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    In-depth interview

    The in-depth interview is a qualitative method of analysis, which proceeds as a confidential andsecure conversation between an interviewer and a respondent. By means of a thoroughcomposed interview guide, which is approved by the client, the interviewer ensures that theconversation encompasses the topics that are crucial to ask for the sake of the purpose and theissue of the survey.

    The method of the in-depth interview is appropriate if you

    need to gain an insight into individual evaluations of specific

    material. This method is the right one to choose if the primary

    objective with the survey, for example is to evaluate a new

    packaging, an advertisement or a storyboard. Namely themethod can produce very precise and specific answers as well

    as an exhaustive and varied knowledge about individual

    determined experiences, opinions and motives, which the

    group interview and the quantitative methods cannot


    The method of the in-depth interview is also appropriate if your subject and issue are in thenature of something controversial, sensitive or tabooed. One of the advantages of the in-depth

    interview is that there is time for the respondent, in peace, to further develop and give reasonsfor his or hers individual point of views - without being influenced by the opinions of otherrespondents.

    Apart from that the method typical involves different techniques which encompass spontaneous,emotional and perhaps unconscious circumstances within the respondent.

    The completion of an in-depth interviewAn in-depth interview most often takes place in a private home, where the respondent is in his or

    hers natural surroundings. In this way, the respondent is relaxed and therefore open and willing toreply to the exhaustive questions. An in-depth interview typically varies between 1 and

    2 hoursand is recorded on tape or video for the sake of the following analysis and the writing ofthe report. For the sake of the respondents, these recordings are deleted half a year after at thelatest.

    Conducting an In-depth Interview1

    Lisa A. Guion, David C. Diehl, and Debra McDonald2

    In-depth interviews are a useful qualitative data collection technique that can be used for a variety of purposes,

    including needs assessment, program refinement, issue identification, and strategic planning. In-depth interviews

    are most appropriate for situations in which you want to ask open-ended questions that elicit depth of information
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    from relatively few people (as opposed to surveys, which tend to be more quantitative and are conducted with

    larger numbers of people). This paper provides a brief introduction to in-depth interviewing as a tool for collecting

    rich information that can inform program development and evaluation.

    What is an In-depth Interview?

    In-depth, qualitative interviews are excellent tools to use in planning and evaluating Extension programs because

    they use an open-ended, discovery-oriented method, which allows the interviewer to deeply explore the

    respondents feelings and perspectives on a subject. This results in rich background information that can shape

    further questions relevant to the topic. The key characteristics of in-depth interviews are the following:

    Open-ended Questions.Questions need to be worded so that respondents expound on the topic, not just

    answer yes or no. Many open-ended questions begin with why or how, which gives respondents

    freedom to answer the questions using their own words.

    Semi-structured Format.Although it is important to pre-plan the key questions, the interview should also

    be conversational, with questions flowing from previous responses when possible. For example, if an

    interviewee remarks that The elections areapproaching, an appropriate response would be, How do you

    feel about the candidates involved?

    Seek Understanding and Interpretation.It is important to use active listening skills to reflect upon what the

    speaker is saying. The interviewer should try to interpret what is being said and should seek clarity and

    understanding throughout the interview.

    Recording Responses.The responses are typically audio-recorded and complemented with written notes

    (i.e., field notes) by the interviewer. Written notes include observations of both verbal and non-verbal

    behaviors as they occur, and immediate personal reflections about the interview.

    In sum, in-depth interviews involve not only asking questions, but systematically recording and documenting the

    responses to probe for deeper meaning and understanding.

    Skills and Attributes of the Interviewer

    A skilled qualitative interviewer should be:

    1. Open-minded. Judgment or criticism can act as barriers to communication, so it is important to maintain

    openness during the interview process. If interviewees perceive that they are being judged or evaluated,

    then they are less likely to openly share their opinions. Any conclusions that need to be made can be

    written in a journal after the interview is over.

    2. Flexible and responsive. Human interactions are complex and peoples responses to questions are

    rarely predictable, so good interviewers can think on their feet, respond to challenges, and make sure

    that the core purpose is being served.

    3. Patient.Allow the respondent to speak freely and open up at a pace that is personally comfortable.

    4. Observant. Good interviewers are observant, picking up subtle cues such as facial expressions, body

    language, and tone of voice.

    5. A good listener.A good listener is one who listens actively, using strategies such as:

    Attending fullyto what the speaker is saying by focusing wholly on what is being said. Active

    listening requires the listener to give full attention to the speaker until either the message has

    been received or the speaker has finished speaking.

    Paraphrasingwhat the speaker is saying to confirm to the speaker that the listener is actually

    listening and that the message conveyed is the message received. Paraphrasing also has the

    added benefit of forcing a speaker to focus wholly on the conversation, thus limiting distractions.

