Download pptx - Dominic Patrick Editing



Dominic Patrick

This is an establishing shot of a car driving down a country lane. Cuts from

last scene through time (3 seconds)

Over the shoulder of Sarah talking with her daughter (3 seconds)

POV from Sarah’s daughter as the conversation continues (3 seconds)

Cut back to daughter as she smiles during the conversation. This shows the strong mother daughter connection.(0.5 seconds)

Cut back to Sarah (2 seconds)

Cut to husband focusing on road, his stressed facial expression signifies that the Husband has something

bothering him.(4 seconds)

Sarah and the daughter are conversing whilst Paul is thinking about Juno and stressing. (6 seconds)

A short conversation between Sarah and Paul helps solidify the idea of something not being completely fine

between them to the audience, the tension between them. (4 second)

The first half of this sense is edited to be very slow paced. This is to trick the audience into feeling that they are safe. As it makes the scene feel calm and laid back. This is to prepare the audience to be unprepared for the second half of the scene.

Car smashes into an oncoming van. Extremely fast cuts instantly create an action packed scene. (less than a second)

Poles fly through the air towards the car. Very short cut. Establishes a quicker editing pace that gives audience a

lot of confusing information (Fraction of a second)

Another quick cut. This is to hide the fact that the poles that kill Paul in this shot are very bad examples of CGI

and that non of them actually hit Paul. (less than a second)

Another quick cut showing Paul’s gory death. However this shot isn’t very graphic. As the short and snappy shots allow

the audience to fill in the gaps in the gore.(Fraction of a second)

Cuts to an establishing shot of the result of the crash. Editing pace is even slower than at the start of the scene, The slowness shows that the action is

finished. A fade to black has been used to show that the narrative is finished in this scene (20 seconds)

This second half of the scene has a much quicker editing pace in order to shock the audience with the sudden sharp change in pace. The faster pace confuses the audience because they can not fully take in everything that is happening in every shot. This also makes it easier to create the scene for the producers as the fast paced cuts disguise any mistakes that are made. For example the poles not piercing Paul.

CGI – Computer generated images

The poles that fly through the air are probably real in this cut as nobody is in the car. So health & safety isn’t an issue. Or they could be CGI poles added after the shot was taken.

These poles are CGI, as it is dangerous to have the real poles fly into an actor. So they added the poles in with CGI after the shot was taken.

Regular cuts are used for the majority in this scene. However the last shot fades to black, to represent the scene coming to its end. By not showing the inside of the car after the accident, the producers create the question of who's still alive in the car.

The scene starts peacefully with slow editing and. There is a comforting feel to scene as the family has a conversation. Although when the action begins, suddenly all of that changes and the contrast is highly discomforting to the audience.
