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Nigeria as a nation is a place with people of diverse ethnic groups practicing different

religious faiths. Among the most prominent of these are the Muslims, the Christians and the

African traditional worshippers. Adherents of these religions in Nigeria interacts at the social

level as members of the same family, as members of the same political party, as business

associates, co-workers in the public and private sectors of the economy as well as in market

places and educational sector1 Yet on the other hand, when the same set of people relate to one

another at the corporate body to which the adherents owe allegiance; like the Mosque and the

Church where the adherents areindoctrinated on how to relate to the adherents ofthe opposite

faith, then their relationship is characterized by suspicion, hatred, envy, blackmail, unhealthy,

rivalry and incitement.2

These irreligious attitudes of devotees manifest itself in the incessant eruption of riots in

different parts of the country. Between 1980 and 1991 for example, Nigeria witnessed many

devastating religious disturbances involving Muslims and Christians like the Ilorin (1986)

incidence, where Christians in their procession/open air preaching reportedly made gestures and

insinuations which the Muslims found offensive. The result was destruction of lives and

properties. In 1987, a misunderstanding between the Muslim and Christian students of a higher

institution in Kafanchan, spread like wildfire to almost all the Northern states of Nigeria. And the

result was loss of lives and properties as well.

It is in this light that Enyioma, posits that Nigeria especially among African nations is

greatest victims of religion crisis because they are harbingers of all possible religions. Thus, this

paper aims at finding out the possible causes and solutions to religious conflicts in Nigeria.3In

actualizing this assignment, the research will first clarify the concept “Religion”, “conflict” and

“Religious Conflict” after which the researcher will establish in brief the various religions in

the Nigerian society and then move on to discuss the causes of their conflict and the possible

solutions in averting these conflicts.

1 Bidmos M.A, 2006. Inter-Religious Dialogue. Abuja: Panaf Press, 92 African Religion is not mentioned here because, most of the crisis in Nigeria are caused by the muslims and Christians.3 Eyioma Ohajanwa. S. 2013. Basics of peace and Conflict Resolutions, Owerri: Cinoyz Word Services, 112.

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RELIGION: This term has no universally accepted definition but for the sake of this work,

Religion include the Salvation of mankind, creating a link between man and God, and ultimately

the maintenance of peace and unity among men for the service of God.Sociologist sees it as a

system of beliefs and practices by which a group of people struggle with the ultimate problems

of human life. It is considered by them as the refusal to surrender to death, to give up in the face

of frustration. The sociologist submission is that religion is a mechanism of adjustment for the

departed in the society4

CONFLICT: The term “Conflict” is originally derived from the Latin verb “Confligere” meaning to clash, engage in a conflict or strike together.5By definition, Wright sees conflict as an opposition among social entities against each other, Kreisberg also defines conflict situation as a relationship between two or more parties who feel they have incompatible goals6. In essence conflict refers to a confrontation between individuals or groups, resulting from opposite or incompatible end or means.

RELIGIOUS CONFLICT: from the foregoing, it can be deduced that Religions Conflict

therefore refers to the confrontation between individuals of different religious groups, resulting

from opposite or incompatible religious or means.


A. ISLAM: This religion was founded by Prophet Mohammed from the Arabian Peninsula,

precisely Mecca around the 6th century A.D. They belief in the submission and will of Allah.

They are associated with this quote “there is no God but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet

and messenger”.7 The religion has fivemajor beliefs known as the five (5) pillars of Islam, they

include ;

(i) Belief in Allah: here they belief in Allah’s existence, his unity and perfection.

4 Ojebode P.A and Ajayi B.B. 2012. Introduction to the Study of Religions. Oyo: Omo-oje Publishers, 2.5 Albert I.O, 2001, Introduction to third Party Intervention in Community Conflicts, Ibadan: John Archer’s Pub. Ltd,1.6 Ibid.7 Albert I.O 2001 Introduction to Third Party Intervention in Community conflicts, Ibadan: John Archer’s pub. Ltd,1

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(ii) Belief in Angels: the Quran describes Angels as supernatural and states that such is their real

nature that they do not appear in the material world generally, but only by divine command. (iii)

Belief in the scriptures: here, Islam calls upon mankind to believe in all the scriptures which

have been revealed through God’s messengers e.g. the Quran revealed to Mohammed, the Torah

revealed to Moses, the Injil, revealed to Jesse, the Zabur revealed to David and the Scrolls

revealed to Abraham

(iv). Belief in the last day: the last day is described in the Quran as the day of resurrection, the

Day of Judgment, and hereafter. It is life after death.