    Reflectingback to the speaker the emotions inherent in the message. By paying attention to

    tone and emotional content, the interviewer can gain a greater understanding of the messages

    being delivered.

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    Although active listening sounds easy, it can take a lot of practice to learn. Thus, prior to conducting an in-depth

    interview, it is important to practice active listening on a friend or colleague. Begin by instructing a friend to talk

    about a topic of interest and practice your active listening strategies during the conversation. Afterward, ask for

    feedback and continue with different topics until active listening becomes a natural way of interacting.

    Conducting an In-depth Interview

    Kvale (1996) details seven stages of conducting in-depth interviews: thematizing, designing, interviewing,

    transcribing, analyzing, verifying, and reporting.

    Stage1: Thematizing. In this stage, it is important to clarify the purpose of the interviews. The first question is

    whether you are using the interview for program planning. For example, you may want to use in-depth interviews

    as part of the needs assessment process by interviewing key members of the target audience and/or influential

    stakeholders. Or, your desire may be to use in-depth interviewing to complement other methods of evaluating

    your program. Once you have decided on your general purpose, then you can pinpoint the key information you

    want to gather through the in-depth interview process.

    Stage 2: Designing.After you determine what you want to know, you should design a way to elicit this

    information through the interview process. An interview guide that includes the key topics and questions will be

    your formalized plan for collecting information. See Qualitative ResearchMethods: A Data Collectors Field

    Guide in the References and Resources section for a sample interview guide.

    The interview guide should be designed to help the interviewer focus on topics that are important to explore,

    maintain consistency across interviews with different respondents, and stay on track during the interview process.

    The three basic parts of the interview guide are as follows:

    1. The facesheet, which is used to record the time, date, and place of the interview, special conditions or

    circumstances that may affect the interview, and demographic information about the respondent being


    2. The interview questions, which are placed on the left side of the page, along with a blank space on the

    right side of the page for written observations

    3. Thepost-interview comment sheet, which is a place to write notes after the interview; these notes

    should include feelings, interpretations, and other comments that arose during the interview

    Stage3: Interviewing. In the beginning of the interview, it is important to make introductions, explain the

    purpose of the study, and put the respondent at ease. If you plan to audio record the session, obtain the

    respondents permission and test the equipment to make sure it is working properly. Your main responsibility is to

    listen and observe as you guide the respondent through a conversation until all of the important issues on the

    interview guide are explored. Please see the earlier section on Skills and Attributes of the Interviewer for

    guidance on how to conduct good interviews.

    Stage4: Transcribing. Transcribing involves creating a verbatim text of each interview by writing out each

    question and response using the audio recording. The interviewers side notes should also be included in the

    transcription, and properly labeled in a separate column or category.

    Stage 5: Analyzing.Analyzing involves re-reading the interview transcripts to identify themes emerging from the

    respondents answers. You can use your topics and questions to organize your analysis, in essence synthesizing

    the answers to the questions you have proposed. If the interviews raise more questions than they answer, then

    more interviews may be necessary to properly examine the issue at hand.

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    Stage 6: Verifying. Verifying involves checking the credibility of the information gathered and a method called

    triangulation is commonly used to achieve this purpose. Triangulation involves using multiple perspectives to

    interpret a single set of information. For example, a study that uses triangulation to examine the outcomes of a

    Parenting Communication class would require researchers to interview at least three groups of

    participants: parents, children, and other household members. When each participant says the same thing in the

    interviews, then the information that results is considered valid.

    A simpler way to use triangulation in a study would be to have two colleagues read and analyze the same set of

    transcripts, and then compare notes. If the notes agree, then the information is credible.

    Stage 7: Reporting. Finally, it is important to share results from the in-depth interviews with internal and external

    stakeholders through a written or oral report; these reports should describe not only the results, but how the

    results will shape future work. When respondents see the information being used, they are more likely to

    participate in future data collection efforts.


    When you want to gather rich data about Extension programs, in-depth interviews can be a valuable tool to guide

    your work. There really is no substitute for face-to-face communication, and in-depth interviews provide the

    structure to ensure that these conversations are both well-organized and well-suited to your purpose. While time-

    consuming and labor-intensive, in-depth interviews can provide rich data to inform Extension programming.

    References and Resources

    Boyce, C. & Neale, P. (2006). Conducting In-depth interviews: A Guide for Designing and Conducting In-depth

    Interviews for Evaluation Input.


    Burley-Allen, M. (1995). Listening: The Forgotten Skill (A self-teaching guide). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.

    Donoghue, P.J. & Siegel, M.E. (2005).Are You Really Listening? Keys to Successful Communication. Notre

    Dame, IN: Sorin Books.

