Page 1: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Done by: Robert Bignall

Professor: Kathryn Faubert

Page 2: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Executive Summary

Business Results Period (Consecutive Months): October 2008 – December 2009


Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is

touted by many insiders as a miracle drug seeing as it guarantees results for moderately

overweight individuals with a BMI between 25 and 30 if taken as prescribed. Metabical works by

combining two key components in Calosera which suppresses an individual’s appetite as well

Meditonan, a fat blocking and calorie absorption agent. While Metabical is the only prescription

weight loss drug for overweight individuals, main competitor Alli is more easily accessible as it is

an over the counter drug.

The Essential Challenge

Weight loss drugs in the industry have been plagued with a vast amount of side effects ranging

from loose stools to liver damage. Individuals have also become less enthusiastic about taking

weight loss pills due to deceptive marketing claims by current weight loss pills in the market.

Our main challenge is to communicate effectively to not just end consumers but doctors and

pharmacists that Metabical is the solution they have been looking for that not only promises

results but does it with little to no risks/side effects.

The Suggested Strategy

A 1-year campaign has been suggested in which for the beginning months of October to

December 2008 we will target medical practitioners through a series of initiatives comprising of

Direct Mail, Personal Selling and event sponsorship. The Goal for this is to educate medical

practitioners’ pre-launch which better allows then to respond to consumer questions at launch.

Ads at launch and post launch will be informative and Factual in nature and would consist of

Print Media, Television ads, Public Relations, Out of Home Advertising and a website

“” which would act and the home base and be placed on all creatives for

consumers and medical practitioners. Our Celebrity Spokesperson which will be used for our TV

ads will be Dr. Mehmet Oz, a well-respected physician/surgeon with over 35 years of

experience and his own Tv show.


Total budget for this campaign will be $23,146,000

Page 3: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Table of Contents Executive Summary ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. i

Situation Analysis .......................................................................................................................................................... 1

Marketing Objective ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

Marketing Communication Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5

Target Audience ............................................................................................................................................................ 6

End Consumer ........................................................................................................................................................... 6

Doctors ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Insights .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

Strategic Thinking ......................................................................................................................................................... 8

Positioning Strategy ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

Positioning Statement .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Identification of the Role and Importance of Communication Mix components................................................... 9

Budget ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Key Message................................................................................................................................................................ 10

Creative Plan ............................................................................................................................................................... 11

Creative Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 11

Supporting Claims ................................................................................................................................................... 11

Creative Strategy .................................................................................................................................................... 11

Tag line .................................................................................................................................................................... 11

Creative Execution .................................................................................................................................................. 12

Media Plan .................................................................................................................................................................. 13

Media Objectives .................................................................................................................................................... 13

Media Strategy ....................................................................................................................................................... 13

Interactive Plan ........................................................................................................................................................... 15

Experiential Marketing Plan (Sponsorship) ................................................................................................................ 17

Personal Selling Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 18

Direct Response Plan .................................................................................................................................................. 19

Public Relations Plan ................................................................................................................................................... 20

Print Media.................................................................................................................................................................. 22

Journal Advertisements .............................................................................................................................................. 24

Television Advertising ................................................................................................................................................. 25

OOH Plan ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27

Blocking Chart ............................................................................................................................................................. 28

Budget ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 29

Page 4: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Situation Analysis

Excess weight is considered a public health crisis in the U.S. Researchers and healthcare

professionals measure excess weight using Body Mass Index (BMI) scale. With 65% of the entire

adult population categorized as overweight (BMI 25 to 30), obese (BMI 30 to 40), or severely

obese (BMI over 30 to 40) there was no prescription drug for the overweight segment. CPS's has

designed the first prescription drug approved by the FDA specifically for overweight individuals

with the breakthrough drug called Metabical. The drug combined a new appetite-suppressant

compound, Calosera, with an innovative fat-blocking and calorie absorption agent, Meditonan.

Only one pill was required to take daily during 12 weeks. Negative side effects are the

gastrointestinal discomfort and occur only when users consumed high levels of fat and calories.