(v) Prayer: In prayer, the Muslim thinks of his Lord five times a day, appearing before his Lord

repeatedly and saluting his name within his heart and soul. The Muslim, in prayer, submits

himself to God and then looks forward to his favor.

(vi). Zakat (Religious tax): here, it is a fiscal worship by which Islam requires the well to do

care for the needs of the poor and to pay a subsidy to maintain public benefits like hospital,

educational institutions and defense force.

(vii) Fasting: it is a means by which the Muslims voluntarily abandon certain legitimate

frivolous enjoyment as a means of putting his soul to test and promoting his capacity for

perseverance, thus strengthening his will to keep away from sin, both obvious and obscure.

(viii) Pilgrimage: This is where Islam belief that a core adherent of the faith should visit mecca

atleast once in his lifetime8.

Islam was introduced into Northern Nigeria by North Africa traders (who had already acquired

it) in the 14th century and since then; Islam has spread into the middle belt region across Kogi,

Nassarawa and into the South Western States . It’s no doubt that Islam constitutes one-third of

the country’s population.


The history of Christianity concerns the Christian religion and the church from the

ministry of Jesus and His twelve apostles and the great commission to contemporary times and

8 Afella Terna, 2010. Introduction to World Religions. Makurdi: Obeta Printing and Pub, co. 58.

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denominations. The vast majority of Christians believe in a triune God, consisting of three

unified and distinct persons; God the father, God the son and the Holy Spirit.9

Christianity began in 1st century AD in Jerusalem, from there the religion spread in the

Greek/Roman world beyond. It first started by the apostolic church, after the ascension of Christ

to heaven where the community led by Jesus apostles and His relatives. According to the great

commission, the resurrected Jesus commanded the disciples to spread His teachings all over the

world. The first Christians were essentially all ethnically Jewish. The doctrines of the apostles

brought the early church into conflict with some Jewish religious authorities. This eventually led

to their expulsion from the synagogues, thus Christianity acquired an identity distinct from

Rabbinic Judaism.10

In Christian teachings, Jesus Christ is believed to have been vindicated and glorified by

God through his resurrection from the dead, after three years of entombment. It is strongly

believed that his resurrection is the divine proof of his divinity that conferred on him, the power

of forgiveness of sins. After his resurrection, he appeared on many occasions to his disciples in

various locations. After forty days on earth, he ascended into heaven and was believed to have

been seated at the right hand of God. From his throne, he has continued to support and direct his

followers till today. In the great commission (Matt 18:18-20) the risen Jesus gave his disciples

direction, to extend his gospels beyond Samaria and Judea to all nations11

This is the foundation of Christianity’s national enterprise from Jerusalem to Samaria to

Asia Minor (modern Turkey) and to most of the Mediterranean coastal region. Christianity

arrived much later in Nigeria in 1842, when the first batch of Christians landed in Badagary.

Many more religious faiths followed suit, with some denominations evolving from existing ones.

c) AFRICAN TRADITIONAL RELIGION: When we talk of African traditional religion, we

mean the indigenous religious beliefs and practices of the Africans. Although the African

continent is comprised of multitudes of Nations who have complex cultures, innumerable

languages and myriads of dialects, there are still basic similarities in their religious systems.

9 Ajiki Pius. 2014. Understanding World Religions. Makurdi: Obeta Print. and Pub, co, 25.10 Ojebode P.A and Ajayi B.B, 2012. Introduction to the Study of Religions, Oyo: Omo-oje Publishers, 123.11 D.T.Nnong, 2012. Christianity in Africa. In E.K. Bongmba (ed), The Willey-Blackwell Companion to African Religions, Oxford, Blackwell, 208-219.