    Friesen, B. (2010). Designing and Conducting Your First Interview Project. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

    Kvale, S. (1996). Interviews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviewing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

    Lincoln, Y.S., & Guba, E.G. (1985). Naturalistic Inquiry. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

    Longsfield, Kim (2004). In-depth Interviews. Online.

    Toolkit-Ch6-In-Depth-Interviews.pdf [29 June 2012].

    Mack, N., Woodsong, C., MacQueen, K., Guest, G., & Namey, E. (2005). Qualitative Research Methods: A Data

    Collectors Field Guide. Online.

    Rubin, H. J. & Rubin, I. S. (2004).Qualitative Interviewing: The Art of Hearing Data (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks,

    CA: Sage Publications.

    Wertz, F., Charmaz, K., McMullen, L., Josselson, R., Anderson, R., & McSpadden, E. (2011). Five Ways of DoingQualitative Research. New York: Guilford Press.
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    This document is FCS6012, one of a series of the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences,

    Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Original

    publication date October 2001. Revised January 2006; August 2011. Original written by Lisa A. Guion, former

    faculty member, revised by David C. Diehl and Debra McDonald. Visit the EDIS website at


    Lisa A Guion, former faculty member; David C. Diehl, assistant professor; Debra McDonald, project coordinator;

    Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences; Florida Cooperative Extension Service; Institute of Food

    and Agricultural Sciences; University of Florida; Gainesville, FL 32611.

    The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide

    research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-

    discrimination with respect to race, creed, color, religion, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national

    origin, political opinions or affiliations. For more information on obtaining other extension publications, contact your

    county Cooperative Extension service.

    U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. University

    Cooperative Extension Program, and Boards of County Commissioners Cooperating. Nick T. Place, Dean.

    1. Mentranskrip Wawancara

    Hasil wawancara dalam tape recorder ditranskripsikan ke dalam kata demi kata.

    Transkrip data dibuat segera setelah wawancara dengan mendengarkan dengan

    seksama nada suara, perubahan suara, dan jeda antara peneliti dan partisipan.

    2. Immersion in the data

    Dalam proses ini peneliti membaca dan membaca kembali catatan, transkrip, melihat

    kembali catatan observasi dan pengalaman, mendengarkan tape recorder hingga

    peneliti terbenam dalam data.

    3. ReduksiData

    Reduksi Data adalah pemilahan data kasar, mencari hal-hal yang pokok,dan

    memperoleh hal-hal penting dalam elemen data.

    4. Analysis Data

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    Ada beberapa tekhnik yang dilakukan dalam analisa data yakni:

    a. Coding artinya mengkategorikan dimana peneliti mengorganisasikan data,

    menyeleksi elemen yang spesifik dari data untuk dikategorikan, dan memberi nama

    kategori tersebut yang akan merefleksikan filosofi dasar yang digunakan dalam


    b. Reflective remarks

    Saat catatan sudah direkam, pemikiran atau pengetahuan mendalam seringkali

    timbul secara tidak disadari. Pemikiran tersebut secara umum termasuk ke dalam

    catatan dan terpisah dari catatan lain yang di dalam tanda kurung.

    c. Marginal remarks

    Setelah catatan diperiksa, observasi tentang catatan tersebut perlu untuk ditulis

    secepatnya. Kata-kata tersebut biasanya ditulis di margin kanan dari catatan dan

    seringkali berhubungan dengan bagian lain dari data atau mengusulkan sebuah

    intrepretasi yang baru.

    d. Memoing dikembangkan oleh peneliti untuk merekam pengetahuan yang

    mendalam atau ide yang berhubungan dengan catatan transkrip atau code. Memo

    menggerakkan peneliti ke arah teori dan konseptual daripada faktual. Peneliti dapat

    membuat hubungan (link) bagian dari data bersama atau bagian khusus dari data

    sebagai contoh dari ide konseptual. Hal yang penting adalah nilai setiap ide dan

    mendapatkannya tertulis dengan cepat. Kapanpun ide tersebut muncul , walaupun

    hal itu samar dan pemikiran tidak baik, tetap harus tertulis secepatnya.

    e. Developing propositions

    Saat penelitian terus berkembang, hubungan antara kategori, partisipan, tindakan

    dan peristiwa akan mulai dimunculkan. Peneliti akan mengembangkan prasangka

    tentang hubungan yang dapat diformulasikan dalam proporsi sementara.

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    Pernyataan atau proporsi dapat ditulis dalam index cards dan diringkas menjadi

    kategori atau disimpan dalam komputer. Daftar yang sudah dikerjakan dapat

    diprint dan didikusikan dengan pembimbing.

