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Page 1: Does Allah exist?

Does Allah exist?

Written by

Dr. Sajid Ali Talpur

If Allah does not exist then who gave the Prophets miracles? It is none else but Allah.

Page 2: Does Allah exist?

Who is He Who has created buffalo because buffalo does not have that much intelligence to create itself and we humans have not created it then Who is He? It is none else but Allah Who has created the whole universe.

If Allah does not exist then who put the verses in the Holy Quran about 1400 years ago explaining the science most accurately. It is none else but Allah.

Who is He Who has mentioned the endometrial changes during menstrual cycle most accurately in the Holy Quran? It is none else but Allah as mentioned in The Holy Quran;

Allah knows what every female bears and every shrinking of the womb and every swelling. Everything has its measure with Him. (Qur'an, 13:8)

In this verse “the shrinking and swelling” represents thickening and sloughing off of the endometrial layer.

If Allah does not exist then who has created the humans? If humans have created themselves then every man or his parents must know the composition of his body (the various organs and systems and cells) but we don’t know even the basic unit cell completely. It is none else but Allah Who created the whole universe as wanted.

If Allah does not exist then Who saved Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S) from fire? It is actually none else but Allah.

Every animal when born knows very well about its hunters and the ways of protection. Who has taught it by birth as animals don’t send their kids to school? Also the animals are not that much intelligent to code the instructions of life in the genes of their cells. It is actually none else but Allah who has kept all instructions of life in the genes of animals.

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If Allah does not exist then who gave path to Hazrat Moosa(A.S) and his followers in the water and drown Firaun(Pharaoh) and his followers in the same water. The body of Firaun is still present in the Egypt. So the battle between Hazrat Moosa(A.S) and Firaun was that Hazrat Moosa(A.S) was arguing that Allah’s existence and Pharaoh denying. Today we know that who succeeded.

Who is He Who has kept the mechanism of milk formation in the animals because the food the animals eat don’t contain milk apparently but it is converted into milk in the body and as neither we humans nor the animals have kept this system in their body then Who is He? It is none else but Allah, as mentioned in the Holy Quran;

There is instruction for you in cattle. From the contents of their bellies, from between the dung and blood, We give you pure milk to drink, easy for drinkers to swallow. (Qur'an,


The superior of all creatures is human being if humans have not created the earth on which they live then who has created it? It is none else but Allah Who created the whole universe as wanted

Who is He Who created plants because plants don’t have that much intelligence to create themselves and humans have not created them if humans have created then why do we conduct research today to see the composition and inside of the plant since every creator knows very well that what he has put in his creation but we don’t know complete about the composition of the plant.

If Allah does not exist then who created humans? If humans have created themselves then why many people don’t have children and why many have only daughters and why many have children born with flaws and congenital diseases? It is none else but Allah Who created the whole universe as wanted.

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If Allah does not exist then Who is He who has made lion aggressive and powerful if lion itself has put power in itself then it should also escape the death by its power but it can not. It is none else but Allah Who has created the whole universe as wanted.

If Allah does not exist then who created humans? If humans have created themselves then why every human is not as beautiful as he wants? It is none else but Allah Who created the whole universe as wanted.

If Allah does not exist then who created humans if every human is created with his wish then why does he die he should live with his wish as long as he wants but he can not because he has been created by the wish of Allah and the time of his death has been scheduled by none else but Allah.

If Allah does not exist then who rains if humans then why everybody should start and stop the rain with his own will but people can not. Many will try to argue here by explaining the process of raining that how clouds form and rain. The question here is that Who has set in this whole cycle? In order to reach the creator of the machine we don’t need to know the way the machine works instead need to know that who has arranged various individual component parts in such a beautiful manner that the machine works properly. So it is none else but Allah who rains whenever and wherever wants.

If Allah does not exist then Who replaced Hazrat Ismail(A.S) with that lamb from being beheaded. It is none else but Allah Who protected Hazrat Ismail(A.S) from being beheaded.

If Allah does not exist then Who sent unseasonal fruits to Hazrat Bibi Maryam(A.S)? It is none else but Allah.

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If Allah does not exist then how it became true whatever that Hazrat Nooh(A.S) was saying that only his followers that sit in the boat will be saved and the others will be drown in the massive flood. The history is there that all this happened. Who sent this water as punishment to the unfollowers? It is none else but Allah.

If Allah does not exist then who gave life back to the donkey of Hazrat Uzair(A.S) after about 100 years? It is none else but Allah.

If Allah does not exist then who slept The Ashabe Kahf and reawakened after many years? It is none else but Allah Who has power over all the things.

If Allah does not exist then who helped The last messenger Muhammad(s.a.w) and his companions(Sahaba R.A) in the battle of Badar with angels. It is none else but Allah.