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Everywhere, there is the concept of God (called by different names). There is also the concept of

“divinities and spirits” as well as belief in ancestral cults.12

The religion is based mainly on oral transmission. It is not written on paper but in people’s

hearts, minds, oral history, rituals, shrines and religious functions. It has no founders or

reformers like Christ, Mohammed, Gautama the Buddha. It is not the religion of one hero. It has

no missionaries or even the desire to propagate the religion or to proselytize. However,

theadherents are loyal worshippers.13Here, the religion is not alien to the Nigerian people because

it was practiced by their forefathers. The next section goes on to discuss the main topic which

is”Religious Conflict in Nigeria”.


Religious conflict in Nigeria are to be viewed in two perspectives; Firstly is the intra-

religious conflict and second, the inter-religious conflict. The former deals with conflicts within

religions,where there are denominations and factions that may not view themselves as part of a

broader whole14. In Islam for instance; there are situations in Nigeria where the core Hausa

Muslims in the North, do not see the Yoruba Muslims in the South West as practicing the pure

Islamic tenents and as such, do not see them as brothers or sisters of the same faith. So in case of

any riot, the Hausa Muslims would even go against the Yoruba Muslims as enemies. In another

Instance in the Northeast, by the fall of 2014 for example, at least nine emirs had fled, often to

Abuja rather than face the violence of Boko Haram15- Their own Islamic terrorist group.16

Christianity, on the other hand, like; the crisis in the Assemblies of God’s Church

Nigeria, in the year 2014, involving members of two camps; Rev. Paul Emeka on one hand and

Rev. Chidi Okoroafor on the other hand,clashed leaving some people wounded, and others even

killed. The crisis occured as a result of the suspension of the Assemblies of God’s Church

general superintendent; Rev. Paul Emeka and the installation of Chidi Okoroafor as the New

12J.S Mbiti, 1969. African Religions and Philosophy, Heinemann, 1. 13 Awolalu J.O. 1975. What is African Tradition Religion? In Studies in Comparative Religion, Vol.9 No.1 World Wisdom Inc.14 Linda M.W and Michael R.H, (ND) Intra-religious hate and Violence: A psychological model. Webster University, journal of hate studies, 315 Boko Harram is an Islamic extremist terrorist group based in North Eastern Nigeria, also active in Chad, Niger,and Northern Cameroon.(see Boko Harram. Wikipedia.http// haram. Retrieved on 20th-07-2017).16 John Paden, Religion and Conflict in Nigeria countdown to the 2015 election. United States institute of peace Retrieved 29-05-2017.

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superintendent.17Also, the CAN (Christian Association of Nigeria), an umbrella organization

comprising of the Christian Council of Nigeria, the Catholic Secretariat of Nigeria, the

Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, the evangelical Fellowships of West Africa, and Organization

of African instituted churches had an internal conflict; where the Roman Catholics suspended

their membership in CAN on the grounds that it’s Pentecostal leaders are too closely associated

with government of President Goodluck Jonathan.

On the other hand, the latter, which is “Inter-religiousConflict”, is the aggressive

behavior between “in groups and out-groups”. Two examples of such conflicts in Nigeria

include; the Gwantu crisis of Nov. 02-2001, where a clash started on a political ground over the

relocation of the LG headquarters, later look on ethno -religious dimension, in which places of

worship were destroyed. Another is the Yelwa Shendam Mayhem in plateau state on Saturday,

June 01-2002. Here; a religious cum ethnic fracas between the native people (predominantly)

Christians and Hausa setters (predominantly Muslims). This violence extends to about four local

government councils in Southern Plateau.

Finally the Kano mayhem of Wednesday, May 12-2014 followingthe Yelwa Shendem

ethnic religious crisis in Plateau, Non-Muslims were attacked in reprisal of the Plateau crisis.

Over 200 lives were lost and the traditional ruler of the area deposed.18 It is also on point that

most of these crises do take a political stand first and later aggravate to religious crisis resulting

in the killings of lives and destruction of properties. The next section goes on to discuss the

possible causes of these crises.