In the overweight segment, only one direct competitor exists - Alli. Alli is considered as an Over

the Counter drug (OTC) and has also received FDA approval. Alli users took one pill with each

meal. The price is $190 for a three-month supply. Side effects include liver damage, kidney

stones, severe stomach pain, and gallbladder disease.

Page 5: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Marketing Objective

➢ To gain a market share of 30% by the end of 2009.

➢ To reach the sales goal of 2.2 million units by the end of 2009.

Marketing Communication Objectives

➢ Increase awareness about Metabical as the only FDA approved guaranteed weight loss

drug for moderately overweight individuals by 60% by the end of 2008

➢ To position Metabical as the preeminent and trusted prescription drug for moderately

overweight individuals

➢ To educate, inform and to gain trust of the health care providers in feeling confident

prescribing Metabical to end consumers

➢ To gain endorsement among healthcare providers and thought leaders.

➢ To generate engagement, conversation and buzz through social and digital media


Page 6: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Target Audience

End Consumer

The primary target audience are moderately overweight working professional women between

the ages of 25 and 55 with a base income of $50,000 or more per year. While on the outside her

demeanor exudes confidence she internally obsesses over her appearance more specifically her

weight. She tried countless weight loss drugs but nothing seems to work and is not willing to try

some of the more common pills on the market due to its adverse side effects. Minimal results

coupled with negative side effects and previous deceptive marketing claims may have resulted in

her losing faith in weight loss drugs altogether. She watches the food network to get ideas of

healthy alternatives to the food she loves as well as subscribe to magazines such as “eating well”

and “healthy food” which she reads on the weekends. Moderately overweight women know that

the physical difficulty of crash dieting can be relentless. This pales in contrast to the emotional

battle of modifying the diet, pressure to succeed, altering lifestyle to hold a diet while dealing with

hormonal imbalance, mood swings and balancing a busy schedule.

➢ Likes communicating and expressing herself

➢ Shows herself through face to face, online, mobile and social networking sites

➢ Feels the importance of building relations

➢ Busy lifestyle because of managing the household and/or work

➢ Tends to be a smartphone user and is connected online with the cell phone at

home or work

Page 7: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug



Medical practitioners across the United States that engage in consultation with clients on a regular

basis. They are responsible for evaluating their patients and prescribing whatever pill/medication

they deem fit for each individual. They lead a busy lifestyle as they often see on average 25

patients per day. Despite this they are passionate about their patients and try to keep abreast of

the latest developments and new products which they would deem important/useful for their own

personal growth as well as patient satisfaction.

Page 8: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug



"I followed the diet and lost a lot of weight. But these last pounds seem not to wear off no matter

how hard I try. “- There's a dip in metabolic rate. It’s body’s natural response to fewer calorie

intake. The body ‘thinks’ there might be a food shortage, so it tries to conserve the calories stored

in your fat cells – by slowing down the rate at which the organism burns them. This dip isn’t

significant – the metabolic rate may drop by 10% at most – but it does make it close to impossible

to lose those last pounds. Customers do not acknowledge it.

Doctors, as well as pharmacists, are the primary influencers on our target audience and our

potential customers trust them. Doctors are worried about their reputation and will prescribe only

strength drug with FDA approval as well as clinical results to back up weight loss claims.

Pharmacists are not only the gatekeepers of the medicines that leave the shelves but also know

their customers on a more personal basis than even their doctors.

Strategic Thinking

We need to convert physicians and pharmacists on our side by building the understanding of how

Metabical works pre-launch, before advertising to the end consumer. It will lead to more

sustainable sales down the road. If medical practitioners are educated beforehand, when the drug

is launched in January and consumers are enquiring about the new drug on the market with either

their pharmacist or doctor they would be knowledgeable enough to provide an educated insight

and direction. By getting physicians on board before launch it would also create a buzz in the

industry about the new miracle drug that aims to improve one of the nation's biggest problems. In

order for this plan to work we will need to communicate as well as convince end consumers right

out the gate that Metabical works.