If Allah does not exist then who converted the stick of Hazrat Moosa(A.S) into snake. It is none else but Allah

In 1931 the graves of two Sahaba (R.A) dug in the Iraq, there bodies were intact even the glistening of eyes was present as if they were buried just now however many years had passed. It is none else but Allah who kept their bodies so much intact.

If Allah does not exist then who revealed various Books on the Prophets? It is none else but Allah

If Allah does not exist then who has arranged the stars in such a balance that they remain suspended in space with the forces balancing each other. Many people may talk about big bang theory here but the actual question is this

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that who a blast can lead into such a balanced arrangement, No way. It is none else but Allah who has kept balance into the whole universe.

If Allah does not exist then how Hazrat Essa (Jesus –P.B.U.H) spoked and praised Allah in the cradle even in the infancy? It is none else but Allah Who has power over all the things.

If plants have created themselves then why thornless plant does not produce thorn at the time the goat comes to eat as everybody wants protection but they can not do this or run away when an animal comes to eat or a human comes to cut because they have been created by Allah as He has wanted.

Who is He who turns day into night and night into day as we humans(the superior creature) don’t do this and nothing happens automatically atleast once it is needed to set a process to be automatic then Who has set this cyclic process? It is none else but Allah.

Who is He Who gave the clue of Cell and its composition as the basic structural and functional unit of life in the Holy Quran about 1400 years ago most accurately as mentioned in the various verses;

Allah created every [living] creature from water. Some of them go on their bellies, some of them on two legs, and some on four. Allah creates whatever He wills. Allah has power over all things. (Qur'an, 24:45)

Do those who disbelieve not see that the heavens and the earth were sewn together and then We unstitched them and that We made from water every living thing? So will they not believe? (Qur'an, 21:30)

And it is He Who created human beings from water and then gave them relations by blood and marriage. Your Lord is All-Powerful. (Qur'an, 25:54)

And today we know that cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life and it is composed of 70-90% water.

If Allah does not exist then how the Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) performed the miracle of moon. How can one break the moon into two halves only with

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the gesture of the figure? It is impossible and only possible with the help of Allah. The recently taken images of the moon show a breaking line in the mid which indicates that the moon was broken some time in the history into halves and who broke, no doubt it was broken as a miracle by the Last Messenger of Allah, Muhammad(s.a.w).

If Allah does not exist then who created the camel from mountain on the prayer of Hazrat Saleh(A.S). It is none else but Allah.

By seeing the painting one can think of the painter then why can we not think of the creator by seeing the whole creature? But Who is He it is told by Prophets who were revealed various books that it is Allah and they proved their prophecy by various arguments and miracles.

Who is He Who gave the clue to the concept of surface tension in The Holy Quran most accurately about 1400 years ago that the seas meet but their waters don’t mix it is only because of difference in their surface tension and density as mentioned in The Holy Quran as;

He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through. (Qur'an, 55:19-20)

As we know that The Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) belonged to a hilly and desert area and he had not gone to conduct research on seas, then Who is He Who mentioned all this most accurately? It is none else but Allah.

Who is He Who has mentioned the concept of food cycle in The Holy Quran about 1400 years ago most accurately as

Allah splits the seed and kernel. He brings forth the living from the dead, and produces the dead out of the living. That is Allah, so how are you misguided? (Qur'an, 6:95)

Today we know that the building block of the matter is atom and which is a non living entity and Allah turns this into cell which is the building block of life and when an organism dies the decomposers(bacteria and fungi) convert it into elements which are absorbed by plants and plants eaten by animals. This constitutes food cycle. Who mentioned this most accurately in The Holy

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Quran since The Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) had not conducted research. Indeed this all is revealed by Allah on His Last Messenger Muhammad(s.a.w).

Who is He Who Has kept balance in the whole universe such that stars don’t colloid with each other. It is mentioned in The Holy Quran as;

He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any discrepancy in the creation of the All-Merciful. Look again-do you see any gaps? Then look again and again. Your sight will return to you dazzled and exhausted! (Qur'an, 67:3-4)

It is none else but Allah Who has kept balance in the whole universe.

Who is He Who has mentioned the concept of fingerprinting in the Holy Quran about 1400 years ago so much accurately. It is none else but Allah as mentioned in The Holy Quran’

Yes, We are able to put together in perfect order the very tips of his fingers. (Qur'an, 75:4)

Each constituent part of the universe tells that it has Creator and Who is He it is mentioned in The Holy Quran that It is Allah and If you go back you will find This Holy Book in the hands of The Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) ask him from where did you get? He will reply from Allah and reasonably The Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) could not write that much exactly the many scientific facts that are impossible to know without a huge research but these are mentioned in The Holy Quran. Who mentioned? None else but Allah.

(The translation of verses is taken from the web: The miracles of Qur’

Also if I have made any typing mistake kindly notify it to me.)

And That Allah wants us to succeed through Islam.