There are many factors responsible for the causes of religious crisis in Nigeria. They range

from political, religious, social, educational as well as economic. Below is a brief explanation of

the foregoing points;

A) Political factor: Causes of religious conflict here include; the pluralistic nature of nation-

states, government patronization of religious activities and the Non respect of secular status

of the states by governments. Judging from the first point, John Paden observes that Nigeria

is not only the largest half Muslim, half Christian country by far but also ranked as the most 17 newspaper “Assemblies of God Church” crisis worsens as members clash in Enugu. Retrieved 29-may-2017.18 News watch Margarine, 2009, Nov.2, Vol.50 No.18, 10-21.

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religious, with between three hundred and four hundred ethno-linguistic groups. It is as well,

one of the most complexes through three identities make-up two-thirds of the population:

Hausa-Fulani at 30%, Yoruba 20%, Igbo 17%. He further noted that since independence in

1960, Nigeria has witnessed its share of conflict, including the 1967-70 civil wars; when the

southeast tried to secede as Biafra. The numerous coups and attempted coups have often had

a regional/ethno-religious flavor. Since the return to civilian rule, insurgencies have flared

up in the South-South and the Northern States. Post-election violence was serious in Kaduna

in 2011 and the middle belt, harder-farmer violence continues.19

Moreover, when any government in Nigeria which is supposed to operate based on the

principles of a secular state turns to patronize religious activities, there is bound to be crisis. It is

in this vein that Yusuf MO opines that; Nigeria is said to be a secular state but unlike any

election in Nigeria history, the 2015 election assumed religious dimensions as evidenced in

presidential action like; the 2011 Redeemed Christian Church of God(RCCG) visit, presidential

pilgrimage, Arms importation from South Africa, using the CAN chairman’s private jet,

organized visits to Churches in Lagos, Abuja and other cities, provision of financial

inducements for Christian groups among others. According to him the president’s actions sends

a profound message that, he got in to power through the support of the Christians alone; and this

of course made the Muslim brothers during the 2015 elections to also vote a candidate from

their faith and even threatened that should he loose, the nation would be set ablaze.20

Finally, the inability of the various Nigerian governments overtime, to respect the secular status

of the Nigerian state also threw the nation in a religious conflict. For instance, governments

sponsorships of religions pilgrimages, granting of public holidays for religious festivals and

entrenchment of sharia laws into the secular constitutions, where the launching of the sharia

systems by some states in Nigeria triggered several religious violent hostilities that set the nation

back. While the Nigeria’s registration as full member of organization of Islamic community

(OIC) in 1986 was the last strand that broke the camel’s back as this provoked envy, suspicion,

arrogance and condemnation from religious camps all over Nigeria and beyond.21

B) ReligiousFactor.

19 John Paden, Religion and Conflict in Nigeria Countdown to the 2015 Election. United States Institute of Peace Retrieved 29-05-2017.20 Yusuf Mudasisu Olalere.(ND) Muslims and Contemporary Nigerian Politics, Department of Educational Technology, University of Ilorin.15.21 Eyioma Ohajanwa. S. 2013. Basics of peace and Conflict Resolutions, Owerri: Cinoyz Word Services, 121.

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This includes; wrong religious orientation, undue fundamentalism and fanaticism, religious

chauvinism and bigotry or sexism. As earlier mentioned in the introduction, wrong religious

orientation arise when at the corporate level, where adherents of various faiths that owe

allegiance, are indoctrinated by the Mosque or Church on how to relate with adherents of the

opposite faith. Then, their relationship is characterized by suspicion, hatred, envy, blackmail,

unhealthy, rivalry and incitements; a good example of such indoctrination is the Boko haram

insurgency operating especially in the North Eastern part of the country. The group has caused

havoc in Africa’s most populous country through a wave of bombings, assassinations and

abductions22. This is due to the wrong indoctrination by some Imams in Islam, which are

supposed to defend the course of Islam as the religion of peace.