Page 9: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Positioning Strategy

➢ Benefit Sought: Metabical is the only FDA approved prescription weight loss drug that

can guarantee results in just 3 months.

➢ Differentiation: The consumer won't experience side effects if doctor's instructions are

followed. Only one pill per day is required which is more convenient in comparison to the


Positioning Statement

For the moderately overweight woman between 35-55 that are committed to lose the last 10 -25

pounds and seeking safe optimal weight loss success, Metabical is the 1st and only FDA

approved weight loss prescription drug that guarantees results without side effects if taken as

prescribed by a physician. A combination of low-dose appetite suppressants and fat-absorbing

blockers help you to achieve desirable results in only 12 weeks.

Identification of the Role and Importance of Communication Mix components

Metabical will begin by creating a website which will act as the home base for all things Metabical.

Both doctors and consumers will be able to access the website through separate logins to either

engage with active users or request further information as needs be. Social media tools will be

used primarily as a means to for consumers to engage directly with the brand from a consumer

standpoint as well as a means of social listening from a company standpoint. All advertising

creative pre-launch and launch will be more informative while as time progresses the emotional

appeal will be introduced coupled with testimonials from successful users.

Page 10: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug




Key Message

The only weight loss drug for overweight individuals that is FDA approved without side effects if

taken as prescribed by medical practitioner

Page 11: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Creative Plan

Creative Objectives

To communicate that Metabical is a safe, effective, convenient weight loss drug specifically

designed to moderately overweight individuals.

Supporting Claims

Numerous experiments were conducted using proper medical research methods such as clinical

trials to estimate and define the performance level of Metabical. These clinical test proved that

Metabical is effective in achieving significant weight loss for overweight individuals with the

majority of participants reaching their weight loss goal by week 12. When Metabical was

compared with a group of participants with the same BMI range of 28 to 30 it was found that on

average participants who took Metabical lost 26 pounds compared to 6 pounds for patients who

took a placebo. For BMI of 25 to 28 weight loss averaged 15 pounds with Metabical compared to

2 pounds with a placebo. On average, individuals who took Metabical maintained, for three years,

weight loss levels within 10% of what clinical trial participants had experienced.

Creative Strategy

Appeal: Factual, Positive, and Emotional.

Tone and Style: Informative, Persuasive

The Big Idea: "It's specially made for you!" Advertising will focus on how easy it is to fit Metabical

into your lifestyle because of the requirement of only one pill a day as well as it is safe to use and

it's specially designed for people who are moderately overweight.

Tag line

There’s something about losing that last few pounds that makes you say, “It Works!”

Page 12: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Creative Execution

All advertising and other forms of marketing will present the same style of message. It is expected

that the campaign will include television spots, color magazine advertisements, outdoor posters,

online banners and a website. Other integrated marketing activities will include sponsorship,

contest, endorsements, testimonials and an interactive Computer generated video demonstrating

how the product works.


Real life people who have previously struggled with weight loss would communicate the message

of how Metabical aided them in achieving their desired weight. Women will be selected based on

different lifestyle choices/genetics which led to them being moderately overweight. 1. The busy

mother 2. The guilty indulgent 3. The healthy lifestyle with poor metabolism

Endorsements - Dr. Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz is seen as a well-respected medical professional who has been in the practice for 34 years.

Dr. OZ Currently preaches the benefits of healthy living on numerous television series including

the Oprah Winfrey Show as well as his very own Dr Oz Show which currently averages around

3.8 million in viewership. Dr. Oz is currently the vice chairman of surgery at Columbia University,

the director of the Cardiovascular Institute, and the founder of the Complementary Medicine

Program at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He has received international acclaim for his hard

work and dedication to the practice and has been named to numerous "best doctor" lists, including

New York Magazine's "Best Doctors of the Year," Healthy Living Magazine's "Healers of the

Millennium" and Hippocrates Magazine's "Doctors of the Year."

Page 13: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Media Plan

Media Objectives

Who: Target market is women 25-55 years old, who live a busy professional life and are interested

in appearance and health (a desire to look great), living in metropolitan markets across U.S.A.

