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Juan Camilo Arias Ávila42112012 – Ing. Eléctrica

Documentary essay HOME

HOME shows us the emergence of our planet that began more than four billion years ago, its evolution and the changes that have had the emergence of Homo sapiens 200 million years ago is an event that significantly modify the land. This documentary shows the perfect union between what are the plants and animals, changes in the nature of man rampant consumerism and gives us a bond of 10 years to stop the terrible evil that we are doing to our planet.

Everything that is created by nature on planet earth has its purpose, such as algae that millions of years carbon captured and gave way to obtain 70% oxygen to make it possible for life on earth, both animal as plants had found his place on earth complemented and lived in complete balance.

The emergence of homo sapiens, evolution of nomadic to sedentary to use the land, its continuous ingenuity to make everyday tasks exploiting the earth, his terrible ambition increasingly have more, have led to destroy this planet, that's where I wonder: Will we be able to acquire awareness and bring about change in time to mitigate damage and save life on earth?

Perhaps if we can bring about change, it all depends on each one, we are unfortunately in a world in arms is reversed as in education, and for me that's where the problem lies. The documentary showed us that in the last 60 years have changed the earth's worse, that in all our ancestors, this is due to the abuse of fossil fuels we have had, the inequality in rich countries that paradoxically only 2 % of the population has the world's wealth and where there are more resources there is greater inequality.

Other factors that we are currently so is the abuse of resources, such as water, that large quantities of industries and are used to that water is contaminated, overuse of pesticides for crops is causing an erosion of soil, indiscriminate felling of trees that dry the rivers and the accumulation of greenhouse gases that our poles melt and threaten to disappear passes at sea level by increasing its water.

At the end of the video we realize that all is not lost there are countries or just people who want to change the devastating future that awaits us, we need more awareness, more education, have an awareness of life, that is to think not only in one but in all that surrounds us.

It is working on major projects that use solar energy, energy to be me is the energy of the future, over there is where we always headed and when we invest in these projects that can give a respite to our planet. There are other alternative energy that can be tapped as energy undi-driving and the use of a converter which is PELAMIS maritime energy, wind energy and the use of wind and that everyone can find great breezes that can boost these huge propellers.

Page 2: Documentary Essay HOME

Juan Camilo Arias Ávila42112012 – Ing. Eléctrica

The change can still be made, we are still in time for the consequences are not serious, everything depends on us to change our awareness that we are only a few guests who have rented it and they should care. At the moment there are few who do something, those who take advantage of alternative and renewable energies, few people want change, with more money in education and less on weapons achieve a change for the benefit of all.