Fundamentalism and fanaticism by adherents of various religious faiths is also a major cause

of religious conflict in Nigeria, the earlier stated example of how an incidence occurred in Ilorin

(1986), where Christians in their procession/open air preaching reportedly made gestures and

insinuations which the Muslims found offensive, the result was the destruction of lives and

properties. Others are the chauvinist attitude exhibited Muslims that Muhammed is the last and

seal of all prophets. While Christians on the other hand also exhibit certain chauvinist tendencies

too, when they assert that; Jesus is the only way to salvation. As such, these disparities bring

about religious conflict.

C) Social Factor

Issues bringing about religious conflict here ranges from the social media, intolerant of

ethnic diversities and external or foreign influences. The traditional function of the press in any

society is to inform, entertain and educate. They also have a code of conduct that governs their

practice. However, experience have shown especially in Nigeria that the mass media reports,

news analysis and feature are capable of playing a negative role in the relationship between

Muslims and Christians, depending on the intention of the journalist concerned; for example;

Kālu, O.U notes that, in 1979-83 during the Shagari’s regime,a press report alleged that Muslims

had been given 10 million naira by the federal government to build a Central Mosque in Abuja,

the new federal capital. The gesture was considered to favor the Muslims and contempt for or

neglect of the Christians. Even the prompt intervention of the government to explain the matter

22Boko haram. En. M. Wikipedia. Org/wiki/book haram Retrieved 31-05-2017.

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could not help the situation. But the truth was that both the Christians and the Muslims were 10

million naira each.23

Also, the role of the press in 1987 Kafachan incident was certainly not in the best interest of

peaceful co-existence between Muslims and Christians. The dailies, radio and television program

devoted their front page headlines editorial comments and features to the reactions of the

Muslims in Kano, Kaduna and Zaria, whereas what happened in those places represented the

reaction to the original action of the killing of Muslim students and the burning of their mosque

in Kafachan July6-7, 1987. Members of the public were grossly misinformed by the press as they

were fed with partial reports. Subsequently, Muslims and Christians were at each other’s throat.24

Speaking on intolerance of ethnic diversities and foreign influences, as a cause of

religiousconflicts in Nigeria, Ikechukwu highlights that; the indirect rule administration in

Nigeria by Lord Frederick Lugard was inappropriate decision making tool, for managing tribal

tensions and hatred in the colony. That the system not only reenergized ethnic divisions, it also

complicated the task of welding diverse elements into a Nigerian nation.25 And since ethnicity

and religion in Nigeria cannot be separated the Hausa/Fulani Muslim in the north and the Igbo

Christians in the east as well as the Yoruba Christians and Muslims in the west are always at

loggerhead with each other the nation economic and political gains emanating from a religious

interest. Even the structure of the Nigerian nation state was actually built on Christian values as a

result of British colonialism and so this historical fact brings about tension between those trying

to establish a nation where all ethnic/religious groups are equally treated.

23 kalu O.U. (ed), 1976. Religions; A Journal of the Nigerian Association of the Study of Religions, Nsukka; Dept. of Religion. Uni. Of Nigeria.24 Erivwo S.U. 1976, The Study of Religion as an Academic Disciple in Religions vol.1, Dec.1976, 7-20. 25 Ikechukwu, 2012. A historical Survey of ethnic Conflict in Nigeria. Asian Social Science, vol.8, No 4, 1.

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D) Educational Factor: The underlying issues here is the poor religious academic curriculum

by the federal government, that is why as mentioned earlier there was a misunderstanding

between the Muslim and Christian students in 1987 in Kafanchan that resulted to the destruction

of lives and properties. If not of recent that efforts have been made to bring about balanced

Islamic and Christian courses to ward off tension of religious conflict, there has been serious

suspicion of imbalanced religious courses in the Nigerian educational curriculum.

E) ECONOMIC FACTOR: Financial and leadership tussle, establishment of religious

institutions for profit making, poverty, greed and grievance are the major issues that bring about

religious conflict here. This factor deals more with Intra-religious conflict. It is the type of

conflict occurring within religious groups of the same faith. The case of financial and leadership

tussle is the salient point that socked the Assemblies of God’s Church back in 2014 as earlier

mentioned, where the then General Superintended of the Assemblies of God Church in person of

Paul Emeka refused to vacate his seat of leadership for the newly elected Chidi Okoroafor. The

former out of desperation to hold unto leadership at all cost took the church to the court of law.