What: To communicate the existence and benefits of a new miracle weight loss drug Metabical

that is specially designed for moderately overweight women and is the first prescription weight

loss drug that was approved by FDA by the end of 2008.

When: The majority of the promotional campaign is designed to commence at launch in January

2009 with the heavier advertising schedule after the winter holiday time, beginning of spring, and

beginning of summer, when people start putting more effort in losing the last pounds. Pre-Launch

initiatives would also be implemented starting October 2008

Where: The placements of ads will be national in scope, with additional coverage of key

metropolitan markets.

How: As Metabical is just entering the market and doesn't have an established awareness and

reputation, reach and frequency will be given equal attention. Continuity issues will be handled

by changing marketing media tools and creating a media presence at different spending levels

during the year. Interactive elements will be added to engage with the brand.

Media Strategy

Target Market Strategy

A profile-matching strategy will be applied to reach our end consumers while a rifle strategy

will be utilized to target doctors and pharmacists.

Page 14: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Market Coverage

Metabical is available throughout U.S.A., so there is a need to apply media that reach a nationwide

audience. Key metropolitan markets such as New York, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Houston, and

Chicago will receive additional coverage because the percentage of gross metropolitan product

per resident and percentage of residents that are overweight are the highest within the USA.


Ads will be scheduled during the year using pulsing strategy. The multimedia campaign will use

various media at different times of the year as means of extending reach and frequency. Higher

spending’s are suggested after February and March when holidays are over, and consumers are

feeling guilty for gaining extra pounds because of cheating in dieting and May and August, a

period when professionals are getting ready to vacation season and getting back into more rigid

schedules and routines ( back-to-business month).


Since brand awareness and building trust in the product are immediate objectives, choosing

media that maximize reach and frequency will be a preference. Reach will be emphasized during

the whole year, with various media being applied at different times to reach the same target

market in a variety of ways. Notions of advertising will be planned to guarantee message

continuity and maximum impact regardless of the media being used at any given time.

Page 15: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Interactive Plan


➢ To generate engagement, conversation and buzz through social and digital media



An online website would be created called “” in which current as well as potential

customers would be able to view verified product facts as well as interact with other users in our

forum. Doctors as well as pharmacist would be able to monitor conversations to get a real world

view on how Metabical is affecting their patients as well as log in to a separate tap specifically

webcite dedicated to them in which they may order samples, directly interact with members of the

Metabical team as well as other doctors in the industry. Social media would also be incorporated

with the website in which widgets would direct persons to our social media pages Facebook and

Twitter. Users who will like and follow our pages at these social media platforms will pick up

"cookies". This data will be used for Metabical's future analysis which will help future marketing

strategic decisions based on consumer behavioral and social trends. Social listening will also be

utilized across platforms to get unaided feedback from customers about Metabical


The website “” would be placed on all promotional items as well as social media

outlets as a one stop source for customers to receive information and get their questions

answered about all Metabical. Website would contain a forum for current and potential Metabical

users to interact with each other to provide support to individuals as motivation for them to

complete in a specially designed program as well as view progress reports and success stories.

Forum will also play a vital role in gaining the trust of individuals who are curious about Metabical

Page 16: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


but skeptical about the drug due to previous deceptive marketing claims as well as serious side

effects associated with current weight loss drugs on the market. Each individual will be given the

option to track their progress my recording their weight each week for the entire 12-week duration.

This encourages individuals to not only feel the difference but see the difference in weight loss

achieved through Metabical.

A tab would be made available on the home screen labeled “Medical Practitioners” which would

direct them to a separate page in which they would have to log into. This login would be made

available only to medical practitioners with a special access code mailed them through direct

marketing emails. Through the website they may order samples as well as interact with other

medical practitioners if they so desire. Doctors would have access to consumer weekly progress

data to see what percentage of individuals are actually losing weight, and how much weight is

being lost as a form of reassurance of the effectiveness of Metabical. Doctor’s login data will also

be used by Cambridge Science Pharmaceuticals to send promotional as well as informative

emails directly to Doctors which would eliminate what level of filtration would be done through the

use of direct email at the doctor’s office by receptionist. In regards to our social media pages all

videos posted on the website would be shared on Facebook and Twitter.


