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The Old Seer’s and the Dilemma of DreamingMarch 1, 2014 by Don Voss

Mayan Calendar

The ancient seers shifted so completely into the abstract through energizing all thebands of awareness within and aligning them with all those outside their luminescence,that they barely left a trace of what or who they were.  This complete shift left thehuman band of awareness in a tail spin of fear and abandonment.  The result was a timeof humans preying on humans.  Thus the old seers were forced to practice techniquesof awareness in a different manner than their predecessors.  They found that theancients lacked discipline in managing awareness.  Thus the old seers chose to moveoutward from the common band of awareness that humans shared with a different setof skills.  They chose to connect with the unknown fully without looking deep into theunknowable depths of the abstract universe at large.   They chose to work slowly andsteadily rather than in one magnificent maneuver which aligned them with the emanationsat large.

The Old Seers became masters of dreaming, aka shifting the assemblage point slowlyand steadily while asleep and while awake.  To this end they ventured into the unknownwith practice and patience.  What they discovered was a general upward shift of themold of man as a whole, which allowed them to understand through ration what wasoccurring in that shift.   Thus they maintained a cohesion in those shifts.  In doing so,they became masters of control. Not only of themselves but the world around them.  They became vibrant charismatic leaders in the face of the tribal wars all around them. And they united whole swaths of humans under their tutalage.

This lead to specialization in techniques and artistry of the seers within the physical

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world using ration as their tool.  Venturing into the unknown with careful steps, theybrought back many ideas, visions and solutions for human beings to live differently. They dreamed up solutions to all sorts of problems.  They used many dreamingtechniques, but one of the most enduring was ceremony and ritual.  Through ritual theypassed grand visions and knowledge down lines of experience and through channels ofinherited stories.  These stories not only allowed for the standard band of humanawareness to expand, but it also fixated and stabilized acceptable perceptualframeworks.  And humans everywhere capitulated to this process because thealternative past, now a an ancient myth, was not worth returning to, gone in the mists oftime.   Finally they created a technique to pass knowledge and stories down culturallines through the invention of writing.  This was probably the quintessentialaccomplishment of the old seers.  And it is the greatest fixation of the rational positionof the assemblage point.  The old seers managed to convince the human band, that if itcould not be summed up in words, it was not real.  Never realizing that words createand dominate a narrow band of awareness centered on the ration.

By recording the old seer experiences in stories and myths, these stories built up overtime in combination with ritual into massive structures we know as religion.  Andthrough refinement and the incursion of a new form of the predator, adapted to thisrational position of awareness, religion became the dominant paradigm for maintainingthe fixation of awareness on one point.

This is not to say that the old seers did not venture out into other worlds.  Far from,they practiced dreaming with the singular purpose of creating other positions of theassemblage point.  Those points were practiced and ritualized in a manner that doubledthe the energetic fibers of their awareness.  This technique was discovered when the oldseers discovered there were other worlds, inorganic worlds, filled with beings ofawareness similar to our own.  Yet the length of time that these beings were aware faroutstretched that of the average human’s lifetime.  And thus in creating multiplepositions of the assemblage point they were able to create great cities of awareness inother bands besides that of the physical.

In some cases these cities completely separated and left this world to lodge themselvesin other locations on the earth, but not within the physical band.  In most cases, the oldseers created portals between our world and other worlds centered on energetic spotsof the earth through which they would practice crossing back and forth as the disciplineof dreaming showed them how to literally build other frameworks or bands into wholeworlds.

We have from these old seers not so much a pathway to freedom, but rather asecondary avenue to defeat the contract with death that all beings of luminessencedevelop by being born.  Through religious stories and myths in combination with actsof power and ritualized behavior, whole flocks of humans moved into inorganic stableplaces where they could be freed from the physical to venture deeper into awareness

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from that point.  Often called Cities of God(s), ancients, immortals or shambala orheavens, these places were constructed from the energetic work of the dreamers withinthis band of awareness.  They dreamed them into existence.   And they used belief tostabilize these places with great skill.  They have convinced multitudes that their limitedlives are actually spiritually immortal.  And therefore they should not fear death, butwelcome it as a cross to those other bands.   They thought that they were connectingwith infinity, immortality.  Any one alive today has a host of stories/myths which tell ofthis connection to immortality and to heavens in which things are much better.

On one side, the old seers established a way for humans to live from monolithic farmingand animal husbandry, which allowed the seer’s cultures to have the excess energy tounravel the mysteries of the universe through science, philosophy, spirituality andreligious disciplines.  On the other, it was an opportunity for a new kind of predator tofixate and dummy down the average human into a slavery to a pharohonic/hero model,the one-god, and to promise them liberation while feeding off of that excess energy. The average person more often was born, served the model, and died without muchventuring into the abstract or freedom.  The seers became dependent, in a feedbackloop, on a very large subservient class to continue to maintain their dreaming practicesso they could unravel the science of the universe as they were exploring it physicallyand metaphysically.

In the end the old seers became addicted to personal power and felt that they wereinvulnerable to attack from without.  They built massive city structures and edifices tothis process that became complexes of self-importance and an obsession with thesingularity of spirit of which they thought they were in control.  Even before theirlineages ended (and some are still attempting to maintain these old ways) they came toan end.  Why?  Because they invested so much in dreaming as an escape from the moldof man that they did not realize the mold had just grown to encompass their newinflexible ritualized practices…. aka the mold was the same amoeba of their ancientpredecessor’s drama…. and they found a golden age which ended with a destruction(rot) from within the matrix of their obsessive dreams.

But throughout we have hundreds of millions of little gifts from the old seers.  First arational unraveling of the world through science and philosophy.  Second a technique ofdreaming to create possible.  And third a magical way to perceive the universe throughsteady practice which I like to call the sustainer mentality.  They were takers at the heartand in taking they became taken by the rational monster predator which they thought toescape.

The ancients left no edifices of their practices, no evidence that they had been here. They shifted so rapidly and fast into the abstract that nothing can be said of their ways. But they opened up doorways so infinitely frightening to our common assemblage pointof the mold of man, that humans began to literally feed off of each other like the animalpredators they had defeated.  The old seers changes things and through ration and

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religion, laws were established and ritual techniques developed to save humans fromcollapsing on themselves as food and thus food for the ancient animal predators…. butthis new position created a new rationally driven predator that gave us dreams with onehand and slapped us in the face with servitude to ritual and law with the other.

The collapse of the old seers came with transcontinental and global wars and the tide ofinteractions and conflicts between cultures.  Thus a new pattern was developed intowhich the new seers emerged.

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