This incidence resulted to the destruction of lives and properties. Others are the recent sudden

establishments of religious institutions for profit making. It’s on record that due to economic

reasons many pastors do involve in financial tussle with their church leadership, as such break

away from their new churches. That is the more reason why most of the sermons revolve around


Finally, Jos capital city of Plateau state Nigeria has experienced spates of sporadic violent

conflicts since 1994. The research findings revealed that although the conflicts in Jos are largely

struggles over economic and political control of Jos. between the Hausa-Fulani settles,

predominantly Muslims, and the indigenous Afizere, Anaguta and Besom, predominantly

Christians, religions ethnic labels are used to manipulate, organize and control conflicting

parties. These have pitched Christians and Muslims against each other. The conflict has had

devastating effects on inter-group relationship.27 Thenext section attempts to briefly discuss the

possible ways of solving religious conflicts in Nigeria.

26 Peterf, 1997.The Growth of the Church in Africa, Jos: CAPRO media services Pub. Division, 452 27 Kassan Basil Fukshiwe, 2010. The causes of Violent Inter-religious Conflict and its Effects on Residential Relationships in Jos, Plateau States, Nigeria. http://kimmagedsc.i.e/ dissertation or inter-religious conflict/retrieved 30-05-2017.

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The following areas have relevant roles to play in the efforts to overcoming religious conflict

within Nigeria, they include:

A. The Educational Institutions

Bidmos M.A suggest that in all tertiary institutions where religious studies areoffered as an

academic discipline, cross fertilization should be instituted. This is a situation where a student

offering Christian studies as his major would have to offersome courses in Islamic studies and

those who major in Islamic studiesalso offer some courses in Christian studies. With such an

exposure, parochialism and narrow mindedness, which breed misperception and

misinterpretation among youths, could be nipped in the bud. Cross fertilization in terms of course

offerings in religious studies is a potent instrument of engendering tolerance . 28 Moreover, a

close supervising by education curriculum planners and astute supervising councils need to be

put in place, where they would visit schools at intervals to assess and appraise developments in

this direction. Seminars and workshops should be regularly conducted for schools and

theological institutions on inter-religious peace education29

B. The family

Parents have a duty to begin to train their children early in life. Thus children should be made

to understand cultural, religion, ethnic and common pluralistic diversity of the Nigerian states.

They should be made to realize that we all are simply ‘victims of religious faith’ considering that

almost everybodywill become a member of one religion or the other by circumstances of birth

and environment. For instances, a child born to the Hausa/Fulani parents and raised by them in a

Muslim environment is most likely to become a Muslim naturally.Children should therefore,

learn to be tolerant and respectful of values of other religious faiths. They should be encouraged

to remove discriminations and prerogative perceptions such as stereo-typing and unhealthy

competitions over religious values and memberships.

C. The Government:

28 Bidmos M.A, 2006. Inter-Religious Dialogue. Abuja: Panaf Press, 118.29 Eyioma Ohajanwa. S. 2013. Basics of peace and Conflict Resolutions, Owerri: Cinoyz Word Services, 120.

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Looking at what we have discussed so far, it’s obvious that the government has contributed to

religious crisis due to their compromise with the values and principles of a secular state like

Nigeria. As such the government should no longer tamper with the secular state of the nation.

Involvement of the government in certain religious activities like sponsorships of religious

pilgrims, granting of public holidays for religious festivals, and entrenchment of sharia laws into

secular constitutions are sharp breaches of the same constitutional provisions should all be

refrained from by the government in order to preserve pure secular schemes.