➢ Analyze if the increment of Avg. Visit Duration is at least 4 minutes.

➢ Analyze if the increase in the number of visitors is at least 10% of the reach from other

media channels

➢ Analyze if the conversion on the website and social medias is at least 10% of unique


➢ A related form of a number of likes, shares, re-shares connected with #ItWorks and


Page 17: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Experiential Marketing Plan (Sponsorship)


➢ To educate, inform and to gain trust of the health care providers in feeling confident

prescribing Metabical to end consumers


Metabical will sponsor Healthcare Convention because doctors and pharmacists currently attend

this event to stay up to date with medical innovations. We believe that this initiative will give a

good kick-start for the initial buzz and word-of-mouth in the medical industry.


Metabical will negotiate the price for the best sponsorship package in which the host would make

regular mention of Metabicals sponsorship throughout the event. Two 30 second videos will be

shown during the event. At the beginning of the event, a Computer Generated video will be shown

demonstrating how Metabical works in the body as a fat blocker and appetite suppressor. The

second video which will be shown towards the end of the event. It will be informative in nature

and consist of the results of our clinical trial. Lastly, Metabical will have a booth with company

representatives answering doctors and pharmacists questions as well as generating leads and

book meetings for further discussions. Giveaway presents with printed information material will

be given away at the booth.


➢ It will evaluate the impact by the percentage of comparative form of impressions before

and after applying this tool as website views, mention of #ItWorks through Facebook and


➢ The number of doctors connected with during the event.

➢ The number of inquiries from medical industry professional after the event

Page 18: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Personal Selling Plan


➢ To educate, inform and to gain trust of the health care providers in feeling confident

prescribing Metabical to end consumers


15 minute sales pitch at doctor’s office and pharmacists in which sales persons would provide an

informative presentation on the benefits of Metabical as well as how it works. Sales Force will be

armed with samples for Doctors as well as small incentives for both doctors and Pharmacists.

Seles people will keep track which doctors received samples by asking doctors to sign a form of

sample acceptance.


Physicians would be selected based on research of doctors who are heavy prescribers over light

prescribers. We will utilize consulting firms to distinguish fast learners from slow learners through

statistical analysis such as how a particular doctor prescribes a new drug based on their age,

graduation date from medical school and other attributes that can be detected. This was done so

as to not waste advertising dollars on fast learners as well as stopping detailing before a doctor

who is a slower learner has time to absorb the information. Salesforce would be armed with small

gifts/incentives each visit as a way to thank the doctors and receptionist for their time. A rifle

strategy would be used to select pharmacists based on pharmacy traffic and size as well as

industry influence.


➢ The number of a prescription signed by doctors after the sales pitches.

Page 19: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Direct Response Plan


➢ To educate, inform and to gain trust of the health care providers in feeling confident

prescribing Metabical to end consumers


Selective direct mail will be employed targeting doctors who prescribe weight loss drugs and

pharmacists as it is one of not many ways how they are learning about innovative drugs in

medicine industry. To avoid the possibility of the letter to end up in junk mail our letters will be

personalized to the receiver. The letter would contain the necessary information about Metabical

with supporting claims and call to action encouraging the reader to visit the Metabicals website to

learn how the drug works through engaging interactive video.


Informative direct mail would be sent pre-launch to pharmacist and doctors to inform them about

the revolutionary drug that would be on the market 3 months in advance to give them enough

time to research and develop enough confidence about the drug that after January when

consumers begin to enquire about the drug they would be knowledgeable enough to speak on it.

Direct mail will be sent to consumers post launch. Direct mail will consist of informational

brochures as well as a link to Metabicals industry professionals’ website to engage with fellow

professionals on the forum.


➢ The Number of emails opened

➢ The number of professionals who stated they learned about Metabical through our direct

marketing initiative.

