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D O C T O R - R E S E A R C H E R - T R A I N E R - A C T I V I S T

Inspiring homeopaths world over

Dr Rajesh Shah Founder-Chairman: Life Force

Global Doc!

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom) is a homeopath, researcher, scientist, teacher, entrepreneur, author, activist and a promoter of homeopathy; with magnificent experience in the medical practice of difficult diseases for over 28 years, having a unique worldwide exposure. His spectrum of practice includes poor patients form Ethiopia, to Hollywood-Bollywood-Tollywood stars, scientists, and doctors; including the family of the past president of the US. He heads Life Force Homeopathic clinics in Mumbai.

Scientific Face of Homeopathy

Dr Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom), founder and chairman of Life Force Homeopathy, who is the only doctor in the world with credit of having treated patients from over 180 countries, an established world record.

Clear concepts Research based

New homeopathic medicines, which are scientifically


Down to earth

No fancy theories, easy to approach; he talks heart to heart

Learn what is treatable, what is not; using


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Multifaceted Doctor Dr  Rajesh  Shah,  MD,  is  working  in  the  areas  of  

medical  practice,  research,  training,  promotion  and  development  of  homeopathy    

Global doctor

Dr Shah started treating patients internationally in around 1990. Subsequently, patients started approaching him from all parts of the world. Currently, he has under his care patients from over 180 countries, which is a world record. On some days, there may be patients from five continents sitting in the waiting lobby of Life Force at the same hour. There are patients not only from all the states in India but also from each and every state from the US, treated by Dr Shah, which is an unique experience for any medical professional. His focus is on the treatment of difficult diseases. He has developed expertise in treating diseases such as Psoriasis, Lichen Planus, Hep C, Asthma, Allergies, Vitiligo, Urticaria, Ulcerative Colitis, Trigeminal Neuralgia, IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ankylosing Spondylitis, etc.


Dr Shah presents the scientific face of homeopathy. He believes that judicial integration of homeopathy with modern medical knowledge alone can lead to successful homeopathic practice. He does stresses that homeopathy is the younger than the modern medicine; however, homeopathy has not grown scientifically as much as it should have; due to lack of scientific approach by the profession. At Life Force, every patient undergoes diagnostic procedure and all prescriptions and results are scientifically documented.

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Dr Shah teachings After teaching in 18 countries, Dr Shah has almost

withdrawn from more teaching.

Dr Shah does not believe in any teaching, which is based on single or sporadic cases. He teaches based on series of cases, with scientific evidence. Also, he does not believe in teaching, which can be practiced only by the teacher, but it should be useful to every average practitioner.

Being one of the first users of the Internet in India, Dr Shah expended the technology to reach out to patients across the world, since 1995. He was the first doctor from India to start online medical practice. In fact, hundreds of homeopathic and allopathic doctors today use his method of online practice, which Dr Shah takes as complement. His reach is across all continents. As Dr Shah says, “Online practice is a great service to mankind. We have been able to reach out to patients in remote places such as countryside in Ireland or villages in Africa as well as small islands, where there are no homeopathic doctors. People have never heard of homeopathy. We could offer homeopathic benefits to those patients, which is immensely satisfying.”

Pioneer of Online Homeopathic Practice

Starting from a scratch, Dr Shah began his practice in 100 sq ft of rented clinic in 1985; now, running one of Asia’s largest homeopathic clinics in Mumbai. He has demonstrated how dedication and commitment in homeopathic practice accompanied with entrepreneurial quality can help homeopath grow beyond boundaries.


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Being research minded ever since he was in the first year at CMPH Medical College, he has developed R & D wing in his clinic, which is world’s first ISO 9001:2000 certified homeopathic clinic with a research wing. He is involved in conducting homeopathic research as per the conventional methods. There are ongoing research projects at Life Force, which include clinical trials, animal studies, development of new molecules, etc. Dr Shah believes that homeopathic cannot grow without scientific research. His papers are published in international journals.

Promoter of homeopathy

Ever since Dr Shah was a student traveling in local train to the homeopathic college, he had a habit of keeping some types notes about benefits of homeopathy, which he used to distribute to co-travellers. Subsequently, he used the media and technology to promote homeopathy globally. He has launched over 25 websites dedicated to discussing role of homeopathy for various diseases. His team of doctors offers free advices and genuine guidance explaining what homeopathy can do for various ailments. Dr Shah has been able to promote information about homeopathy all across the world in real sense. He has given lectures and television interviews in many countries.

An Activist

Dr Rajesh considers himself a homeopathy activist; as he has dedicated all his youth years to practice, development and growth of

homeopathy. Having scientific temperament, he has criticized all those so-called intuitive, fanciful and imaginary theories promoted in the name of classical homeopathy. He refutes everything that is taking away from the fundamentals of homeopathic principles; yet, he is open to scientific innovations and practical strategies. He is an experimenter and not rigid about age-old methods of prescribing.

Research is a way of Life

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Inventor of New molecules

Dr Shah has been working on new homeopathic medicines since over a decade and half. He has recently developed long awaited HIV and Hep C nosodes; and has also conducted drug proving (homeopathic pathogenetic trial) as well as Clinical trials. He has Indian, US, European patents to his credit; probably the only homeopath in the world having so many patents on homeopathic medicines. He is working on bringing the benefits of new research to the profession.

Dr Shah has taught homeopaths and allopathic doctors in many countries, including USA, UK, Holland, Belgium, Ireland, Croatia, Sweden, Norway, Greece, Japan, etc. He is a simple teacher; always keen to share. He usually conducts 2 to 7 days seminars. He is a down-to-earth teacher. He believes in teaching methods, which work for all homeopaths equally, and not selling theories that work only for some teachers! He firmly believes that as allopathic medicines work when prescribed by every qualified allopath, homeopathic medicines should also work in the hands of every average homeopath. His yearly teaching programs for foreign homeopaths, of three weeks duration conducted at in Mumbai were attended by homeopaths from many countries, from 1995 to 2000. He was invited to hold a two days seminar at world famous institute of George Vithoulkas in Greece, in 1997. He does not believe in teaching sporadic cases improved by some remedies; rather, he likes to teach where a series of cases treated successfully with some medicines. Lately, Dr Shah has been focusing on research more than teaching.

IT enabled Dr Shah has used the IT skills to promote and practice homeopathy. He was the first to launch medical website in India, in 1995; and pioneer online practice. Life Force is one of the first paperless clinics since 2006. Dr Shah launched the first homeopathic mobile app for iPhone in India. He was first to start videoconference in medical practice in India, in 1997; and probably the first to use e-commerce model in medical practice. IT enabled homeopathic practice has brought high level of efficiency, accuracy and professionalism in practice.

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Homeopathy that works



Dr Shah is a professional par excellence. His organized method of practice, integration of IT skills, incorporation of research wing in practice, corporatization, high level of ethics in professional conduct, process and system driven practice, etc. have made him a professional at whom the medicos look at for inspiration.

Professionalism par excellence

Iconoclast: A radical thinker Dr Shah believes in scientifically doubting and validating belief system. He did the same with homeopathy. He does not believe in any fundamental principle only because it existed in the textbooks. At one stage he re-made some homeopathic medicines, re-proved and re-checked the efficacy, all afresh. He has challenged some concepts, which are being practiced under the banner of classical homeopathy. He always says that homeopathy is a fundamental science; and should not be mixed with spirituality.

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