    5. Display Data

    Display data berisi versi singkat dari hasil penelitian kualitatif yang sepadan dengan

    ringkasan tabel statistik yang dikembangkan dalam penelitian kuantitatif dan

    menperkenankan peneliti untuk mendapatkan ide utama dari penelitian dengan

    ringkas. Display dapat dikembangakan relatif lebih mudah dengan spreadsheets,

    program grafik atau program dekstop publishing. Teknik yang digunakan yakni :

    a. Cognitive Mapping

    Cognitive mapadalah representasi visual dari informasi yang diberikan partisipan

    dan merupakan konseptualisasi dan interpretasi yang dibuat oleh peneliti kualitatif.

    Ide mapberasal dari kode (konsep) dan hubungan diatara kode (konsep) dari taped

    interview yang peneliti dengarkan berulang-ulang. Prosedur ini didesain untuk

    meringkas dari proses coding, mengkategorikan, dan menginterpretasikan ke

    dalam satu aktifitas.

    6. Drawing and Verifiying Conclusion

    Miles and Huberman (1994) mengidentifikasi 12 taktik untuk menggambarkan dan

    memverifikasi kesimpulan dimana dalam penggunaan nantinya akan bergantung pada

    hasil data dan analisis yang diperoleh. Taktik tersebut meliputi :

    a. Counting

    Penelitian kualitatif cenderung menghindari penggunaan angka. Namun ketika

    membuat pertimbangan kualitas , counting terjadi dan peneliti dapat menggunakan

    bentuk seringkali (frequently) atau lebih sering (more often). Sesuatu dapat

    dipertimbangkan menjadi penting atau signifikan (Miles and Huberman, 1994).

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    b. Noting Patterns and Themes

    Orang dapat dengan mudah mengidentifikasi bentuk, tema, dan gestalts dari

    observasi mereka. Yang paling sulit adalah mencari bukti tambahan yang nyata

    saat kembali untuk mengkonfirmasi bukti tersebut. Bentuk yang teridentifikasi

    haruslah bersifar subjektif dari ketidakpercayaan dari peneliti dan orang lain

    c. Seeing Plausibility dimana selama analisis biasanya sebuah kesimpulan terlihat

    masuk akal. Ketika ditanya bagaimana menjadi masuk akal, peneliti akan

    menjawab bahwa itu terasa benar (just feel right). Intuisi ini penting untuk

    peneliti kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Namun, nampak masuk akal tidak dapat berdiri

    sendiri namun masuk akal juga harus merupakan hasil analisis sistematik. Ketika

    intuisi terjadi, hati-hati menguji data untuk memverifikasi validitas dari intuisi

    tersebut (Miles & Hoberman, 1994).

    d. Clustering merupakan proses menyingkat elemen ke dalam kategori atau grup.

    Untuk mengkluster objek, orang, atau perilaku ke dalam grup, seseorang harus

    mengkonseptalisasi mereka dengan bentuk atau karakteristik yang sama.

    e. Making Metaphors yakni menggunakan bahasa kiasan untuk memberikan kesan

    suka atau analogi sebuah ide yang digunakan dalam tempat yang lain. Metaphor

    memberikan gambaran yang kuat dalam rasa yang menunjukkan kekuatan makna

    komunikasi. Metaphor juga merupakan pereduksi data yang termasuk

    mengeneralisasi bentuk khusus, decentering devices dan penghubung penemuan


    f. Splitting Variablespenting selama stage analisis untuk memperbolehkan pengujian

    yang lebih detil dari proses yang terjadi. Selama membentuk teori , jika variabel

    tidak berhubungan dengan baik denganframework, mungkin harus dipisahkan agar

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    lebih koheren dalam mengintegrasikan model untuk dikembangkan (Miles &

    Huberman, 1994).

    g. Subsuming particulars into general hampir sama dengan clustering yang

    memasukkan bagian yang serumpun bersama.

    h. Factoring diambil dari prosedur kuantitatif dimana daftar karakteristik apakah

    merupakan tema utama yang mempermudah dalam menjelaskan apa yang terjadi

    dengan jelas.

    i. Noting relationships beetween variabel penting untuk memverifikasi hubungan

    yang nyata yang terjadi guna menjelaskan hubungan tersebut.

    j. Finding intervening variables merupakan proses untuk menemukan faktor yang

    menghalangi atau menganggu variabel.

    k. Building a logical chain of evidencetermasuk dalam menguji teori.

    l. Making conseptual/ theorical coherence dimana teori yang peneliti peroleh dari

    analisis harus berhubungan dengan teori lain yang ada dalam body of knowledge.

    7. Melaporkan Hasilnya

    Dalam penelitian kualitatif, seksi pertama dari hasil laporan adalah deskripsi yang detil

    dari partisipan, setting, pengamatan, dan pengalaman lingkungan dimana data

    dikumpulkan. Deskripsi harus hidup sehingga pembaca dan pendengar akan merasa

    meraka bersama dengan peneliti. Bagian akhir dari penelitian kualitatif adalah harus

    melaporkan ekspresi dari ide teori yang timbul dari data analisis.