Page 20: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Public Relations Plan


➢ Increase awareness about Metabical as the only FDA approved guaranteed weight loss

drug for moderately overweight individuals by 60% by the end of 2008

➢ To generate engagement, conversation and buzz through social and digital media



1. Post launch testimonials via popular talk shows such as “Steve Harvey Show, Dr Phil,

and The Oprah Winfrey Show. Target audience would be able to connect more with

persons who they feel are similar to them as well as more Doctors who were maybe not

previously sold on Metabical to see how the product is actually changing people’s lives.

2. Informative Presentations on popular medical programs such as “The Doctors” “The

Doctor Oz Show”. Host on these 2 programs are actually current active medical

professionals who for about once a week host a program to promote healthy living and

engage with audience. “The doctors” comprises of a panel of 4 well respected medical

professionals. It is thought that these programs are not just seen by persons looking to

start a healthy lifestyle but medical professionals and pharmacist in a bid to stay up to

date on current medical trends. If Metabical is approved to be shown on these programs

it will start to develop a reputable name amongst medical professionals as doctors aid in

advertising by word of mouth. While initial pitch would be made once, due to the nature

of the program a member of the audience in a similar situation may bring forth a similar

scenario in which the host would recommend Metabical thereby creating free publicity

for the duration of that season.

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Online Progress tracker on Metabicals website would be used to select influencers via women

who have achieved their desired weight target and interact with the community often via the

websites forum to appear on these talk shows to talk about how they previously struggled to

lose weight and how Metabical has aided them tremendously.

Public Relations agency “GCI health” would pitch Metabical to the show’s producers in which we

would secure a 10-minute spot post launch in April when persons are actively trying and

seeking methods to lose weight to shape up for the summer. A representative from CSP would

be used to do an informative pitch during the episodes recording in which they would describe

the problem of how an individual’s metabolism slows down as they age causing them to gain

weight and how Metabical would remedy the solution. Product usage would be explicably stated

as a method of filtering persons who may not be as dedicated to complete the program.


➢ Social media monitoring during the talk show.

➢ The number of blogs/posts made on the talk show topic afterwards.

Page 22: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Print Media


➢ Increase awareness about Metabical as the only FDA approved guaranteed weight loss

drug for moderately overweight individuals by 60% by the end of 2008


Target audience subscribes to magazines to get ideas on healthy alternatives to the food they

love. Pre-Launch as well as at launch ad taken out in “Eating Well” and Healthy Foods”

magazines. While magazines may be purchased by one individual it is often left in an open place

in which guest such as family and friends may see and scan through magazine which increases

reach for the same cost.


A half page, color advertisement will be taken out in both “Eating Well” and “Healthy Foods”

magazine in their November issue with the Message “This time we will let your scale do the

talking” as a Pre-Launch teaser for consumers to know that a solution to the problems is finally

on the way. A full page spread would then be done for launch come January information readers

that a safe, effective solution to weight loss has finally arrived. Ads would be informative as well

as persuasive and carry the tagline “There’s something about losing last few pounds that makes

you say, “It works!”


➢ Contest Promo Codes: The magazines would combine a promo code below the Metabical

ads which would direct the audience to the Metabical website to enter the code for the

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Metabical contest. The promotional contest would run for three months with random

matches. These contests would have prizes such as

Month 1: Enter the promo code to get into the draw for a chance to win a complimentary course

of Metabical pills.

Month 2: Enter the promo code to get into the draw to win a free year membership at the LA

Fitness with a personal trainer for 12 workouts.

Month 3: Enter the promo code to get into the draw to win a personal nutritionist and cloth stylist

for a year.

➢ The promo codes entered online would help us measure our reach for magazine

advertising also help us drive traffic towards our website.

Page 24: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Journal Advertisements


➢ To educate, inform and to gain trust of the health care providers in feeling confident

prescribing Metabical to end consumers


Advertisements will be placed in the journal of the American Medical Association (AMA), both

print and online which will only be targeted towards medical practitioners and will be strictly

informative in nature.