D. Individual And Corporate Efforts:

Certain individuals especially, the prominent ones, should adopt various methods such as

their teaching methods, syllabus design and public lectures. They should design many programs

that would bring Muslims and Christians to face-to-face discussions on several occasions. Some

individuals like Professor Ismail Balogun, formerly of the University of Ilorin are already

involved in some of the suggestions mentioned above, yet there is need for more.30

Corporate bodies should also be formed to address the issues of religious conflicts in a pluralistic

society like Nigeria, already some bodies have already been in places like; the Islamic Study

Group of Nigeria (ISGON), organized by Professor Abdul Kareem Hussein. The group does not

address itself exclusively to the Muslims and Christians. For example, in 1983, the group

organized a national seminar to which Christians were invited as co-participants to examine the

menace of alcohol which was and still is threatening the stability of the Nigerian society.31

E. The Need For Dialogue

Dialogue especially in the Inter-religious perspective is about people of different faiths

coming to a mutual understanding and respect that allows them to live and corporate with each

other in in spite of their differences.Inter-faith Dialogue is not just words or talk. It includes

practical human interaction and relationships. Dialogue seeks to increase mutual understanding

and good relations. It identify causes of tension in Christian Muslim relations for instance and

30 Balogun I. A.B, 1978. Religious Understanding and Corporation in Nig. Ilorin. see also this Inaugural Lecture entitled: Utilizing Religions for Peaceful, Unity and Progress in Nigeria, University of Ilorin January-22-1981.31 The Resolutions. This was adopted at the first national symposium on Alcohol and national development, held at the Arts Theatre, Iganmu, Lagos, Nigeria on Sat. 10th Sha-aban 1403 (21st o9f May, 1983), organized by the Islamic Study of Nigeria, Lagos.

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help to build understanding and confidence to overcome or prevent the identified tensions.

Finally it breaks down the barriers and stereotypes which lead to distrust, suspicion and bigotry32.

Thus certain sincere religious leaders, individuals, and corporate bodies should come up with

strong ecumenical programs in centers that would help curtail violence amongst our various

religious faiths in the country.


Nigeria overtime has been under heavy conflict, majority rooted in religion. And

Christianity and Islam are no doubt being the two religions battling each other, whereas the

indigenous African traditional worshippers appearto be more accommodating. It is against this

backdropthat the paper under took to unravel the causes of religious conflicts in Nigeria and also

suggests possible solutions to them. These causes were identified to be based on political factors,

religious factors, and Social factors, educational as well as economic factors. Meanwhile, the

researcher wishes to reiterate this point that sometimes, “Religious conflict” is just an artificial

problem, created by selfish leaders for their own personal interest. Just like the Emir of Kano

would say that;

...There are two major tribes in Nigeria; the Elites and the masses. Once you make lots of money, you belong to the Elite tribe. When you are a commoner, suffering, you belong to the tribe of the masses. If you are elite and you need more power, or elective position, you sow seeds of tribalism and religion among the masses, so as to sway their emotions for your personal victory. This happens both at the national and state level. Unfortunately, after the election, when they have won and joined the “sworn enemies” to drink and party, the gullible masses continue to fight each other. Even smart people, who belong to the masses, sometimes will sow seeds of tribalism and religion among the masses, and then the masses would carry them up until they belong to the elite class. It is a classic strategy used over 3000 years ago in the art of war. A commoner, who aspires to sit with the elites, could stir up powerful tribal or religious sentiments, such wave if properly utilized either by shedding blood or destabilizing the elites, carries the commoner to the elite class. But once there, he immediately mingles and makes peace with the elite tribe, and turn his back on the same masses that helped him get there…..33

Deducing from what the Emir is saying, he is simply implying that left alone the struggle

for power, wealth and fame by our greedy leaders, who use religion especially as a yardstick to

play on the emotions of people in order to get their selfish ambition accomplished at all cost,

32Gerard Forde, M. A, 2013, A Journey Together, Ireland : Cois Tine, 7-8.33 Emir Sanusi Bares his Mind on Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. The Problem of Nigeria. A speech delivered During of Sir. Olaniwun Ajayi ‘s Book Lunch at Muson Centre. https// Retrieved 20th-07-2017.

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religion would never have been a source of conflict in Nigeria. That is partly true among other

factors already discussed. I therefore suggest that, for there to be religious harmony in the

country, the masses must not allow themselves to be used as instruments of political violence,

under the disguise of religious conflict. The educational sector, the family sector, the government

as well as the individuals and co-operate bodies, all have a role to play.That brings my

summation on this topic to a close.

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Name: Ikyernum Sachia Ephraim

M. A research on the Causes and Solutions to religious conflicts in


November, 2017
