during my interview”

Include a positive emotion.

A phrase that triggers a positive emotion strengthens the affirmation.For example “My goals are valuable and it excites me.”

Phrase affirmations as fact.

Phrase a goal as though it is happening even if you have not achievedit yet. Your subconscious believes mental messages and works to make them a reality.

Say your affirmation at least 6 times a day.

Repetition is life. Repetition enhances self-confidence, acts as a reminder, and stimulates your subconscious to help you achieve your goals in life.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

It cannot be overstated the impact that positive self talk and affirmative statements can help you towards the vital goals that you have identified in your life. Remember that without goals even if youwork hard you are like a ship without a rudder

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

CONCLUSION> Dream Setting > Time Controller > I Am Responsible

> Say No To Perfection > Take Calculated Risk > Fear Terminator

> Take Massive Action > Reinforcement

This is it! Take this 8 step system with you to accelerate your dream; you might think you already knew all this stuff that I share. But when you joint all this 8 step together it becomes a winning formula to accelerate your dream! Just like a car needs engine, fuel, tire and so on in order to work. There are a few seminars I attended which I felt it's a waste of time and money as I already knew the stuff that he taught and it cost me $5000 to attend! The reason why I sign up it's because they package their ideas very well, like "secret of success", "habit of a successful people", I thought afterattending their seminar to learn their 'secret' I will automatically become rich and successful. But try to think about it, you can't hire a personal trainer to build a muscular body for you. You need to go through a series ofmuscle building training you self in order to build muscle. Therefore I design this eBook as a give back to the world, I wanted to help people realize that they have the power to accelerate their dream with this simple8 step!

I urge you to take action, there is magic in action. Take action to feel it for you! The most successful person in this world is not the one who has the highest intelligent, but the one who has the highest achievement.

“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” Tim Notke

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Final thought before you kick start your journey.


Understand the difference between wisdom and knowledge. We all knew that knowledge is power, but knowledge is only powerful when you apply! So today what you gain here is knowledge, this knowledge does not belongto you yet. You must apply the knowledge again and again until it becomes part of you... Then it officially becomes your wisdom....

Take this 2 powerful quote with you!

"Knowing is not enough, we mustapply. Willing is not enough, we must do!!!' " Bruce Lee

“Action is the foundational key toall success. “ Pablo Picasso

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Did you Find my Dream accelerator add value to you?

I have given my best to put up this essence which I’m using it every day, I’m sure I added value to you ; ) ... and you’re probably wondering…

“Where do I go from here?”

Well, Dream Accelerator is just the beginning.

I’ll post my Dream Accelerator update on my side , feel free to check out the update I share as I will go more in depth into each aspect to help you more. Furthermore if you like the concept and books I share , I had writtendown on my resources page .

On the next page , you’ll find resources that are more focused on the specific areas you might want to work on. Feel free to check them out and get them If you need specific help on that area of your life.

With this I will leave you with love to explore the wonderful resource page.

To Your Continuing Success!

Gin Ng

Founder and Growth Excellence Officer of

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

RESOURCESResources for Positivity!!!

Panic-away -For anyone who are suffering from anxiety attack, you know

by now that it is a debilitating sickness. This program is generally the best solution you can get aside from taking medication as medication only solve our problem temporarily , You can even try it for free if you'r skeptical about this program.

Boost Self Esteem! - No one is born with great self esteem, you can learn the proper and effective way to eliminate social anxiety and shyness, then you’ll be able to boost your self esteem!

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Powerful Mind Mastery! - Now, when you master your mind, you can literally master everything in life that you desire! This powerful mind mastery program helps you stay focused on your targeted goal!

Resources for Greater Health and Body shape!

Fat Loss Factor -Are you tired of countless attempt to lose weight and it doesn’t work? It’s most probably you didn’t realize what is your fat loss factor! Click to find out more.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Truth About Fat Burning Food -For those who are desperate to slim down by taking fat burning food beware! Do not take any fat burning food until you read this!


Eat and Lose Weight! -Click here to get an exclusive report on the ultimate guideto intermittent fasting for effortless weightloss and lifelong health.

Eating For Energy -Have you heard of what are some natural foods that will give

you long-lasting energy? Yuri has a series of compilation that can help you select the best natural foods that boost your energy in much healthier way!

Enhance your MUSCLE -Muscle growing can be tough as it involves proper diet and training, but with Kyle’s customize program you will enhance and maintain your muscle for good.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Resources for Social Success, Relationship and Confidence.

Sing like A Star!!! -Have you ever felt shy and refuse to sing whenever there’s a Karaoke session at your social gathering because you have no confidence in yourvoice. Well not anymore when you learn how to sing like a star !

Dating Solution For Him - Learn how to attract and date your dream girl with this7 simple trick that most guys miss out!

Dating Solution For Her - Ladies I need your attention here, if you can read a man’s mind you will ultimately know how to get his attention on you! Find out more at this link!

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Fix Your Relationship Now!!

- It’s very painful when you miss him/her so much but there’s nothing you can do to gain your ex back. But hey! Learn 2 weird trick to gain your ex back! You can do it!

Relationship Remedy - If you’re in the worst state of relationship situation and you wanna save it, don’t give up. Find out from from the man who has helped 50,119 people in 77 countries.

Get Him Back! -Ladies, as the title says it all. You can do something to get him back! Learn how influence his emotion to your favor and get him back.

Save Your Marriage! -Discover how to save your marriage with this high success rate information even if you’re the only one who’s interested.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

Personal Development Book Resources

Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

This awesome title has been on the best sellingbook shelves since 1937. He must be sharing

something right. Most successful figures today haveread his book. Be sure to check it out.

Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki

Here comes my favorite author of all time. Thanks tohim I’m able to overcome many obstacles that block

my way to financial freedom.

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

The Monk Who sold His Ferrari - Robin S Sharma

Now, believe it or not after reading this book Iactually gain spiritual power to sustain my motivation

daily. With emotional calmness you’ll be surprisedhow you can accomplish tasks better.

Ready Fire Aim - Michael Masterson

This book is awesome, he shares tips andstrategies on how you can overcome the fear

of failing and encourage you to take actionfast!

© 2013 Gin Ng, Dream Accelerator,

"Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," - Dr. DanielAmen

Like the tittle mention, the core area you need tochange is your brain/mindset in order to see

effective results. Without the correct mindset whatever you do only give you minimal results.

I wish my mission and work resonate with you!I look forward to connecting with you more through my newsletter andTalk to you soon…

Gin Ng (Just call me Gin!)Founder and Growth Excellence Officer ofhttp://www.GinTheVagabond.com