Advertisements would follow industry legal requirements in which advertisements would be clearly

identifiable in which the word advertisement would be placed adjacent to the advertising image.

Online Banner would be linked to Metabical’s commercial website in which doctors may request

additional information. Journal advertisements will ensure that the basic information doctors

require to prescribe Metabical is present. These include but not limited to: active ingredients,

approved therapeutic uses, dosage, side effects as well as the name and address of CSP. A

generic name would be provided to aid physicians identify what class a medicine belongs to which

would prevent doctors from prescribing two medicines from the same class to a patient.


➢ The number of professionals who called the phone number placed in the advertisement.

Page 25: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Television Advertising


➢ Increase awareness about Metabical as the only FDA approved guaranteed weight loss

drug for moderately overweight individuals by 60% by the end of 2008

➢ To generate engagement, conversation and buzz through social and digital media



30 second television spots will be aired on channels such as the Food Network, NBC, CBS. Ads

will be either emotional via testimonials as well as informative via endorsement by Dr. Oz.

depending on time slot. Dr Oz was selected due to his reputable brand image and trust he has

garnered with our target audience via his weekly television program “The Doctor Oz Show” in

which he discusses viewers health and wellness concerns. Testimonials by real people was

selected as the second creative as persons are more likely to trust individuals who are just like

them and were in a similar scenario but managed to overcome a set challenge.


2 television ads will be created, Informative ad will be aired during launch with testimonials by real

people scheduled to air post launch in May. Ads will typically be aired once per night during

weeknights between, 3 times on Fridays between the hours of 7 and 10pm. More flexibility will be

given on weekends, ads will be shown 8 times between the hours of 10am and 10pm across all


Page 26: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug



Metabical will do pre-testing which will happen before the campaign will run. In TV advertising,

created ads tested with the target audience. A focus group will be shown alternative

advertisements and requested to discuss their likes, objections and understanding of each one.

However from the proposed commercial are displayed on a TV screen with a voiceover. Following

the campaign, and after 4 weeks we will conduct focus groups and follow the identical method to

distinguish how effective the advertisements are. It will give us a conclusion of justification in

scheduling commercials, as well as frequency and volume.


It still may not be probable to estimate the real effectiveness of an advertisement because other

initiatives are reaching the consumers concurrently and it is impracticable to intervene the effect

of the communication. But it assists to have in place a method of estimating advertising


Page 27: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


OOH Plan


➢ Increase awareness about Metabical as the only FDA approved guaranteed weight loss

drug for moderately overweight individuals by 60% by the end of 2008


Out-Of-Home advertising will target women with excess pounds where they would most likely

spend their working and leisure time. These ads would be placed at strategic locations such as

elevator ads in business centers; bus stops shelters with outdoors posters near high traffic routes,

transit advertising mainly in major subway stations and fitness centers as well as spa salons.

These ads would regularly and frequently remind our target consumers that there is a solution to

their problem of extra pounds. Also the message "Ask your doctor" will encourage them to discuss

Metabical with their physicians.


One super board will be in the five major cities for a total period of one month each, totaling 30

super boards during six month starting March to end of August. Transit-shelter units will consist

of two street-level backlit posters that would be incorporated into the design of glass-and-steel

transit shelters. These transit-shelter units will be placed only in metropolitan city centers near the

shopping malls, business centers and branch fitness centers such as LA Fitness. Elevator

posters will be displayed in biggest business centers inside the elevators covering the whole

width and height of the door. Subway posters inside the train will be a smaller size but with more

signs spread out through the cabin, when there will be only a couple of large posters at the

subways station with the highest foot traffic. Backlit Posters will be seen at eye level by fitness

members as they walk through the fitness club.


➢ Pharmacy traffic as well as doctors’ attendance; this will give metrics on impressions.

Page 28: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


Blocking Chart

Page 29: Done by: Robert Bignall Professor: Kathryn Faubert · Metabical is a weight loss drug developed by Cambridge Sciences Pharmaceuticals and is touted by many insiders as a miracle drug


